

“Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

“We control the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter and the chanceries. Most of the bishops are now on our side and those that aren't have been neutralized. Anybody who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to co-operate.” - Fr. Hans Küng, 1960's (“worthy” recipient sof the Freemasons' lifetime achievement award)

“The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc. Past events, it is argued, have no objective existence, but survive only in written records and in human memories. The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it. It also follows that though the past is alterable, it never has been altered in any specific instance.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 124

“What happened in the unseen labyrinth to which the pneumatic tubes led, he did not know in detail, but he did know in general terms. As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of The Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead.
This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs — to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.”
- George Orwell's 1984, page 22

“The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer. To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor.” - Pius VIII (Traditi Humilitati # 9, May 24, 1829)

“'Bad companions, bad books, and bad habits,' my guide exclaimed, 'are mainly responsible for so many eternally lost.'” - St. John Bosco's Prophetic Vision of Hell in 1868 A.D.

“Sometimes, indeed, you could put your finger on a definite lie. It was not true, for example, as was claimed in the Party history books, that the Party had invented aeroplanes. He remembered aeroplanes since his earliest childhood. But you could prove nothing. There was never any evidence. Just once in his whole life he had held in his hands unmistakable documentary proof of the falsification of an historical fact.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 20

Free downloads of rare Catholic and Masonic texts

Missale Romanum 2004

The Whole Truth About Fatima Volume I, English Translation of the 1983 original by Frere Michel

For the first time, Frere Michel's English translation is available on the internet. This is a scan of our copy of this detailed account of Our Lady's Apparitions in 1917 and the resulting controversies within the Vatican. As with most texts the black hand of Freemasonry makes an appearance. In this four volume set, Jewish Masonry confuses the historical accounts by adding the testimony of their impostor Sister Lucy from her 'memoirs'. So when reading it, discount any references to the 'Memoirs of Sister Lúcia' which were produced by the Vatican to alter the integrity of the real St. Lúcia's Message. Given that, this is an extremely detailed set of books regarding the Fatima Secrets, the Masonic takeover of the Church, etc. Frere Michel wrote these books in the 1980's and they are no longer in print. They are hard to find, but we now have them. It is possible that Frere Michel did not know there was an impostor Sister Lucy when he compiled this set, this breakthrough was made only a few years ago. Or this could be the work of Freemason Antipope John XXIII who wanted to 'keep Fatima on the right lines'.

Missale Romanum 2004

The Whole Truth About Fatima Volume II, English Translation of the 1984 original by Frere Michel

For the first time, Frere Michel's English translation is available on the internet. This is a scan of our copy of this detailed account of Our Lady's Apparitions in 1917 and the resulting controversies within the Vatican. As with most texts the black hand of Freemasonry makes an appearance. In this four volume set, Jewish Masonry confuses the historical accounts by adding the testimony of their impostor Sister Lucy from her 'memoirs'. So when reading it, discount any references to the 'Memoirs of Sister Lúcia' which were produced by the Vatican to alter the integrity of the real St. Lúcia's Message. Given that, this is an extremely detailed set of books regarding the Fatima Secrets, the Masonic takeover of the Church, etc.

This Volume contains details of St. Lúcia's account of the Trinitarian Theophany at Tuy, Spain in 1929: "I understood that it was the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity that was shown to me, and I received insights about this mystery that I am not permitted to reveal." - page 464

Missale Romanum 2004

The Whole Truth About Fatima Volume III, English Translation of the 1985 original by Frere Michel

For the first time, Frere Michel's English translation is available on the internet. This is a scan of our copy of this detailed account of Our Lady's Apparitions in 1917 and the resulting controversies within the Vatican. As with most texts the black hand of Freemasonry makes an appearance. In this four volume set, Jewish Masonry confuses the historical accounts by adding the testimony of their impostor Sister Lucy from her 'memoirs'. So when reading it, discount any references to the 'Memoirs of Sister Lúcia' which were produced by the Vatican to alter the integrity of the real St. Lúcia's Message. Given that, this is an extremely detailed set of books regarding the Fatima Secrets, the Masonic takeover of the Church, etc. Frere Michel wrote these books in the 1980's and they are no longer in print. They are hard to find, but we now have them. It is possible that Frere Michel did not know there was an impostor Sister Lucy when he compiled this set, this breakthrough was made only a few years ago. Or this could be the work of Freemason Antipope John XXIII who wanted to 'keep Fatima on the right lines'.


A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of The Catholic Church
By John Vennari

The once secret papers of the Masons which outline a plan to subvert the Catholic Church. The author quotes the actual Masonic document, which both Pius IX (1846-1878) and Leo XIII (1878-1903) asked to be published. More subversive tactics are revealed, with a concentration on modernism.

“In a hundred years time… bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter, when in fact they will be following our flag… The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience.”

Denzinger's The Sources of Catholic Dogma from 1957

Denzinger's The Sources of Catholic Dogma from 1957

Denzinger's "The Sources of Catholic Dogma" is one of the few sources that explains the requirement of the name of the Holy Ghost in the Baptism Rite (one of the four horsemen). It doesn't explain why the two names are different, it only explains that the Holy Ghost must be present in the Rite for the Baptism to be valid. This can be found on page 155. Our Fatima Movement Chapter explains why this post-1944 Vatican form is invalid and why the Church has fallen apart from within since the switch was made by Jewish Freemason Antipope Pius XII. This is also the reason why Our Lady ordered St. Lúcia to write down the contents of the Third Secret that same year. The "Amen", the lack of mentioning the required Catholic Intention and the inclusion of "the Father" are separate issues, but this text proves the Vatican's deletion of the name of God The Holy Ghost from the Catholic Trinity, which is how the door to Heaven was closed for millions of Novus Ordo following victims who received the mark of the Devil on their foreheads. A must for your collection. * Click here for a scan of page 155

Richardson's Monitor of Free-Masonry from 1860

Richardson's Monitor of Free-Masonry from 1860



Thanks to reader Fatima1917 for this suggestion. Pages 142-3 show some really strange rituals...

The Haydock "Catholic" Douay Rheims Bible from 1883

The Haydock "Catholic" Douay Rheims Bible from 1883

This ebook is a must have for any Illuminati researcher. Printed in 1883, this is the best evidence of the multiple Jewish Jesus deception called the DaVinci Code (two of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse). The index actually documents Jewish Freemasonry's multiple Jesuses (to get the goyim confused with Deum Jesum Christum) in plain English. This extravagant book is filled with Illuminati symbolism such as Freemasonry's all seeing eye on both the front and back covers, the Jewish Jesus of the Jewish Scriptures flashing many Masonic hand signs, the history of the origins of the subversibe "Apostles" and their early acting (Acts of the Apostles) along with maps of their routes and color pictures of their ceremonies (which is rare for such an old book). This book also contains the signatures of subversive Freemason Cardinals and Bishops who signed off on its contents, decrees from the Council of Trent (a Masonic Council) and many revelations. In February, 2014 a copy in excellent condition was selling on Ebay for $4999. This copy is complete and free for you to download and add to your own digital library. Enjoy.


By Albert Pike 33*, Worldwide Head of Freemasonry, 1916 print

”Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.” page 213

”To the Mason, God is our Father in Heaven …He is our Father; and we are all brethren.” page 227

”LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” page 320-1

THE ORIGINAL CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA 1907-1914 'Special Knights of Columbus Edition'


Vol. I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV

This rare hard-to-find original set is available online but may have modified important entries from the original printed version, so to preserve history, here are the originals. The creation of this set was supervised by the Knights of Columbus, a questionable outfit at best. One significant feature is the absence of any entry for “Holy Spirit” which is the name used in the anathematizing Novus Ordo Masonic Baptism. Right-click on the link, then “save as” to download to your hard drive.

Baptism | Exorcism | Masonry | Illuminati | Mass | Hail | Holy | Baal | Challoner | Intention | Sacraments

The Complete Catholic Latin Vulgate from 1685

Fatima Movement Exclusive: The Complete Catholic Latin Vulgate from 1685

One of the consequences of the Illuminati's subversion of the Catholic Church was the destruction of Biblical evidence from the pages of Jerome's Latin Vulgate. In the 1800's, Jewish Freemasonry decided it was important for them to remove two parts of the Jewish scriptures from all Latin translations so that future Catholic theologians would have no basis to question the Bible's supposed authority as “the word of God”, therefore offering no compelling reason to disagree with the Vatican II “Lord's Supper” fiasco at the conclusion of their Alta Vendita in the 1960's. In 1816, the Freemason antipope Pius VII removed critical parts from all future printings of the Catholic Latin Vulgate in order to “keep the meat for the elders”, “giving us milk to drink” in typical condescending, Illuminati fashion. Tragically, all English Bibles retain these errors.

“Therefore, to the more simple the Apostle says: “I gave you milk to drink as unto little ones in Christ, not meat” [I Cor. 3:2]. For solid food is for the elders…” - Pius VII, 1816, From the epistle “Magno et acerbo” - Sept 3, 1816



This is the 1635 Catholic New Testament which states on p. 535, “Catholics should not say 'The Lord'.” Owning this book would get you tortured for treason if you were caught with one in Masonic England from the years 1582-1800 AD. When you read it, you'll understand why it was considered so dangerous to Masonic kingdoms. Bibles that are mass-produced have an agenda of promoting Masonic governments as “Divinely appointed” under the false “Lord lie” (Big Brother) heresy in order to create a Godless (Secular) New World Order.

In order to create a one world government and religion, certain truths needed to be deleted from history. This is a rare book now and the Fatima Movement Editor recommends that you take the initiative and have this copy printed out for your archives at your local printer. Just give them this PDF file and they'll print a hard copy. If the internet were to go down, this information would be permanently lost. We strongly recommend you own a real copy.

Missale Romanum 2004

Missale Romanum, dated 2004, possible 1920/2004 version - Latin, color

This file contains a 2004 release of the Liturgy of the modern Masonic Mass. Featuring the heretical Masonic Jesus flashing the two-fingered salute to his god Baphomet, and holding a text containing the signs of the Alpha and Omega (the coming Antichrist) on its pages, this 1,220 page book is now available for download in .pdf format. Pages are in color, text is in Latin. This is the book that a Vatican II Priest reads from when he is saying the Abomination of Desolation Mass.

"In 2000, [Anti] pope John Paul II approved yet another typical edition, which appeared in 2002, with the indication "Editio Typica Tertia" (Third Typical Edition). This edition added feasts, especially of recently canonized saints, it added more prefaces of the Eucharistic Prayers, it provided additional Masses and prayers for various needs, and it revised and amplified the General Instruction of the Roman Missal." - Wikipedia: Missale Romanum

Missale Romanum 2002

Missale Romanum, 2002 - Latin, color

This file contains a 2002 release of the Liturgy of the modern Masonic Mass. Featuring the heretical Masonic Jesus flashing the two-fingered salute to his god Baphomet, and holding a text containing the signs of the Alpha and Omega (the coming Antichrist) on its pages, this 828 page file is now available for download in .pdf format. Pages are in color, text is in Latin. This is the book that a Vatican II Priest reads from when he is saying the Abomination of Desolation Mass.

"In 2000, [Anti] pope John Paul II approved yet another typical edition, which appeared in 2002, with the indication "Editio Typica Tertia" (Third Typical Edition). This edition added feasts, especially of recently canonized saints, it added more prefaces of the Eucharistic Prayers, it provided additional Masses and prayers for various needs, and it revised and amplified the General Instruction of the Roman Missal." - Wikipedia: Missale Romanum

Missale Romanum 2004

Missale Romanum, 1962 Version - Latin, COLOR (first time on the internet - 8/2014)

This book contains the 1962 version of the Liturgy of the modern Masonic Mass. Created by Freemason Antipope John XXIII and his minions at the Second Vatican Council, this scanned color .pdf of this 1,078 page book is now available IN COLOR, exclusively from the Fatima Movement Digital Catholic Library. This is the book that a Novus Ordo Priest reads from when he is saying the Abomination of Desolation Mass in Latin. 320 MB .pdf file download.

"In a discussion with [Freemason] Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger recently, I asked His Eminence for his assessment of the future of the 1962 Missal as an approved liturgical book. He assured me that it was completely secure. For this reason, and because of the publishing event you see here, it is certain that the use of the 1962 Missale Romanum will increase dramatically in years to come. The remarkable increase in young priests ordained with the [Freemason Anti] Pope’s approval to use this Missal gives great hope by itself." - Church Supply Warehouse

Missale Romanum 2004

Missale Romanum, 1962 Version - Latin, black and white

This book contains the 1962 version of the Liturgy of the modern Masonic Mass. Created by Freemason Antipope John XXIII and his minions at the Second Vatican Council, this 1,078 page book is now available for download in .pdf format. Pages are in unfortunately only in black in white, the text is in Latin. This is the book that a Novus Ordo Priest reads from when he is saying the Abomination of Desolation Mass in Latin.

"In a discussion with [Freemason] Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger recently, I asked His Eminence for his assessment of the future of the 1962 Missal as an approved liturgical book. He assured me that it was completely secure. For this reason, and because of the publishing event you see here, it is certain that the use of the 1962 Missale Romanum will increase dramatically in years to come. The remarkable increase in young priests ordained with the [Freemason Anti] Pope’s approval to use this Missal gives great hope by itself." - Church Supply Warehouse

Missale Romanum 1920

Missale Romanum, 1920 - Latin, color

"Beginning in the late seventeenth century, France and neighbouring areas saw a flurry of independent missals published by bishops influenced by Jansenism and Gallicanism. This ended when Bishop Pierre-Louis Parisis of Langres and Abbot Guéranger initiated in the nineteenth century a campaign to return to the Roman Missal. Pope Leo XIII then took the opportunity to issue in 1884 a new typical edition that took account of all the changes introduced since the time of Pope Urban VIII. Pope Pius X also undertook a revision of the Roman Missal, which was published and declared typical by his successor Pope Benedict XV on 25 July 1920.
Though Pope Pius X's revision made few corrections, omissions and additions to the text of the prayers in the Roman Missal, there were major changes in the rubrics, changes which were not incorporated in the section entitled "Rubricae generales", but were instead printed as an additional section under the heading "Additiones et variationes in rubricis Missalis". - wikipedia

Missale Romanum 2004

Missale Romanum, 1225 Version (Revision #18) - Latin, color

Catholic Priests who are saying the 1962 Roman Rite will find this fascinating. This is the apparent 18th revision to the Missale Romanum, dated from 1225 A.D. It was copied from and reorganized so that 25 scans can be seen on one webpage. The original source is a Spanish website: http://bvpb.mcu.es/es/consulta/registro.cmd?control=BVPB20100000144

It still contains marks from the Masonic Knights of Malta, though not as many as the 1962 Missal. Musical arrangements are also plentiful in this copy, as well as some colored drawings. This book contains instructions for Priests for saying the Catholic Mass in the 13th Century. It is listed as revision #18, meaning that the Catholic Mass was 'revised' or changed 17 times prior to the form in this book. Over 2,000 years of revisions, Masonry has changed the form of the Mass into 100% paganism, so it can be assumed that this version of the Catholic Mass is roughly 60% pagan (1200 years/2000 years) if you go by a simple mathematical formula for Jewish Freemasonry's Alta Vendita. Thanks to Usuario for finding this one.

Our Lady of Fatima by Rev Joseph Cacella, 1946

Our Lady of Fatima, Rev. Joseph Cacella, 1946

This publication from 1946 is one of many quoted books called "Our Lady of Fatima." This writer thanks Freemason Cardinal Spellman of New York on the pages immediately after the title page, and this reveals the Masonic connection of its author. Nonetheless, we offer it as another example of dangerous books written by Freemasons for the purpose of subverting the Message of Fatima. Pay attention to the Jewish Mary and Jewish Jesus heresies. One notable item of interest about this book is that the yellow cover sleeve has an image of Our Lady of Fatima holding a Rosary that does not have the heretical Lord beads.

Our Lady of Fatima by William Thomas Walsh, 1947

Our Lady of Fatima, William Thomas Walsh, 1947

This publication from 1947 is one of many quoted books called "Our Lady of Fatima." As of June, 2014, at least three of these books exist from the 1940-1950's era, written by different people but carrying the same title.

Our Lady of Fatima by Rev. Bernard O'Connor, 1943-51

Our Lady of Fatima: Who are you? What do you want?
Rev. Bernard O'Connor, 1943, this copy is the 1951 Seventh Edition

This publication from 1951 is another one of the many quoted books called "Our Lady of Fatima." As of June, 2014, at least three of these books exist from the 1940-1950's era, written by different people but carrying the same title. This version is associated with an outfit that calls themselves the "Australian Catholic Truth Society."

Liturgical Time Bombs in Vatican II by Michael Davies

Liturgical Time Bombs in Vatican II by Michael Davies

This 100 page book from 2003 is authored by one of the more famous Vatican II critics named Michael Davies, who converted to Catholicism after an experience in the Korean War. He may have killed some children during his duty to the Masonic State and was visited by the Devil, who really knows. Davies is clever at pointing out the arguments against Vatican II which are now obvious to anyone not living under a rock for the last 5-10 years, but he is not so clever at revealing the solution, which is to eliminate the Masonic Trinity from Roman Liturgy. Regardless, it is a decent book that attempts to document Masonry's destruction of the Mass and Sacraments, and includes other historical tidbits including some background on Freemason Annibale Bugnini, the Architect of the Vatican II Lord's Supper Mass. Michael Davies died in 2004, but his memory lives on in the memories of Masonic subverters like the now discredited Sancta Missa group which thanks Davies on their website (link).

Judaism's Strange Gods

Judaism's Strange Gods
by Michael Hoffman

"Basing his findings on authoritative Judaic sources, (Freemason) Hoffman demonstrates that Judaism is a man-made religion of tradition and superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of Biblical law and doctrine. Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book that shows that Judaism's god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate. Christian bookstores are packed with tomes purporting to unmask the religion of Islam, but not one slim volume will be found delving into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism.Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded: corrects that imbalance with its fidelity to Biblical truth and the historic witness of the Church."

Rituale Romanum, 1614

Rituale Romanum, 1614
The post-Masonic Council of Trent's Exorcism Manual in Latin

"In the sixteenth century, while the other liturgical books were being revised and issued as a uniform standard, there was naturally a desire to substitute an official book that should take the place of these varied collections. But the matter did not receive the attention of the Holy See itself for some time. First, various books were issued at Rome with the idea of securing uniformity, but without official sanction. Albert Castellani in 1537 published a Sacerdotale of this kind; in 1579 at Venice another version appeared, arranged by Grancesco Samarino, Canon of the Lateran; it was re-edited in 1583 by Angelo Rocca. In 1586 Giulio Antonio Santorio, Cardinal of St. Severina, printed a handbook of rites for the use of priests, which, as Paul V says, "he had composed after long study and with much industry and labor" (Apostolicæ Sedis). This book is the foundation of our Roman Ritual. In 1614 Paul V published the first edition of the official Ritual by the Constitution "Apostolicæ Sedis" of 17 June." - wikipedia

The German Illuminati Bible

The German "Catholic" Illuminati Bible, circa 1903-1914

This is a German version of the "Catholic" Translation of the Bible which shares the same cover, binding and artwork as the Illuminati's Haydock Douay Rheims from 1883. This was produced in Chicago during the reign of Jewish Freemason Antipope Pius X (1903-1914). Items of note are the absence of the DaVinci Code, the multiple Jesus deception... although it is physically the same size as the 1883 Haydock, it has only 1791 pages vs. the 3027 pages in the English edition. But the cover features the Illuminati's all-seeing-eye logo, just as the English edition does.

The Bible Code

Fatima Movement Text Versions of all 76 Books of the Clementine Latin Vulgate & The Nominum Interpretatio List

These are the required files for the Fatima Movement Latin Bible Code Project. These are the only text files currently available on the internet of all 76 books of the Latin Vulgate. These files are for using the text search feature in your browser to learn how they were purposely translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into “Lord” or “God” into modern vernacular versions to lead Protestant Bible believers into heresy. We are working on mirroring these text files with the Catholic versions but for now, please keep in mind that they are not the same as the printed text. When researching the Latin Bible Code, remember to always revert back to our printed version (above) for accuracy. It will take a few years to correct this text but for now, we're simply making it available for research purposes.

HEBRAICORVM, CHALDÆORVM, GRÆCORVMQVE Nominum Interpretatio | Biblia Sacra (all 76 books) V.02 (updated Sept. 14, 2013) - Fatma Movement Bible Code Instructions



Highlights from this important two-volume set include scans of the 1906 version of the Six Commandments of the Catholic Church and their subversive biblically-based explanations. A Photograph of Freemason Antipope Pius X sitting amongst a crowd of Americans with men wearning Masonic regalia is also in these texts. A very high resolution scan of this photograph is available here. Society of “Saint” Pius X members will find this devistating.

2/16/2014: A .pdf format of this entire two volume set is now available for download from our servers or from archive.org:

Fatima Movement Digital Library: The Manual of the Holy Catholic Church (1906) Vols 1 & 2 combined. 26Mb
Archive.org: The Manual of the Holy Catholic Church (1906) Vols 1 & 2 combined.


Part I | Part II | Part III | Main Page

This copy is a worldwide exclusive release from the Fatima Movement. In 1582, the New Testament was translated from the Latin Vulgate and in 1609-1610, the Old Testament was translated. This text was TREASONOUS to own in Masonic England until 1800. Many Catholic priests/laypersons were brutally martyred for translating this text because it contained dangerous truths that Masonic government authorities in England were desperately trying to suppress. Although it seems the translators of this text were deceived by “the Lord” in the Middle Ages, this rare first edition does contain the clue to the Masonic mark of the beast and gives biblical evidence of this in Acts XIX. As of May 2013, the Fatima Movement is the only place in the world that has this rare version. Most copies have been fully or partially destroyed. Parts I & II are the 1610 Old Testament, Part III is the 1582 New Testament.


By Maurice Pinay, 1962

”One must also not forget that this Apocalyptic storm, which brings a flood of corpses, blood and tears, falls upon the world with the sole goal: to destroy not only the Catholic Church but the entire Christian civilisation. Before this shattering picture the world asksitself with heavy heart: who can hate our Christian features in such a form and try to destroy them with such Godless fury? Who has become capable of instigating this bloody mechanics of annihilation? Who can with such insensitivity direct and order this monstrous criminal process? And reality answers us completely without doubt that the [Bolshevik] Jews are those responsible.” - page 5


By Freemason Bishop Fulton Sheen, 1958 copy

For those interested in the watered down Catholicism of the “administration” in the 1940's and 1950's, here an interesting one for you. This text comes from Montini's Boy, Bishop Fulton Sheen. Yes, Montini (the future anti-pope Paul VI) blessed Sheen's book in 1952 and helped advance the destruction of the Mass just before Vatican II. This is in Sheen's Book “The Mass,” copyrighted 1944-1958. Use the Three Keys to examine it yourself. Their Masonic brethren were setting this up Vatican II well before 1959. Sheen is just one of the men that killed God's Church from within, and this is his contribution.

* Fulton Sheen is the “spiritual father” of Martin Sheen (Apocalypse Now, 1978) and is therefore the “spiritual grandfather” of Charlie Sheen, a self-admitted warlock and Vatican Assassin. Martin Sheen actually changed his name from Estevez to commemorate this man.


ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE QURAN 2010 with Explanatory Notes by Maulana Muhammed Ali

The Koran contains the writings of Jewish Freemason Mohamet and is the equivalent of the Bible for the Muslim Sect. It's “god” is the Lord that the Freemason Moses spoke to in a fire, but instead of calling it “the Lord”, the Quran calls this burning bush spirit “Allah. ”This copy, highly venerated by Illuminatist Lord-woshipping Anti-Pope John Paul II, was edited by Zahid Aziz in 2010 from the original 1917 translation in order to update the language and clean up the notes. For example, instead of accosting non-believers in the Lord of Moses (Satan) with the terms 'thou', 'thee', 'thy', etc., this translation uses the more direct 'you' and 'your'. - page 6/923

“The Holy Quran is divided into 114 chapters, each of which is called a surah. The word surah means literally eminence of high degree, and also any step of a structure, and in the Book itself it is applied to a chapter of the Quran (2:23)." - page 39/923


By Albert Pike

The Mark of the Beast in Three Parts 123

“But any Mason at all well informed cannot but know that purification by washing was used in all the mysteries thousands of years before our era. In India, Persia, Egypt, and at Eleusis, initiates were always so purified: and JOHN the Baptist merely adopted a rite in ordinary use among the Essenes.” - page 5

”They have lost their spiritual sight and are imprisoned in the forehead of the body where it is said Cain was marked” - Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel, page 18.


Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

A vomit-inducing read into Luciferian Judaism and Freemasonry. Please be aware of the heresy on page 4, quoting from the Jewish Jesus, from Jewish Scripture. Be careful with this one- it is technically illegal as of 2003.

”Harold Rosenthal: 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.'” page 19

”the Jewish Talmud legitimizes sex with girls under the age of three and justifies it in the Mishnah of Kethuboth 11a, because, apparently, according to the Jewish Rabbis', it is like putting your finger in the baby girl's eye and just as tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the baby girl.” page 227-8


By Max Heindel, 1919

”This gives us a due to the identity and state of The Father, “whom no man hath seen at any time,” but who is revealed in “The Light of the World,” the Son, who is the highest Initiate of the Sun Period. As the unseen fire is revealed in the flame, so also the fullness of the Father dwelt in the Son, and they are one as fire is one with the flame in which it manifests. This is the root of all true Sun or Fire worship. All look beyond the physical symbol and adore “Our Father Who art in Heaven.” The Mystic Masons” - page 8

Written by a Masonic sympathizer, his book gives further insights into the “Mystery Schools” and touches upon the Fire Lord deception that Freemasonry is so famous for.


By Malcolm C. Duncan

This book presents details of Masonic initiation rituals, along with grips, passwords and regalia. Written in the 19th century, Duncan’s Ritual, as it is known, has been republished numerous times. It includes the three basic degrees of the Ancient York Rite, and four additional advanced degrees. There are over a hundred illustrations, all reproduced here, which show important details of the rituals, including gestures and symbolic pictures. Duncan’s Ritual is careful to note known variations where they exist. This book will be of interest to beginning Masons who want a roadmap of the craft, as well as experienced Masons who need a review.

A classic reference book containing the actual rituals that are still practiced today in Masonic lodges.

AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration into the Church

AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration into the Church

”He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase...She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them. The result is this little book, about a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood (he was the 1025th Communist to do so) with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within...includes his strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his various experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church.”

”What do you expect to gain by entering Holy Orders?”
”To destroy the Church from within.”

Esoteric Orders and Their Work

Esoteric Orders and Their Work

”Today, in the centres of the civilized world, this belief is still alive; and although it may be ridiculed by the orthodox-minded, an unprejudiced observer cannot fail to note that some of the noblest of men have been among its advocates, and that the greatest creative intelligences have, almost without exception, borne witness to a source of inspiration in the Unseen.” - page 2

”It is no child’s play, and few there be who are suited to that path to the heights. Nevertheless, for such as can adventure it, here is a noble quest for the soul, a true crusade against the Powers of Darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. In the hidden places of the world there is so much occult evil, little suspected by those who have not met it face to face, that men and women of courage, strength, and the necessary knowledge are needed to deal with it.” - page 4



Published in early 1949, George Orwell’s 1984 is the most important piece of political satire of our times. To this day, Orwell’s one truly great book impels us to launch giant antitrust suits against companies like AT&T and IBM. Big Brother. The Thought Police. Newspeak. Doublethink. These are all Orwell’s words, Orwell’s ideas. In fact Orwell has added his own name to the English language: Orwellian–the word is filled with chilling power.

The future that Orwell describes in 1984 is a future of an evil machine controlled by an evil ministry. Telescreens are bolted to every wall, they hang on every street comer, and in every living room, even in the toilets. There is no way to shut them off. The telescreen connects to a huge Ministry that towers over central London. The machine is evil because it serves as the eye and ear of the Ministry. And the Ministry is powerful because it is master of the machine. Indeed, Big Brother, the omniscient, omnipotent leader of the state, has never been seen in the flesh.



This copy belongs to the Fatima Movement and is our scan of the 'Furniture of the Masonic Lodge.” We have scanned the first 70 pages of the Judeo-Masonic text. In the introduction and index you will find some secrets of their craft including, John the 'baptist' is listed as a 'patron saint' of Freemasonry, which is exactly why Catholics must use Christ's Rite of Baptism, not John's, as Church Doctor Thomas Aquinas explains in Summan Theologica. The building of Solomon's temple is highly detailed as well as various Jewish ceremonies.

This copy was purchased on eBay for about $60. Any Protestant that believes the bible is the 'word of God' may want to ask himself why Luciferian Freemasons have such reverence for the Judeo-Masonic Gnostic scriptures. “Beware the scribes.”

Humanum Genus


Humanum Genus was a papal encyclical promulgated on April 20, 1884, by Pope Leo XIII.

This is the scanned copy of an original that belongs to the Fatima Movement. This is what was distributed to all Archbishops, Bishops, Priests and Lay Persons in the Catholic Church in 1884. Noteworthy is how Leo XIII advances the Masonic heretical Trojan horse as he rallies the deceived flock into fighting the 'spirit of the Age.' This is a real copy, not a body of text on some website like www.papalencyclicals.net, which may have altered the original text. It includes the original dialogue between Albert Pike and Leo XIII in Latin and is an interesting snapshot of the state of the Catholic Church in those times, a Church fighting the cult of Freemasonry, tragically never knowing the head of the Church, Leo XIII, was a Freemason himself.



This copy belongs to the Fatima Movement. Catholics should only read or reference the pre-1800 Latin Vulgate if they are going to study the scriptures. This is because the Latin version makes obvious the paganism of the Jewish Old Testament, something that is 'lacking' in the deceptively monotheistic, heretical Lord-centric English 'translation.'

Nominum Interpretatio (Jerome's pagan god index which was omitted in vernacular translations) | Esdras Apocalypse in the Latin Vulgate Table of Contents (omitted after 1800) | Esdras Apocalypse follows the Apocalypse of Masonic John in the Latin Vulgate (there is more to the story!) | 1685 Latin Vulgate Pagan Trinity Photo | 1685 ACTS XIX (basis for exorcism) | 1769 Version ACTS XIX



“One of the most fascinating books (and certainly one of the most valuable) is a first-edition copy of the canons and decrees of the Council of Trent, Canones et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici et generalis Concilii Tridentini, published in Rome in 1564 by the famous Venetian printer Paolo Manuzio. Not only is DePaul’s copy in a binding crafted by one of France’s greatest binders, it is one of just a handful that bear the authenticating inscriptions of Bishop Angelo Massarelli, the general secretary of the Council responsible for preparing the text, and Marcantonio Pellegrini and Cynthius Pamphilus, the Council’s two official notaries.”

“As if these original inscriptions were not enough, the list of individuals that DePaul’s copy has passed through reads like a Who’s Who of famous book collectors.”



This is our collection of scans of this large body of work that was an apparent resonse to Pius X's Encyclical Pascendi warning about the 'enemy' controlling publishing houses and pumping out heretical texts that appear to be Catholic. This is our 15-Volume set and was purchased on eBay for $400. It is worth mentioning that websites like newadvent.com which have this 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia online sometime alter the words in the print edition. This is one reason why we scan this material- so you can see the original. Here are direct links to some important entries:

Baptism | Exorcism | Masonry | Illuminati | Mass | Hail | Holy | Baal | Challoner | Intention | Sacraments

* Keep in mind that this Catholic Encyclopedia was produced by the Knights of Columbus, a Masonic organization with the intent to fortify in their version of Catholic history, the Lord as God deception.



”Now I will reveal the third part of the secret; This part is the apostasy in the Church! Our Lady showed us a vision of someone who I describe as the 'Pope', standing in front of a praising multitude. But there was a difference with a real Pope, the evil look, this one had eyes of evil. Then after a few moments we saw the same Pope entering a church, but this church was like the church of hell, there is no way to describe the ugliness of this place, it seemed like a fortress made of gray cement, with broken angles and windows like eyes, there was a beak on top of the building. We then looked up at Our Lady who said to us: you have seen the apostasy in the Church, this message can be opened by The Holy Father, but must be announced after Pius XII and before 1960. During the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone from Peter's tomb must be removed and transferred to Fatima. Because the Dogma of faith is not preserved in Rome, her authority will be removed and given to Portugal. The cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and a new one built in Fatima. If 69 weeks after this command is announced....”



This copy belongs to the Fatima Movement and is our scan of this 1937 encyclical by Freemason Pius XI. The “Pope” that did not follow the orders of Our Lady at Fatima by consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart diverts attention toward the Communist pest in this heretical propaganda piece. An interesting read for Catholics who do not know the proper position to take in the Communist/Capitalist paradigm, Pius XI correctly labels corporatism as one with communism, just in smaller doses. The Masonic Corporate State has the same objective as the Communist State: the theft of souls. It is interesting how Freemason Pius XI works in the Lord-fire heresy as an antidote to “Athestic” Communism. Communist Karl Marx was an Illuminati Luciferian Freemason, not an atheist, but his useful idiots didn't know that little fact.



This copy belongs to the Fatima Movement and is our scan of this 1937 encyclical by Freemason Pius XI.One of the effects of Sacramental Invalidation is the lack of spiritual protection in marriages. In fact, they are cursed just as Vatican II baptismal candidates are cursed on the forehead by Baphomet, “the Holy Spirit.” This is the cause of the escalating divorce rates we are witnessing in this cursed society, a phenomenon rarely seen prior to the elimation of thh Holy Ghost from the Rites.

”And since the valid matrimonial consent among the faithful was constituteed by Christ as a sign of grace, the sacramental nature is so intimately bound up with Christian wedlock that there can be no true marriage between baptized persons 'without it being by that very fact a sacrament.”


By Illuminati Luciferian Freemason Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

The Communist Manifesto, originally titled Manifesto of the Communist Party (German: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) is a short 1848 publication written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It has since been recognized as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. Commissioned by the Communist League, it laid out the League's purposes and program. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and present) and the problems of capitalism, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms. The book contains Marx and Engels' Marxist theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism, and then eventually communism.


What Popes and Cardinals Say About the Suppressed Third Secret of Fatima

“In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” - Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, John Paul II's personal papal theologian, quoted in the journal Catholic, March 2002

“It [the Third Secret] has nothing to do with Gorbachev. The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy in the Church.” - Cardinal Oddi, quoted March 17, 1990, in the journal Il Sabato

“Through some crack the smoke of satan has entered into the Church of God.” - Pope Paul VI, Papal address of June 30, 1972



In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a "damped," or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONINGSBY, in which occurs this ominous passage:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews.

"Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage."


Paul Nettl

”In order to understand the true nature of Mozart, we must not dwell too much on his demoniac side, as some musicologists like Heuss and Abert have done, but we should concentrate on the classical aspects of his nature. Only then can we see the importance of Freemasonry for him, and we will recognize the same Masonic idea in the Requiem and the Magic Flute. It is acceptance of death but not capitulation. Death does not frighten him.” - p. 60

”The secret of Masonry is the Jew. Freemasonry has undertaken to rob the German people of their Germanic pride, and to turn them, unawares, into an instrument for bringing about the glorious future of the Jewish people.” - p. 85


Eliphas Levi

”This agent, which barely manifests under the uncertain methods of Mesmer's followers, is precisely that which the adepts of the Middle Ages denominated the First Matter of the Great Work. The Gnostics represented it as the fiery body of the Holy Spirit; it was the object of adoration in the Secret Rites of the Sabbath and the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the Androgyne of Mendes. All this will be proved. Here then are the secrets of occult philosophy, and such is Magic in history.” - page 8

”Absurd are the so-called philosophers who cry: “I will never believe in a thing which I do not know!” Shallow reasoners! If you knew, would you need to believe?” - page 7


Eliphas Levi

”So is the Apocalypse the book of the Gnosis or Secret Doctrine of the first Christians, and the key of this doctrine is indicated by an occult versicle of the Lord's Prayer, which the Vulgate leaves untranslated, while in the Greek Rite, which preserves the traditions of St. John, the priests only are permitted to pronounce it. This versicle, completely kabalistic, is found in the Greek text of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, and in several Hebrew copies...It has been retained by Protestants in their New Testament, but they have failed to discern its lofty and wonderful meaning, which would have unveiled to them all the Mysteries of the Apocalypse.” pages 16-17

”When anyone invokes the devil with intentional ceremonies, the devil comes and is seen. To escape dying from horror at that sight, to escape catalepsy or idiocy, one must be already mad.” page 73




This rare, hard-to-find set is available online, but in a re-typed format. This basically means that whoever “transcribed” this set may have deleted important entries from the original printed version. When it comes to texts like these, it's best to reject re-types or “new” versions.

These are very large downloads (approx. 70-80 MB / each volume). Right-click on the link, then “save as” to download to your hard drive.




These are medium-sized downloads (approx. 10-20 MB / each volume). Right-click on the link, then “save as” to download to your hard drive.

* the complete set uploaded on 6/23/2013

The "Seven Calumnies"

The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879)

"Remember where you are, sir, that you are not among the ignorant, deluded slaves of a Popish country, but that you are in a free, enlightened, Protestant America, ...you cannot burn Bibles with impunity. - Treasurer York Co. Bible Society." - p 33

"James—When we were in the Romish church here in York, the other evening, where we heard the priest slandering Luther and the Reformers, I observed that there also were two altars, one to Christ and the other to the Virgin Mary, and the priest exhorted the people to bring flowers with them to adorn the altar of "Our Lady," by which I suppose he meant the Virgin Mary; I suppose, therefore, they esteem her worthy of equal honor with Christ. Peter—O yes, they worship her and pray to her as to God." - page 14

The Fatima Movement Book

Compiled and Edited by "Trad"

This is a condensed version of the Fatima Movement website to download and keep in your files. This version is a text file of the website as it stood around 2017. Text only, no pictures or videos.

”Fatima Movement Book PART I OUR LADY IS GOD. THE LORD IS SATAN. THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE SAINTS.Welcome to the Fátima Movement, the Catholic Order credited by the Illuminati with stopping the end of the world back in 2009. How was this accomplished? By correcting the Names of the Trinity and wiping out almost 2000 years of corruption to the Catholic Religion. Plugging the real Names of God into the pre-1569 form of the Rosary and saying it every day reversed a phenomenon called "The Abomination of Desolation." This website teaches how the abomination was stopped, why and how our approach worked, and instructs others how to stop the Illuminati's New World Order...”

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

The Hoax of the Century: a False Third Secret of Fatima by “Mr. Nobody”
Ecclesia Militans

A 43 page document criticizing the Fatima Movement and its founder, assembled by Ecclesia Militans, a false opposition group that belongs to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was excommunicated by the heretical Vatican in the 1970's.

”This whole mess started in 2009 when “Darren” who calles himself “Mr. Nobody” of the “Fatima Movement Order” took about five months to prepare a hoax of the century - a phony Third Secret of Fatima. Then he featured what he purported to be “Sr. Lucy‟s text of the “Fatima Secret” on two of his many web blogs titled “the end of all evil blogspot” and “fatimawordpress.com” on April 21, 2010 ( allegedly from a “Portuguese Capuchin monastery ”, but actually from Chicago where he resides)." Fighting to Maintain the Catholic Faith Whole and Inviolate and the Line of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre”

El Secreto Mejor Guardado de Fatima

El Secreto Mejor Guardado de Fatima
by Jose Maria Zavala, 2016

This book contains a forensic handwriting analysis which confirms that our Third Secret of Fatima document was written by St. Lucia. It compares the First and Second Secrets of Fatima to our copy of the Third Secret of Fatima. Original Spanish version. Text has been transferred out of a Kindle version of this book and into your browser, in order to use the Google Translate function so it can be read in your language of choice.


Dedication and Leadership Hyde

Dedication and Leadership
by Douglas Hyde

Written by a high-level Communist "defector", this book examines how and why the Communist Party succeeded and why the Catholic Church does not. Hyde does dismiss the Jewish Masonic Communist conspiracy, which does call into question his true motives... nonetheless, an interesting read.

"The man may be a fanatical fascist, a crank, a bigot, maybe he is one of those people who believe that every evil in this world can be attributed to Communists, Jews and Freemasons. The recruit, self-consciously holding his pile of papers is embarrassed at the prospect of becoming the center of a ‘scene’." - page 20

Dedication and Leadership Hyde

Fatima Pictures and Testimonials: in-depth Analysis

Abstract: Using photographs and testimonials, we will analyze details of the “miracle of the spinning sun” on October 13, 1917, at solar noon near Fatima. The phenomenon predicted ahead of time, occurred as the clouds cleared on what began as a rainy day. Various explanations have been presented but do not stand up to a comparative analysis of eyewitnesses (up to 35 km away), weather data, and photographs. This article aims at bringing clarity to this event through the analysis of certified photographs and testimonies compared with official meteorological and astronomical data. Our study confirms key points of the testimonials while focusing on objective data.

Latin Mass

Latin Mass with English rubrics and translation

This file contains the Latin Mass that Bishop Jim says everyday. This 21 page .pdf document contains the Latin Liturgy, as well as the rubrics or the movements a priest must make during Mass in English. The Latin Liturgy is translated into English below the Latin text in blue. This is the most updated January 2024 release. Use this for full page printouts.

Latin Mass Booklet

Latin Mass with English rubrics and translation booklet format

This file contains the Latin Mass that Bishop Jim says everyday. This 6 page .pdf document contains the Latin Liturgy, as well as the rubrics or the movements a priest must make during Mass in English. The Latin Liturgy is translated into English below the Latin text in blue. This is the most updated January 2024 release. This file has been formatted to print as a booklet, so you must set your printer to "Print on both sides flip on long edge". Then fold each page in half and assemble into a half sized booklet. (Thanks for your help with this Mike)

Thomas Aquinas

SUMMA THEOLOGICA By St. Thomas Aquinas (select parts)

Summa Theologica, 1947 Benziger Brothers, Volume I, Question 13, Fourth Article:

Argument: If all names applied to God are synonymous, we cannot properly say good God, or the like, and yet it is written, O most mighty, great and powerful, the Lord of hosts is Thy name (Jer. xxxii. 18).

“I argue that, These names spoken of God are not synonymous…these names signify the divine substance, although in an imperfect manner, it is also clear from what has been said that they have diverse meanings…Therefore, although the names applied to God signify one thing, still because they signify that under many and different aspects, they are not synonymous.”

St. Thomas Aquinas (1262): “Wisdom may fill the hearts of the faithful, and put to silence the dread folly of heretics, fittingly referred to as the gates of Hell.” (Intro. To Catena Aurea.)


13th Century Doctor of the Catholic Church St. Thomas Aquinas explains his understanding of the difference between Christ's Sacrament of baptism and John's baptism which is as effective to your salvation as taking a bath: nothing. You are just as “saved” as if you used the name Mickey Mouse. This is the deception that is the “Mark of the Beast” in the Apocalypse, a spiritual mark on the forehead caused by the counter-church in the Apocalypse, an absent Sacrament which by its very nature, causes that soul to be anathematized from Heaven. Click on the image on the left to open up a new browser window with this 1947 translation of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. It is about 14 pages of scans. This is to save bandwith on our end.

Summa Theologica, 1947 Benziger Brothers, Volume II, Question 38, Sixth Article:

Argument: Whether Those Who Had Been Baptized with John's Baptism Had to be Baptized with the Baptism of Christ?

Augustine says (Super Joan., Tract v): Those who were baptized with John's baptism (Holy Spirit) needed to be baptized with the baptism of our Lord (Holy Ghost)...John's baptism neither conferred grace nor imprinted a character, but was merely in water, as he says himself (Matth. iii. 11). Wherefore the faith or hope which the person baptized had in Christ could not supply this defect.

Do not accept a Vatican II Satanic Sacrament. When in doubt, do it yourself.


Explanation of the effects of the Seven Seals: Grace & Character: an indelible mark imprinted on the soul. Source: Summa Theologica, 1947 Benziger Brothers,

Volume II, Question 63, Fourth Article: Argument: Whether The Sacramental Character is the Character of Christ?

Obj 3. Further, a man is marked with a character that he may be distinguishable from others. But the saints are distinguishable from others by charity, which, as Augustine says (De Trin. xv), alone separates the children of the Kingdom from the children of perdition: wherefore also the children of perdition are said to have the character of the beast (Apoc. xiii. 16, 17).

Reply Obj. 3. A character distinguishes one from another, in relation to some particular end, to which he, who receives the character, is ordained: as has been stated concerning the military character (A.1) by which a soldier of the king is distinguished from the enemy's soldier in relation to the battle. In like manner the character of the faithful is that by which the faithful of Christ are distinguished from the servants of the devil, either in relation to eternal life, or in relation to the worship of the Church that now is. Of these the former is the result of charity and grace, as the objection runs; while the latter results from the sacramental character. Wherefore the character of the beast may be understood by opposition, to mean either the obstinate malice for which some are assigned to eternal punishment, or the profession of an unlawful form of worship.

Some of the more severe Papal Encyclicals against Luciferian Freemasonry since 1738.

The Holy Saint John Bosco had a Prophetic Vision of Hell in 1868 A.D., (read his entire account here)

“I looked up and read these words: 'The place of no reprieve.' I realized that we were at the gates of Hell. The guide led me all around this horrible place. At regular distance bronze portals like the first overlooked precipitous descents; on each was an inscription, such as: 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels.' (Matthew 25: 41) 'Every tree that yielded not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.' (Matthew 7: 19)
I tried to copy them into my notebook, but my guide restrained me: 'There is no need. You have them all in Holy Scripture. You even have some of them inscribed in your porticoes.'
'Bad companions, bad books, and bad habits,' my guide exclaimed, 'are mainly responsible for so many eternally lost.'
'The nourishment thereof is fire and much wood: the breath of the Lord as a torrent of brimstone kindling it.' (Isaias 30: 33)
'Here time is no more. Here is only eternity.'”

Freemason Leo XIII: “To reject dogma is simply to deny Christianity.” (Tametsi futura # 9, Nov. 1, 1900)

The Council of Toulouse, which met in November of 1229, about the time of the crusade against the Albigensians, set up a special tribunal, or court, known as the Inquisition (Lat. inquisitio, an inquiry), to search out and try heretics. Twenty of the forty-five articles decreed by the Council dealt with heretics and heresy. It ruled in part:

“Canon 6. Directs that the house in which any heretic shall be found shall be destroyed.”

“Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; unless anyone from motive of devotion should wish to have the Psalter or the Breviary for divine offices or the hours of the blessed Virgin; but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books.”

Source: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe, Edited with an introduction by Edward Peters, Scolar Press, London, copyright 1980 by Edward Peters, ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195, citing S. R. Maitland, Facts and Documents [illustrative of the history, doctrine and rites, of the ancient Albigenses & Waldenses], London, Rivington, 1832, pp. 192-194.

“As to decrees on doctrines of faith they are invariable; what is once true is so unto eternity…” St. Francis De Sales (1602) (C.C., p. 231.)

The advantage of our site is that it provides scans of the rare and authentic Catholic texts that priests are supposed to read. Most are condemned because of lack of knowledge. Our library will help provide any sedevacantist researcher with the needed evidence to promote the infallibility of the Sedevacantist position and to help destroy Freemasonic, modernist “revisions.” Masonic theologians have been picking away at the Catholic Faith over the centuries by mixing elements of Truth with heresy. By the time of Vatican II, the volume of texts written by Masonic infiltrators into the priesthood was so overwhelming that non-Masonic voting Cardinals needed their own theologians to navigate the noise. Freemasonry won the right to change the Mass in the Second Vatican Council for this simple reason: books containing the Truth were vastly outnumbered by the works of Masonic writers. The simple fact is that there were many more Masonic writers promoting 'the Lord' as God that they simply outnumbered real Catholics.

Feel free to save this site, mirror it, download the images and post them anywhere without reservation. This knowledge needs to get back into circulation.
