Antipope Pius XI Encyclical: Christian (not Catholic) Marriage, 1931
Pius XI Encyclical: Christian Marriage (4mb)
Notice the heresies Pius XI slips in while he supposedly 'takes a stand' for “Christian,” not Catholic marriage. This is coming from a 20th Century Anti-Pope who failed to obey the commands of Our Lady to consecrate Russia to Her. There's really no purpose for this being here except to illustrate how the biblical references keep getting more frequent in Masonic Papal Encyclicals from the usurped Chair of St. Peter, which is supposed to represent the Authority of Christ and His Teachings. You can compare the number of Jewish biblical references to Leo XIII's 1884 Encyclical: Humanum Genus, when Leo XIII cleverly only references the bible once. This is important because the Bible is a Masonic creation and was kept out of priests' hands by the Dogmatic Catholic Church so they wouldn't fall into the error of Lord/Allah/Satan worship.