
The Trinitarian Theophany

"I understood that it was the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity that was shown to me, and I received lights about this mystery which I am not permitted to reveal." - the real St. Lucia

The Whole Truth About Fatima Volume 3 cover

The only place you can find any information about the Trinitarian Theophany which reveals the Mother of God to be God the Mother is Frere Michel's "The Whole Truth About Fatima". On page 464 of Volume II, you can find what the oldest and only surviving witness to Our Lady's Apparitions at Fatima had to say.

Scans of this text are available on this website by clicking on the above image. This event happened on June 13, 1929, as St. Lucia was praying at the chapel of her convent in Tuy, Spain. For Catholics, the Trinitarian Theophany event is as important to our faith as a talking burning bush fire was to the followers of Moses and the Bible-based Jewish Masonic cults. Printable fliers are available below.

Fatima Movement Last Vision of Fatima Flier - English

Fatima Movement Last Vision of Fatima Flier - English

Fatima Movement Last Vision of Fatima Flier - Spanish

Fatima Movement Last Vision of Fatima Flier - Spanish
