"...and in the prayers of simple people everywhere, simple people like the Children of Fatima,
there resides more power than in all the great armies and statesmen of the world." - U.S. President Ronald Reagan, 1985
On April 21, 2010, the leader of the Fatima Movement asked God Our Lady for assistance in finding the Real Third Secret of Fatima. This Rosary request forced the Illuminati to release one of the two copies in existence. Five things give this document credibility as the real Third Secret of Fatima.
1. Anti-Pope John Paul II was following Our Lady's instructions from this document (before it was released to the public) when he symbolically and mysteriously transferred the authority of the Church (Pope St. Peter's remains) from Rome to Fatima in 2004. (source)
2. God Our Lady appeared in Africa to mark the one-year release of this document on April 20, 2011. (video)
3. 70 weeks after the release of the Third Secret of Fatima, Washington D.C. was shattered in an earthquake, damaging the city's Masonic institutions and forcing the largest Masonic monument in the world to shut down for good. Since the Abomination of Desolation was halted, Rome was spared (for now).
4. It is written on a single sheet of paper and is 20-25 lines long, as described by those who had read it, not 3 pages long like the Vatican's false Third Secret which was released in the year 2000.
"CONCLUSION: In view of the above stated findings, it can be determined that, following an exhaustive analysis, there are qualitative and quantitative elements that:
✥ The Questioned Document, referred to here as the Unrevealed Third Part of the Secret of Fatima, was brought about by the same hand as that of the Unquestioned Document corresponding to the First and Second Parts of the Secret of Fatima, written in her own hand by Sr. Lucia dos Santo in her Third Memoir of August 31, 1941. This determination has been made with the greatest possible objectivity, taking as much into consideration what can be favorable as what may be susceptible to cause injury to any parties involved, and I am aware of the penal sanctions that could be incurred if I were to disregard my duty as an expert.
This I testify, according to the best of my knowledge and understanding, in Madrid, on December 8 of the year two thousand and sixteen." - BEGOÑA SLOCKER DE ARCE Madrid, December 8, 2016
Bishop José Alves Correia da Silva (The Bishop of the Real Sister Lúcia) Episcopal Lineage: (1566-1920) Bishop José Alves Correia da Silva † (1920) | Rome's copy of the Third Secret of Fatima was kept in a safe next to the Anti-Pope's bed. There were only two copies in the world, one in Portugal, the other here in Rome. ![]() |
Miraculous evidence this document is the real deal: The Mother of God appears off the Ivory Coast in Africa, marking the one-year anniversary of the release of this Third Secret of Fatima: APRIL 21, 2010: Release of the Third Secret of Fatima What is meant by Divine Tradition? A. By Divine Tradition is meant the revealed truths taught by Christ and His Apostles, which were given to the Church only by word of mouth and not through the Bible, though they were put in writing, principally by the Fathers of the Church.” (Catholic Catechism) | ||
(1) “Now I will reveal the third part of the secret; This part is the apostasy in the Church!” Flashback to the Advent of the New Order: 32,000 Priests ask Paul VI to be released. ”Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.” Pope Eugene IV, 1439 St. Francis De Sales (1602): “As to decrees on doctrines of faith they are invariable; what is once true is so unto eternity…” (C.C., p. 231.) | ![]() | |
(2) “Our Lady showed us a vision of someone who I describe as the 'Pope', standing in front of a praising multitude. But there was a difference with a real Pope, the evil look, this one had eyes of evil.” - The Third Secret of Fatima "Now when [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church must either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See." | ![]() | |
(3) “Then after a few moments we saw the same Pope entering a church, but this church was like the church of hell, there is no way to describe the ugliness of this place, it seemed like a fortress made of gray cement, with broken angles and windows like eyes, there was a beak on top of the building.” - The Third Secret of Fatima This ugly church described in the Third Secret is located in Neviges, Germany. Special Coverage: How to tell if your church is Judeo-Masonic. | ![]() | |
(4) “We then looked up at Our Lady who said to us: you have seen the apostasy in the Church, this message can be opened by The Holy Father, but must be announced after Pius XII and before 1960.” - The Third Secret of Fatima ”Don't bring that subject up with me, please...” - Masonic Anti-Pope John XXIII in 1960 Yves Marsaudon, 33rd Scottish Rite Freemason.: “The sense of universalism that is rampant in Rome these days is very close to our purpose for existence... with all our hearts WE SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION OF JOHN XXIII.” | ![]() | |
(5) “During the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone from Peter's tomb must be removed and transferred to Fatima. Because the Dogma of faith is not preserved in Rome, her authority will be removed and given to Portugal.” - The Third Secret of Fatima Judeo-Masonic Anti-Pope John Paul II actually did this in a little known ceremony in March, 2004: Obeying the command of this Third Secret, John Paul II transfers remains of St. Peter from the Vatican to Fatima in a symbolic admission that the Vatican no longer has the Apostolic Authority. Background Info: Why John Paul II was not a Pope. | ![]() | |
(6) “The cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and a new one built in Fatima.” The Vatican in Rome, now fully in the control of Jewish Freemasonry, openly worships Lucifer. | ||
(7) “If 69 weeks after this command is announced Rome continues its abomination, the city will be destroyed.” Apocalypse 18:8: Therefore, shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burnt with the fire: because God is strong, who shall judge her. | ![]() |
Speaking through Adele, the Devil laments the loss of Illuminati control over the world in 2010's “Rolling in the Deep” (left); Freemason Satanist Pat Robertson is beside himself, as he pontificates the reasons for the crack in the Illuminati deception (right).
Above: detail of the damage to the outside masonry of the largest (555' tall x 111' base = 666') Illuminati monument in the world from the August 2011 5.8 earthquake. The U.S. Government projects that the monument will be closed until 2019 because of mysterious electrical and elevator problems.
Above left: the damage inside the largest (555' tall x 111' base = 666') Illuminati monument in the world from the August 2011 5.8 earthquake. Above right: The Masonic U.S. Government's Capitol Dome suffers 1300 cracks and other deficiencies from the '100 year earthquake'.
”As we shall see, Lucy was so terrified by its contents that even after she was ordered to write it down in October of 1943, she was unable to do so until the subsequent apparition on January 2, 1944 in which Our Lady assured her that it ought to be done. And yet, to this day, the Vatican has never revealed the words of the Virgin which clearly follow "In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc." The "etc." remains a secret. This ongoing concealment is a key element of the crime that is the subject of this book.” - Chap. 1 “The Devil's Final Battle”
![]() | THIRD FÁTIMA SECRET MORE RELEVANT THAN EVERIs a storm brewing concerning the third secret of Fatima? Benedict XVI stated to journalists on May 13th, 2010, in his jet on the way to Fatima, that "Whoever thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is over, is DECEIVED.”Pictured left: anti-pope Benedict XVI adorned in Freemasonic Knights of Malta Iron Crosses and a Star of David on his mitre. How any Catholics will blindly follow this post-1962 Vatican New Order religion with its destroyed altars, sex scandals and Jewish Messianic Expectation into Hell? |
Above timeline Image by Santo Condestável
The leader of the Fatima Movement forced the Franciscanos Capuchihos of Portugal to release the Third Secret of Fatima in 2010.
“I understood that it was the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity that was shown to me ...” Frère Michel has rightly called this apparition “the Trinitarian Theophany.” As with the Miracle of the Sun (at Fatima in 1917, witnessed by 70,000 people), there is nothing else like it in the history of the world.” - Chap. 3, “The Devil's Final Battle.” | “Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. And the devil knows what it is that most offends God and which in a short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls. Thus, the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God, because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them. ...The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell. … The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence.” - Sister Lucy, 1957 |