
Donate to the Fatima Movement & help us take back the Church...

or just continue to sit there in your underwear and do nothing...

Donate to the Fatima Movement


”And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold.” - Matthew 24:2


These times were predicted by “the Lord” of the Jewish Bible. The reality is that it takes money to fight the Masonic invasion of the Catholic Church. Printing reading materials, giving away 150 Rosaries and converting “Traditionist” Nuns, paying for books, webhosting fees, legal defense fees....it's not a lot of fun. Finding the information on this website has been a monstrous undertaking and answering readers' questions about everything from Our Lady's Original Rosary, the Third Secret of Fatima, where to find the secrets of Freemasonry and converting people to the real Catholic Faith is not an easy task. Just imagine stopping your life for a few years to find and compile what you see on this site for the benefit of others, and you'll begin to understand how much work this is.


To pay Tithes to our Pastors (Priests)

Freemasons apparently pay a $5000 initiation fee to their Lodges to learn what is available on this site for free. Government College students rack up tens of thousands in student debt never to learn what runs this world. If Catholics are going to do anything about the Illuminati overrunning the Vatican, we need to understand our enemy if we're going to take back the Vatican from their control. This site intends to arm real Catholics with the necessary knowledge to accomplish that. We're a long way off from even making a run at the Church hierarchy, but we have to start somewhere.

If you have benefitted from finding the Third Secret of Fatima, have experienced the power from receiving valid Sacraments that actually work, are using the original Rosary not seen since 1569, the original Douai Rheims not available since 1752, the unseen for 200 years version of the Catholic Latin Vulgate with its real ending and Bible Code (Nominum Interpretatio), the Keys to Heaven and all of the other shocking information available to you for free on this website, please consider donating so we can recover from this very expensive endeavor.

Priests are slowly waking up, the Sacraments are starting to be administered somewhat correctly, and millions of souls are being saved with the recovery of the original Rosary Liturgy that actually works. Because of this, Freemasonry is complaining that Hell is actually falling apart at this time.

There's still a lot of work to be done and Our Lady still wants a new Church to be built in Fatima, but this is many years off.

Our Lady's Third Secret of Fatima demands that a new Church be built in Portugal. Realistically, the completion of this task is a long way off but once again, we have to start somewhere. The Church is now in the hands of the Devil as a result of the sins of men and while Catholics are busy pre-occupying themselves with their self-centered economic dreams, home-improvement projects, secular educations, and whatever else, their souls are being marked and one day they will pay for looking the other way.

Dropping a dollar or two in the collection basket is not good enough anymore. It actually never was. Catholics used to sacrifice their own lifestyles opting instead to pool their money into building their own Churches, and benefitted from their financial sacrifice with a foundation of strong neighborhoods and strong families. But today, as they strive instead to build McMansion cathedrals to themselves and hope someone else takes care of the Church for them, things have fallen apart. The “looking the other way” strategy doesn't work.

Catholic Church under construction in the 1900's

So if you have benefitted financially from the stalled out collapse, the $300/barrel oil price that was stopped, the stalled collapse of the world economy, consider helping out some of the people who took a stand and halted these events. With World War III around the corner, you may want to reconsider your economic strategy because in the end, without even one structure built to God Our Lady, the Novus Ordo families that support the New Order Religion and their houses are simply built on sand. Make no mistake about it, there will be Hell to pay for this....

A Vatican II Church is destroyed in the 2008 Haiti earthquake. A Crucifix miraculously survives but the heretical INRI tag is knocked to the ground.

Above: Haiti, 2008 - God destroys a Vatican II “Church” to the Lord, sending Haitians a strong signal.

This website was made with the intention to arm Catholics with the knowledge that has been buried for too long by the Illuminati. With some luck, we all may someday fulfill Our Lady's request to build a Cathedral in Fatima that is independent, housing priests, nuns and laity who have nowhere to turn to as they battle for the soul of the Church.

Emailing this website address to other Catholics helps helps the Fatima Catholic Revolution grow, as does your posts about it on Catholic forums and social networking websites like Facebook. Google recognizes this as hype and helps this site in the search rankings, which then helps others find us easier. It really helps out. With nothing, we've managed to overtake the Vatican's promotion of their phony Third Secret. With financial help from you, there's no telling how far this can grow.

Success for the Fatima Movement 1Success for the Fatima Movement 2

Above: search engine results from Bing and Google showing our placement above the Vatican and Wikipedia for searches on “Third Secret of Fatima” (Aug. 2013)

Thanks for helping the Fatima Movement rebuild the Catholic Church, the institution God died on a cross to establish. If you would like to mail any materials, books, tapes, CDs or other items, please use this Post Office Box address:

Fatima Movement
P.O. Box 121
Winthrop Harbor, IL 60696
