Humanum Genus Encyclical by Freemason Antipope Leo XIII, 1884
Freemasonry and the Spirit of the Age
Humanum Genus Leo XIII & Albert Pike (8mb)
Below are scans of a very rare, original copy of Leo XIII's Encyclical Humanum Genus from 1884. Scanned authentic copies surpass internet versions in terms of credibility, so this was quite the find. Usually, internet copies or translations have been altered in some way, so having the original encyclical to validate the text is very necessary.
In Leo XIII's argument against the leader or "Pope of Freemasonry" Albert Pike, it is noticeable that he uses the Jewish Psalms of David as proof of his arguments for "the Lord", and this is the Masonic playbook in action. Remember, the strategy that Freemason Leo XIII is using is to promote heretical lord worship while he appears to be taking a stand against the Pope of Freemasonry, Albert Pike. The Lord heresy is the Gates of Hell and Freemasons are skilled at advancing this horseman.

This encyclical was written in 1884, 107 years after the Sacraments were changed at the Congregation of Rites in France in a crucial time when Masonic, Rosicrucian Cardinals outnumbered Catholic Cardinals in the Vatican hierarchy. The Papacy was in Masonic hands in 1884. The usurped Chair of St. Peter continued its mission of quietly eliminating Catholic opposition so that they could set the stage for the Second Vatican Council, which would come 75 years later.
And this is why God Our Lady appeared in the Apparitions at Fatima in 1917, to warn about these mysterious changes at the highest levels of the Church, and to give a remedy to save the devout who could no longer rely on the Church and its subverted leadership (The Rosary/Fatima Prayer).