George Orwell's 1984 and analysis from a Catholic Perspective
There is no more Catholic Church in George Orwell's 1984. It has been completely erased, replaced with the Big Brother deity the Modern Church Doctors call “the lord.”
This Masonic “great work” was accomplished at the Novus Ordo Council, otherwise known in the media as “Vatican II.”
”1984” is a classic novel written by George Orwell in the 1940's. It is apparent that this Illuminati writer (one cannot write such things without being “learned”) was writing about the post-Rapture, post-Catholic world, a world that universally worships the same Big Brother in three factions. Neither of these three supercontinents as they are called know enough about their adversaries to understand that they all worship the same Big Brother (the Lord). This is actually a twist on the deception of the world's three major religions all worshipping “The Lord” and constantly fighting each other. This is why Catholicism (before Vatican II) used to be distinct from Masonic Christianity, Masonic Islam (32nd degree), and of course, Judaism. It is stunningly accurate about the state of the world today where there is a universal ecumenical gathering under the Lord (Big Brother). In the paradigm of Heaven and Hell, they are all heretics and will be condemned. In the book, they already are. When the party controls the truth, they can do what they want. But it is said, the Truth is in the Mass. By changing the Mass in 1962 at Vatican II, they effectively changed the truth (that Jesus Christ is God) and altered the truth so that Catholics now think their Lord is God. This is why Our Lady of Fatima says to pray the Rosary, the best weapon against heresy, by daily repeating the Rosary Prayer (Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death).
This is such a profound deception that today, we find Protestants (the Lord, the God of Abraham), fighting Muslims (Allah (the Lord, the God of Abraham) in defense of Jews (the Lord, the God of Abraham). As Traditional Catholics (Jesus Christ is God, son of Our Lady) we can only throw up our hands in disgust as these heretics fight it out for the “Promised Land.” The meek shall inherit the earth soon, like they did in “1984” as the “Punishment from Heaven is Imminent”-Sis. LĂșcia of Fatima, 1957. Since they by their own ignorance fell into heresy, they find themselves engaged in the devil's battles.
1. Part 1 of 5. This is a sermon given by the Masonic Bishop Williamson. Once again, as he thoughtfully analyzes Orwell's book, he slips in the heresy (the Lord God) which is Dominus Deus (Elias) in the Latin Vulgate. The Matrix is so clever that they can talk about it out in the open because they know that taking you to hell by promoting heresy is their real objective. With that in mind, it is still an interesting lecture.
Part 2 of 5. This is a sermon given by the Masonic Bishop Williamson. Once again, as he thoughtfully analyzes Orwell's book, he slips in the heresy (the Lord God) which is Dominus Deus (Elias) in the Latin Vulgate. The Matrix is so clever that they can talk about it out in the open because they know that taking you to hell by promoting heresy is their real objective. With that in mind, it is still an interesting lecture.
Part 3 of 5. This is a sermon given by the Masonic Bishop Williamson. Once again, as he thoughtfully analyzes Orwell's book, he slips in the heresy (the Lord God) which is Dominus Deus (Elias) in the Latin Vulgate. The Matrix is so clever that they can talk about it out in the open because they know that taking you to hell by promoting heresy is their real objective. With that in mind, it is still an interesting lecture.
Part 4 of 5. This is a sermon given by the Masonic Bishop Williamson. Once again, as he thoughtfully analyzes Orwell's book, he slips in the heresy (the Lord God) which is Dominus Deus (Elias) in the Latin Vulgate. The Matrix is so clever that they can talk about it out in the open because they know that taking you to hell by promoting heresy is their real objective. With that in mind, it is still an interesting lecture.
Part 5 of 5. This is a sermon given by the Masonic Bishop Williamson. Once again, as he thoughtfully analyzes Orwell's book, he slips in the heresy (the Lord God) which is Dominus Deus (Elias) in the Latin Vulgate. The Matrix is so clever that they cantalk about it out in the open because they know that taking you to hell by promoting heresy is their real objective. With that in mind, it is still an interesting lecture.