

The German Illuminati Bible

The German Illuminati Bible PDF file (480mb)


1. Click on one of the links below;
2. This will open up a Fatima Movement File webpage.
3. Wait for the entire page to load onto your computer.
4. Once this is done, in Internet Explorer, click on File>Save as...
5. Select the folder on your computer where you'd like to save these pages.
6. Do not save the webpage onto your computer as an .html file. This will create a mess on your computer. Save this webpage as a .mht or .mhtml web archive to your computer. This will create one icon in your computer's folder which will self-contain all the pages of this Bible, which will make it easier to manage.
7. Feel free to download all 18 webpages below which contain 1791 separate images that are scanned in order from the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New Testament.

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0001-0100

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0101-0200

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0201-0300

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0301-0400

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0401-0500

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0501-0600

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0601-0700

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0701-0800

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0801-0900

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 0901-1000

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1001-1100

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1101-1200

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1201-1300

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1301-1400

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1401-1500

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1501-1600

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1601-1700

Fatima Movement Files: German Illuminati Bible scans 1701-1791


Below is a sampling of what you will find in this German Bible, decorated with Jewish Illuminati symbolism.

The Jewish Mary flashes the Masonic M Hand sign (scan #0008).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0008

The Jewish Ephod (symbol of the 12 Tribes of Israel) and Illuminati Jesus symbolism (scan 0105).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0105

Prayers to Satan and his commandments (scan #0144).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0144

Jews flashing Satanic M Hand signs on the coverpage for the Jews' Old Testament (scan #0145).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0145

One of the Lords of Jewish Freemasonry flashes the Masonic Hand sign (scan #0147).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0147

More Illuminati symbolism as one of the Lords of Jewish Freemasonry "creates the world" (scan #0149).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0149

The Masonic Jesus flashes the Masonic M Hand sign (scan #0515).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0515

More Masonic Hand signs (scan #0520).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0520

Dead babies (scan #0553).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0553

A Jew flashes Masonic M Hand signs (scan #0561).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0561

More Masonic M Hand signs as the Lords of the Bible fight with one another (scan #0578).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0578

More Illuminati Hand signs during a Jewish ceremony (scan #0660).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0660

Skull & Bones imagery (scan #0726).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0726

Satanic hand signs flashed by angels of Hell on the coverpage for the Psalms of the Jewish King David (scan #0808).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0808

More Jewish paganism as a cow comforts a man with his legs removed (scan #0949).

German Illuminati Bible scan 0949

The Jewish Prophet Isiah flashes the Satanic Masonic M Hand sign (scan #1020).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1020

More Illuminati symbolism and a flying cow (scan #1168).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1168

The Masonic Jesus flashes the Masonic M Hand sign (scan #1278).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1278

Masonic M Hand sign (scan #1414).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1414

More Jewish symbolism, dead babies (scan #1430).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1430

More Masonic M Hand signs (scan #1432).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1432

The Masonic Jesus flashes two Masonic M Hand signs (scan #1456).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1456

The Masonic Jesus flashes the Masonic M Hand sign (scan #1466).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1466

The Masonic Jesus flashes two Masonic M Hand signs (scan #1481).

German Illuminati Bible scan 1481

“We control the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter and the chanceries. Most of the bishops are now on our side and those that aren't have been neutralized. Anybody who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to co-operate.” - Fr. Hans Küng, 1960's (”worthy” recipient sof the Freemasons' lifetime achievement award)

“The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer. To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor.” - Pius VIII (Traditi Humilitati # 9, May 24, 1829)

“'Bad companions, bad books, and bad habits,' my guide exclaimed, 'are mainly responsible for so many eternally lost.'” - St. John Bosco's Prophetic Vision of Hell in 1868 A.D.

“The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc. Past events, it is argued, have no objective existence, but survive only in written records and in human memories. The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it. It also follows that though the past is alterable, it never has been altered in any specific instance.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 124
