
Fatima Movement Reader Emails Page 5

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* email your questions to Mr. Nobody at fatimamovement@yahoo.com; “refresh” your browser for the latest update.

Subject: Thanks for the Rosary

Dear Fatimamovement,

Hi I just received the Original Rosary and I love it. There is nothing like it in the world. I love the prayers in the pendents and the crystals and the cross that actually says God. It is my most prized possesion now and I'm actually thinking of getting a bank deposit box to put it in because I don't want anything to happen to it. It is really, really special and I just wanted to say thank you. The original rosary to Our Lady, God Our Lady makes it so clear that Christ is God your maker and that is what you need to know. And it makes it clear the difference between the true God Holy Ghost the Father of the Trinity and the holy spirit. So I just wanted to say this was the best idea ever and I'm truly going to use it.

Thank you.

Mr. Nobody:

You're welcome. ... Many people have been asking about removing the INRI from their modern, revisionist crucifixes and replacing it with “GOD.” The answer is in a photograph taken right after the Haiti Earthquake a few years back. You can really get a clear idea of what God thinks of the Novus Ordo Church, and you may also notice one other detail in this miraculous image...


It represents the heresy that Christ was a Jew. This is all heresies wrapped up into one, that Christ is not God, but only a Jewish worker. This is utterly ridiculous. Hence the repetition of the prayer, “Mother of GOD, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death..” And that's why it's on the Fatima Movement Rosary. Practice makes infallibility.

Third Secret of Fatima - What God thinks of the Novus Ordo Church

The biblical story of the Jewish Jesus is simply falling apart. It is as credible as Satan testing God for 40 days in the desert. It simply makes no sense, and the same goes for blind and dumb Masonic fire-Lord worship. The bible does not mention the first Pope, St. Peter, has no mention of Easter, no mention of the proper administration of the Sacraments, and no formula for the Traditional Mass. Anyone who hasn't woken up from this yet really needs to be put on 24-hour watch. Here's more on this Da Vinci decoded duality from real Catholic texts.

Here is an interesting find from Ebay- you'll find many strange variations of the Rosary these days, just as you'll find many variations of lord worship ceremonies in Protestant meeting halls. This Masonic Novus Ordo Rosary looks strikingly familiar to the Jewish Rosary, doesn't it? I wonder why that is...Remember, this is DIVINE LITURGY, meaning, it comes from GOD. When you interrupt the string of 150 Ave's in the Original Rosary with a prayer to Satan, every 10 beads, the power does not work. The Fatima Prayer fixes that to a great extent, but Our Lady was giving us a clue that the lord's prayer should be deleted. Make this known to those praying at abortion clinics, anti-government rallies, especially at the uprising in Portuagal right now against the bankster cartel takeover of their nation. It will work.

Jewish pentagram rosary

The Jewish Rosary is the same form as the Novus Ordo (post-1569) Rosary.

The original Rosary 150


The Fatima Movement Rosary project is moving along. This is the most correct version available.

No human being has seen a Rosary like this since the 16th or 17th Century, and no human being has seen the correct prayers since around the 14th Century. Our Ebay Store is up and running and we're working out a few details with the medallions, but here is a preview of what we're about to release. We're looking at charging $1,000 for this item to help fund our efforts to infiltrate Rome and to pay for what this research has cost so far. Our New Ebay Listing - Order yours now.

Rosary 150

Utilizing the Michelangelo ladder rosary design, it features 450 Swavorsky beads (3 for each step), a custom wood crucifix made out of Australian Eucalyptus bloodwood hardwood, a custom metal plaque that says “GOD”, not “INRI” or Jesus of Nazareth/King of the Jews, and 3 double sided medallions which contain the correct Rosary prayers, the Trinitarian Theophany, and a picture of St. Lúcia with her death dated at 1958. The crucifix is 3 1/2” x 2” for size comparison, and the weight is heavy. This is the highest quality Rosary available, and the 150 straight beaded design removes the Satanic pentagram that the modernist rosary places about the cross. More information soon.

Subject: Gospel of John in the Catholic bible

I have reviewed the Gospel of John according to Catholic tradition.

Let me start by saying, while I do not personally beleive that ritual is the key to salvation, I do not condemn it nor do I beleive that it leads others down a false path. If that is the way that folks communicate with God, more power to them and there is no problem with it.

But here is where I object to your statements claiming that I will burn in hell. This statement totally contradicts the words of Jesus himself in your own holy books. There is no room for debate here, if you wish to tell people they will burn for not praying the rosary, you are in contradiction with the words of God himself.

Jesus Christ very clearly and plainly states, according to this Catholic text, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish. It does not say, (for example), that whoever beleives in him AND prays the rosary AND takes communion AND (any other ritual) shall not perish. Simply beleive in him and the rest follows.

By the way I am NOT attacking you, Catholicism or any other tradition. I think that, if ritual has meaning to you personally and you communicate with God in this way, it is totally acceptable and constructive. But, it is not essential for salvation and your disagreement here is not with me, it is with the very words of God himself and according to your own books.


From the book of John 3:

16 For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

17 For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.
18 No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is judged already, because that person does not believe in the Name of God's only Son.

God bless you, and again, I support your work and have no problem with you or the Catholic traditions. I must however strongly object object to your claims of damnation, and that I 'have lost', and the like, where it clearly contradicts your own scripture. I also suggest that this kind of thing hurts your overall cause, it does not help.

All the best, E---

I normally would not be this, well, aggressive, but I have to say something.

I do this not to condemn you, but to point out some contradictions between what you have said and the books your believe in. I have no doubt that you are a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ, as I am.

But, on the subject of trances, which you called Voodoo 101, I have reviewed your own Holy Books. Unless you claim that Peter, disciple of Jesus and the first Pope and in fact my distant ancestor, was a voodoo priest, your claims are in contradiction with your own Holy Books.

I would point out that Saints Theresa of Avila and John of the Cross also could reach the trance state. Are they heretics / voodoo priests? I doubt it.

For what it's worth, you are not the first to make these claims toward me, only to be confronted by the very verses you follow. All from Catholic.org. Again, if you have another set of scriptures or if you claim that the Books of John and Acts are not Catholic, I am all ears.

From Acts Chapter 10: http://www.catholic.org/bible/book.php?id=51&bible_chapter=10:

9 Next day, while they were still on their journey and had only a short distance to go before reaching the town, Peter went to the housetop at about the sixth hour to say his prayers.

10 He felt hungry and was looking forward to his meal, but before it was ready he fell into a trance

11 and saw heaven thrown open and something like a big sheet being let down to earth by its four corners;

Acts Chapter 11:

5 'One day, when I was in the town of Jaffa,' he began, 'I fell into a trance as I was praying and had a vision of something like a big sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners. This sheet cameright down beside me.

Acts Chapter 22:

16 And now why delay? Hurry and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”

17 'It happened that, when I got back to Jerusalem, and was praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance

18 and then I saw him. “Hurry,” he said, “leave Jerusalem at once; they will not accept the testimony you are giving about me.”

I have invested considerable time, effort, tears, terror, and indeed, a near death experience, while learning the Gospels. I am not dumb or deluded by any stretch and I read the scriptures for myself. To then be accused of Voodoo and the like, after my painstaking research, leads me to a place where I have chosen to continue my research into the very books that you claim as holy and use to call me a Voodoo priest or claim that i will burn in hell.

Again, all the best. I'd quote Jesus on 'loving your enemy' except, you are clearly not my enemy!


Sorry, I find myself getting a little angry here as i read more of your site.

Your words directly contradict Christ. What else can I say?

“And this is why, if your children are not baptized Catholic because of your falling away, they will be your judges in Hell, because you failed in the fight to keep the name of God the Holy Ghost. They have scattered you, which is why they leave you alone now. You and your family must be baptized Catholic before death, otherwise you and the branches of your family tree will be cast into the fire.”

I don't think so. According to Jesus' words in your own books:

John 3:16 For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

17 For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.

18 No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is judged already, because that person does not believe in the Name of God's only Son.

I'll be blunt. You have directly contradicted Jesus. He made no statements that match yours. In fact, the salvation of the thief on the cross also directly contradicts your words above. Some people (not me) would call you heretical. I think you are merely zealous and a good soldier. Please temper your zeal with a little more restraint and study.

Are you going to post this on your site too?

All the best, E---

Despite my objections and anger, I just wanted to stress that I support you and your cause and I consider you a brother in Christ. Unfortunately the Catholic church hierarchy, as you have clearly shown with convincing evidence, is owned by Lucifer and Satan. I am not a Catholic, but we all see the abuse going on and we know it is the tip of the iceberg. I feel particularly badly for the true believers in the church, the masses, and the good priests that remain (however few there seem to be).

Your work against this evil is truly the work of God and it is probably going to take a new Church to undo the evil that has been done. I would suggest, with whatever small wisdom I as a very imperfect man have earned on this Earth, please be careful in your zeal. Your zeal will bring victory, but be mindful. As it has been said, with every source of power there is a corresponding weakness. Zeal is a strength, overzealousness is not.

As for the Jesuits, I thought you might find this interesting. The very oath of the Jesuits contradicts scripture. They strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. I often wonder, do they actually want to do the work of God or not? i am sure some of them do, and maybe think they are, but, alas.....

Anyway -

Ignatius is known to have written: “...: I will believe that the white that I see is black if the hierarchical Church so defines it.”[15]

Contrast this with: ―

“Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil:
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness:
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.‖
(Isaias 5:20)

―He that justifieth the wicked,
and he that condemneth the just,
both are abominable before God.‖
(Proverbs 17:15)

All the best, E---

Again I stress that I am on your side, and I do not condemn you or your beliefs and never will. In fact I support you and your beliefs and furthermore emphatically state that if saying the Rosary is your means to communicate with God, so be it, I am sure it works and I am sure He is pleased with it.

I merely disagree with your contention that some of the rituals you mentioned are necessary for salvation. These rituals were introduced after Christ left the Earth and were not mentioned by Jesus Christ as a requirement for salvation.

Does the best, most authentic version of the bible, that you believe in, include John 3:16? I'd really like to know.

best, E---

This from the Catholic bible: http://www.catholicfirst.com/thefaith/bible/john.html

First Published by the English College at Rheims
A.D. 1582
With Annotations
The Whole Revised and Diligently Compared with
the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner
A.D. 1749-1752

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.
3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world: but that the world may be saved by him.
3:18 He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Mr. Nobody:

It's much better for you to be angry now than to spend an eternity in the anger of realizing you have been duped, with no chance for recourse. It's part of the waking up process you are going through, realizing the extent of the Masonic lie. Thank you for the Tim Tebow theology lesson. That's not really 'groundbreaking' research though. You're quoting Masonic theology without realizing it, and you're embarrassing yourself. There's no salvation outside of the Catholic Religion for a reason, and part of that is to exclude obnoxious idiots who follow the easy, wide path and exclude themselves from Heaven with their own pride and ignorance.

Tim Tebow 666

Fatima Movement billboard 1

”This statement totally contradicts the words of Jesus himself in your own holy books. There is no room for debate here, if you wish to tell people they will burn for not praying the rosary, you are in contradiction with the words of God himself.” - reader email

You're sadly still under the impression that the jealous lord of the bible, who comes like a thief in the night is actually the God of Heaven. The purpose of this website is to explain that the deity of John in the bible, originally written not by Catholics, but by Jewish Gnostic Freemasons, is in fact the Apocalyptic, deceptive, Masonic, heretical Lord. The book of Proverbs explains that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” But you don't have this wisdom. The lord, the god of John, is a fire. Try to wrap your head around this, please. Freemasons have their own Jesus that they hide behind, which is explained in this chapter.

John the Evangelist is a patron of Freemasonry, I'm sorry to break this to you but it's in the Freemason's King James Version bible. The Mark of the Beast on the forehead is John's invalid baptism. St. Thomas Aquinas explains is only water (at best). It does not prevent possession and will not do you any good. There's a lot you need to learn.

Freemason John the Baptist

Our Lady is God

The Truth of Jesus Christ was found in the liturgy of the original Catholic Mass. But because it has been destroyed by Masonic led Councils over the centuries, that story has been corrupted and replaced with the current heretical, biblical Jesus storyline. This is what many call the daVinci Code. Understanding this is the basis of exorcism. This is one of the reasons why Freemasonry destroyed the Mass and promotes the bible you quote from. If the world had protected the Tradition of the original Catholic Mass, and not worried so much about the current Sunday Tradition, and it's football priests and Baphomet worshipping Half-Time Shows, the Apocalypse could not proceed.

Madonna Illuminati Halftime Superbowl Show

”When you call my name, it's like a little prayer.” - Madonna, “Like a Prayer”

“But, on the subject of trances, which you called Voodoo 101, I have reviewed your own Holy Books. Unless you claim that Peter, disciple of Jesus and the first Pope and in fact my distant ancestor, was a voodoo priest, your claims are in contradiction with your own Holy Books.” - reader email

The real name of the Peter of the Jewish-Masonic Scriptures is Simon Bar-Jona, a Jew. Nowhere does the bible mention the establishment of the Catholic Church in Rome. You are reading an attempt by Freemasons to completely alter history by promoting the deception that the Church started in Jerusalem, which defies both logic and reason. Everybody knows the Catholic Church started in Rome. In regards to your distant ancestor, I can't answer that. The bible is clever at rewriting Church history, which is its purpose. And you, unfortunately, are still stuck in the labyrinth of its pages. This is why the Catholic Church didn't even allow priests to have in their possession a bible. It's that complicated. There is much more info here in this link: Dogma says destroy the bible.

“Your words directly contradict Christ. What else can I say?”

Please point to one passage in that entire Jewish-Masonic text that clearly states Jesus Christ is God. There's thousands of pages, so keep looking. I'll give you a hint and save you some time though. It's not in there.

The purpose of reciting the Rosary is to remind devout Catholics that Christ is God, which interestingly enough, is the Key to Heaven's Door.

”I'll be blunt. You have directly contradicted Jesus. He made no statements that match yours. In fact, the salvation of the thief on the cross also directly contradicts your words above. Some people (not me) would call you heretical. I think you are merely zealous and a good soldier. Please temper your zeal with a little more restraint and study.

Are you going to post this on your site too?”

Yes, I'm going to post this on the site for the simple reason that it's counter-productive to constantly repeat the same points to Protestants. Frankly, it's exhausting. Look, contradicting the Jewish Jesus is the idea here. Catholics don't believe in the Jewish Jesus of the Masonic scriptures. We believe in God Jesus Christ. I suggest that you keep reading and pray the 150 Rosary and heed this warning from the pen of the Illuminati:

.”..with fear and trembling work out your salvation.” - Philipians 2:12

“But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.” - Matthew 5:37

”Your work against this evil is truly the work of God and it is probably going to take a new Church to undo the evil that has been done. I would suggest, with whatever small wisdom I as a very imperfect man have earned on this Earth, please be careful in your zeal. Your zeal will bring victory, but be mindful. As it has been said, with every source of power there is a corresponding weakness. Zeal is a strength, overzealousness is not.

As for the Jesuits, I thought you might find this interesting. The very oath of the Jesuits contradicts scripture. They strain out a gnat and swallow a camel. I often wonder, do they actually want to do the work of God or not? i am sure some of them do, and maybe think they are, but, alas..... “

Thanks. I'm trying to wake you up to the fact that the Bible is the problem here. As a non-Catholic, I realize you don't understand where we're coming from here, and that's the tragedy of your situation. Somewhere along your family line, a pastor struck your ancestors and caused you to stray away from the army of the Catholic Church.

Ignatius Loyola was a Freemason. Scroll down this page you're on, I've already addressed this topic in-depth in another e-exchange.

Watch this scene from “They Live.” It's an entertaining take on the wake-up process, as the main character is forced to physically fight with his friend, just to get his friend to put on a pair of glasses, so that he may wake up and see. This is why I'm being hard on you.

”I merely disagree with your contention that some of the rituals you mentioned are necessary for salvation. These rituals were introduced after Christ left the Earth and were not mentioned by Jesus Christ as a requirement for salvation.”

Once again, you need to get away from the bible. The Truth is not in there. It was written by Luciferian Freemasons, long ago, who have a desire to remove the Catholic Religion, which had its own books, from the face of the planet. Disagree with my contention all you want, that's fine. I'm just a nobody. But study the warnings of the Mother of God and St. Lúcia, warnings that weren't heeded in the 1930's, leading to WWII and the destruction of the Church, and the buildup to 2012. Here we are, close to WWIII, history is repeating itself, so try to figure it out.

Third Secret of Fatima - Our Lady's Appearance

Our Lady of Fatima:

May 13, 1917: Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and the end of the war.
June 13, 1917: I want you to say the Rosary every day.
July 13, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.
August 19, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.
September 13, 1917: Continue saying the Rosary to obtain the end of the war.
October 13, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.

The Real Sister Lucia

“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary. She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”

- St. Lúcia dos Santos of Fatima

“Does the best, most authentic version of the bible, that you believe in, include John 3:16? I'd really like to know.”

Once again, the bible was written by Freemasons, and John the Evangelist is the patron saint of Freemasonry. Freemasons worship Lucifer behind closed doors and do strange things with goats, while worshipping the Lord paradigm of their bible in their secret ceremonies. Do you really think they are giving you the knowledge necessary to get to Heaven? Or do you think they're trying to deceive you. Seriously....

Masonic Bible

Freemasons riding the goat

First Published by the English College at Rheims
A.D. 1582
With Annotations
The Whole Revised and Diligently Compared with
the Latin Vulgate by Bishop Richard Challoner
A.D. 1749-1752”

Bishop Challoner, as a Masonic infiltrator, had a specific need to rewrite the 1632-3 version of the Catholic English bible to do his part in the Lord's Plan, the Masonic “Great Work.” The reason this version had to disappear is because the footnotes in the 1632-3 version of the Catholic bible explained to the reader that they should not say “The Lord.” Here's where to find that - you can click on the image to pull up the entire text. This presented a problem to Freemasonry, which needs the world to fall into the false religion of the Babylonian Lord of the bible to bring about a New World Order, with it's New World Order deity, the lord/big brother, which doesn't actually exist. All clues had to be destroyed from the record. But the Fatima Movement has its ways of finding these things :)

Catholics must not say 'the Lord' from the 1635 Douay Rheims

As far as Challoner, I have scanned and posted what the writers of the 1908 Catholic Encylopedia had to say about him and his “work.”

Catholic Encyclopedia - Challoner

“Sometimes, indeed, you could put your finger on a definite lie. It was not true, for example, as was claimed in the Party history books, that the Party had invented aeroplanes. He remembered aeroplanes since his earliest childhood. But you could prove nothing. There was never any evidence. Just once in his whole life he had held in his hands unmistakable documentary proof of the falsification of an historical fact.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 20

In the end, you'll need to understand the index in the Catholic Latin Vulgate version of the Jewish Scriptures, because Latin is a precise ancient language that holds the key to the Lord paradigm, an 'important' fact that is tragically lost in the Bible's translation into English.

Bible Code 1

Bible Code 2

Bible Code 3

What the English Catholic bibles omit, the Latin contains- specifically a list, called the Nominum Interpretio (Interpretation of the Names) of the Old Testament Lords, which the English version erroneously passes off as a monotheist deity commonly known as 'the Lord.' This is also why Catholic Priests are supposed to be educated in Latin. Sadly, that isn't the case anymore, and you should run from any Catholic Priest that is not Latin-trained. This is covered in this Chapter on the Fatima Movement Website. Chew on this for awhile and write back soon. Thanks.

24 hours later, an email response from our favorite bible based fraternity boy:

Again you have not addressed the question of John 3:16 and its existence in the Catholic bible. If this is not accurate, what is? I give up.

You are essentially saying 2+2 = 5. Like how a Jesuit will say that black is white. There is no room for you and I to debate. In fact, you said I am embarrassing myself. I can't even respond. You need to take it up with God and not me.

Why do you keep responding on the site and not to me? That puts me in an exposed and uncomfortable position, and it doesn't seem very Christian.

I have a bad feeling here, like perhaps you are not what you claim to be. Something is very wrong. Are you perhaps a Jesuit, doing this for some odd reason?

And if you think that rituals and traditions from any human being after Jesus somehow invalidates His words, you have the perception problem, not I. If you think that a ritual of any kind replace the words and doctrine of God, you follow the same path that has put the Catholic church, which is filled with a great many true believers, on the same path. I suggest to you that your movement is headed down the same destructive path.

you once told me to 'reform myself'. Considering this context, that is a VERY interesting choice of words.

Oh and you don't reveal your name either, hiding behind an email address. Cowardice is what I see, hiding behind rituals and internet anonymity. How will such cowardice prevail against these forces you 'say' you are fighting?

Mr. Nobody:

The 'god' you are referencing in John 3:16 is the exoteric 'god' of Freemasonry. The esoteric 'god' of Freemasonry is Lucifer. Once again, if you're going to promote Masonry, you're going to be called out on this site for the deceived, admittedly possessed fraternity boy you are. Our Lady is God, the Mother of the Trinity, and the Holy Ghost is God the Father of the Trinity. This isn't terribly complicated.

The Original Church had the Mass, which was a re-enactment of the Holy Sacrifice of God Jesus Christ and the Seven Sacraments, which are the mysterious “Seven Seals” that are opened during the eclipse of God's Church. The bible was written by Jewish Freemasonry and translated by St. Jerome around the year 380, MORE THAN THREE CENTURIES AFTER THE CATHOLIC CHURCH STARTED. If you were to read it, you would understand you are reading a Masonic Corruption of the History of the Church, with the objective of subverting the world into Babylonian 'Lord' worship, with its designs from Hell by Masonic Initiates who have but no choice at salvation unless they deliver the world to Lucifer, because of their sad state of having sold their soul for power, money, influence, fame, whatever. They need for you to be baptized Masonically and believing in the deceptive fire lord, so that you go to Hell and they benefit. And you're right on target.

Morals & Dogma, the Manual of the first 32 Degrees

Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916):

“To the Mason, God is our Father in Heaven …He is our Father; and we are all brethren.”- Morals and Dogma page 227

”Among the sacred books of the Christians are two works which the infallible church does not pretend to understand, and never attempts to explain, - the prophecy of Ezekiel and the Apocalypse; two cabalistic clavicules, reserved, no doubt, in Heaven, for the exposition of the Magian kings; closed with Seven seals for all faithful believers; and perfectly clear to the unbeliever initiated in the occult sciences.” - Morals and Dogma page page 731

Freemason Albert Pike, 33* Freemason

If you know anything about the Jesuits, you know they promote the bible, while posing as Catholic Priests. In fact, they have been doing this for centuries now. Their leaders have always been of just another Masonic infiltrating Order with the objective of converting the Catholic religion into Protestant Lord worship, and they were more than successful at their mission at Vatican II.

Are you noticing a pattern here? The true Catholic Religion has nothing to do with the bible. The scriptures are of Jewish Masonic Origin, a religion which happens to find Catholicism an inconvenient obstacle to their control of the world. You're either with them, or you're against them. There is a line in the sand. The Latin Vulgate is the Catholic version of St. Jerome's infiltration into Jewish theology. He spent 25 years trying to document what the Jews were up to. If you've ever had a Traditional Catholic Nun knock that stupid book out of your hands, perhaps you would understand that you are reading a book written by men who secretly worship Baphomet.

“Not one man in ten thousand knows anything about the proofs of his faith.” - Morals & Dogma, p. 165

“…even Jesuitry were taught under the mask of Masonry.” - Morals & Dogma, p. 326

”Why do you keep responding on the site and not to me? That puts me in an exposed and uncomfortable position, and it doesn't seem very Christian.

I have a bad feeling here, like perhaps you are not what you claim to be. Something is very wrong. Are you perhaps a Jesuit, doing this for some odd reason?”

I already explained that it's very time consuming to argue with Protestants and Vatican II Sect followers and it is simply more efficient for those who are trying to connect the dots in this 2012 Illuminati conspiracy to read the reasoning of those who believe in a religious book written by Jewish Freemasonry, a talking fire lord. This is a Traditional Catholic Website, and your identity has not been revealed. No, this is definitely not a Jesuit site. If it was, it would be promoting the 'lord's' kingdom that is coming for your soul like a thief in the night and telling you that the Jewish messiah is about to save you from your bad mortgage situation, after a red baby cow is sacrificed in Jerusalem, which of course the true meaning of which is only known to the lord's chosen ones, the Rabbi Elders of Zion.

Perhaps you are a Mason? Or are you just displaying the blindness of those sealed in the Lord's prophecy with the Masonic baptism, causing the piper to lead you to this 'reasoning'? Because after awhile, after reverse engineering the Illuminati, it actually becomes difficult to distinguish the deceived from the deceivers.

Masonic Baptism by Albert PikeMasonic Baptism by Albert PikeMasonic Baptism by Cliff Porter

The Catholic Initiation Rite absolutely requires the name of God the Father: the HOLY GHOST, for the sanctifying grace to take effect on the child's soul. Without it, the soul is anathematized, which is why Freemasonry changed the Catholic Rite to their own.

The secret behind the Mark of the Beast. There is no salvation outside the Church, and you need the Catholic Baptism, not the Vatican II/Masonic Rite to be in the Church. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

The Masonic Initiation Rite into the Holy Spirit is the post-1944 Masonic curse, causing the population shift into the New World Order. Masonry knows the secret, now you do too.

The Lord deception is already broken. Here are some quotes from the Fatima Movement Chapter on the Third “Lost” Key of Freemasonry, which has been found for your convenience.


3 Kings 22:22: “And he said: I will go forth, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said: Thou shalt deceive him, and shalt prevail: go forth, and do so.”

2 Paralipomenom 18:21: “And the Lord said: Thou shalt deceive, and shalt prevail: go out, and do so.”

“For our God is a consuming fire.” - Hebrews 12:29, Jewish Scriptures


“By Adonai (Lord) Eloim, Adonai (Lord) Jehova, Adonai (Lord) Sabaoth, Metraton On Agla Adonai (Lord) Mathon, the Pythonic word, the Mystery of the Salamander, the Assembly of Sylphs, the Grotto of Gnomes, the demons of the heaven of Gad, Almousin, Gibor, Jehosua, Evam, Zariatbatmik: Come, Come, Come !” - The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic, PART II: page 89

“This gives us a due to the identity and state of The Father, “whom no man hath seen at any time,” but who is
revealed in “The Light of the World,” the Son, who is the highest Initiate of the Sun Period. As the unseen fire is revealed in the flame, so also the fullness of the Father dwelt in the Son, and they are one as fire is one with the flame in which it manifests. This is the root of all true Sun or Fire worship. All look beyond the physical symbol and adore “Our Father Who art in Heaven.”
- Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel, page 8.

“And if you think that rituals and traditions from any human being after Jesus somehow invalidates His words, you have the perception problem, not I. If you think that a ritual of any kind replace the words and doctrine of God, you follow the same path that has put the Catholic church, which is filled with a great many true believers, on the same path. I suggest to you that your movement is headed down the same destructive path.”

Once again, the words of the Jesus you are reading is the Jewish Jesus of Hell, the Son of Satan. Here is another confused Protestant that spent 23 minutes in Hell with your Jewish Jesus as his guide. Maybe you'll understand the nature of this Masonic Jesus deception after watching this poor soul.

Protestant Bill WieseProtestant Bill Wiese: 23 Minutes in HellProtestant Bill Wiese's description of what he saw in Hell

“you once told me to 'reform myself'. Considering this context, that is a VERY interesting choice of words.”

If you think those words are interesting, St. Lúcia, the Catholic Nun who was killed and replaced by a certain fraternity has a message for you:

“it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually”

The warning from Sister Lúcia, given to Father Augustín Fuentes (postulator for the beatifications of Francisco and Jacinta, May 22, 1958:

“God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from Heaven is imminent. Father, how much time before 1960 arrives? It will be sad for everyone. Not one person will rejoice at all if beforehand the world does not pray and do penance. I am not able to give any other details because it is still a secret. This is the part of the Message of Our Lady which will remain secret until 1960. My mission is not to indicate to the world the material punishments which are certain to come if the world does not pray and do penance beforehand. No. My mission is to indicate to everyone the imminent danger we are in of losing our souls for all eternity if we remain obstinate in sin... it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not save only his own soul, but all the souls that God has placed on our path... The devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility. God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the immaculate heart of (Our Lady). These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others... the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, even of the life of peoples and nations, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. Finally, devotion to the immaculate heart of (Our Lady), our most holy Mother, consists in considering her as the seat of mercy, of goodness, and of pardon, and as the certain door by which we are to enter Heaven.”

“Oh and you don't reveal your name either, hiding behind an email address. Cowardice is what I see, hiding behind rituals and internet anonymity. How will such cowardice prevail against these forces you 'say' you are fighting?”

The Message of the Mother of God at Fatima to St. Lúcia is the purpose of this website, not the promotion of another bible-thumping, eschatological personality. The Illuminati call me “The Nobody,” and that's fine with me. The Final Warning of Sister Lúcia who was killed by the Masonic Fraternity because she was a threat to the New Order Religion has been 'unerased' from Masonic revisionist history. You know the saying, “those who control the past, control the future”?

There are certain judges in downtown Chicago who consider my promotion of the Fatima Warnings to be very dangerous to the Government, and have criminalized the Real Catholic Religion, which contradicts the fallacy that the U.S. Government is guided by the hand of 'god'. This incredibly ridiculous Masonic deception, promoted by media mouthpieces for the occult, is necessary to carry out the New World Order. Why? Because a belief in the exoteric lord deity of Freemasonry and it's control system is the glue that holds the American and World Masonic Empire together. But that's not airtight anymore, and The Truth is on the march, and some at the top have a big problem with the Fatima Movement of Traditional Catholics against the Illuminati. For whatever reason, I have known people who are in a position to know some very shocking things, who all contributed in a way to the connecting of the dots that this website is gaining a reputation for.

“The 'fool'/Nobody does not fit into that category. Otherwise he would be somewhat successful and be on the TPTB's radar...or at least not be thought of as a fool or nobody...a game changer. Interesting how therre is a full court press now by 'Apollo Illuminati' and other NWO stooges to down play this archtype and throw water on the fire.” - Masonic GLP Post

“You are a fool to not realize the court fool's true purpose, and why he was so good at it. HE IS IN ALL CATEGORIES, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT, GO ---- YOURSELF. Not that you can, death no longer applies. HE CHOSE TO BE A NOTHING. If you can't figure that out on your own you do not even deserve to be within his scope of vision. Tell me I'm wrong one more time, I dare you...” - Masonic GLP Post

“I would like to suggest AGAIN that this subject matter should be taken off of GLP out of respect for those of us who resonate with this profound subject and those who do not get it.” - Masonic GLP Post

“I am sorry. When i say illuminati I am summing up. See all the “groups” are connected. There are many groups, you know the players right? Illuminati, bilderbergs, skull & bones, ect, ect.” - Masonic GLP Post

“Well they have many members, but only a few make policy. Don't ever forget that. Only a handful of people run the NWO.”
- Masonic GLP Post

“You would not believe how they are all connected, like the gangs. You hear of gang violence all the time right? Most of it is BS, stupid people allowed to waste each other. They get their marching orders from higher ups. So does the mob. You would not think that the Mexican “familia”, Russian mob, Italian mob work together right? But they do because they get their orders from higher up.”
- Masonic GLP Post

Managing editor of the 9-11 Commission Report

Regarding Jewish-Freemasonry's involvement in 9/11, I suppose it might help to mention that I knew the managing editor of the U.S. Government's 9/11 Commission Report, and special assistant to Richard Armitage of Bilderberg fame. She is an old acquaintance from debate class. I had the oppurtunity several years back to quiz her on the absence of World Trade Center Building 7 from her final report as well as many other government lies about the event. In typical Big Brother fashion, she would just laugh off any criticisms of her own government, typical of those receiving a livelihood from Big Brother. Sure, of course it was a dozen Arab men in their pajamas. Blame the boogeyman...

Sadly, today this 'smart' Jewish girl is just another cog in the machine at MIT, teaching future government agents about the threat of Islamic fundamentalists, something called the 'Jihad Effect', all the while hiding the true source of the terrorism - Jewish-Freemasonry.

”This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Albert Pike, 1871

Freemason Glen Beck

The Fatima Movement breaks the universality of the New World Order which is built on the RULE OF (Mosaic/Jewish-Masonic) Law, because we as Real Catholics, stand behind the Dogma:

”The most holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the Mosaic Law (the 10 commandments of the 'Lord')... cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation ... Everyone, therefore, who observes circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the Law, the Church declares not in the least fit ... to participate in eternal salvation.” - Infallible Teaching of the Catholic Church from the Council of Florence

So why don't you study some more, you've got a little homework to do. Turn off the television, and read. Pray the Rosary 150 along with your reading. It will allow you to understand the nonsense you are trying to comprehend in the bible.

“The statement went on to say that the spiritual teachings of religion must become the foundation for the new world order and that national sovereignty must be subordinate to the higher moral law of 'God.'” American Institute of Judaism, excerpt from article in The New York Times (December 1942)

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 called Coningsby, the New Generation

If all of this makes you uncomfortable, well, that's too bad. Maybe your frat brothers will fix you a drink.

Subject: ORIGINAL Rosary

By the way:

Thank you for the original Rosary. It makes more sense. I do it every day.


Mr. Nobody:

No problem. It seems to actually be doing what it is supposed to. I have to remind everyone that it's now late 2012 and the most significant news story in the media is about Mitt Romney and his dog. In all seriousness, the 'Great Work' of Freemasonry, which was their plan to deceive the entire world into worshipping the Babylonian fire lord/Allah, seems to be stalled.

The chaos of 2008-9 was supposed to expand into worldwide austerity, the collapse of all governments, the Armageddon War in the Middle East, etc. Protestants were supposed to be running around in their underwear right now testifying about the return of their Jewish Messiah. I can't help but rationalize that the Illuminati are backpedaling on their heels right now.

This Fatima Catholic revolution of knowledge is still in it's infancy, so keep pushing. Spread the word. The bishops aren't going to do it, so the Catholic Underground will have to do it.

“Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” - St. John Chrysostom

“The bottom line is that this role and prophecy is NOT to be hijacked by every ignorant sheople and their profane mother. Well, unless it is now PYOP prophecy where we are all permanently stuck in hell for eternity and our good works do not follow us into our next lives then sure, we are ALL messiahs and prodigal sons of fawking hell. If that is the case, then I resign my post and will love my slavery by spending the rest of my days surfing and teaching my family how to be divine souls in a permanent hell which there is NO escape.” - GLP Masonic post

Third Secret of Fatima - Our Lady's Appearance

Our Lady of Fatima:

May 13, 1917: Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and the end of the war.
June 13, 1917: I want you to say the Rosary every day.
July 13, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.
August 19, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.
September 13, 1917: Continue saying the Rosary to obtain the end of the war.
October 13, 1917: I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day.

The Real Sister Lucy

“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary. She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.”

- St. Lúcia dos Santos of Fatima

The Katyn Massacre by Jew Josef Stalin

The Jewish-Masonic Illuminati New World Order Beast is on the march again, trying to start WWIII in the Middle East at the moment, so it's time to double up the Rosary prayers. Remember, this final war was planned many years ago and the Original Rosary is the antidote because it stops the abomination spoken of by Daniel (9) that allows the Luciferian Brotherhood of Freemasonry to go wild on the world:

WWIII “ARMAGEDDON” WAS PLANNED AND ACTUALLY PREDICTED IN 1871 BY FREEMASON “POPE” ALBERT PIKE IN 1871: “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political (Judeo-Masonic) Zionists and the leaders of (Judeo-Masonic) Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” - The Synagogue of Satan

Subject: Bill Schnoebelen Ex-Vampire

This Ex-Vampire, Ex-Satanic, Ex Freemason, ex-mormon, ex-risicrucian guy you put on the first video. He knows nothing about the Catholic Church, He critisizes the Rosary, Patron saints etc.
Isn't that contrary to your purpose :”The Fatima Movement?”
Why put him on the Front Page ?


Mr. Nobody:

I put Bill Schnoebelen on the front page to make it undeniably obvious to any naive Vatican II 'Catholics' who still aren't convinced that they are following a Masonic Apostasy down into the pit of hell. There's about 1 billion Vatican II sheep, prepared for the slaughter, and not everyone is up to your level of understanding yet. Relax, I'll update it in a couple of days. Geez. You must understand that everyone is not like Frida, who knows “There's Something Going On...”

A 90th deg. Freemason explains among other things how he is 'guided by spirit guides,' that Lucifer is the god of the Lodge, Vatican II, how many Freemasons strive to become Vatican II 'Catholic in name only' priests, as well as how important he thinks he really is. He explains false paradigms (the lord of moses v. the devil), Illuminism, etc. to create a one world religion based on fire-lord of Israel worship.

“LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” - Morals & Dogma, p. 320-1

Freemasons riding the goat

“Almost every one of those new Cardinals were Freemasons.” - 90th deg. Freemason Bill Schnoebelen

Sculpture from Hell at the VaticanThe Masonic Initiation Ceremony

Apocalypse 18:4: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Goe out from her my people: that you not be partakers of her sinnes, and receive not of her plagues.”

Subject: re: Rosary

Thanks for the reply.

Just had one question, has the Vatican in any way responded to your movement? I imagine they must be aware of your site and I am just curious what they think about those of us who have been put back on the right course.



Aside from the Nobody threads (covered more in this link) on the Masonic forums and the surveillance I had to endure in the beginning stages, this is probably one of the more interesting responses to this movement, a letter I received from an underground monk:

Dear Fatima Movement,

I just was in contact with a friend who has contacts in the FBI and I asked him to verify your situation. It is very difficult to contact this friend, but a few hours later, I had his reply, and here is what is going on with us:

The good news: there is no contract hit out on your life. You are safe.

The bad news: a defamation/propodanda contract was put out on you by the ADL/B'nai Brith Jewish Fraternity and the Chabad Lubavitcha few weeks ago, and they are using the Israeli Mossad to harras and smear your message name. The most they will do is post nasty insult comments, masty emails, and propoganda about you and work, but that is all they were hired to do. The person that said you were under a hit was told disinformation in order to create fear and paranoia so that you will stop further investigations into Israel, Iran, and WW3.

The further background given about the reason for the contract: the reason why the ADL/B'nai Brith and Chabad Lubavitch are after you is because you are coming too close to the truth that the Likkud liberal party of Israel(Nethanyahu, Ehud Barak, Peretz, and his gang) and government of Israel is part of the Illuminati, and is connected, with the Iranians Shahs and Muslim Brotherhood, who are illuminati as well, to the Propoganda Dui 2 Lodge and Knights of Malta to create WW3. The Iranian Shahs and Ahmadinajad are really Jewish are working with their co-racialists and religionist Israeli Jews of the Likkud party to make war. B'nai Brith and Chabad Lubavitch were alarmed a few eeks ago by your work and they are afraid that you will discover this truth with your further investigations, and has happened to many other journalists and radio hosts that critisize Israel and Zionist jews as well. The Chabad Lubavitch was the first brotherhood to put a defamation hit on you 5 months ago, but they cancelled the contract when you stopped focusing on Israel and the Zionist Jewish elite. The FBI source said the easy way to cancel the defamation contract is to stop your investigation when the connections lead to Israel and the Zionist Jews in power, to never investigate and critisize Israel and the elite Zionist jews, and to go along with Israel 100%.

HAHAHA! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!

As for myself. I have been under Mossad and every alphabet agency's surveillance and harassment since 2008 when I became a Marian warrior, but they haven't put a hit on me because I am not outspoken, nor a journalist or a radio personality. The Mossad have secret headquarters in North Miami/Aventira, the second Jewish mecca in America.

I was informed that we are already classified as ”mentally ill religious fanatics” by the alphabet agencies and they are planning to base any future martial law charges on that, but that is unlikely, when millions of people are waking up to the entire truth. Being classified as a religious fanatic brings a lessar punishment when compared to famous people that are outspoken on the truth, so at worst, when martial law occurs, if it occurs, we will be held up in a camp and wil go through a re-education process if we are not defiant. Hopefully, we will be in the same camp. That's possible if the Illuminati still have power by the end of the year. They pick up the famous radio personalities and journalist at 2:00 AM, while they pick up the “mentally ill religious fanatics” at 4:00 AM I was informed.

It will never happen. Keep on typing away!

-Br. O-----

But other than that, lately things have been quiet for me because I've learned how to use the Rosary to inflict fear upon Freemasons who try anything. I'm not expecting Benedict to roll up and bang on my door anytime soon. Direct confrontations are against the rules because they wake up the sleeping gentiles. In this fight, Jewish-Freemasons battle you with their pawns, the goyim, who are stirred up to try to cause you to stop exposing them. Watch the Adjustment Bureau or the Matrix Trilogy to kind of learn how this works. You'll notice in these movies, the script writers utilize systems of doorways to symbolize the tools of the Illuminati, and agents who know how to work those doors. I don't think it is a coincidence that in promoting the Keys to the Doors of Heaven on this Fatima Website, I have provoked some sort of revolution.

Keys to Heaven

They've been leaving me alone lately, more or less, because I've learned how to fight back, effectively. But who knows, they're probably setting up another round of excitement for me in the near future. But what I've learned is that when you pray the Rosary, souls are being saved from Hell/Purgatory. If you ask Our Lady to save the souls of those who are or will be under the spiritual hierarchy of specific Freemasons who are hassling you, it costs them what they value the most - souls, something Baphomet wants from them in exchange for the deal they made in their initiation. This causes them to descend DOWN Jacob's Ladder, into the pit of fire of the bottom of Hell, because it is condemned souls, under their service, that allows them to climb Jacob's Ladder into the more tolerable portions of Hell. And Baphomet doesn't raise those who reveal the secrets of Freemasonry, as some of these men did to me.

richard a. wilsonfrank philips - st john cantius chicagojohn pettiles powell

“one of the last defences the nobody had planned when he was being attacked on a daily basis, was to bring his story online to reach a large amount of people. this was so he could be in a crowd and just point to who was illuminati and people would instantly see. the nobody took what was being done to him, all the attacks and all the manipulation programming, and did it right back to them.” - Masonic post from GLP's Watchtower

The Structure of Freemasonry elevates those who delivered the most souls to the Devil with the Old-Testament Lord heresy.

It's actually quite amazing to watch Freemasons turn white as a ghost and run from you like cockroaches, but that is one of the powers of the Catholic Religion and Our Lady's Rosary. I did check in on this Masonic Vatican II priest about a year ago, and he looks utterly destroyed. It's fascinating - he runs from me like a little girl. I used to work for this impostor, Fr. Frank C. Phillips of St. John Cantius, and observed what was going on with these Vatican insiders. He “said too much” and actually helped me connect dots that should have been buried long ago. So now this Vatican II 'Reverend' trudges on, leading his false Traditionalist, 1962 based Novus Ordo false rebellion against the 1969 garbage, and the Fatima Movement is online to broadcast to those who care about the Truth, the Warnings from Our Heroine Saint, Sister Lúcia of Fatima.

“The veil of secrecy was impenetrable, sealed by oaths and penalties the most tremendous and appalling.” - Morals & Dogma, p. 359

“The Initiates ought to understand this, and, lest the profane should overhear, Masonry never says too much.” - Morals & Dogma, p. 732

“It is the Dead that govern. The Living only obey.” 33* Freemason Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, page 315 (click for link to the full-text)

“He did not see that the continuity of an oligarchy need not be physical, nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been short-lived, whereas adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church have sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 122

Freemason John Paul II and Freemason C. Frank Philips

Below is the document I received from the Vatican II 'Cardinal' of Chicago, explaining the New Order. I must say, at the time I had no idea what I was involved with, but I guess God put me on this path to someday have the opportunity to break them.

Darren Archdiocese letter 1

Darren Archdiocese letter 2

“Don't ask me how I know this but the lack of doom latley is caused by a wildcard, someone who the Illuminati did not expect. This person apparently came out of nowhere, he is a nothing a nobody, yet much hangs in the balance because of him, lol that's God for ya...

He is a nothing, a nobody, yet much hangs in the balance because of him...I made it as clear as i could. He basically told the Illuminati to go f**k itself, basically to their faces, and they did not kill him, rather they like him because he is REAL and not a zombie. Clear now?” - GLP Masonic Post

The Nobody glp

The Woman of Scars

Thread: “What characteristics does THE NOBODY have? Need help finding him/her!”

“Six one - Blonde - Blue eyes - Athletic - Funny as a mug - Uhmmm,, intelligent - Likes to stop and smell the roses”

Thread: “The Nobody, what traits?”

“Betrayed by those who were closest to him. - Able to unplug from the matrix and see the big picture. - Helps others to see the deception. - Speaks without fear, for fear is an illusion. - Wants to go home, but knows he has a job to do here.”

As the leader of the Catholic Resistance to the Judeo-Masonic New World Order, it seems all they can do is report on me to each other now, from a distance. They post videos of my ex-wife, an apparent Freemason (I'll probably never know who she was), they report on the effects of what I've done and how it stopped the Apocalypse, and I found this recently- a movie called Mr. Nobody which is supposed to be some sort of biography of my life.

This movie is kind of insulting, but it's so similar to my life that I thought I'd post it for my readers. In the movie, Mr. Nobody's dad is in a wheelchair - in real life, my dad had polio and was in a wheelchair, and in addition to that, in 1954, my grandfather ordered the family to pray the Rosary and for whatever reason, out of the six people in the polio ward in the hospital he was staying at, he was the only one that lived through it. Here's a picture of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima from my grandparent's backyard, and this is one of those things that caused me to focus in on the Message of Fatima to break the New World Order.

The self-centered mother of the Mr. Nobody in the movie also resembles my mother, who actually married a Freemason. The crazy blonde, possessed girl-next-door in the movie is pretty much a match for who I think the Freemasons have labelled “the woman of scars,” or the Illuminati girl, my ex-wife. There's so many strange connections in that weird movie, and also so many fabrications, that I feel like I should set the record straight, but finding the time to do so is counter-productive.

Our Lady of Fatima Shrine

So to answer your question, the Vatican can do nothing about this. The Illuminati can do nothing. Sister Lúcia's Secret is out. The Devil had to win the world by subversion. But in 2009-2012, it seems they have lost. Freemasons have to deceive the entire world into believing in the Babylonian, apocalyptic lord of their religious control system before the New World Order can begin it seems, but nobody really knows for sure, now. All indications are that the script that Freemasonry has been following to usher in the Jesus deception have been interrupted. And all the Illuminati can do is sit there and watch things fall apart for them.

Luke 18:8: “Yet when the son of man comes, will he find, do you think, faith on the earth?”

Subject: 3rd Secret & Great Apostasy

Good afternoon,

I have been in a similar situation to yours. The Illuminati / Mystery religion folks nearly killed me about a year ago before I had any idea what was going on or even believed that the spiritual world even existed. For 8 days I battled a terrifying curse / demonic attack, not able to sleep or eat, experiencing things that made 'the Exorcist' look like a comedy, and barely survived it. I was hospitalized twice with heart palpitations.

I would not have survived if I hadn't just given up the fight and handed it over to Jesus. When I did that, my mind cleared, I burped about 300 times in an hour (i found out later that this is what happens when demons are driven out).

I never understood the motive of this attack, but in the meantime I have combined Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do (it's a philosophy, not a religion) with prayer and the New Testament and now I can achieve the states of altered consciousness like Saint John of the Cross and Saint Theresa of Avila. Combining the no-mind state with prayer is very powerful, it let's you get close to God. For it to work, you have to shut your mind off and let God take over. You can't have a specific goal in mind; just become a paintbrush in the hand of God.


There are several references to Saint Paul falling into a trance, it is a legitimate Christian practice.

I tell you these things because I believe it to be the only way to overcome the Satanic powers that are behind all the mystery religions. They own the Catholic church. The Jesuits and the rest of them, it is my belief that they are Pagan / Satanic / Babylonian mystery religion practitioners. God promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. I do think they have prevailed against the leadership, if not the believers.

I am sorry to hear about what they did to your wife. They have in turn tried to do the same thing to my family. For example, I know they sent curses after my son A--- right after we adopted him in April of 2009. Again, the motive is inexplicable.

This was a curse directed at me and my family, for reasons that are inexplicable to me. But in the meantime I have disciplined myself in the no-mind prayer state and hit back a little. But when I hit back, I am only asking God to show these people the truth.

I haven't joined any religious denomination. The denominations only agree on one thing - that everyone else, except them, is wrong. Until this is clear for me I have rejected all rituals / initiations, etc. I merely focus on relationship with God and the truth will emerge.


Combining Bruce Lee's method of 'no limitations' with the teachings of Jesus, and the no-mind state, is in my opinion an unbeatable combination.

The ultimate expression of Jeet Kune Do intersects with Jesus' teaching. Jesus said, 'love your enemy'. Bruce said 'when the opponent moves, we intercept'.

If you love your enemy, he will not attack and is thus intercepted with non-violence. If Bruce had lived longer, I suspect he would have eventually reached a place where he left JKD behind and applied the teachings of Jesus as the ultimate intercept.

I tell you these things in the interest of furthering your progress. I hope it is useful to you.



This is what i was - a blind man, when under attack by those curses. This sequence really sums up Jeet Kune Do. It is a system of thought that, when applied to Christianity, is very powerful.

If this is all true, and I suspect it is, why not just start a new church in Fatima? Believers can choose to join or not; even the most fervent believer knows that the church hierarchy is rotten to the core.

IE, don't fight city hall, BE city hall.

Mr. Nobody:

Sorry about the delay in answering your 3 emails. This is going to be a long one. First of all, if the local Baphomet Frat Boys are leaving you alone, you should know that you are not a threat to them and that you have lost. If you were to die today, you would go to Hell, and this is why:

“I would not have survived if I hadn't just given up the fight and handed it over to Jesus. When I did that, my mind cleared, I burped about 300 times in an hour (i found out later that this is what happens when demons are driven out).”

The biblical Jesus you gave up to is precisely the Masonic Jesus of the Bible that the Freemasons follow. Here is a video of a 32nd deg. Shriner who is 'born again' after selling his soul to the Devil, admitting that Jesus is his Most Worshipful Master.

Christ is God, but Jesus is the son of the lord of Israel, Satan and understanding this duality is one of the keys to an effective exorcism. The impostor Jewish Masonic Jesus is the tool that every non-Catholic, 'christian' in name only sect follows. This duality is covered extensively in this chapter, with the authority of the Mother of God's words as well as pre-eschatological Catholic references. One of the characteristics of the nobody, admitted by the Illuminati, is that I was able to break the false teachings of 'Jesus,' something that confuses the interviewer in this video. This is how I managed to do that, and the Fatima Prayer is the key to understanding. Please reform yourself.

The Da Vinci Code - two jesuses

“There are several references to Saint Paul falling into a trance, it is a legitimate Christian practice.”

It is a common 'christian' practice, but it is not a Catholic one. Falling into a trance, just like one of the 'saints' of Freemasonry, John of Patmos in the Apocalypse did, is Voo-Doo 101. Don't do it. Mainline protestant sects are confused by spiritual phenomenon all the time. What these 'miracle working' protestant televangelists fail to tell you is that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, which requires the pre-1944 Catholic Rite of Baptism to join. They work minor 'miracles' and 'cast out demons' via Beelzebub in a choreographed show, coordinated with the spirits of Hell who leave willingly, because they know the end-game. The dumb goyim buy into this show completely unaware that when they die, that door to Heaven is shut in their face because they are outside of the Church, and another soul bites the dust. This is specifically why the Jewish Jesus of the Masonic bible is criticized by observers in these verses:

Luke 11:14: And he was casting out a devil, and the same was dumb; and when he had cast out the devil, the dumb man spoke. And the crowds marvelled.
Luke 11:15: But some of them said, “By Beelzebub, the prince of devils, he casts out devils.”
Luke 11:16: And others, to test him, demanded from him a sign from heaven.
Luke 11:17: But he, seeing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and house will fall upon house.
Luke 11:18: If, then, Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because you say that I cast out devils by Beelzebub.

“This was a curse directed at me and my family, for reasons that are inexplicable to me. But in the meantime I have disciplined myself in the no-mind prayer state and hit back a little. But when I hit back, I am only asking God to show these people the truth.”

And this is why, if your children are not baptized Catholic because of your falling away, they will be your judges in Hell, because you failed in the fight to keep the name of God the Holy Ghost. They have scattered you, which is why they leave you alone now. You and your family must be baptized Catholic before death, otherwise you and the branches of your family tree will be cast into the fire.

Luke 11:19: Now, if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.”

Matthew 26:31: Then (the Masonic) Jesus said to them, “for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.”

St. Lucia of Fatima

“It is with a certain trepidation because if you despise and reject this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.”

- Sister Lúcia Santos, 1957

“But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, shall never have forgiveness, but shall be guilty of an everlasting sin.” - Mark 3:29 1899 D.R.

“I haven't joined any religious denomination. The denominations only agree on one thing - that everyone else, except them, is wrong. Until this is clear for me I have rejected all rituals / initiations, etc. I merely focus on relationship with God and the truth will emerge.”

That's the common way of dealing with Vatican II - giving up and hoping for the best. This is exactly the conclusion the Illuminati want you to come to. You must join the Catholic Church, even though it is underground. This has been the case for some time now, nothing new, but nobody ever said this was going to be easy.

”They have thebuildings, we have the faith.” - St. Athanasus (4th Century)

“If you love your enemy, he will not attack and is thus intercepted with non-violence. If Bruce had lived longer, I suspect he would have eventually reached a place where he left JKD behind and applied the teachings of Jesus as the ultimate intercept.

I tell you these things in the interest of furthering your progress. I hope it is useful to you.”

Thanks for your concern, but as Kurt Cobain says: “your going to freakin' burn.” Don't worry about Kung-Fu superstars. There's no evidence that he was ever Catholic. There is a logic to Judo however that can be utilitzed and it is this: when you have a small army of Freemasons coming after you for spreading the Truth, pray the Rosary, absorb the blows, but don't waste energy going after the horsemen's ass. Go for the head of the organization and aim your efforts at their leader, the Devil. The easiest way to do that is to spread the knowledge of the Three Lost Keys of Freemasonry that have now, at this late stage in the game, been found.

The Keys to Heaven

“If this is all true, and I suspect it is, why not just start a new church in Fatima? Believers can choose to join or not; even the most fervent believer knows that the church hierarchy is rotten to the core.

IE, don't fight city hall, BE city hall.”

Well, that is the goal here. But I'm in a very weak financial position and can't do this alone. As you can tell, this website needs a lot of work and there's tons of information to be added, but if you want to start, the most effective, efficient way to begin is to make 150 Rosaries and hand them out to Traditional Nuns, and get the ball rolling in our favor, one soul at a time, just like the Masonic Moses did so long ago. The end goal is to re-take the papacy by waking up the masses to what these Vatican II perverts are actually up to, but that's going to take a massive effort. It has begun though, the rest is up to all of you.

Subverted hierarchy of the Catholic Church

I suggest taking advantage of the Conditional Catholic Baptism, praying the Rosary 150, reading AA-1025, the Alta-Vendita, and everything else on this website. You'll get the understanding of the inner-workings of the battle for the soul of the Church, you'll understand how Freemasonry won that battle, and you'll better understand how we can win the war.

Remember that Freemasonry owns the Church now, top down, even in Fatima. Here is the Masonic 'Bishop' of Fatima Antonio Marto at a Masonic ceremony.

Freemason Bishop of Fatima caught on camera in a Masonic Lodge

Reader Response:

Thanks for answering my questions. You have a very thought provoking site, and God be with you.

I do disagree that ANY ritual is capable of gaining salvation for you. Relationship with God is what is important; these rituals, IMO, are just a fancy mess, empty routines that get you nowhere.

Hey I'll be happy to read the book that you consider non-heretical. Which one should I order and from where? I read everything.

Oh BTW to clarify, I never said nor thought Bruce was a Catholic. Also, he was not a religious figure, he was just a philosopher. I do not follow his religious beliefs at all and I never considered JKD as a religion.

I wanted to let you know one more thing - I am not a member of any organized religion or club, or brotherhood. I was in a Greek fraternity many years ago but I have since renounced and broken that spiritual bond. I am a Christian and that's it, nothing else. I have no doubts about my relationship with God and I want you to know that I am no kind of Masonic (or any other mystery religion) person.

I am looking forward to reading the book you consider as non-heretical. Am I correct that you consider Revelation to be heretical? And with it most of the bible? Yes I am very interested in reading the text you consider accurate.

Mr. Nobody:

No problem, and thanks. You should read AA-1025 and the Alta Vendita to start, just click on the names, and you'll gain from these the understanding of the inner-workings of a sophisticated battle that is on a Bishop/High-Degree Masonic level. In other words, you'll understand Sacramental warfare and the infiltration into the Vatican over the Centuries that culminated in 1944, all designed by Freemasonry to PREVENT Catholics from getting the Sacraments, specifically Catholic Baptisms. Until you experience the power you are missing out on, this will unfortunately only be interesting literature to you.

I hope you can apply this logic to your situation: it's obvious that the Illuminati have expended an extraordinary effort to prevent the world from getting the Sacraments, so maybe they are so important that you should get them. I don't know how otherwise to impart their significance. Listen, I'm just an average guy, a nobody. I'm not taking the time, the hits and the financial loss to publish these needles in a haystack because I'm bored. It was a lot of work to break Freemasonry, and you'll notice the uproar this has had when you read the Masonic posts regarding the Nobody phenomenon, the Illuminati offer, the stoppage of the Apocalypse, etc. I don't have any advertising on this site, I don't take in donations like the Masonic Dimond 'Brothers' do, I don't have any Vatican gold behind my chair, so at least consider doing something contrary to what Lucifer and the emerging New World Order don't want you to. The destruction of the Rosary and Sacramental Rites are so valuable to Freemason infiltrators that they will play fake priest/bishop/cardinal/pope for a lifetime, just to advance the destruction of real Catholics and their intelligence as resistors to the New World Order. What the Devil has promised them in return must be along the lines of total control of the world for these men to sacrifice their entire lives to carry on this act. What I'm teaching you to do is to fight back, legally, and effectively.

What I'm trying to get you to understand is that you'll be like Katie Perry - “Wide Awake,” (first video clip below) but you won't have to sell your soul to the Devil, as she admits in the second video clip below. It's the effect of the Catholic Initiation Rite that had to be destroyed in 1944 to create a world of easily controlled goyim by 2012. Take it seriously and do it right, or don't do it at all. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, and this Rite is necessary to be in the Church. You'll notice that this famous singer was raised “Christian,” and not Catholic. And you'll also notice that Freemasons make no attempts to subvert other religions. This is because all other religions are rooted in Freemasonry, from Luther, Mohammed, to Calvin, Pat Robertson- the list is almost endless.

“I wish I knew then, what I know now, wouldn't dive in, wouldn't bow down (to the devil)” - Katie Perry, “Wide Awake”

I understand you know Bruce Lee was not Catholic. Realistically, he was probably just another initiated master into the occult sciences. It's hard to get to that level of fame without selling your soul. Believe me, I used to work in Hollywood and was once invited to the Academy Awards for my 3D Effects work on a very famous film. The invitation said I had to rent a tuxedo and go to the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. I didn't care to go, it's not my style at all, and this 'attitude problem' cost me some opportunities, but at least now I know from personal experience how that town works, how the Jews control it from top to bottom, and what their objective is. It's all subversive, Jewish trash meant to demoralize and degrade human beings who chose to worship initiated 'stars' instead of Christ at the Sacrifice of the Mass. There are consequences to all of this.

Do some greek fraternities use Satanic initiation rites like they did in Animal House (1978)? Did they make you say, “Thank you sir, may I have another?” That would be an interesting addition to this website. I went to a VII Catholic university that didn't allow hat-people, so I wasn't exposed to this stuff. I went to visit a friend at a college one time and some dorks came up to me asking if I was 'rushing'. I thought they were asking if I was Russian, so I just answered that I was Polish and continued on. I never understood this idea of joining a brotherhood to get by in life. But it would be cool if you could send in some info on that for other readers. A lot of men feel the need to join brotherhoods to feel a sense of confidence, like police and soldiers, like in a gang, to have backup or whatever if someone were to scare them. It's interesting.

As long as you understand that Christ is God, the God of Heaven, you're getting there. And yes, the Apocalypse, although entirely heretical, is more of an explanation of what happens to the world when it falls into heresy, that is, when the Church dies and accepts that Christ and God are separate entities. The Apocalypse actually begins right off the bat with the heresy that Christ and God are two:

Apoc. 1:1: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ (Iefu Christi) which God (Deus - the god who is coming in Latin) gave him, to make manifest to his servants the things which must be done quickly : and signified, sending by his Angel (Angelum) to his servant John, (Joanni)

So yes, the Apocalypse and the bible are heretical, and do forecast what will happen to the world when it falls for the story it is telling. I suggest that if you have the time, to read both the 1582 version, a modern VII Jerusalem version, with a pre-1800 Latin Vulgate next to it to aid in the translation of the various names of the gods in the Old Testament - lord of hosts, lord of lords, jehovah, adonai, morning star, etc. This will take you a few months to get through, but afterwards you'll understand how complex and dangerous the Jewish scriptures are. As the bible warns in its own pages, “beware the scribes.”

This is why Catholic Dogma urged the burning of this book and prevented even priests from owning a copy. In the wrong hands, it becomes a mouthpiece for the dumb, who proudly boast of their ability to read and arbitrarily quote lines from it while unintentionally damning people. It is an Illuminati roadmap for the subversion of the city of seven hills (Rome), the capturing of the Catholic Papacy, and the provokation of the end-times Armageddon war which happens as a consequence to the world for failing to preserve the name of God (Jesus Christ) and making the God of Heaven a son of a fire (the biblical Lord/Koranic Allah). It also covers the destruction of the Seven Sacraments (Seven Seals of the Apocalypse), their characteristics, effects and outcomes (people thrown like chaffe into the fire).

The events we are seeing unfold in Israel RIGHT NOW are an attempt by Jewish Freemasonry to fulfill a prophecy written long ago on a Greek island by a Jewish Freemason who was 'in the spirit' or as we call it, possessed. The stoppage of these events directly related to the praying of the original 150 Rosary. It defeats the Apocalypse, stops the abomination of desolation, and resurrects certain things which must go away before the Apocalypse can proceed.

Good luck.

Subject: TRUE Rosary

Dear Sir,

I just wanted to add a testament to the power of the True Rosary. After years of miserable employment and novena after novena of the wrong rosary I asked for a job using the real Rosary which produced immediate results, in fact better results than I could ever imagine….the job basically fell in my lap. I don’t want to put the world ahead of what really matters, but Our Lady, as I found out will help with everything. The Rosary is easy, have someone make one for you or make it yourself and change your life NOW!

Thanks for all your hard work and the wake up call,


Mr. Nobody:

You're welcome. You're the second person to say that to me in the last three days. The eleventh and twelvth of the fifteen promises of Our Lady, the Queen of Heaven, are:

11. “You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.“

12. “All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.“

And of course the reason this original version works is because it did not include prayers to Allah/Satan, and his 'luminous mysteries' (the biblical lord construct).

”The best method of prayer is the Holy Rosary if you SAY IT WELL.” - St Francis de Sales ( Doctor of Church)

In the Church's early days, when the Jews were cast into the forest for centuries, there were no Jewish bankers devaluing every penny we earn, there was no IRS taking away the rest, and people actually had time to have large families, go to Church, send their sons off to the priesthood, their daughters to be nuns (to protect their family's spiritual interests).

Slaves of the pyramids of Egypt

Today we see a return to a slavery very similar to a 1960's Moses movie, where the goyim are forced to work to build the pyramids in chain-gang fashion.

Slaves to the Egyptian pyramid on the dollar bill

The only difference is that today, Freemasonry deceives people into building their pyramid, willingly, with the lure of shiny things and easy loans to buy them. Of course, Jewish bankers just punch a button on a computer, and more currency is created. Then, the goyim, who generation by generation forgot the importance of the freedom Christ gave them from the Jews become enslaved BOTH in this world, and the next.

“Jews don't work.” - Rabbi Abe Finkelstein, N.Y.

“Voo-doo economics” - George Bush labels Reagan's economic plan in the 1980 Republican U.S. Presidential Primary

Here's a funny news report from “The Onion,” a satirical newspaper out of Wisconsin. They show anathematized, modern women literally building a pyramid in downtown Chicago so they can spend the after-life with their god, Oprah. Of course, Hell is much worse, but it's a funny commentary on how women willingly dupe themselves into working for Masonic/Eastern Star leaders - something most men are sick and tired of - from centuries of experience. Rockefeller admitted to filmmaker Aaron Russo that his family funded the women's worker movement in order to have the (Masonic) state raise their children, and to tax the other half of the population in the video on the right.

The point is, use your money to spread the Truth and help wake up others from this Matrix. Obviously today, we all have to work for these Jewish Freemasons to survive, but try to live simply and use the proceeds to fight the beast the best you can. Thanks for sending that in.

Subject: Deep Theology

Hello, I am a seeker after the purest devotion to Our Lady. I have been through the labyrinth of sects and schisms, and was about to go and worship Pope Pius V's Latin Mass. Can you tell me and advise me as to your research about who is the real priests to receive Communion and Confess, or is the entire situation corrupt and the movement individual and personal? Because I am returning Catholic and just wanted to do things in proper manner, bless rosary and guidance and Confess but the whiff of Masonry has me remaining a lone hermit. I appreciate your site and respect your advice. I live in Delaware United States. Peace be with you, R-----

Mr. Nobody:

Labyrinth is a great way of explaining the tricky way out of the Novus Ordo. Freemasonry did such an incredible job buring the Truth, offering Freemason Pius V and his heretical Rosary as false opposition, starting groups like the Sancta Missa movement of heretical 'traditionalists,' etc., spiking every angle of potential opposing viewpoints, it's truly a beast.

As far as the potential for any real priests left for the Sacrament of Confession, there probably are none. The best advice I can offer is to pray the 150 Rosary at least once a day because that's probably what a real priest would prescribe for your sins. Our Lady gave it a new efficacy at Fatima for a reason, and it works. You'll save your own soul, save the souls of many others, and disrupt the 2012 Masonic eclipse of the real Church.

If this answer does not satisfy, your best bet for confession would be to find a validly ordained priest, in other words one that was ordained before the Vatican II destruction of the Ordination Rite. But the chances of finding one are next to none because the valid priests have either been excommunicated or are dead. My uncle was kicked out of the seminary in the early 1960's for being 'too serious.' They told him to do something else with his life after 18 mos. of life as a monk. Other priests are facing jail-time for rejecting Benedict's regime. It's a bad situation- Freemasonry is in full control, and any rebels have either been neutralized or kicked out. If by some miracle you do find a real Catholic Priest, make sure he absolves your sins using the name “Holy Ghost” and not the 'holy' spirit. The Sacraments/Seals (all seven of them) do not work if the name of God is not present, along with the Catholic intention. The formula for baptism applies to all Seven Sacraments.

Below is p. 95 from AA (Anti-Apostle) #1025 which references the Pius V controlled opposition. It's a great book to read if you want to understand the internal process of destroying the Catholic Church so that you can better recognize invaIid priests. I thought you'd find this interesting:

AA-1025 Pius V

I started the Fatima Movement website with the intent to start a revolution against the Beast by concentrating and publishing these 'needles in the haystack.' In the last two years, the Fatima Trintiy seed of Truth has been planted in over 100,000 minds, and keep in mind that I'm just one Catholic. If 1000 of us were as intolerant of deception, we could start a Revolution in the Vatican, which really is the end-game. Seizing back he Chair of St. Peter could be a realistic goal within the next 50 years, especially with the way information travels so quickly these days via the internet. But it's going to take some sacrifice from those loyal to Christ and Our Lady.

If you read the Masonic chat boards like GLP, you'll notice it's definitely having an effect on stopping their Apocalyptic script. Once everyone believes in this eschatological religion known as 'revelation' or 'jesus is coming,' the apocalypse fulfills itself. On the contrary, if an effort is made to expose this end-times spiritually destructive Masonic religion, the Apocalyptic process STOPS.

I understand the lone hermit outlook, I had it myself for awhile. But then I realized that this knowledge, just like a Mitt Romney corporation, must grow or it will die. The trend is obvious, and it was a reasonably expected that by Dec. 2012, the Masonic mission against the Church would be accomplished. But the publishing of the Fatima Apparitions and the reasons for them have interrupted all of that.

“When the Truth is found to be a lie, and all the thoughts within you die...” - “Don't you want somebody to love” - Jefferson Airplane

“The lie is sacred.” - Vladimir Lenin

The Illuminati are literally banking on the death of Truth, so if you're looking to help, start spreading the Truth. Go to religious mettings, go to bible studies and start asking embarrassing questions to their leaders in the presence of their goyim to wake them up. Ask about the 666 Lord passage in the Old Testament, naively ask about Freemasonry and then show them Pike's passage on Lucifer, point out in Catholic meetings that the Sacraments are invalid if the name of God the Father, the Holy Ghost is absent and point them to the evidence, print out this material, spread the link to this website, and after awhile, you'll be able to make hermits out of those who contradict what their leaders write.

To become most efficient in your efforts, target this information at people who are duped, yet have influence such as non-Masonic Vatican II priests, SSPX members, Traditional Nuns, deacons, etc., because the goyim flock to them for truth. Waking up just one of these Vatican officials has the potential to wake up hundreds if not thousands under their 'watch.' This is important. Making 150 Rosaries and handing them out to nuns is also one of the most effective ways to overturn this. It speaks their language. Printing out the Trinitarian Theophany and handing those out wakes people up as well. If you want, email this image to docucopies.com and print up several thousand of these, and hand them out at Vatican II 'churches'. They'll run about 15 cents each, but they make quite the impression. Email if you need technical help with this process. They'll deliver a box of these prints to your door and then you'll have something permanent in your hand to give out, unlike a website which could go down whenever they decide to pull the plug on the internet. This information is hard to find, and there's a lot of effort being by the opposition to suppress it.

Fatimamovement Rosary Flier FrontFatima Rosary Flier Back

Good luck and check in from time to time with what transpires, and thanks for the compliments. If more people put down the remote control and actually paid attention to why the end of the world is happening, it may not happen after all.

Subject: ORIGINAL Rosary

Dear Fatima Movement:

I just came across your website and learned about the original rosary. Where can one be obtained? Is it acceptable to make one?


Mr. Nobody:

We're not aware of any for sale on the internet, yet, but that's about to change. Of course you can make one. In fact, if you can, set up an eBay shop and sell them. Send us the link!

The Fatima Movement is coordinating the production of a Swavorski crystal 150 Ladder Rosary with a wood crucifix, silver accents, and custom medallions that highlight the Trinitarian Theophany of 1929, St. Lúcia, the Fatima Movement emblem (St. Peter's insignia), and the pre-1322 Rosary prayer, but it's going to be at least another month before that's available. It's going to be pricey, but we're trying to raise funds. Assembling this information and causing this stoppage of the Apocalyse and the Nobody Phenomenon has been economically draining, and frankly, we want to take this to the next level and need to raise a few bucks. As you may have noticed, we're keeping it together with no outside advertising or help from anyone. This is a true grass-roots movement, based on an idea - the Truth. So stay tuned.

If you already have one that you're sentimentally attached to, you can cut off the Allah beads with wire cutters, then use 3mm jump rings (available at Michael's or Hobby Town) and put the chain back together. 15 decade versions are available on eBay still, so you can modify those, but it's recommended that you get rid of the 'INRI' on the cross, which is pretty standard nowadays. It should read 'GOD,' not “Jesus of Nazareth (INRI).

I once received a standard modern 5 decade Rosary from someone with a metal tag on it which had the Illuminati pyramid on it with the phrase “Made in Italy” stamped on it. Heretics are motivated to saturate the market with this heretical religious symbology, and for good reason. It's time we fight back by saturating the market with the Truth. Somebody has to do it. If you're willing and able, go for it.

Another thing you can do is make less-expensive, original Rosaries out of plastic and rope with prayer cards and hand them out to Vatican II school kids and nuns. They probably haven't been exposed to the concept of Allah not being in the original Trinity and this will cause constructive conversations to happen. Even 'Catholic' high-school kids looking for something to rebel against their teachers with will have a field day with the exposure of the Lord deception because it will leave their teachers stunned and embarrassed.

Nuns will be shocked the most, as they have been mislead by their leadership into heretical Lord/Allah worship and Jewish Messianic expectation for quite some time, so it's critical to get them to wake up. They will understand the significance of the original 150 Rosary. They are the ones the Masonic Jesus was speaking about in the Parable of the Ten Virgins from Matthew 25 (the wise are the Eastern Star 'nuns'; the foolish are the heretical Allah worshipping nuns who were not initiated into the women's Luciferian Lodge, Eastern Star):


25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride.
25:2 And five of them were foolish, and five wise.
25:3 But the five foolish, having taken their lamps, did not take oil with them:
25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps.
25:5 And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.
25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet him.
25:7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
25:8 And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out.
25:9 The wise answered, saying: Lest perhaps there be not enough for us and for you, go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
25:10 Now whilst they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut.
25:11 But at last come also the other virgins, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us.
25:12 But he answering said: Amen I say to you, I know you not.
25:13 Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour.

Preoccupied nuns

Distracted nuns playing cards in Chicago. Getting this knowledge into their heads is critical to destroying the Masonic Beast that they have been deceived into serving.

Good luck and let us know how it goes. Thanks.

Subject: Biblical Contradictions

got a list of biblical contridictions

Matt 2:3-20 baby jesus went into egypt to escape king herod.
Luke 2:4-40 baby jesus was not taken to egypt and was in no danger

we also know that there was no king named Herod during the lifespan of this mythical Jesus

leviticus 26:1 the lord says make no idols | Numbers 21:6,8,9 the lord demands a brass snake idol

numbers 5:11-31 the lord demands a witchcraft ritual

judges 11:30-39 the lord demands human sacrifice -- ends up accepting a baby girl for it

exodus 12:5-13 & 27 the lord demands ritual mass murder

exodus 7:8-12 more witchcraft

genesis chapter 1: animals are made before man
genesis chapter 2: man is made before animals

matt 24:29,30,34+ jesus says his second coming will occur during the disciples life-time.

genesis 12:10-20 abraham pimps his wife/sister for money | 20:1-18 pimps her again for money | 21:9 becomes first deadbeat dad ; the lord blesses him

matthew, mark, luke say jesus dies hanging on cross | 1st peter 2:21-24, acts 5:29-31, 10:38-40, 13:28-31 indicate jesus dies hanging on a tree.

psalms 82:1 states god is in the congregation of the gods, meaning biblical religion is not monotheistic

john 19:34 says shed blood for mankind | matt 27:33-54 , mark 15:22-39, luke 23:33-47 no blood

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks. There's enough contradictions in that book written by Freemasons to keep Protestants occupied for an eternity.

God is Truth. There are no contradictions with Christ, Our Lady, and the Holy Ghost.

But the road to Hell is paved in contradictory bible verses. Disproving this heretical book and picking up a 150 Rosary is the way to go. Not only does this approach save your soul and the souls of countless numbers of souls in Purgatory, it can provide an effective and abundant heat source for those struggling to keep their homes warm with these rising natural gas prices.

One approach to keep the Protestants occupied is to take advantage of free bible giveaways. It keeps them working to spread their gospel message and keeps us warm. This way, the world is not consumed in fire, the dead in Christ won't rise from Hell, and the world will be a better place. This strategy can also be helpful to the homeless this winter, who will appreciate your help with both their salvation and their comfort.

Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.”

Subject: Protestant problems

Hi.. saw your additions. They are really good although I loved the original response as well.

I see what you mean by Protestants being stuck. I'm having enough trouble with Catholics.

I am continuing without fail to pray the 150 every day. I've just had time to read a little more. It all makes sense but I am lucky that I not only remember the old ways but I had an older brother who was VERY tradiitional. We spent countless hours talking about it. Thank God.

Take care and thank you again. I'll be in touch.


A Canadian Catholic

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks. There actually is no difference between Protestants and New Order 'Catholics.' They are all baptized in Patron Saint of Freemasonry John the Baptist's Rite in the “Holy” Spirit, instead of Christ's Rite of Baptism in the Holy Ghost. At the end of the world, all non-Catholic religions gather together under the banner of a false god, the lord Allah of the Chrislamic/Masonic nightmare. It's good that you're praying the Rosary 150 - it's more time efficient and far more effective than spending an aggravating amount of time trying to show those that are marked with the beast the truth of what is really going on. Stay sane!

Subject: Heretical Message on Church sign

Hi Fatimamovement,

I would just wanted to tell you about something that happened. I emailed my old priest at my ex-parish about putting a message on their billboard in the parking lot of the “Holy Spirit Church.” The chain of emails have been forwarded to you. So after I emailed him I drove by the sign and it said “Yahweh or the highway.” I quickly emailed him again and when I went to go take a picture of it he took it down and put some cute little message. Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture but it was definately there even my dad saw it. So maybe there is something to this. Thank you for all your good work.

Good evening,

I drive by the sign outside the church with the clever sayings on it and I found something that I think would really be nice. Is it possible to suggest a saying?

Thank you.

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Father Jack Pereira pastor@holyspiritparish.net wrote:

Sure, you may.

God bless you,

Father Jack

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:58 PM, C---- C----- <-------------@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi. Thank you so much. Here it is: “Christ is God, not a burning bush. Our Lady won.”

Yahweh or the highway? Classy, Jack. Come on, give up some souls. I heard Our Lady is being very generous these days.

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks for sending that in. Holy Spirit Church? They might as well start naming their Novus Ordo Vatican II parishes St. David, or St. Solomon after their Jewish masters. The Holy Spirit isn't even an entry in the 1907 Catholic Encyclopedia. This is a top-down apostasy, just as the Third Secret of Fatima revealed, and every local parish is a victim. These Masonic Vatican II false priests are riding the beast, just as they do in their initiation ceremonies. Thanks for sending that in and keep up the good work.

The Vatican rides the Beast

Apocalypse 18:4: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Goe out from her my people: that you not be partakers of her sinnes, and receive not of her plagues.”

“Turn your thoughts away from a non-Catholic, turn away your ears, so that you may have strength to grasp life everlasting through the one, true and holy Catholic Church. Our Lord warns all the faithful: they must not put any faith in heretics or schismatics.” -St. Augustine

”Fatima as a whole is a compendium of the Catholic Faith.” - Bishop of Fatima in 1975

We (Jewish Freemasons) control the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter and the chanceries. Most of the bishops are now on our side and those that aren't have been neutralized. Anybody who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to co-operate.” ― Fr. Hans Küng (”worthy” recipient of the Freemasons' lifetime achievement award)

Remember, Freemasonry worships the Holy Spirit (the Devil) in the form of Baphomet. When children are baptized in the name of the Devil, they're going to have problems. Once again, this is why Sister Lúcia warns about what the Jewish Scriptures call a blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, the Father of the Trinity. Forgetting God's name in the baptism rite because Vatican II leaders say it's alright is not recommended. Here are our instructions for over-riding the Vatican II curse.

St. Lucia of Fatima

“It is with a certain trepidation because if you despise and reject this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.”

- Sister Lúcia Santos, 1957

“But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, shall never have forgiveness, but shall be guilty of an everlasting sin.” - Mark 3:29 1899 D.R.

Morals & Dogma, the Manual of the first 32 Degrees

Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916):

“This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit; and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.”

Freemason Manual: Morals and Dogma, page 734

Freemason Albert Pike, 33* Freemason

Yahweh is the name of the Jewish-Masonic Jesus, a high-level Masonic Initiate. Theologically knowing the difference between Yahweh (son of the lord of Israel) and Jesus Christ (God of Heaven) is the difference between Heaven and Hell, the basis of the daVinci Code, and the deception Freemasonic preachers hide behind, out in the open. This is how, for example, George Bush or Newt Gingrich posture themselves as 'Christian conservatives,' while simultaneously belonging to Masonic groups like Skull & Bones or Bohemian Grove. There truly is no salvation outside of the Original Catholic Church.

Subject: Order

Dear -----,

I just wanted to tell you that I stand with you against Satan and his children; my name is Br. Oliver ----- of Hollywood, Florida, and I am a Sedevacantist monk from a Special Order led by a Blessed and Gifted leader who has been Blessed with the Ultimate Weapon to destroy the power structure of the elite, and that weapon is the recitation original 150 Rosary and an understanding of how the Church has been infiltrated and it's Scriptures misinterpreted by the Jesuit/Masonic and Khazar Edomite Bnai Brith Masonic Orders and elite. In order to learn about the leader of our Order and the progress that has been made ever since he was Chosen by Our Blessed Mother to begin the end of the elite's End Times plans, here is an introduction to the leader of our Order and his work:


His website and email: http://fatimamovement.com Email: fatimamovement@yahoo.com

Our Order does not seek any attention or camaraderie, we are not holy saints nor outstanding individuals, for we are just humble and simple tools used by Our Blessed Mother and Our Father God Jesus Christ in order to stop the evil elite scoundrel's New World Order of Satan and, through the Rosary, to start the Salvation and Redemption of the World by Our Blessed Mother and Our God Jesus Christ. We just want you to know that even though we are anonymous and behind the scenes, we have been Blessed with Keys, the Rosary, to begin to the end of Hell's Fugitive, Satan and his earthly Kingdom, and we are on your side fighting for this cause.

In simple words: the Rosaries of humanity will summon the changing of hearts and the “moving, shaking, and smashing” of all evil in the Universe and this planet through the Hand of God.

If you have any questions, please email our Order leader at fatimamovement@yahoo.com, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.

May the Peace and Protection of God Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother Be With you all!

Sincerely and lovingly,

Br. Oliver

Mr. Nobody:

Note that God is portrayed as a baby. To make the Godfather Trilogy brief, the family is destroyed from within by the curse of Vatican II

The Godfather and the Jew

Thanks. The Illuminati have revealed that the Apocalyptic show is over, at least for this round. Our goal now is planting the seeds to spark revolution in the minds of men who will be utterly shattered in the coming 1000 years. Make pamphlets, make 150 Rosaries, buy billboard space, spike the forums, do whatever it takes to plant the seeds now while there still is some freedom to do so. Point out to people that their Masonic government is not interested in their welfare, use their disgust with the contrived contest between Mason Romney and his 'magic underwear' and Masonic Obama, show them the way. Things are about to get rough.

Highlight the Jewish Mosaic system of law that controls their water rights, their food genetics (Monsanto), their 'culture,' use whatever angle possible. And remember while you're doing these things, never trust a Jew.

Fatima Movement kills Baphomet

Subject: FATIMA MOVEMENT Billboard

I called P-------- the billboard company and it turns out it’s really expensive for a billboard. It’s $2500/month for a 40 panel board, but in Toronto I could get one for $1500. But this guy M--- on the phone, he seemed very intrigued. I told him it was lifestyle website and he wanted to know everything about it so I was thinking just to email him everything and just see what his reaction is, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Oh well maybe I will win the lottery and get this thing really into motion. But anyways, thank you as always and talk to you later.


Mr. Nobody:

Thanks- here, send him this image (attached). So many ideas, so little time. One thing with billboards is that they're owned by the large companies like Clear Channel or CBS for the most part. Maybe check out private billboards, like on farm land, or billboards painted on structures-

Fatima Movement billboard

Subject: Bishop Fulton Sheen 666 - 2

Dear Sir,

Looks like J___ M___ is correct. Go to YouTube, Traditional Latin Mass: Easter Sunday. This occurred in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows in Chicago. The priest, though hard to see, is holding his hands that way during the consecration and the lords prayer…..and guess who is narrating the mass….yes, Fulton Sheen. Shocking! Well not really.

Also I recently found my father’s first communion book titled “My First Communion” by Louis LaRavoire, 1941. All of the depictions of God are either a triangle with the word God in it or a triangle with an eye in it. I’ll try to send those pictures out to you soon.

Thanks, G---

P.S. - I saw an explanation that after touching the sacred host the priest would hold the thumb and index finger together keeping them over the corporal to keep any particles from falling off of his fingers but in the picture of Sheen it strikes me that he was trying to make another point.

The Gyan Mudra in yoga, mudra meaning seal, the index finger represents fire & divine nature, the index finger represents air & individual human consciousness. When placed together(gyan mudra) it symbolizes wisdom and expansion.

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks a lot, G---. Sheen was just another agent on the Brotherhood of Lucifer's Watchtower, doing his part to promote universal Babylonian 'Lord' worship to provoke the Eclipse of the Catholic Religion.

Subject: Interesting Pre-Vatican II Views on the Jewish GOD

an old thriller ”Les Diabolique” (1955) shows pre-vatican II views on the jewish god.

a catholic nun states “You are more sinister than the evil god of the jews!”


1:41:38 associating the “cruel god of the jews” with a haunting spirit


Mr. Nobody:

In the Good Friday Liturgy prior to 1959, the prayer for the conversion of the Jewish people read, depending on the missal:

“For the conversion of the perfidious Jews: Let us pray also for the Jews that our Lord and God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Harold Rosenthal: 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.'” - Synagogue of Satan, page 19

Subject: Mark of the Beast Removed

Hello: I am a Catholic, baptized in the mid 50's so not a valid one it is assumed. I used the conditional baptism on your site. I admit I was a bit nervous and afraid of doing it wrong but did it anyway. I felt calm and peaceful afterwards. Then I baptized my adult son who said it felt like a ton of bricks, such was the energy! But it felt GOOD! Wow.

After that I told my best friend and she did herself and then two of her grown children. They all could feel a wonderful energy when the water was being poured and they felt great afterward as well.

All of us are Catholic so I feel real victory in removing the Mark of the Beast. Thank you so much for the information you have made available to people like us.

I have a question regarding my Protestant friends. Some of them are wonderful people. I feel I must do something to save their souls. What is the best course of action? Should I try to baptise them?

As well, I am now praying the 150 Rosary every day.

Many thanks for all of your hard work and sacrifice.

--A Canadian Catholic

Mr. Nobody:

It's great to hear that you felt the Force of the Sacramental Effect of a real Catholic initiation. Now you know why Masonry needed to break the Rite, and what all of this mysterious Illuminati business is really all about- they must create a population of mind-numbed robots; something Orwell's 1984 depicts quite well. I'm glad you discovered the mechanism of how this is done. This is a mystery in the newer (last 200 years) version of the bible, but in the old Catholic Latin Vulgate, the 'mystery' of how the world has been cursed into stupidity and self-destruction is revealed. IT'S THE SACRAMENTS.

Jewish Benedict lights a menorahMystery of the seven stars - apocalypse


The Two Minutes Hate from Orwell's 1984

Anathematized souls will believe anything their Masonic government tells them, and that's the “big idea, a New World Order” Bush 41 boasts about in these infamous speeches. A society of Ayn Rand worker-bees and tin soldiers, enforced by a Police State that purposely won't allow intelligence into its ranks. Catholicism is the only obstacle to complete Illuminati control of the world.”

In Haig's presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as 'dumb, stupid animals to be used' as pawns for foreign policy.” - Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 208

Regarding Protestants, that's a tough one. Tragically most of them will never understand the spiritual mechanics of the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit Sacramental battle, and that's too bad. If their anti-Catholic Church rage could be channeled into actually infiltrating and overturning Vatican II, things might get interesting. But sadly, they suffer from not being able to see the forest throught the trees, and will suffer in Hell for the things they don't understand. They like the feeling large brotherhoods give them, like most meek individuals, and there's plenty of gay-like high-fiving going on in Protestant festivals because they think they have achieved some sort of victory. This is important to understand.

It's clear that the way you are baptized (Catholic v. Protestant/Masonic) to a large extent, determines 'who you will work for' in life. The Nazis for example, had their own Protestant baptism rite which built a nation of people who believed in the fallacy of the deity of their leaders. You can even see the blank expression in their eyes, as well as their total submission to their leadership, who was heavily into the occult. Below are some rare photographs of a Nazi baptism. Ironically, Hitler was also trying to build the New World Order, and he was setting himself to be a leader of it. Please keep in mind that birds of a feather flock together.

Nazi Baptism 1
Nazi Baptism 2

Americans suffer the same spiritual consequences from following their leaders, who are also Freemasons, but they don't find this out until it's too late. Children are the obvious target.

The Masonic Pledge of Allegiance

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.” - George Washington

Glen Beck Skull and BonesFreemason Glen Beck

Luciferian Freemason Glenn Beck: “God's finger...wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution” - Media Matters

So in regards to your question about 'nice' Protestants, it's difficult for me to recommend what to do about them. From my experience, the answer to that question depends how ingrained their Protestant beliefs are. But don't baptise them- unless they believe first. Otherwise, it's invalid.

There are multitudes of 'nice' Protestants are in Hell right now because it is heresy that takes them there, and all Protestants are by definition, heretics. But so too are Vatican II “Catholics” because they allow themselves to be taken down by the heretical positions of the Vatican II Religion, and this is why it needs to be theologically destroyed.

“Catholics who are damned suffer more than those of other beliefs because, in general, they received more lights and graces without taking advantage of them. The ones who knew more suffer more than those who had less knowledge. Those who sinned out of malice suffer more than those who fell from weakness. No one, however, suffers more than he deserves. Would that this were not true, so that I might have more reason to hate!” - Letter from a damned soul in Hell

If your friends are very militant about their position, you can forget it. There is no hope. If they are the type of personality that is open-minded, it's worth a shot. Much of it has to do with their family background and whether or not they can accept that their misled forefathers are in Hell. The truth is hard to handle, but a solution still exists, and with the 150 Rosary, the potential is there to save their condemned ancestors from the errors of the “faith of their fathers.” But tread carefully because most people can't accept that they've been fooled for many generations by the Illuminati, as if the Devil is easily beaten. Their false knowledge they boastfully pride themselves on will smack them in the ass one day. They simply don't know what runs this world.

A good example of someone to avoid would be a U.S. soldier who fought the Masonic Nazis in WWII on orders from his 33rd Degree Masonic Commander-in-Chief Franklin D. Roosevelt, doing so 'proudly', and receiving medals, accolaides, parades, pats on the ass from his 'buddies'- he would have a huge problem accepting the harsh reality that he has been misled by the Devil and his angels who actually orchestrated WWII, the largest yet blood sacrifice to the Devil. Someone like this might have created their own condemned family tree, ready to be 'thrown into the fire like chaffe' as the Apocalypse says, and would quickly turn all his people on you for even attempting to bring up the possibility that they have been had like fools, and marked by the beast. Proud goyim do not like their reality challenged. It's just the way it is. KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov explains the effects of this process- you can show these proud fools authentic proof in the form of photographs, videos, books, but their brainwashed “reality” is so far ingrained that “you are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them.” The man knows what he's talking about.

“But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to 'God' (Deo in Latin). And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils (daemoniorum in Latin).” - Douay-Rheims 1 Corinthians 10:20

“The comparison to Hell is hardly fair.” - Letter to home from a WWI Soldier

“Soldiers are just dumb, stupid animals.” - Henry Kissinger

“Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage (in Hell)?” - Pink Floyd: “Wish You Were Here.”

In short, the best personality type of people who can accept the fact that they might not know everything (Our Lady, pray for us sinners) are the best candidates for the “waking up process.” Those who are reserved, those who can accept that 9/11 was not was it was presented to be, those who aren't foolishly patriotic, those who have a reserved wisdom are the approachable ones. But these kinds of people are very rare these days and it doesn't help the situation when most Catholics have been deceived and marked by Vatican II for so long now- they will probably be your fiercest opponents.

You should watch this good video: Psychologists explain 9/11 Denial. The same characteristics apply to Protestants as a whole, on a different level.

ugly American

At the root of it all is the sin of pride- most people think they are much smarter than they actually are; many were brainwashed in college into believing that they are the elite in society, they may boast Masters or Doctorate degrees, or law degrees, and frankly don't need to know there is an ancient but relevant knowledge they are sadly lacking. Others grew up in front of the television, believing they are godlike. After all, they went to the moon. “Who needs the Church? I'm a good person, blah blah blah.”

After assessing the situation, you might be best off keeping this to yourself. Sure, expose your friends to the concept of universal deception, but don't push. Leave the door open for them, and leave it at that. Pray the Rosary 150 everyday because this is a much more potent form of resistance. For example, it may take weeks to try to convince one Vatican II 'Catholic' or Protestant that this is what is going on, but in that same time period, you could save thousands from Hell with this weapon.

Remember, each of the 150 Ave's knocks down one demon (Freemason in Hell) and liberates 50 souls. If you do this everyday, the numbers add up quickly; and if you do so quietly, not to draw attention to yourself and the resulting inevitible controversy, you will develop yourself as quite the Archetype.

To prove this, you can read the frustrations of the 'Illuminated' ones on godlikeproductions.com, a Masonic open forum. Study this thread, but skip over the B.S. Here are some quotes regarding 'the nobody' and the effect this 150 Rosary is having on the spiritual battle we are in.

“if this nobody does something tomorrow, it'll happen in our world two days ago. so fast it makes our heads spin. its simply not fair, if you ask me.”

“one of the last defences the nobody had planned when he was being attacked on a daily basis, was to bring his story online to reach a large amount of people. this was so he could be in a crowd and just point to who was illuminati and people would instantly see. the nobody took what was being done to him, all the attacks and all the manipulation programming, and did it right back to them.”

“I would like to suggest AGAIN that this subject matter should be taken off of GLP out of respect for those of us who resonate with this profound subject and those who do not get it.”

“Everyone is getting off track. The Nobody started with one simple thread started last summer around June where a member here on the GLP named Apollo who is a self confessed Secret Society insider with very high up Freemason and Knights of Malta connections that they found the “ONE”, the “NOBODY” who is about to become somebody. It was in this thread that it all started and you had bits of good esoteric information representing the light that was eventually darkened by the multitudes of wanna be prophets and messiahs who could not find their ways out of a wet paper soul sack or open 2 chakras, let alone 7.

“The bottom line is that this role and prophecy is NOT to be hijacked by every ignorant sheople and their profane mother. Well, unless it is now PYOP prophecy where we are all permanently stuck in hell for eternity and our good works do not follow us into our next lives then sure, we are ALL messiahs and prodigal sons of fawking hell. If that is the case, then I resign my post and will love my slavery by spending the rest of my days surfing and teaching my family how to be divine souls in a permanent hell which there is NO escape.”

“The Nobody has gained incredible knowledge entirely by accident. He is good at getting spirits to divulge things and then connecting the dots from there. He would be the perfect person to be a prophet, if only the universe weren't resilient enough to turn every truth he speaks into a lie.”

“The 'fool'/Nobody does not fit into that category. Otherwise he would be somewhat successful and be on the TPTB's radar...or at least not be thought of as a fool or nobody...a game changer. Interesting how therre is a full court press now by 'Apollo Illuminati' and other NWO stooges to down play this archtype and throw water on the fire.”

“You are a fool to not realize the court fool's true purpose, and why he was so good at it. HE IS IN ALL CATEGORIES, IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT, GO KILL YOURSELF. Not that you can, death no longer applies. HE CHOSE TO BE A NOTHING. If you can't figure that out on your own you do not even deserve to be within his scope of vision. Tell me I'm wrong one more time, I dare you...”

“What is your Brotherhoods view on the Divine Feminine?”

“WE will address this later, know that! ... This begs for an answer with clarity says gd2balive. Daniel made it very simple to understand that their dominion will be taken away...go read it again Daniel 7:25,26,27,& 28”

“(The Nobody) 'Someone with no connections to the families can be affected by Divinity in such a way that (He) could surpass anything the bloodlines ever could achieve combined'”

Bavarian Illuminati Frank Zappa speaks for the machine (with the help of Don Pardo) in this video: “I Am The Slime”:
“I am gross and perverted;
I'm obsessed 'n deranged...
I have existed for years,
but very little has changed.
I am the tool of the Government
and industry too...
For I am destined to rule
and regulate you...
You will obey me while I lead you,
and eat the garbage that I feed you,
until the day that we don't need you...
Don't go for help, no one will heed you...
Your mind is totally controlled...
It has been stuffed into my mold...
And you will do as you are told...
Until the rights to you are sold...”

Multiple personality disorder from the mark of the beast

Luckily you're in Canada where there's a bit more religious freedom and less passive agressive punishment for what are considered thought-crimes. It helps that Canadians aren't so obsessed with finding and defeating some enemy, annoyingly, constantly. But I'll tell you, in America, if you're not a “Moses' Lord” believer, the 'marked' will come out of the woodwork like cockroaches to cast you off the island. Americans need an enemy to psychologically function since Freemasonry replaced the Soviet threat with the Lord worshipping Muslim boogeyman, so be careful that it doesn't end up being you!

”We are going to do the worst thing we can do to you Americans. We are going to take away your enemy.” - Soviet Spokesperson Georgi Arbatov

Freemason Handshake - Reagan and Gorbachev

The Masonic Handshake between Reagan and Gorbachev is really hard to miss in this photograph.

Freemasons Gorbachev, John Paul II, Ronald Reagan

Use prudence when determining how to wake people up. If you find a strategy that works, please send it in so other readers can benefit.


Subject: Freemason Bishop Fulton Sheen 666

Fatima Movement,

My alterboy days go back to 1948. I can tell you that at that time all priests used the thumb and fore finger during their prayers at consecration and while distributing holy communion. They kept the two together just as shown in the photo of Bishop Sheen (I was no fan of Sheen when he became Bishop of Rochester and became a Novus Ordo modernist). They did not use the thumb or forefinger at all until water was poured over them post communion.
I will discuss this with a old priest friend to learn more detail and send the information to you.
I am praying the Rosary 150 as you suggest.
I commend you on your work.
J--- M---

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks J---. That's interesting. It's hard to tell but sometimes, when it looks like a duck, it is. Sheen was one of the stalworths of the Vatican II mafia, and one of his 'spiritual grandsons,' Charlie Sheen, likes to boast that he's a Vatican assassin saying, “We work for the (anti)pope, we murder people. Sister Lúcia was one of their victims, btw. By 1948, most of the Masonic Vatican agents were in place, ready to pull the trigger. I saw a statistic that only 10% of the 2500 bishops/priests in the Catholic Church objected to the idea of a Vatican II Council when they were sent surveys before the New Order Council convened in 1959. Perhaps they were just being targeted at the time as future traditionalist 'problems' that needed to be neutralized after the Second Vatican Council. But whatever happened as a result is only history now, you will know them by their 'fruits' it is written, and things are quite rotten in Rome since then. But thanks for bringing that up. Send in whatever you can dig up on Below is Vatican II 'Bishop' Fulton Sheen meeting with 33rd Degree Luciferian Freemason, Billy Graham, at a 'National' prayer gathering in D.C. in the 1970's. He was almost as popular as the 'good' 'pope' John who became Time's Man of the Year in 1962, all for killing the Church in what Time Magazine called, 'the new Pentecost.'

Freemason Fulton Sheen on the cover of Time Magazine

In 1979, the Jesuit magazine America called Fulton Sheen:

“the greatest evangelizer in the history of the Catholic Church in the United States. He lavished personal attention on both rich and poor.”

Actor Martin Sheen, whose birth name is Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estevez, adopted his stage name early in his career, in honor of Fulton J. Sheen, a popular religious figure on television during the 1950s,[16] whose radio broadcasts he admired since childhood. Source: Wikipedia: Fulton Sheen

Freemason Billy Graham and Freemason Fulton Sheen

33rd Degree Freemason Billy Graham jokes with Freemason Vatican II Bishop Fulton Sheen, January 25, 1979 at “National Prayer Breakfast” in Washington D.C.

Freemason Fulton Sheen at the National Prayer Breakfast

Whatever the case, there is no more valid Catholic Mass, (Sundays Will Never Be The Same) the story of the heretical bible replaced it as a result of the re-write of the Catholic Religion, and almost everyone so happily agreed this was the new true religion- ecumenism, so it's critical to pray the 150 Rosary to prevent the complete eclipse of the Real Truth - that Christ is God, and isn't coming back to save those who were caused to forget by these lying 200,000,000 occultic Freemasons/Secret Society jerks. Each of the 150 prayers saves 50 souls from purgatory and or hell, and knocks one Masonic demon into the pit. So the more you do it, the quicker we move from a grass roots underground rebellion into a force to be reckoned with. Secret Society Intel can't stand that the Three formerly 'lost' Keys have been found, and they can't handle the effects of these Keys plugged into the 150 Rosary. They are complaining about the ineffectiveness of their spiritual powers being broken- spiritual attachments or the ability to possess others via Rosicrucian experiments not working, their séances interrupted, their ability to manipulate events to bring on what to most would seem like a random WWIII situation, and whatever other magic powers the devil gives them are being subdued. In fact, for 2012, things are strangely peaceful out there!

On one of the Masonic message boards, it was stated that this 'nobody' they are so up in arms about apparently knocked down 180,000 Masonic soldiers by himself, and caused the release of 6,000,000 from Hell. I have to dig that up for you. Essentially, when these dead Freemasons in Hell have the souls plucked out from under them, it causes them to fall down what is called Jacob's Ladder, down into the pit of fire, where they belong. This Masonic poster also was also perplexed about how this could 'stop the doom' because 180,000 was only a small percentage of the 200,000,000 Masonic horsemen. It was actually kind of fascinating how this 150 Rosary reverses the Freemasonic condemnation machine, actually violently causing pain to these demons- and stealing away from them their pathetic life's work- the theft of souls.

Our Readers report these results when praying the Rosary in the form Our Lady gave to St. Dominic:

.”..the results are real as anything. And today when I was saying it I actually heard squelching and squealing or something and something like “why are you doing this to us, we hate this, we hate this'... then it felt like my face and fingers and shoulders were spastic and it felt like I was being flung around but physically I wasn't moving I was still sitting there and then I felt such a release like something heavy was taken off my shoulders and then tears came out of my eyes and I felt exhausted but fantastic as the same time and then I came to the conclusion that I don't give a sweet tweet about what others think or say about me because this life is only about God Jesus Christ and Our Lady nothing more nothing less. And I just wanted to say how powerful this Rosary really is. It is the answer to everything. I know Sister Lucy said that there is no problem that cannot be solved by saying the Rosary but now I know really what she is talking about. And I am so thankful to you for this knowledge of the Rosary because faith is knowledge.” - Anonymous reader from Canada

“Where I have seen the difference between the real and the fake religion is praying the rosary like you taught us. Praying the 150-beads rosary laves me with a “super concentrated” feeling, compared to the 5 decades rosary that left me feeling “super diluted”, I can’t explain it with words. It’s like one is real natural orange juice super concentrated, the other one is a fake orangeade super diluted with only 1% real juice….. that’s how it feels to me. In one you’re totally focused on Our Lady, 150 times! On the other rosary, you keep switching back and forth to scenes from the Bible, … then the “luminous” mysteries implemented by JPII (coincidence that it matches the Illuminati name, the Illuminated as they call themselves? I don’t’ think so!) keep talking about John’s baptism, etc… NONE OF THE 20 MYSTERIES never really focuses on Our Lady!! Not even the joyful mysteries talk about the divinity of Our Lady!!!! If we believe in the Immaculate Conception, that she was conceived without sin (not like many people are confused and think it refers to when she conceived Jesus Christ without sin), she was born with no original sin, then she was above all of us humans born with the original sin. But the “Church” keeps depicting her with the same halo as the other saints, like if she were another saint in heaven.” - Anonymous reader from Colorado

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.” - Freemason and First U.S. President, George Washington.

George Washington Illuminati letter

The goal here is to accelerate this process and reverse what Freemasons have done. From the mouths of our adversaries, the non-heretical, correct Rosary seems to accomplish that and more.

Thanks for checking in.

Subject: Baptism required to establish identity for U.S. Passport!

I sending you these documents I was given when they denied me a U.S. Passport they said for identity reasons. They sent this form and wanted to know where I was baptized. The lady at the post office said she processed over a thousand of these and had never seen this before. I eventually got one, but this is strange.

Baptism inquiry for U.S. Passport 1Baptism inquiry for U.S. Passport 2



The Mark of the Beast is the Holy Spirit Baptism, not any kind of RFID Chip, economic barcodes or other garbage that the lower level conspiracy theorists are putting out there. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, and the initiation into the real Church, and it's effects on intelligence, character and salvation are a huge threat to 'the powers that be.'
