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* email your questions to Mr. Nobody at fatimamovement@yahoo.com; “refresh” your browser for the latest update.

E-Exchanges and answers to comments from emails and message board conversations are posted below. Fatimamovement.com will not publish your name or internet ID unless you want us to. Most readers have similar questions so chances are the answers you need are provided below. If not, send a line..

Subject: FREEMASON LOUIS Farrakhan gets seri​ous


In this article and in this hilarious video, the Nation of Islam black Jesus apparently wants a showdown against our Jesus, God.  His face shows nothing but relentless wrath.

-D----- M-----------

>Mr. Nobody:

He's getting desperate. In 2011, Farrakhan was lamenting the fact that "the secret is out". Well, the Third Secret was out in 2011 and helped stop the "day of the Lord" from arriving.

Farrakhan also said to his followers, "Well now, Masons and Shriners, you don't have to keep the secret anymore...because the secret that you are hiding is out!" He needs his people to deliver him to the nicer parts of Hell, up Jacob's Ladder and out of the pit of fire (where Freemason go when they say too much). The Jewish Freemasons of this generation have failed, and frankly, they are simply scared of the Devil's anger at them for letting the Apocalypse fall apart. They were having too good of a time bragging about their secret societies a few years ago and it cost them the world. Now, these Masonic leaders like Farrakhan are frankly just trying to save their ass from the Devil who is very, very angry at them.

Farrakhan may have been referring to the release of Morals & Dogma which shows Lucifer to be their god, or he may have been referring to to any of the four horsemen that have been discredited on this site. Whatever it is, Farrakhan is desperate to be delivered to the upper chambers of the Masonic pyrmaid of Hell and is calling on his followers to do so.

Regarding his statements regarding his Jesus and our Jesus, this is exactly what Our Lady was warning about in Her own way by giving the Three Children the Fatima Prayer.

The DaVinci Code

The Jesus(es) of the Bible are pretenders, trying to impersonate Deum Jesum Christum in order to lure people into heretical Lord or Allah worship (the same Satan from the Old Testament) with their akward smiles, ridiculous feet washing and purposely confusing parables. Whether you are looking for the Truth in the Masonic King James Bible or the "Catholic" Haydock Bible, you won't find it in either one. All Bibles are Satanic. They contain the stories and parables of the heretical Jesus of Hell.

The 1883 Haydock Illuminati Douay Rheims Bible

Above left: the Master Mason King James Bible. Above right: The Haydock Douay Rheims "Catholic" Bible.

It's interesting that he refers to his Masonic Master Elijah Mohammed as "Christ", then refers to his other Masonic Master Jesus as "Christ". What a character. But you have to give him credit for one thing- he sure knows how to rally his people. They are disciplined, they take their religion and culture seriously and because of this, they are and will be a force to contend with. When compared to today's Vatican II followers and American Protestants that he accurately criticizes, it's not hard to figure out which Lord worshipping sect is going to get their ass kicked and their daughters slaughtered on the day of the Lord's judgment...

Gog vs Magog

Subject: 1883 HAYDOCK DOUAY R​HEIMS BIBLE (scan #0​285)​ / Elijah

Mr. Nobody,

"The law given by Jehovah to Israel at Mount Sinai was written on two tablets of stone-written, we are told, by the finger of God Himself."

Jehovah /dʒɨˈhoʊvə/ is a Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה, a vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel

Yahweh- was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name probably originated as an epithet of the god El.
In the King James Version and many older versions of the Bible, the transliteration JHVH is translated as Jehovah in some places,

Elijah (Hebrew: אֱלִיָּהוּ, Eliyahu, meaning "My God is Yahweh"[1])[2] or Elias

So, Elijah, Yahweh and Jehovah are all the same God of Israel, but when you look up Elijah in James 5:17 "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours"  UNBELIEVABLE....

Did you removed all the pages before you scan it?  When i scanned books, you can see the corners bent. 

I really like some of the explanations before the scans:

A graphic depicting the Jewish Freemason Moses communicating with a fire can be found in the Scripture Illustration section. Moses' walks with his companion named "Josue or Jesus" bearing the Jewish Law, which benefits (you guessed it) those who run the Jewish governments of the New World Order (scan #0285):

The 1883 Haydock Illuminati Douay Rheims Bible

Moses and Josue(Jesus) bearing the law, can't get any better than this....

Also, ourladyisgod.com is not in sync yet. 

THANK YOU for all you do....AWESOME job once again....


-D- N-

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks. Ourladyisgod.com and the other servers won't be in sync until I can find a free wifi hotspot. One of my supporters donated a wifi device and pays for 10 Gigs of bandwith per month so I can transfer all these files to the site (thanks again G---), but these files are very large so I have to be prudent about what goes up. So for now, these 1883 Haydock files can only be found on the fatimamovement.com site.

I tried to preserve this Haydock Bible by using my homemade lightbox to snap digital photos of it but abandoned this approach because the book is old and clumsy to handle. It probably weighs 20 pounds and was quickly falling apart as I was working with it. So I finished the job by cutting the strings that held it together, ran the packets through a page cutter and cut off the glue and holes that fixed them to the binding and went out and bought a flatbed scanner and did it the old-fashioned way. From my perspective, I think it's better that this text is online for people to review than sitting in a box somewhere, intact. Freemasons are circling their wagons around copies of this book because it reveals too much, so I thought it would be best to sacrifice it and get it online for the Sedevacantist Movement.

It took about 30 hours to scan in the 1900+ pages and another day to get them organized and online. I process the scans with some older animation software and apply color correction and the logo at the bottom of each page. The animation software also neatly crops and names each frame sequentially to get rid of some of those bent corners. From there they are sent to the servers as individual image files, then to Adobe Acrobat to make .pdf files for those who prefer that format. I could have done a better job with more time, but it's time to get back to answering emails.

Regarding "the law" of the Jewish Moses and the Jewish Jesus who came to fulfill the Jewish law as opposed to Deum Jesum Christum who came to free us from their Jewish Mosaic Laws with the protection of His Holy Catholic Church, this is probably one of the most severe punishments for humanity for letting the Catholic Church fall into Masonic hands. Simply put, we are all now slaves to the laws of the Jewish New World Order because the Catholic Church has fallen into their hands.

Above: Bush 41 explains how the New World Order will be enforced: “With the rule of law” N.W.O Speech on September 11, 1991 - Jewish-Freemason George H. W. Bush “41”

Fatima Movement Editorial: On the turning away

Fatima Movement Editorial: The N.W.O. and their rule of law

Regarding Elijah, yes he was a man, just another Jewish man in the grand scheme of things who like most Jews, desire to be god to flex their power over other human beings. When the Jewish Jesus of the Jewish Bible (not Christ) cries "Eli, Eli, why have you forsaken me?," this heretical Jesus is simply pleading to his Satanic master to relieve the pain. It's interesting that the Nation of Islam's leader was also named Elijah Mohammed. This was Louis Farrakhan's Masonic Master who taught him this deception.

Freemason Louis Farrakhan

People who communicate with the damned spirits of Jehovah or Elias have a need to be boosters of the Old Testament, which is the foundation of every Abrahamic religion from Islam to Mormonism. This is why you might get bothered by Jehovah's Witnesses who ride around on their bicycles, passing out bibles. They are called Jehovah's Witnesses because they have actually witnessed the demon of Jehovah, and this is why they must block out the windows on their buildings. They're trying to keep what they do in their Kingdom Halls a secret from outsiders. They purposely look goofy to appear non-threatening but make no mistake about it, these people are as freaky as they seem, all of them.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Site Update: The 1883 Haydock Illuminati "Catholic" Douay Rheims is now available in .pdf format:

This important book has been converted to the .pdf format so you can download it easier and read it in Adobe Acrobat. For those who have previously tried to download large files from the internet only to receive error messages half-way through, you'll appreciate what has been done here. If you want, you can combine these 19 .pdf's together into one single large .pdf on your computer if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro. The total size of all 19 .pdf files combined is approximately 1.38 GB.

The text has been separated into 19 .pdf files to expedite the downloading process. For the computer tech-heads out there, these .pdf's were created from 1200 x 1600 scans to try to preserve the very small type that is frequently found in its pages, which means they are larger sized images than the 1903 images embedded on this website which are shrunk down to 800 x 1067 pixels. If you have problems, let me know. In the future, the images will be straightened out and cleaned up a bit, but for now this is all you get.

The direct url's to the 19 .pdf files of the 1883 Haydock scans are as follows:




















This release should reverse the first and delay the fourth horsemen of the Apocalypse for awhile (and all the nonsense that comes with it). And remember, don't ride the white horse.

The White Horse

Site Update: The 1883 Haydock Illuminati "Catholic" Douay Rheims is now available

The Haydock Douay Rheims with Illuminati symbolism

The Haydock "Catholic" Douay Rheims Bible from 1883

This ebook is a must have for any Illuminati researcher. Printed in 1883, this is the best evidence of the multiple Jewish Jesus deception called the DaVinci Code (two of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse). The index actually documents Jewish Freemasonry's multiple Jesuses (to get the goyim confused with Deum Jesum Christum) in plain English. This extravagant book is filled with Illuminati symbolism such as Freemasonry's all seeing eye on both the front and back covers, the Jewish Jesus of the Jewish Scriptures flashing many Masonic hand signs, the history of the origins of the subversibe "Apostles" and their early acting (Acts of the Apostles) along with maps of their routes and color pictures of their ceremonies (which is rare for such an old book).

This book also contains the signatures of subversive Freemason Cardinals and Bishops who signed off on its contents, decrees from the Council of Trent (a Masonic Council) and many revelations. In February, 2014 a copy in excellent condition was selling on Ebay for $4999. This copy is complete and free for you to download and add to your own digital library. Enjoy.

The 1883 Haydock Illuminati Douay Rheims Main Page

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0000-0025

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0026-0050

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0051-0075

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0076-0100

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0101-0125

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0126-0150

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0151-0175

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0176-0200

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0201-0225

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0226-0250

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0251-0275

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0276-0300

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0301-0325

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0326-0350

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0351-0375

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0376-0400

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0401-0425

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0426-0450

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0451-0475

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0476-0500

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0501-0525

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0526-0550

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0551-0575

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0576-0600

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0601-0625

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0626-0650

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0651-0675

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0676-0700

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0701-0725

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0726-0750

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0751-0775

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0776-0800

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0801-0825

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0826-0850

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0851-0875

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0876-0900

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0901-0925

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0926-0950

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0951-0975

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 0976-1000

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1001-1025

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1026-1050

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1051-1075

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1076-1100

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1101-1125

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1126-1150

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1151-1175

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1176-1200

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1201-1225

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1226-1250

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1251-1275

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1276-1300

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1301-1325

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1326-1350

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1351-1375

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1376-1400

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1401-1425

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1426-1450

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1451-1475

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1476-1500

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1501-1525

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1526-1550

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1551-1575

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1576-1600

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1601-1625

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1626-1650

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1651-1675

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1676-1700

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1701-1725

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1726-1750

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1751-1775

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1776-1800

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1801-1825

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1826-1850

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1851-1875

Fatima Movement Files: The Douay Rheims Bible by George Haydock - scans 1876-1903

An Adobe Acrobat .pdf format will be available in a few days.

Notice: Nice work everyone: PUTIN STOPPED

Putin - game over

Say the Rosary with this prayer at the beginning if you want to help out:

"God Our Lady, with this Rosary, please save the souls under the dominion of any Masonic Russian military leaders and the spirits who guide them if they attempt to take back Kiev and send them straight to the bottom of Hell if they make any moves on the Ukrainian Resistance."

Below (right) is an interesting documentary about the occult and how the 'spirits' guide troop movements, etc. The Rosary, when said correctly, can function as a power weapon and a stumbling block to Jewish Freemasonry's N.W.O.


Mr. Nobody,

From the one and only godlikeproductions   (o:

Mr. Nobody:

I wonder which slave of the devil Freemason will be the next to wash his body so it looks good for the "general resurrection of the dead in Christ"....

Taking Kiev was a huge victory for those in defiance against Jewish world government (the NWO). Israel has their agents provoking the rioters but at the moment, there is a shocking victory to be celebrated. Even the cops have turned. Putin might be sending his army in to steal the freedom that was gained so if you're Catholic, say the Rosary 150 another time for the Catholics in Ukraine who have been "living" under the hammer of a revolving door of Jewish-Masonic governments for way too long. In 1932-1933, the Jewish Freemason Josef Stalin (whom FDR called "uncle") starved 8 million Ukrainians to death as his Masonic buddy FDR was doing the same in America by slowing down the printing of dollars (and seizing the gold of Americans).

The Big Three FreemasonsUkrain Holocaust

So the next time you say the Rosary, add this to your prayers:

"God Our Lady, with this Rosary, please save the souls under the dominion of any Masonic Russian military leaders and the spirits who guide them if they attempt to take back Kiev and send them straight to the bottom of Hell if they make any moves on the Ukrainian Resistance."

This will create a spiritual vacuum for any Jew that attempts to counter-attack, and this is how you make the Illuminati an offer they can't refuse... Most Freemasons will walk away from this one because recovering from such a deep spiritual hole (-7500 souls from their dominion in Hell) is next to impossible for them. Putin will probably get frustrated and throw one of them under the bus, so let's make it a painful trip. Will the Jewish Communist errors of Russia spread or retreat? Only time will tell but one thing's for sure, the Jewish Communist Party of Russia never left and Our Lady's warnings about the spread of the errors of Russia are as real as ever. From the Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony a couple of weeks ago:

2014 Sochi Olympics Communist symbols opening ceremony

Subject: Bible burning by a Catholic Priest

Today on Ebay, there's an 1884 "Catholic" Haydock version of the Douay-Rheims for sale (2/22/2014). This is the Illuminati version that shows the multiple Jesuses in the index. This book is important evidence of the substitute Freemason Jesus of the DaVinci Code (the Jewish Jesus is the son of "the Lord" Satan who celebrates the "Lord's Supper" with Freemasons like John the Baptist) and proves how the Illuminati created an impostor Jesus to replace the storyline of Deum Jesum Christum (God) in order to get people to believe the heresy that Christ is somehow is not God. It also has the Illuminati all-seeing eye and pyramid on its cover. Some Masonic Rosicrucian bookseller (Rosecroixbooks) is trying to dump one on the market for $4,999, so get one while you can!

1884 Haydock Douay Rheims for sale

The 1883 copy is being scanned in this week (which is in a little worse condition than this one but the pages are all there) and it should be up on this site within a week.

Illuminati Haydock Douay Rheims

Illuminati Douay Rheims logo

The DaVinci Code: multiple Jesuses

Subject: Bible burning by a Catholic Priest

Towards the end states that the priest burned the Bible not fit for Christianity.. ;D

That the book came from the freemasons or the society..



Mr. Nobody:

That's a very interesting find, a pamphlet that documents arguments between a subverted Catholic Priest and some Protestant objectors in 1879.

"From slandering converts to the Catholic faith, he turns, as is natural for him, to slander the doctrines of the Catholic church, and foolishly talks of " Bible Christians." This at best is only childish twaddle. The Bible is a book comprising the old and new testaments, and purports to be a portion of the revealed word of God. A bible Christian then must be one who derives his Christianity from the Bible comprising the old and new testaments. Now, a follower of Christ, taught by the words that flowed from his sacred lips, did not derive his Christianity from the Bible, therefore, a follower of Christ was not a bible christian. A follower of Christ could not derive his Christianity from the Bible, as the new testament was not written during the time of Christ. St. Matthew and St. Mark wrote their gospels, the first contributions to the new testament, about the year A. D. 42, nine years after the death of Christ. There are no epistles of St. Paul extant prior to the year A. D. 52, nineteen years after the death of Christ; and St. John did not write his gospel till the year A. D. 96, sixty-three years after the death of Christ. Where were the bible christians in those days? The writings of the Apostles and Evangelists were addressed to certain persons, or churches, or nations, speaking divers tongues, and living in places often remote from each other. This fact left them unauthenticated till in the Council of Carthage, A. D. 397, when they were collected, as we now have them, and stamped genuine. Where were the bible Christians before this time ? Bible Christianity, therefore, is only a spurious annexation to the church."

- Father Thos. McGovern, The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 7.

Unfortunately he defends Antipope Pius IX who was a Freemason and the First Vatican Council from 1870 on page 9, and he also promotes the heretical "Father, Son, Holy Ghost" Trinity. The Protestants even bring this up on page 18:

"In reading this statement of Father Mac without knowing who he is, one would almost take him to be a Protestant. For we also believe all those passages which he quotes from the Scriptures, perhaps more firmly than he does."

- Father Thos. McGovern, The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 18.

But to his credit, he does promote the Church teachings that the Bible is not to be understood rashly as Protestants do.

"...we claim for the Pope no more infalibility than any consistent Protestant should assume to himself when he stakes his eternal salvation on his own deductions of faith and morals from the Scriptures in which he knows "are contained som.e things hard to be understood, which the unlearned and unstable wrest to their own destruction"

- Father Thos. McGovern, The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 9.

And here's an interesting criticism by the Protestants of Catholics worshipping and praying to Our Lady as God. The heretical name "Virgin Mary" is the Jewish Mother of Jesus of the Jewish Bible, "Our Lady" is the Proper Name of God the Mother:

"James—When we were in the Romish church here in York, the other evening, where we heard the priest slandering Luther and the Reformers, I observed that there also were two altars, one to Christ and the other to the Virgin Mary, and the priest exhorted the people to bring flowers with them to adorn the altar of "Our Lady," by which I suppose he meant the Virgin Mary; I suppose, therefore, they esteem her worthy of equal honor with Christ.
Peter—O yes, they worship her and pray to her as to God."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 14.

In this pamphlet there's also a lot of back and forth arguments over the issue of Popery as both sides erroneously assume that the Jewish actor Simon Bar-Jona in the Bible is the same person as Pope St. Peter, the First Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He wasn't of course, he was just another Jew named Simon Bar-Jona who changed his name to Peter at the behest of the Masonic Jesus, the founder of the same Jewish Masonic inspired Protestant churches that still try to promote the idea that the original Church started in Jerusalem, Israel and not Rome.

"2. It is totally unscriptural. The word ex cathedra means " From the Chair," but there is not a word in the Bible about the chair of St. Peter. There is only one passage that speaks particularly of St. Peter as sitting, namely, when he sat by the fire in the court of the high priest, among the servants, and warmed himself; and from that chair, or bench, or whatever he was sitting on, he denied his Savior three times. And then the cock crew. The Romanists claim that St. Peter was the first pope ; did he speak ex cathedra when he denied his Lord ?

3. If Peter had been infallible he could have settled any dispute that might have arisen among the early Christians, without submitting the decision to the deliberations of his brethren. But in that first council of the early Christians in Jerusalem, Peter does not claim more authority than the other apostles, nor was there any particular deference paid him by the council. He related his experience precisely as did Paul and Barnabas. The apostle James appears to have occupied the chair on that occasion. He appears to sum up the result of the deliberations of that meeting, when he says, " Wherefore my sentence is," &c., Acts XV. The bishop of Jerusalem, and not the bishop of Rome occupied the chair. One of the priests who were here in York holding the so-called Catholic mission, said that Christ had appointed Peter to be the head of the church and the other apostles were to be his assistants. But the other apostles and the early Christians do not appear to have known anything of this arrangement."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), pages 22-23.

The Protestant critics make some of the same points that we do actually. Here are some criticisms of different Antipopes such as John XXII (who added the heretical name Jesus to the Rosary Prayer) and John XXIII who was deposed as an obvious Antipope, which is exactly why the 20th Century Antipope who started the Second Vatican Council, John XXIII, took the name of this deposed heretic. The Jewish media promtoed Jewish Freemason Antipope John XXIII as "Man of the Year", just like they promote bad musicians like Vanilla Ice (who sold millions of copies of this crap).

John XXIII and Vanilla Ice

"7. Some of the popes differed in doctrines very much from each other, and some held the most unscriptural views. Thus pope Liberius was an Arian, denying the Trinity; Zosismus was a Pelagian, aenying natural depravity; pope John XXIII, was deposed by the council of Constance in 1415 on account of his infidelity; and against pope John XXII, W. Ocum wrote a whole compendium of errors. See Herzog's Encyclopedia, page 614, on the article of infailibility."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 23.

Regarding the Inquisition which is a favorite topic of Freemasonry, both the Catholic Priest and the Protestant objectors fail to mention that the both the Antipope at the time, as well as the hired "inquisitors" (the Masonic Order of the Knights Templar) were BOTH Jewish-Freemasons.

Masonic Crest

For those who still can't wrap their head around the length of time that Freemasonry has occupied the highest positions of the Church, here is a quote from the Council of Vienne from the years 1311-1312:

"Indeed a little while ago, about the time of our election as supreme pontiff before we came to Lyons for our coronation, and afterwards, both there and elsewhere, we received secret intimations against the master, preceptors and other brothers of the order of Knights Templar of Jerusalem and also against the order itself. These men had been posted in lands overseas for the defence of the patrimony of our lord Jesus Christ, and as special warriors of the catholic faith and outstanding defenders of the holy Land seemed to carry the chief burden of the said holy Land. For this reason the holy Roman church honoured these brothers and the order with her special support, armed them with the sign of the cross against Christ's enemies, paid them the highest tributes of her respect, and strengthened them with various exemptions and privileges; and they experienced in many and various ways her help and that of all faithful Christians with repeated gifts of property. Therefore it was against the lord Jesus Christ himself that they fell into the sin of impious apostasy, the abominable vice of idolatry, the deadly crime of the Sodomites, and various heresies. Yet it was not to be expected nor seemed credible that men so devout, who were outstanding often to the shedding of their blood for Christ and were seen repeatedly to expose their persons to the danger of death, who even more frequently gave great signs of their devotion both in divine worship and in fasting and other observances, should be so unmindful of their salvation as to commit such crimes. The order, moreover, had a good and holy beginning; it won the approval of the apostolic see. The rule, which is holy, reasonable and just, had the deserved sanction of this see. For all these reasons we were unwilling to lend our ears to insinuation and accusation against the Templars; we had been taught by our Lord's example and the words of canonical scripture." - General Council of Vienne - 1311-1312 A.D. (Source: papalencyclicals.net)

The Protestant objectors also criticize the Catholic Priest for charging U.S. Presidents with "selling their oaths" and provoke the Priest to defend his position. Since there was no internet then, it was probably very difficult to prove this but today, it's a piece of cake.

Freemason George Washington and the god of Freemasonry, Baphomet

"But to charge the President with "selling his oath" is a more serious matter. Which one of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington down to Grant, sold his oath and thereby perjured himself? Will Father Mac give his name, and take the consequences? If not, he is liable to be regarded as a coward and a slanderer."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 27.

The part of this text that address the controversy of Catholic Priests burning Bibles begin on page 30.


We have now gone over the "seven calumnies,'' so called by Father Mac, but which we have proved, as we think, to every intelligent mind, were no calumnies, but incontrovertible truths. In our discussion we had alluded to the hostility of the Roman church to the Bible, and to the fact that in the town of York, within the recollection of many of the people, a Catholic priest, a predecessor of Father Mac, had burned a copy of the holy Scriptures. Father Mac replies to this in the following words: "No pope ever put on the index a faithful version of the Bible. No priest of York ever burned what he thought a faithful version of the sacred Scriptures, and no predecessor of mine ever burned any version of the Bible, as far as I can learn."
Now, we have documentary proof, that a Roman Catholic priest by the name of Francis Joseph Wachter, did burn a Bible, and threatened to burn all the copies of the Scriptures he could find in Catholic families."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 30.

This Catholic Priest was doing the right thing back in those days. The Bible is a long book of recordings between Freemasons and the spirits of the dead who govern them. Many Catholic Priests today stubbornly believe what they are reading is "the word of God". It is not, it is the words of Satan written down, which is why Luciferian initiates into Freemasonry worship the Bible inside their Lodges.

Masonic Bible on the Masonic Altar

Fatima Movement Files:


“The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no book of which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it is as incomprehensible as the Sohar. So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray.” - Morals & Dogma, p. 105

The warning given to a Catholic Priest who burned a Bible should resonate strongly today for Fatima Catholics who are getting hassled for their beliefs in the Divinity of Our Lady and their rejection of the Bible and its "god", Satan. And yes, we know exactly where we are...

Statue of George Washington, posing as Baphomet, the god of FreemasonryUncle Sam is based on Baphomet, the god of Freemasonry

"Remember where you are, sir, that you are not among the ignorant, deluded slaves of a Popish country, but that you are in a free, enlightened, Protestant America, and that you cannot burn Bibles with impunity. - S. Oswald, Treasurer York Co. Bible Society."

- The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879), page 33.

Overall, this is a very thought provoking text. Thanks for emailing it in. Although the Catholic Priest's arguments were riddled with errors because he unknowingly held onto Freemasonry's Lord as his "God the Father," it does give good insight into a Catholic Priest's desperate attempt to apologize for Masonic-infested 1879 Church that he swore to defend. It has been added to our Digital Catholic Library so others can understand the correct position on the Bible.

The Seven Calumnies

The "Seven Calumnies" : a discussion between Father Thos. Mcgovern, Roman Catholic Priest of York, Pa., and P. Anstadt, editor of the Teachers' journal : on transubstantiation, purgatory, salvation by works, infallibility, persecution, political intrigues, papal bulls and Bible burning (1879)

"Remember where you are, sir, that you are not among the ignorant, deluded slaves of a Popish country, but that you are in a free, enlightened, Protestant America, and that you cannot burn Bibles with impunity. - Treasurer York Co. Bible Society." - page 33

"James—When we were in the Romish church here in York, the other evening, where we heard the priest slandering Luther and the Reformers, I observed that there also were two altars, one to Christ and the other to the Virgin Mary, and the priest exhorted the people to bring flowers with them to adorn the altar of "Our Lady," by which I suppose he meant the Virgin Mary; I suppose, therefore, they esteem her worthy of equal honor with Christ.
Peter—O yes, they worship her and pray to her as to God."
- page 14

Subject: Re: My Exoricsm Process

Hi Mr. Nobody, 

Thank you so much for your response. I did have one point in your response that I would like to address. Of course, drinking and listening to music like Anthrax are not in and of themselves the gates to hell, yet I do not believe that means we should accept them as a part of our lives, even if we feel we have control. Ultimately, the need to drink or listen to this music is symptomatic of the inner heresy and inner demons within our souls that really are the gates to hell. Now that we can see in a pure spiritual light, should we not try to manifest that spiritual purity of Our Lady in every way, shape, and form possible?

Sure, the point is not to only stop listening to Anthrax. That is only cutting the tail off the dragon and it will just grow back. The heart of the problem is the devil in our souls that urges us to listen to Anthrax (which is a physically lethal disease) in the first place. God wants us to live in his image, and we should want it too.

What is "getting too into drinking"? Is it a two beers? the legal driving limit? or maybe just so much beer that you can't stand upright? I have a hard time believing that Our Lady would listen to Anthrax or would drink at all. A kid from my old high school had a couple beers at a Christmas party (even though he was underage, his BAC was 0.05 %, which is considered legal for people over 21), got in a car, crashed into a lady's car head-on, and killed her.

I know in my heart that Our Lady would not associate herself with an activity in any quantity or form that would kill somebody, even if the odds were one in a million. We must eliminate the source of the problem, and if there is something telling us that it's for some reason okay when deep down it's really not right, that's the deceptive voice of Satan at work. That's the point where I was before my own exorcism. Now, I feel like the best way I can change the world is by living in God's likeness, and asking myself before everything I do: "is this what Our Lady would do?"



Mr. Nobody:

You have a good point about listening to Satanic bands like Anthrax, but I guess what I was getting at is that banks like Anthrax remind listeners that Hell exists, which is something Our Lady wanted the Three Children of Fatima to understand perfectly well. In fact, in the Second Secret of Fatima, she opened up the Earth and actually showed Hell to them in order to remind them of its existence, which is something Freemasonry needs the goyim to forget. And regarding your own exorcism experience, would you have made it this far if you were listening to someone who sold her soul to the devil like Dionne Warwick?

Three Children of Fatima - Vision of Hell

”She opened Her hands once more, as She had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls [of the damned] in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. (It must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The demons could be distinguished [from the souls of the damned] by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, Who had already prepared us by promising, in the first apparition, to take us to Heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.

”You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end; but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions against the Church." - The Second Secret of Fatima.

For the sake of argument, let's look at Dionne Warwick's "Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?" song from the early 1980's. Since this is probably in every Vatican II grandmothers' top 10 playlist as they proudly drive around town in their Buick Century's, certain of their salvation in the Lord and their Vatican II shepherds (or wolves), let's analyze this song to see which genre is more dangerous...

Now in this song, Dionne Warwick (who is related to Whitney Houston), is lamenting the fact that her contract with the Devil has expired, and she is very sad about it. In the late 1960's and 1970's, Dionne occupied the same spot as Beyonce does today for the Illuminati. But to many average 60 year old Vatican II women, this song sounds "nice" to them, and it is a staple on many "light rock" radio stations. So for the heck of it, let's break down its subversive lyrics...

"Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?
Is it a lesson that I never knew?
Gotta get out of the spell that I'm under
My love for you

Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?
When I was being what you want me to be
Suddenly everything I ever wanted
Has passed me by
This world may end
Not you and I

My love is stronger than the universe
My soul is crying for you and that cannot be reversed
You've made the rules and you could not see
You've made a life out of hurting me"

What Dionne Warwick is complaining about is that when she made the deal with the devil for fame and fortune in the 1960's, she thought it would never end. But in the 1980's, she wasn't the same young hot chick that she was 15-20 years prior, and the fame and fortune (everything she ever wanted) was taken away from her (Suddenly everything I ever wanted has passed me by).

James Brown was able to renegotiate his contract (probably because he's James Brown), but Dionne was left crying in the rain. Her deal with the devil cannot be reversed, and this makes her sad.

So she tried to join the soul stealing game in the 1980s-90s with her "Psychic Friends Network", but that was kind of a misfire. Today, Dionne Warwick is living on welfare in New Jersey and waiting for her eventual demise.

The point I was trying to make about Anthrax is that at least they make it obvious that Hell exists, and let's face it, it struck a nerve with you. But how many would pick up on the subversive Satanic nature of "Light Rock"? If forced to choose, I think it's better from our perspective to have bands like Anthrax around because they remind us that Hell exists, and that benefits those trying to avoid it. Subversive "Light Rock" songs like "Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?" are in my opinion more dangerous because of their hidden, underlying themes. But that's just my amateur musical opinion.

As far as these types of songs causing people to drink and cause deadly accidents, you're right, this is not something God would want. But regarding the lady that your friend killed, who is to say that she was Catholic and fighting Freemasonry? She very well could have been raising four kids in a heretical baptist "church", teaching them to prepare for the Jewish Jesus who is coming, and laughing at Catholics who say the Rosary. So in a workaround way, perhaps a favor was done for her in the long run by your friend? Life is interesting that way.

Subject: CATHOLIC SACRAMENT OF Baptism AND Confession


I just came across your site 2 days ago...wow !! Just when I thought there wasn't anything more to learn! I have been a sedevacantist for about 5 years. I went from Vatican II non practicing...to TraditioninAction.org to Traditio and finally to Holy Face Monastery. I am hoping you can help me with my dilemma.

First of all Im not sure if the priest who baptized me used the correct form Holy Ghost. So to be safe I will assume he did not. So then I was never a Catholic. So I understand that I can be properly baptized. My problem is my mortal sins. And in particular the grave sin of being responsible for an abortion, which, if I was properly baptized resulted in my excommunication.

So how do I go about getting into the state of grace? If I was properly baptized, I was excommunicated. So the excommunication has to be lifted and then I can make a full confesssion and be absolved. If I was not baptized and never really Catholic how can the grave sin of abortion be forgiven?

Do you know of a Church or priest in the New York City/New Jersey area that can help me?

Thank you and may God Bless you and your work,


Mr. Nobody:

Hi -------,

What was your role in the abortion?


More than 30 years ago, when I was 20, I got my girlfriend pregnant, we were both really scared and since i reasoned with myself at the time (which was fashionable then) that at that point it was just a cluster of "cells" that the abortion was the most practical route. I have confessed this twice already but as I learn more about the church and "priests", I have doubts about ever having been absolved.

Obviously I must to whatever I can do to find a true priest who has the authority from their true bishop to absolve this sin. I had gone to a traditional independent priest who heard my life confession. He told me that he didn't have permission from his bishop to absolve the sin of abortion. So now I realize that I was excommunicated. And the confession and my prior confession to an FSSP Priest were not valid.


Mr. Nobody:

It's highly unlikely that you'll find a real Catholic Priest in the New York/New Jersey area. That went out of fashion in the late 70's after the Vatican II curse took hold and cleverly prevented any new recruits from receiving "the calling" into the Church because of the absence of valid Sacraments which instill a type of grace into a soul that is hard to forget.

As other priorities like vanity trumped these former things in society, the Church was destroyed, one fallen priest at a time, from within. A few years ago, I too thought that there must be someone out there but after relentlessly searching, it became clear that there was no one left. I found some Pius V Society "Priests" from the New York area who actually flew into Chicago 2-3 times a month to perform certain rites, but after questioning them about their use of "spiritus sanctus" in their "mass" and their "required baptism", the only explanation I got from them was an interrogation into who I was, how I had this information, where I lived, etc. It's one of the reasons I created this site.

”The Church finds Herself in an hour of unrest, of self-critique, one might say, even of auto-destruction! It is like an internal, acute, and complicated revolution, for which no one was prepared after the Council.” - Antipope Paul VI, Dec. 7, 1968.

”They have lost their spiritual sight and are imprisoned in the forehead of the body where it is said Cain was marked” - Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel, page 18.

”Satan's smoke has made its way into the Temple of God through some crack.” - Antipope Paul VI, 1972

Regarding who is excommunicated, who is valid, who is using what rite, and which one is valid, the only thing that is certain in this chaos is that you need to take matters into your own hands if you want to correct these errors. The conditional Baptism is something that you can perform without a valid Priest, and I strongly suggest you do this.

It is my educated opinion that you were never baptized validly. One of the ways of recognizing a validly Baptised Catholic is that they exhibit a certain Catholic character or "spiritual mark" which the Latin Vulgate calls "characterem". The reason I say this is because in both of your emails, you do not express any concern for the soul of your child that is in a state of limbo right now, you only worry about yourself. An initiated Catholic (if one were to actually go ahead with an abortion, which is very unlikely) would have expressed concern for the welfare of their aborted unbaptized child above themselves, but you only focus on your own situation and obtaining a "state of grace" for yourself. The "Priests" you have encountered probably see this trait in you and either find it too hard to correct or understand that you are damned and see no reason to bother trying. If they are Freemasons, they will just walk away from your situation because they think you will never find the answer.


”And it will cause all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and it will bring it about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of its name.” - 1950 Douay-Rheims Apocalypse 13:16-17


”And he shal make al, little & great, and rich and poore, and free-men and bond-men, to have a character in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man my buie or sel, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” - 1582 Douai-Rheims Apocalypse 13:16-17


”Et faciet omnes pusillos, et magnos, et divites, et pauperes, et liberos, et servos habere characterem in dextera manu sua, aut in frontibus suis. Et nequis possit emere, aut vendere, nisi qui habet characterem, aut nomen bestiæ, aut numerum nominis eius.” - 1769 Latin Vulgate Apocalypse 13:16-17

“Our Lady has given a new efficacy to the Rosary...the most holy virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, even of the life of peoples and nations, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. Finally, devotion to the immaculate heart of (Our Lady), our most holy Mother, consists in considering her as the seat of mercy, of goodness, and of pardon, and as the certain door by which we are to enter Heaven.” - Sister Lúcia of Fatima

If I were in your shoes, I would be saying the Original Rosary at least twice a day - once for yourself and once for your child who is unable to.

"Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church." - The Seventh Promise given to those devoted to the daily recesitation of the Rosary.

I would wear a scapular and have someone perform the corrective Conditional Baptism on you. Whether or not you receive the Sacramental Effect is the decision of God the Holy Ghost, so I suggest you take this seriously. I also suggest you stop living for the Masonic gifts of life in this world and turn your life's goal towards the building of a new Church, something Our Lady orders us to do in the Third Secret. This will obviously require time, money and sacrifice on your part but at the end of the day, I think you will be glad you did.

Regarding your child in purgatory, understand that he or she is angry at you for obvious reasons so if I were you, I would find a Shrine to Our Lady of Fatima or Guadalupe and buy some expensive flowers and ask for forgiveness for what you have done because abortion is child sacrifice and puts you into the same type of category as those Masonic politicians and businessmen who partake in these sacrifices, like at Bohemian Grove for example. Ask Our Lady to save their soul and She just might.

"You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary." - The Eleventh Promise given to those devoted to the daily recesitation of the Rosary.

Regarding saving those in the state of mortal sin, I worked with a person who took up the Original Rosary and was able to save a friend who 25 years ago, committed suicide. In a dream, his old friend appeared as if to say "thanks" with a smile on his face. It was kind of shocking because he hadn't thought of this person in over 20 years, but it just goes to show people that the Original Rosary does actually work. The only people that can never be saved are those who made a deal with the devil and sold their soul. Their situation is 100% hopeless.

Those who think abortion is "okay" because the Jewish Supreme Court of the United States gives Americans permission to do this should not allow Satanic Jewish Freemasons to determine what is right and wrong for them. I hope the reasons why are obvious.

"We formed the New Religion: no sins as long as there's permission." - "No Church in the Wild" by Illuminati pop-stars Kanye West & Jay-Z

Abortion is child sacrifice

Is your situation hopeless? I really don't think so. Most men in your situation give up and join Freemasonry because they figure that since they have no chance at salvation, they might as well join Lucifer's Masonic Lodge for $5000 or whatever they charge and assure themselves salvation from the bottom of Hell (where it is hottest) and move up Jacob's Ladder to the more tolerable rings of Hell. Those who join Freemasonry figure that this is their best-case scenario and for the uneducated man, this can seem like the best option. But you express a desire to correct this for yourself at least, and seek initiation into the Catholic Church, so I think there is hope for you.
