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* email your questions to Mr. Nobody at fatimamovement@yahoo.com; “refresh” your browser for the latest update.

subject: catholicism vs. the lutheran sect

Maybe Some of My Last Questions unless you can place me on the Sedevacantist track.

In all, I have found your site as very informative. I would also like to thank you for all of your response. I am starting to make my conclusions on acceptance of the Sedevacantist. So far I have concluded that many of the claims of the attacks on The Church are true. However, I also feel some claims to be startling, blasphemous, and heretical.

First, my beliefs which align with the Sedevacantist:
Jesus Christ is God
Freemasons have infiltrated The Church
The Freemason goal is to take as many souls to Hell with them as they believe they will be rewarded. This can also be done through The Church (but not in the Sedevacantist way)

I have a few more questions which I need to iron out to conclude the validity of the claims.

I would first like to ask you, how and why should I believe the claims from your group? In reality, your claiming that The Word of God has been tainted by the influence of the Satanic agenda of the Freemasons. As absurd as this sounds, I actually believe it. However, I have some unsettling questions for your group also. How do I decipher if your group is also Freemasonic and using the same Satanic confusing tactics to mislead? Let me explain my questions with some claims and additional questions.

Mat. 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction
I do believe The Catholic Church has been tainted with infiltrators of Satan. However, also consider the blatant false teachings of Islam, Buddhism, The LDS and The Mormons, and the Jehovah Witness. When you combine these groups with The Catholics who have undeniably deleted the 2nd commandment and have even added a 10th commandment, you have a wide group attempting to enter a narrow gate. The Roman Catholics are antichrist, but I don’t see the same corrections as the claims of The Sedevacantist. As long as Mary is worshiped, The Church will be tainted.
For reference of the 2nd commandment, please see: http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/romancatholic-tencommandments.html

It appears that the Fatima Movement Website continues to distort truth and misleads people by confusing truth with the following teachings:
The Rosary Altered Timeline claims that the 150 beads are to “counter” The 150 Psalms of David (claiming the Psalms are Satanic of origin)
David King of The Jews crucified God.
An existing, “double-father” story
Maybe I don’t understand the true doctrine of the Sedevacantist, “Our Lady is God” is idol worship and denial of The Trinity. It is one thing to make a claim that God is a“Lady-Like” as both male and feminine traits can be found in God, but to claim that Mary is/was God. This is an entire different god which is similar to other “cult” teachings, i.e The Mormons.
Jesus was and is the “Jewish Messiah”. The problem is that the Jews wanted an immediate savior and basically spit on him when they learned that the promised land arrives in the afterlife. They didn’t want to be saved from their sins, they wanted to be saved from the chains of slavery on this planet. So what happens after ascension? Gnostics... Satan continues to attack in order to deny the purpose of the resurrection.

Sedevacantist Stumbling Blocks:
(Correct me if I’m wrong with the Sedevacantist view)
Claim Moses is/was an occultist
Claim David is/was an occultist
Claim that John the Baptist is/was was an occultist – all John baptisms are satanic
Claim that the name “Holy Spirit” is a name of Satan and an opposite of The Holy Ghost
Claim that any reference to God or Jesus Christ using the terms, “Our Father, Our Lord” and satanic
Have disrupted and recreated a new Trinity (which they claim is the “original” Trinity of “Old Catholicism”
Claim that a “burning bush” was satanic
Salvation is only though The Catholic Church – False, salvation is only found in the atonement on the cross, the blood shed by Jesus Christ. The Church does not provide forgiveness, Only Jesus Christ can
Denial of the “Lords Prayer” which was proper prayer taught by Jesus Christ when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray
Denial of The Holy Ghost by denying that any baptism conducted with the term, “Holy Spirit” was a direct ceremony to Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer
Claims the Bible to contain Satanic Books, i.e. Psalms
Unsupported claims that Martin Luther and Moses, and King David were Freemasons
*** AND an unsupported and outrageous claim that Lúcia Santos was murdered and an impostor replaced her for 40+ years

You make the assumption that the common man without modern eschatology would associate talking fire with Satan may be true, however that doesn’t bond the correlation. God once punished the Earth with flood, and the letters of Fatima warn of punishment again. I have no problem associating fire with God. I fear God. I fear an existence of eternity without God. As a note, my constant desire to please the true God is not of fear, but from love and obedience.

You have also claimed that Christians created “money wanting” god. This Satanic claim is a charade as many Christians have a difficult time with tithing in modern economical times (and always have had difficulty). The comforts of your false doctrine releases men of the obedient and giving heart. I would rather follow the expectation of the perfect God who knows that if all men gave 10%, there would be no hunger in this world. One fish and a loaf of bread can feed thousands.

I have also found inconsistencies with other teachings that claim, “the false Judeo-Masonic Jesus” has taken people to hell in visions and the the real Jesus Christ would never do this. However wasn’t the first secret of Fatima a vision of Hell?

The Rosary... Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” -Philippians 2:9,10. Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is the name Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name. Jesus Christ taught how to properly pray, to give thanks, to glorify God, to ask for forgiveness, and to ask to be delivered from temptation, i.e. The Lords Prayer.

While the Bible states, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV, you have urged me to indulge into the books of the enemy to “learn” how the enemy works. Satan plants his seeds and continues to tempt. In order to beat the enemy, one simply needs to read The Word of God. Sedevacantist teachings plant fear, and makes one question their own faith. You make threats of condemnation as you have advised me that my children have been baptized with The Mark of The Beast. God is a sovereign judge, and will judge me correctly and forgive me of my sins. My heart and actions are for the God of Creation, The Living God, The Eternal God, not for a god cloaked by Lucifer. The sacrament of Baptism is not a requirement for heaven and baptism is not a guarantee into heaven.

Am I suppose to believe that the most Sovereign Judge would allow my 92 year old widowed and protestant neighbor who witnessed and passed out personal bibles to children on Halloween is going to Hell because she was deceived and working for Satan without knowing? What about the missionaries who commit their life to teach the word of God? What about those who protest abortion and fight for the right of the unborn? Your claims are blasphemous. You have taken works of The Holy Ghost/Spirit and claimed them to be for Satan. Again, rejection of God is a choice, a choice of defiance... not a deception to machine people into hell. As you have referenced ACDC boasting, “we’re gonna take you to hell, and nobody's going to put up a fight.” This is simply because of the many people CHOOSE to reject God not because they were fooled into praying to Satan. They refuse to conform and change their lifestyle. Logically, I have changed my own life in order to please God and to be obedient. I have struggled from aggressively jumping to into sin, to now falling into sin.

The Bible never claimed Mary to be perfect and without sin. This is a false dogma belief created by The Catholic Church. Mary conceived without sin doesn’t equate to Mary never sinning. God does not, and cannot sin. Mary was not God manifested into mankind. Mary was not without sin. Mary did not become God. Mary should not be worshiped. Statues of Mary should not be worshiped.

I am still rejecting the Holy Spirit versus Holy Ghost argument. Here is a better example, to refer to the gay 90’s 100 years ago, it would have an entire different meaning then it would today. Why? Because the term/word definition gets the meaning from the author. I could still say that the 1890’s were a gay period, meaning they were joyous times. I may have to explain the definition, but meaning still exists. To claim that the Holy Spirit is the Opposite of The Holy Ghost is absurd. You belittle the intelligence of God as God knows who/what I am praying to. Just like the men of Jahbuhlun are praying to Lucifer and not to God as they hide behind the term. God will judge them accordingly. The Freemasons manipulate religion to cover their secrecy, and yes they do believe that bringing souls to hell will create a pyramid of reign for their own satisfaction. However, the evil men who have worshiped Baphomet have been lied to, reign in hell is not for eternity, these men get exactly what they want gratification for the current day along with an eternity to pay for it.

Undeniably, Antichrist is here. The Catholics knowingly reject the second commandment, The Pope has practically called for New World Order and practically claims universalism in religion. Protestants are already mislead from Pat Robertson who just recently stated that is was “OK” for a woman to divorce her husband because of a handicap. Pastor Rob Bell declares universalism. I just read an article yesterday that claims, all religions will cease to exist in the next 20 years. 75% of surveyed Christians believe salvation can be achieved by means other than through Jesus Christ. 68% of Christians believe in evolution. Islam is growing to record numbers. The Mormons have a true corrupted Trinity, they believe they will become a god, Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer, God has a wife, and no man can enter heaven without the permission of Joseph Smith. The sins of the Church priests have pushed many away as once innocent children have been sexually abused and have seen hypocrisy and conspiracy within the church. Lucifer used the sins and stealing of Jim Baker to turn the weak of faith away from God. However, the strong are able to overcome the translucent charades of Satan as the giving of $1000’s were not in vein. God knows the hearts and the sacrifices of the giving people as they have honored The Word of God.

So in summary, according to you, every time that I pray and ask for forgiveness of my sins, I am asking Satan to forgive me for sinning? I am telling him I am sorry for doing what he wants? Now wouldn’t Satan enjoy it much better if I actually acted for him versus Satan hiding behind my words when he knows I’m praying to God? Sorry but God know my heart, Satan does not... Satan knows how to tempt me, however temptation is not allowed if I cannot resist (1Cor. 10:13 And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear).

As you claim, The Perfect Protestant Soldier,

Mr. Nobody:

Hi M---,

“I would first like to ask you, how and why should I believe the claims from your group? In reality, your claiming that The Word of God has been tainted by the influence of the Satanic agenda of the Freemasons. As absurd as this sounds, I actually believe it. However, I have some unsettling questions for your group also. How do I decipher if your group is also Freemasonic and using the same Satanic confusing tactics to mislead? Let me explain my questions with some claims and additional questions.”

Well, if it isn't obvious, we don't pray to the 'god' of Freemason Pat Robertson, Freemason Benedict XVI, Freemason Moses, the Ayatollah Khomeni, the Novus Ordo dinner party Vatican II 'mass,' etc., etc., I really don't know how else to prove that we are anti-Masonic other that denying their lord is God. It seems pretty clear cut- there is a line in the sand and we're not “on their side of the line in the sand.”

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction

I do believe The Catholic Church has been tainted with infiltrators of Satan. However, also consider the blatant false teachings of Islam, Buddhism, The LDS and The Mormons, and the Jehovah Witness. When you combine these groups with The Catholics who have undeniably deleted the 2nd commandment and have even added a 10th commandment, you have a wide group attempting to enter a narrow gate. The Roman Catholics are antichrist, but I don’t see the same corrections as the claims of The Sedevacantist. As long as Mary is worshiped, The Church will be tainted.

The Catholic Church was fully infiltrated at Vatican II. The exodus of 32,000 priests who asked Jewish Paul VI to be released proves it was over, back then. This is specifically why it is over now, only forty years later. The weapon: the curse of the 'mark,' the Baphomet baptism.

Islam, Buddhism, The LDS and The Mormons, and the Jehovah Witness all consider the fire lord of Moses to be their “father.” At the top of all these religions you will find Freemasonry, their esoteric deity being Baphomet, their exoteric deity for the masses of followers, the lord of the bible. This is the same deity you are following, Satan. Technically, in the Latin Vulgate which is required to understand this, hence the tragedy of the conversion of the vernacular languages, the lord is just a collection of pagan lords. The English version just conveniently mistranslated this into a “hallowed” and false monotheistic lord. Once again, we want nothing to do with their lord. This is the reason for the Fatima prayer that is said on every Lord-bead,

“Oh my Jesus, please pardon my sins and save me from the fires of Hell. Please save all souls from purgatory (those who were deceived by this “hallowed father,” especially those in most need.”

To be specific, Vatican II is anti-Christ, using the billion-strong body of disillusioned against themselves. Freemasonry has also held the same opinion that the Catholic Church was the enemy. This is why they crush a skull of a pope in their 19th degree initiation. The real Catholic Church has endured a double-edged sword for centuries: infiltration from within to subdue and delete from existence Her Sacramental Powers and the creation of feel-good Protestant sects which trace their roots to Freemasons. Their “work” leaves the world cursed and ready to usher in the New World Order under the Jewish Messiah deception. One day you will remember these words.

“For reference of the 2nd commandment, please see: http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/romancatholic-tencommandments.html

It appears that the Fatima Movement Website continues to distort truth and misleads people by confusing truth with the following teachings:

The Rosary Altered Timeline claims that the 150 beads are to “counter” The 150 Psalms of David (claiming the Psalms are Satanic of origin)
David King of The Jews crucified God.
An existing, “double-father” story

Maybe I don’t understand the true doctrine of the Sedevacantist, “Our Lady is God” is idol worship and denial of The Trinity. It is one thing to make a claim that God is a“Lady-Like” as both male and feminine traits can be found in God, but to claim that Mary is/was God. This is an entire different god which is similar to other “cult” teachings, i.e The Mormons.”

It's better if the Mother of God is referred to as Notre Dame or Our Lady. This clears up the confusion with the Jesus/Mary combination of the bible. This is why the 1633 Catholic Douai Rheims makes this recommendation to readers to help to “easily keep the faith:

Catholics should not say 'the Lord' from the 1635 Douai Rheims

The idea behind Catholicism is to keep the Faith alive by preventing Freemasonry from changing it and deceiving us into worshipping their fire. As Shakespeare said, “What's in a name...” The Jewish messiah will appear at some point when the world is ready for it. When that point in time is is inversely proportional to when the world forgets Christ is the one and only Messiah. All of this eschatology really took hold in the last few hundred years and now, we seem to be near the conclusion of the test God gave to us: whether or not we could remember His name and of His parents, the Mother of God and the Father of God. It's very simple, in every family there is a mother and a father. When you mix this up you end up paralleling the qualities of Baphomet, the god of Freemasonry, who is male and female. Catholicism is so easy a child can understand it. But there are a lot of people clinging to a book written about a talking fire who claims it is God and starts wars, sacrifices, etc. etc.

Yes, David is the King of the Jews, hence the Star of David. We don't want complete Judeo-Masonic order in the world. It's too bad it got this way- I'd rather pay 10% to keep the Church alive because the alternative is something like 70% when you add up taxes to Masonic governments, taxes to Jewish taxing bodies, and interest to Jewish bankers. It really takes a lot of energy out of you that could be better used having and affording a large family. But it seems those days are just about over now.

Try praying the Rosary. It's not hard. Many of your questions will be answered. It's popular for a reason...

“Jesus was and is the “Jewish Messiah”. The problem is that the Jews wanted an immediate savior and basically spit on him when they learned that the promised land arrives in the afterlife. They didn’t want to be saved from their sins, they wanted to be saved from the chains of slavery on this planet. So what happens after ascension? Gnostics... Satan continues to attack in order to deny the purpose of the resurrection.”

Actually, the problem is that Jews get their power from the occult. Judaism and Freemasonry (Protestantism) are deeply rooted in the Caballah, as are the Gnostics, according to one of their leaders who would know, Albert Pike 33*. Please send your evidence for their denial. Many Evangelicals give the Jews a free pass, claiming “it was an innocent mistake.” This allows them to mentally kill for Israel. Be careful with this one- the Saints explain it best:

“One who dies a Jew will be damned.” - St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)

“The Jews are enemies of God and of our Holy Religion.” - Padre Pio

The Hiram Key

Freemasons are initiated dressed as heretics from the Middle Ages, all under the Jewish Star of David.

“Sedevacantist Stumbling Blocks:
(Correct me if I’m wrong with the Sedevacantist view)
Claim Moses is/was an occultist

The Freemasons explain:

“The Holy Kabalah, or tradition of the children of Seth, was carried from Chaldaea by Abraham, taught to the Egyptian priesthood by Joseph, recovered and purified by Moses, concealed under symbols in the Bible, revealed by the Saviour to Saint John, and contained, entire, under hieratic figures analogous to those of all antiquity, in the Apocalypse of that Apostle.” - Freemason Manual Morals & Dogma P. 97

“It is certain that the word which the Hebrews are not now permitted to pronounce was in common use by Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Laban, Rebecca, and even among tribes foreign to the Hebrews, before the time of Moses; and that it recurs a hundred times in the lyrical effusions of David and other Hebrew poets.
We know that for many centuries the Hebrews have been forbidden to pronounce the Sacred Name; that wherever it occurs, they have for ages read the word Adonai (THE LORD) instead…” - Freemason Manual Morals & Dogma p. 204

There's a lot more to this, but the proof is there. I seriously urge you to read as many texts as possible and try to see their bible for what it is. There is a reason why Freemasons consider the bible their “lodge furniture” and place it on their altar. It is a book of deception.

“Claim David is/was an occultist”

Probably manipulated or one in training, yes. He was learning how to make his enemies his footstool by promoting heresy, condemning his enemy and since David caused this, that poor deceived heretic “belongs” to David in the Amway-type pyramidal structure of Hell.

“Claim that John the Baptist is/was was an occultist – all John baptisms are satanic”

John the Baptist is a patron of Freemasonry, I'm sorry to break this to you but it's in the Freemason's King James Version bible. The Mark of the Beast on the forehead is John's invalid baptism. St. Thomas Aquinas explains is only water (at best). It does not prevent possession and will not do you any good.

John the Baptist was a Freemason

“Claim that the name “Holy Spirit” is a name of Satan and an opposite of The Holy Ghost”

We just provide the EVIDENCE. Read for yourself. Like I said, you wouldn't want a doctor who was fluent in only one medical text to operate on your daughters. You shouldn't trust their souls with Masonic religious leaders who are only fluent in the Gnostic bible:

Morals & Dogma, the Manual of the first 32 Degrees

Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916):

“This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit; and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.”

Freemason Manual: Morals and Dogma, page 734

Freemason Albert Pike, 33* Freemason

“Claim that any reference to God or Jesus Christ using the terms, “Our Father, Our Lord” and satanic”

God is Jesus Christ. The Apocalypse begins when people start to believe Christ is not God, divided, like in line 1:1 of the Apocalypse:

”The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ (Iefu Christi) which God (Deus) gave him, to make manifest to his servants the things which must be done quickly : and signified, sending by his Angel (Angelum) to his servant John, (Joanni)”

In fact, that is almost every heresy in a nutshell since the first days of the Church. Be careful with that one.

“Have disrupted and recreated a new Trinity (which they claim is the “original” Trinity of “Old Catholicism”
Claim that a “burning bush” was satanic”

M---, the Freemasons admit to this:

“Behold THE TRUE MASONIC TRINITY...” Morals and Dogma P. 575

“Salvation is only though The Catholic Church – False, salvation is only found in the atonement on the cross, the blood shed by Jesus Christ. The Church does not provide forgiveness, Only Jesus Christ can”

This is because the Sacraments do not work if they are not done with the Catholic intention. There are powers there that are being passed over because men are creating their own religions and the Rites that Christ died to give us are being thrown away.

“Denial of the “Lords Prayer” which was proper prayer taught by Jesus Christ when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray”

The confusion clears up when you understand the difference between the Gnostic biblical Jesus and Christ, the Messiah. Information on the quest to deny the Divinity of Christ on this link.

The Da Vinci Code - multiple Jesuses

“Denial of The Holy Ghost by denying that any baptism conducted with the term, “Holy Spirit” was a direct ceremony to Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer”

The facts are in the BAPTISM CHAPTER where Freemasons admit they worship the Holy Spirit in the form of Baphomet and the logic between the Holy Ghost who was, is and ever shall be vs. the holy spirit, (which clears the way for the one who is coming, the anti-Christ) is all explained there for you.

“Claims the Bible to contain Satanic Books, i.e. Psalms”

In the Apocalypse, they “sing a new 'canticle.'” Here is our coverage of that Canticle, it becomes obvious once you understand what the bible is actually praying to: Baphomet, the deity of the Gnostic Freemasons who wrote it. This is why the early Chuch tried to prevent this deceptive book's distribution:

”The mysteries of the faith are not to explained rashly to anyone. Usually in fact, they cannot be understood by everyone but only by those who are qualified to understand them with informed intelligence. The depth of the divine Scriptures is such that not only the illiterate and uninitiated have difficulty understanding them, but also the educated and the gifted.”*** (Denzinger-Schönmetzer, Enchiridion Symbolorum 770-771)

St. Francis De Sales (1602): “As to decrees on doctrines of faith they are invariable; what is once true is so unto eternity…” (C.C., p. 231.)

“Unsupported claims that Martin Luther and Moses, and King David were Freemasons”

Moses and David are explained above. Here is a portrait of Martin Luther flashing the Jesuit hand sign and a quote from him:

Freemason Martin Luther 1Freemason Martin Luther 2

“Take away the Mass, destroy the Church.” - Martin Luther

“*** AND an unsupported and outrageous claim that Lúcia Santos was murdered and an impostor replaced her for 40+ years”

These are not claims, they are facts. You can find overwhelming evidence (photos, etc.) here on the link conveniently labelled: THE IMPOSTER SISTER LUCY

The Real Sister Lucia and the Freemasonry's impostor Sister Lucy - Half Smile

“You make the assumption that the common man without modern eschatology would associate talking fire with Satan may be true, however that doesn’t bond the correlation. God once punished the Earth with flood, and the letters of Fatima warn of punishment again. I have no problem associating fire with God. I fear God. I fear an existence of eternity without God. As a note, my constant desire to please the true God is not of fear, but from love and obedience.”

The Mother of God is God the Mother

I would seriously reconsider associating the God of Heaven with the god of hell, represented as fire.

”You have also claimed that Christians created “money wanting” god. This Satanic claim is a charade as many Christians have a difficult time with tithing in modern economical times (and always have had difficulty). The comforts of your false doctrine releases men of the obedient and giving heart. I would rather follow the expectation of the perfect God who knows that if all men gave 10%, there would be no hunger in this world. One fish and a loaf of bread can feed thousands.”

Do what you want with your money, just don't let it promote heresy, the Gates of Hell.

“I have also found inconsistencies with other teachings that claim, “the false Judeo-Masonic Jesus” has taken people to hell in visions and the the real Jesus Christ would never do this. However wasn’t the first secret of Fatima a vision of Hell?”

Yes, there was a vision of Hell at Fatima, shown to the children. The Protestant stories about Jesus taking them to Hell make sense when you understand that it is not CHRIST. See above, the daVinci code, the Freemason Jesus vs. God Jesus Christ. Occultists know this trick, you should too.

“The Rosary... Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” -Philippians 2:9,10. Listen to any Roman Catholic worship service and all you will hear is the name Mary! The Bible teaches that ONLY the name of Jesus Christ should be exalted, for there is NO salvation in any other name. Jesus Christ taught how to properly pray, to give thanks, to glorify God, to ask for forgiveness, and to ask to be delivered from temptation, i.e. The Lords Prayer.”

You're still trumped up by the bible. Dogma is Christianity, not a book written by Gnostic Freemasons to undermine it.

Leo XIII: “To reject dogma is simply to deny Christianity.” (Tametsi futura # 9, Nov. 1, 1900)

“While the Bible states, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV, you have urged me to indulge into the books of the enemy to “learn” how the enemy works. Satan plants his seeds and continues to tempt. In order to beat the enemy, one simply needs to read The Word of God. Sedevacantist teachings plant fear, and makes one question their own faith. You make threats of condemnation as you have advised me that my children have been baptized with The Mark of The Beast. God is a sovereign judge, and will judge me correctly and forgive me of my sins. My heart and actions are for the God of Creation, The Living God, The Eternal God, not for a god cloaked by Lucifer. The sacrament of Baptism is not a requirement for heaven and baptism is not a guarantee into heaven.”

Now baptism isn't even necessary, you're saying? You're an occultist's dream. You don't know what you're doing to your children.

“Am I suppose to believe that the most Sovereign Judge would allow my 92 year old widowed and protestant neighbor who witnessed and passed out personal bibles to children on Halloween is going to Hell because she was deceived and working for Satan without knowing? What about the missionaries who commit their life to teach the word of God? What about those who protest abortion and fight for the right of the unborn? Your claims are blasphemous. You have taken works of The Holy Ghost/Spirit and claimed them to be for Satan. Again, rejection of God is a choice, a choice of defiance... not a deception to machine people into hell. As you have referenced ACDC boasting, “we’re gonna take you to hell, and nobody's going to put up a fight.” This is simply because of the many people CHOOSE to reject God not because they were fooled into praying to Satan. They refuse to conform and change their lifestyle. Logically, I have changed my own life in order to please God and to be obedient. I have struggled from aggressively jumping to into sin, to now falling into sin.”

It's not an argument between a belief in God and atheism that determines salvation. Heresy is the battle, which is why Luciferians who print bibles ad nauseum, initiate themselves as heretics and then go do the work of Lucifer. Your neighbor looked the other way when the Church was in trouble and she will have to answer for that. Making your own religion when God's Church is being overrun by Luciferians is not the right answer. Fighting back from the inside is. Even if you have to die for it. Your heretical bible-promoting neighbor will get what she deserves, the lord of fire to think over for an eternity. We are all sinners, some more than others.

“The Bible never claimed Mary to be perfect and without sin. This is a false dogma belief created by The Catholic Church. Mary conceived without sin doesn’t equate to Mary never sinning. God does not, and cannot sin. Mary was not God manifested into mankind. Mary was not without sin. Mary did not become God. Mary should not be worshiped. Statues of Mary should not be worshiped.”

In exorcisms, the devils say the same thing as they flee from Her, but it's best to use the name Our Lady, not “Mary.”

“I am still rejecting the Holy Spirit versus Holy Ghost argument. Here is a better example, to refer to the gay 90’s 100 years ago, it would have an entire different meaning then it would today. Why? Because the term/word definition gets the meaning from the author. I could still say that the 1890’s were a gay period, meaning they were joyous times. I may have to explain the definition, but meaning still exists. To claim that the Holy Spirit is the Opposite of The Holy Ghost is absurd. You belittle the intelligence of God as God knows who/what I am praying to. Just like the men of Jahbuhlun are praying to Lucifer and not to God as they hide behind the term. God will judge them accordingly. The Freemasons manipulate religion to cover their secrecy, and yes they do believe that bringing souls to hell will create a pyramid of reign for their own satisfaction. However, the evil men who have worshiped Baphomet have been lied to, reign in hell is not for eternity, these men get exactly what they want gratification for the current day along with an eternity to pay for it.”

I hope you don't advocate baptisms in the name of Mickey Mouse one day if your Masonic leaders urge you to. If mankind can't even keep the name of God, what else can be said? One of the warnings of Fatima was:

St. Lucia of Fatima

“It is with a certain trepidation because if you despise and reject this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.”

- Sister Lúcia Santos, 1957

“But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, shall never have forgiveness, but shall be guilty of an everlasting sin.” - Mark 3:29 1899 D.R.

“Undeniably, Antichrist is here. The Catholics knowingly reject the second commandment, The Pope has practically called for New World Order and practically claims universalism in religion. Protestants are already mislead from Pat Robertson who just recently stated that is was “OK” for a woman to divorce her husband because of a handicap. Pastor Rob Bell declares universalism. I just read an article yesterday that claims, all religions will cease to exist in the next 20 years. 75% of surveyed Christians believe salvation can be achieved by means other than through Jesus Christ. 68% of Christians believe in evolution. Islam is growing to record numbers. The Mormons have a true corrupted Trinity, they believe they will become a god, Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer, God has a wife, and no man can enter heaven without the permission of Joseph Smith. The sins of the Church priests have pushed many away as once innocent children have been sexually abused and have seen hypocrisy and conspiracy within the church. Lucifer used the sins and stealing of Jim Baker to turn the weak of faith away from God. However, the strong are able to overcome the translucent charades of Satan as the giving of $1000’s were not in vein. God knows the hearts and the sacrifices of the giving people as they have honored The Word of God.”

Those are all the effects of Sacramental invalidation. In the coming New World Order, God is non-existent. God is replaced by a Babylonian religion, that of the Lord/Allah/Moses Judaism-666 fire worship. This is the triumph of Judaism over the world and these are the effects. You're seeing this happen right before your eyes but you fail to see what is causing this because you want to be right. It's too bad, you could have helped correct these errors and even save your 92-year-old neighbor from the coming chastisement.

“So in summary, according to you, every time that I pray and ask for forgiveness of my sins, I am asking Satan to forgive me for sinning? I am telling him I am sorry for doing what he wants? Now wouldn’t Satan enjoy it much better if I actually acted for him versus Satan hiding behind my words when he knows I’m praying to God? Sorry but God know my heart, Satan does not... Satan knows how to tempt me, however temptation is not allowed if I cannot resist (1Cor. 10:13 And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear).”

Satan knows what takes souls to hell- straying from God's Church. It sounds like you really want to be in the fire. I don't know what else to do for you. Good luck.

“As you claim, The Perfect Protestant Soldier,



Dear Fatima Movement:

I am confused regarding Baptism and the Trinity (Our Lady, Our God Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost).

Should one be baptized with the Trinity that includes Our Lady or Father, Son, Holy Ghost? Would Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be an incomplete Trinity, if the Father and Holy Ghost are one in the same?

Could you please clarify this?


Mr. Nobody:

This is our own rite based on the evidence of the Trinitarian Theophany of Fatima. The references scanned on the site are there to prove the switch from Holy Ghost to holy spirit (baphomet). The CORRECT Form, Matter and Intention are required.


1. Pray the Rosary 150 (in the original form).

2. The person performing the Initiation Rite into the Catholic Church must have the intention to actually initiate this person into the Catholic Church. Make sure this is someone you trust.

3a. If the person has never been baptized, ever, pour clean water (matter) over the person's forehead and pronounce the words (the form):

“I baptize thee in the name of Our Lady, in the name of the Son, God Jesus Christ, and the name of the Holy Ghost, who was is and ever shall be.”

3b. If the person has been baptized but you doubt the validity or the intention of the Vatican II priest that administered it, pour clean water over the person's forehead and pronounce the words:

“If you are baptized, I do not baptize you again. If you are not baptized, (start to pour water now) I baptize thee in the name of Our Lady, in the name of the Son, God Jesus Christ, and in the name of the Holy Ghost, who was is and ever shall be.”

This is the strongest Rite we know. If you want to do it in Latin, be sure to use the name Spiritum Sanctum (which translates into Holy Ghost who was, is and ever shall be), not the Spiritus Sanctus (the Holy Spirit who is coming-Baphomet). Also, understand Our Religion and never attend the Novus Ordo (modern happy meal 'mass'), not even for weddings or funerals. It is a grave sin because 'the lord' is the object of worship instead of Christ (backs turned to Him), the Eucharist is invalid, among other “issues.”

The reason for the conditional form is because it is a grave sin to receive the Holy Ghost via Baptism more than once. It is possible for a Masonic 'priest' to use the name Holy Ghost, but secretly hold back the intention, rendering the effect of the Sacrament null and invalid. After 1944, they no longer had this problem, making their objective of the Apocalyptic “auto-destruction” of the Catholic Church easier because the name of God was simply deleted.

The reason for the Rosary is that the Seventh Promise of Our Lady is:

“Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.”

Our Lady's 15 Promises of the Rosary:

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.

2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3. The Rosary will be a powerful armor against hell. It will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies.

4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

5. Those who recommend themselves to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.

6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.

7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.

8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.

9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.

11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

12. All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only son, Jesus Christ.

15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.


Hi there, hope all is well with you. I just finished reading the comments section of your site, and bhoy, was that entertaining, lol. Seriously though, not trying to make fun but I just couldn't believe that this protestant reader was so closeminded and one stubborn mule. I must admit that I too was full of doubts when I first read your site, but after I did my own research and reading almost all of the information from your website, things became clear to me; I had to find it out for myself basically. I believe that this particular reader didn't do his own research before spewing such ignorant comments, hence the combatant and defensive atitude. Anyway, this got me thinking also, since as you keep saying that the freemasons are such a powerful group, why then have they allowed your site to continue? I would think that they would do everything in their power to make sure that youre “out of the picture” or the site no longer exists so that humanity will not find out the real truth. Hope you don't take offense to this question.

Mr. Nobody:

Hi C------,

... this Lutheran is typical of the blind being led by the blind, being led at the top by Freemasons. But it's a good exercise to knock down every Protestant argument ever devised and publicize it for others to learn from. The heretics are truly confounded by the Trinitarian Theophany of Fatima. I was shocked when I learned this for myself, but after getting over it, I thought I would put it out there for others because most of their “shepherds” are leading them astray. You definitely should verify things. If ever you find a mistake, please send it along so corrections can be made on the Fatima Movement site- everyone should double or triple check everything. It's only when the good people do nothing that this lie advances. Unfortunately we're very late in the game but we'll see what happens.

Regarding the Freemasons, I honestly think it's against the rules. The devil is supposed to win by subversion, by deceiving people into hell with the gifts of life, etc., not with power. There exists some rule that nobody is allowed to kill the pope, destroy the Church, etc. It must be done by deceiving people into allowing it to happen, if that makes sense. That way, what these poor sinners gave up willingly torments them only that much more in the fires of hell. But there are reports of Traditionalist priests being tortured, killed, raped, so who really knows.

I've had a hell of a time with Freemasons in my personal life, something almost out of a movie, but that's why I work on this site with such fervor - I intend to strike them where it hits most- in this battle for souls. I've been visited by undercover cops a couple of times, had a Mason with a gun stalk me, masonic lawyers took everything- it's nuts. No offense taken, please. Don't worry so much. I'm just going to push as hard as I can and try to disrupt the completion of their New World Order and their “salvation.” I think it's working...people are waking up.

subject: QUESTION FROM “THE LUTHERAN” ABOUT 32° Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Isis/Horus, the “errors of Russia”

Dear Fatima Movement,

Please help me with this:

Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. Her most popular work was a two-volume book she wrote titled 'The Secret Doctrine,' in which she woefully states...

“The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestrial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time.” page 539, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 32°


Mr. Nobody:

Just as the Freemason (Jesuits specifically) mob have sought to corrupt the story of Christ (God) with the bible, etc., one of their tactics is to use the image of Isis and Horus to further their obsession with demoting Christ's title as God by portraying Him as a baby as much as possible. This is one way to tell the valid apparitions of Our Lady from the Masonic ones. This is also the reason why the Holiday Season revolving around the “birth of Jesus of the bible” is so heavily promoted by Masonic business interests in the annual Holiday shopping season. This Zoroastrian (occult) visitation of the “three kings” and the entire concept of Christmas is rooted in paganism. Easter is our holiday, the day of the Resurrection but this isn't in the bible “for some reason.” You can tell what is what once you get the hang of the language they use, the names they promote, etc.

For example, regarding the apparitions of the Mother of God, there are the major ones - such as Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima. In both of these, the Mother of God appears alone, by herself, not holding any baby. This is one way to tell the real ones from the Masonic creations or spiritual deceptions that appear from time to time. The Masonic “apparitions” and their ”messages” often resemble the pagan Isis/Horus statues of the pagan religions, whose goal is unified in demoting Christ as God and elevating themselves to god-like status in the next life.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

One side note to the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe: it is very interesting that she is standing on top of Lucifer, portrayed as a baby, kind of a payback message for all of the pagan subversive portrayals of Christ as a baby. It's interesting, to say the least. The Guadalupe image has a lot of religious meaning in it, things that shocked the people so much that it converted 9 million of them into the Catholic Faith. Baptisms into the Church were happening for 10 years straight- there were not enough priests to handle the conversions.

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Mexico

On the incredible transformation in Mexico following the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe: “The nine million baptisms between the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the death of Juan Diego and Bishop Zumarraga in 1548 created large Christian communities throughout most of central Mexico… The churches were decorated by Indian artists with frescoes and sculptures – a universe removed from the horrors they had painted and carved in the days of the Hummingbird Wizard [the satanic god of the Aztecs].” (Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 4, p. 625)

Try to put yourself in their shoes- imagine one day you're being terrorized by the pagan Aztec leaders who are ripping people's hearts out in temple sacrifices for the devil in the city's square, atop the Mayan pyramids, then you have this miracle happen where your oppressor's powerful devil (the moon god) is being stepped on by the Mother of God, indicating Divine superiority. It was actually a very shocking wake up call to conversion. They knew exactly what it meant- there's a good youtube video about the miracle here: http://www.youtube.com/user/mhfm1?v=xe4Ozm0oENk&feature=pyv&ad=7367214512&kw=guadalupe

In Our Lady's Divine grace, it is also noteworthy that this massive conversion to the real Catholic Trinity happened at the time of the Council of Trent back in Europe, where Our Lady's Rosary was being subverted by the Lord beads (the same moon god) and the Mass was being changed, the Faith being watered down. It seems as if when Europe lost a major key to the faith, Our Lady made up for that loss of souls in Europe by saving millions and millions of Central Americans, converting them to the true Faith.

There is a painting in the Vatican from the Trent time period of the heretical 'moon god' in this chapter on the site and in Exodus, this lord speaks of his back parts...


The Lord's rear

Above: Actual Michelangelo Painting of Satan's rear in the Vatican's Sistine Chapel. This Masonic subversion of the Catholic Trinity (replacing Our Lady with “the lord”) in the Dark Ages certainly explains the homosexual tendencies of many Vatican II False Priests.

“and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.” - Exodus 33:23

The Lord of the Jews is Satan

Masonry's signature is everywhere in the Vatican after the “Enlightenment.”

I've been to a Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Mother of God Trinity is also portrayed there. The Mexican priest also does the sign of the cross saying, in the name of Our Lady, Our Lord and the Holy Ghost. This is not as radical as it sounds, it's just that people learn to keep quiet about it because of all the backlash it provokes in America which is dominated by “the lord” heresy. I'll provide some photographs on the email section of the website that I can't integrate in the email to better explain the connection Blavatsky is alluding to, between the celestial virgin and the baby Horus/Isis statues.

Helena BlavatskyIsis - Horus

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the pagan Isis/Horus, the heretical iconography, confusing Christ (God) with the biblical Jesus/Horus

The Errors of Russia - portraying God as a baby

One of the things Our Lady of Fatima warned about was “the errors of Russia.” Here are samples of the pagan Isis/Horus theology subverting non-Catholic, Orthodox “Christians.”

Our Lady of Fatima also appears alone for these same reasons. This infuriates Freemasons, as do the miracles. The miracles make people question Masonic theology, undermining their “work” quickly and effectively. Once you understand this war, it can be entertaining to watch Freemasons scramble to bury Our Lady's Messages and Miracles.

Satanic Masonic Mass held at the Fatima Shrine

Very good question though. Thanks.

Good Luck!

subject: islam and the vatican

Dear Fatima Movement,

I have a question because I follow the comments left on your youtube account about the Vatican actually coming up with Islam. Is that true? If it is than I have to say I am some what relieved. I know that's strange to say but I'm glad that it doesn't have any ounce of truth to it. I just think this deception goes back further and further. Once again thanks for everything.

Mr. Nobody:

As far as Islam, it's uncertain if the Vatican had anything to do with it in the beginning because it's from 6-700 A.D. But Mohammet was a Freemason, a Luciferian, so the same goal of creating false religions, something these guys do best was his motivation of creating his own religion. It's amazing that it's taken 1 billion people into the abyss, but that's what it is.

When you combine how just about every non-Catholic religion was started by someone in this Masonic business, their fire-lord deception of Masonic Moses makes perfect sense. That's also why these 32nd degree “Shriner” Freemasons wear a red hat called a 'Fez' with Islamic symbols on it. There's photos of Gerald Ford and other yahoos doing this on the site. Where, I can't remember but somewhere in this mess they're there. Fez is a town in Morocco where 50,000 Catholics were slaughtered and the blood ran so deep in the streets that as the legend goes, they dipped their caps in it, turning them red.

From Mormons, Muslims to the 700 Club and Vatican II, the deception is unbelievable. Here's some quotes on Islam:

St. Francis of Assisi (+ c. 1210): [To the Muslims] “We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammad, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life like us.”

”May John the Baptist protect Islam.” - John Paul II

”The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a Mohammedan one, belong on the Altar; and one of these, and the Square and Compass, properly understood, are the Great Lights by which a Mason must walk and work.” Freemason Manual Morals & Dogma p. 11


Dear Fatima Movement,

I am actually “wowed” with your willingness to respond to my personal email. You’re going to be my best friend over the next few days as I will bombard you with questions. I apologize for my persistence, however as eager as I am to await for your response, I will also be patient. Please feel no pressure to respond back in a timely manner. Please do not be offended by any comment or question authored by me, I will not place any comment into a “personal” attack.

I have a hunger to serve God and constant appetite for truth. However I am bound to (Mat. VII: 7 ) seek and you will find, I have a strong faith in God and a strong understanding with essential Christian Doctrine.

You have asked me to read Beast I – IV and offered to assist with any questions and asked for response. I have read Beast I – II and have quite a few questions and ask for a better understanding. First I would like to state that I agree to much of your teachings, but having some difficulty understand a few items along with disagreement on a few others. I am not asking for a debate, but asking for some additional understanding so that I may choose to accept.

Your response to faith outside the “Catholic Church” was answered very well. I just want to make a few things clear to my understanding. I agree with Mass and Sacraments are not found in buildings but rather in the cornerstone of belief. I have the belief the Jesus Christ is God, I can agree that we share this essential doctrine in common. However, I feel that the term, “Catholic Church” is a play on words. Almost all modern “True Christian” religions are an offspring of the Catholic Church and share much of the same essential doctrine. The Apostles’ Creed of the Lutheran Church is actually the same creed of The Catholic Church and even contains the reciting of belief in “The Catholic Church”. Please correct me if your teachings are not in par with my understanding.

Here is your initial reply to me, in which I still have a few questions:

1. Believe Christ is God, not the son/subordinate of Osiris/the Masonic lord “father” of the bible

2. Recieve the Holy Ghost in the Catholic conditional baptism (which provides a real power that you can feel when done correctly)

3. Understand that Our Lady is God as was revealed at the Vision of Fatima, replacing the Masonic double-father story

4. Do not anticipate or promote the Jewish Jesus who is coming

5. Pray the Rosary in the original form, every day.

4? Do not promote the Jewish Jesus? I am really lost... How does the Jewish Jesus differ from the “true” Jesus of The Catholic Church? Why should I not look forward the 2nd coming of Christ?

5? Pray the rosary in the original form? I don’t doubt the power of the rosary, but are you teaching that salvation dependent upon reciting the Rosary?

I do have some problems with Beast II. I understand and respect the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, but I am not in agreement. To say that the difference between “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are an opposite is a stretch. I do not mean to disregard the teachings that the names of God are not synonymous by St. Thomas Aquinas, but I would like to challenge them with the following statements:

There is no difference in calling God, “The Father”, “Our Father”, or “The Lord”. God has many names from the Bible, YAHWEH, The Word, Elohim, Jehovah, etc. I have to disagree by stating the meaning and definition of words are only as good as the intention of the author. To side with St. Thomas Aquinas, I believe the names of God should be respected and used proper, however salvation is not depended upon the name used versus calling upon God. As an example, I am the father of 4 daughters. I know my daughters use various names when calling out to me. They call me Father, Dad, Daddy, Sir, Dear, Dude, and various other names. I know the voice of my children, I know when they call out to me even when they don’t even use a name for me. I can hear the cry of their voice and know when they need me. I have to conclude that God knows the voice of my heart and my call out to him whether I address him by, Father, Lord, God, God Jesus Christ, My Lord, Our Lord, etc..

Other claims and teachings on the web site state that the Bible has been attacked by the Free-Masons and poisoned with by changing many names of God to Lord, etc. I would like to state that I am a firm believer with The Bible is divine. I do agree that The Bible can be poisoned and misconstrued which has achieved by the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. However the comparisons to the Mormons and Jehovah’s witness are very much different and much more blatant. They are an obvious attempt to counterfeit true doctrine and provide a “choice” to individuals to accept versus a subtle change which could easily deceive. God loves man and wants worship of man, or simply God would have abolished us long ago. Stating the The Bible has been changed for the past 2000 years degrades Gods Word and promise to man. It just doesn’t make sense to say that man can not have a choice with belief in the truth and that almost every man have been deceived by a false Bible. Please don’t get me wrong, but if all Bibles are incorrect other than rare Bibles which are over 200 years old, man has no choice but to refuse the true Word of God. If we have been deceived by the Beast in an unwilling manner it would demonstrate anything but a sovereign God. I have to conclude that God has protected his Word which is displayed by various educated groups that continue to translate the original biblical manuscripts with a non-biased agenda. I am sure Satan would love to poison the Bible to mislead all men, but it would mean that God does not care about man by allowing such a crisis to occur. This would be an unfair game and all men would remain condemned versus having a choice to accept salvation through Christ. However, I am in alignment with teachings of the Sedevacantist which state that denying a true Jesus would be a fast ticket to hell.

Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit? Is this a serious argument? Again, I have to stress that belief is in the heart and the intention of the words chosen by the author. This is demonstrated with the notion that man can’t fool God. On judgment day I can say that I believe God Jesus Christ, but validity lays in my heart. If I believe that I am praying to Satan when I use the term, “Holy Spirit” than I very much am, and the same goes for God. If I use “Holy Spirit” in a true Christian manner, than I am using it with the same manner as “Holy Ghost”. Again, this is just a play words. Do you really thinks God will reject my obedience and desire to worship him because I use the term, “Holy Spirit” versus “Holy Ghost”?

I continue to have a problem with Beast II with while it states that Baptism is null and void when used with the Free-Mason words of “Holy Spirit”. I can say that I have no recollection of the choice of words used by my pastor when I baptized at the age of 15, but I could care less. God knows why I chose to be baptized and I care less where the heart of the pastor was when I was baptized. Sure, I hope the pastor was performing the sacrament with true intentions, but that is really for his own sake, not mine. Please don’t be offended, but by stating that the baptism of my children is a “mark of the beast” is borderline blasphemy. Your are stating the works of Gods are works of the devil. Please be very cautious with the statement of Beast II of making Baptism heretical, this teaching opens a door of several other items within the church which could become void. Baptism is for the individual receiving not for the individual who is blessing. To validate, Matt 7:22 states, Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'

and the response was, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. “ This tells us that one is capable to performing true acts in the name of God without a true belief in the heart. I have to state the same for baptism, you can perform these acts without proper belief. The performer of baptism will be judged not by the act of baptizing, but just like everyone else... by the belief of the heart. Also by stating that heretical Baptism is the mark of the beast, you are leaving out revelations: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. - Revelation 13:17. How can heretical Baptism have anything to do with buying and selling?

Now, I am very speculative into adding Mary into the trinity. Please explain how this is theoretically possible. How is Mary God? Again, this is almost idolatry. Placing Our Lady as an equality of God is similar to Joseph Smith teaching the God was once originally a man. Please do not be offended by this questions, I am asking for your knowledge and how the Catholic Church arrived to this conclusion.

Also, please provide evidence that Martin Luther was a Free-Mason. From my understanding, Free Masons did not form group until hundreds of years after Luther. What are the differences with the Jesus taught by Martin Luther versus the Jesus of the Catholic Church? I understand that the “Masons” go much further back than Luther, but the Free-Masons organized after Luther. I am not denying that the Free-Mason agenda existed prior to the formation of the group, but again, how do you conclude Luther was even a Mason? I spent many hours researching Luther's Mason background and found no conclusive evidence. For the matter, your site also claims Joseph Smith was a Free-Mason. Joseph was a Free Mason but not for several years after the beginning of LDS. By no means am I sticking up for Mormonism, The Mormons are plagued by the most ridiculous, obvious, and blatant claims of poisoned doctrine.

Also, you have removed “The Lords Prayer” in conjunction with the Rosary, why? Is this not biblical and how we are taught to pray? Or is this an attempt tomislead into a false doctrine? I don’t mean to accuse your teachings of being heresy, so please explain without using a “play on words” of Our Father vs. God Jesus Christ, etc..

Overall, I am willing to believe that millions will fall victim to the Vatican II and millions will fall into anti-Christ, but this can simply be achieved with The Catholic Church declaring “universalism” and calling for New World Order (which they are already doing). I do believe that Satan is attacking the Catholic Church, but not because of its purity. Simply because it does teach salvation. If the Catholic Religion was the only way to salvation, than other denominations would be spared as they would already lead one into spiritual damnation. Trust me, other religions are not spared, Lutherans, Baptists, and other protestant groups are attacked by Satan. These religious groups are plagued with teachings which are “outside” The Bible. They are attacked with the love for vanity, money, sex, and pride. Sin has infiltrated all true churches.

More to come, M---

Mr. Nobody:

Hi M---,

It would be better if I responded to your questions after you read some more. Let me put it this way, if I may- if you allowed a doctor, who is fluent in only one medical book, to operate on one of your daughters, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. The same is true for allowing a Vatican II 'priest' or Protestant 'pastor' operate on your soul based only on one religious book, the Bible. It is the trickiest theological book ever penned, with Gnosticism at it's beginnings. Gnostics are Freemasons, who go back to the time before Egypt, hence the pyramids- the Illuminati are from the 1770's. Sometimes you have to empty your cup of knowledge and start over to see what it really going on here. We do live in Apocalyptic times, and by even the bible's definition, there will be a deception so profound, even the elect will be deceived, so it makes a lot of sense to forget what you think you know and study from the beginning, as much as you're able to. It was this mystery that led to this research. Also, if the original Catholic Rites weren't important, there would not have been such an effort for Masonic men to spend their lives infiltrating the priesthood to subdue and destroy them. This has happened, as wild as that sounds, and it will start to make more sense after reading some of the enemies' works. Even they admit you have to reach a certain “rank” within the Church or the Halls of Freemasonry to understand how this chessboard we call the battle of souls is played out. The elite know the value of the power of the Sacraments while most regular churchgoers have no idea what the powers of the priesthood are. Souls are completely dependent on their priests and with so many weak, ecumenical ones who do not even know their Latin, this plays right into the hands of those who need these Sacraments withheld. This is what the war for the Church is really about, the breaking open of the Seven Seals, because it is that important.

I strongly urge you to finish up beasts III and IV - beast IV's concept of Christ being the Messiah vs. the concept of a coming Messiah to deny him (you can't have it both ways) will help you understand why the Sacraments were changed from the “one who is” to “the one who is coming.” Also, please read AA-1025, the Alta-Vendita and it is worthwhile to read Morals & Dogma, to get an idea of what Freemasonry is all about. It is revealed that Moses, Abraham and Mohammet were Luciferian Freemasons, explaining the 666 Lord of the Bible not being in the Real Trinity and why Gnostic Freemasons wrote it. Then, study and watch the Message of Fatima information, the Mother of God's warning to the devout, and things will also make more sense. I know this is a lot of work but this is a time, especially with four daughters, where we live in a deception so profound, that it's up to each man to make the effort to learn these things for themselves and their families. There are few good leaders left to rely on. Our job is to put the information out there, connect the dots, and whoever wants it can have it. Also, start praying the Rosary. It will help answer questions and expedite this learning process. In other words, think of it not as a waste of time but as a time-saver, you will receive insights that aren't in books, and that's really why it's survived the test of time. It actually works, as strange as that may sound.

But please remember, especially with children, that because of the sins of men, the Church is broken. You have to get to the top level of theological knowledge and/or simply follow the directions of Fatima to make it. Yes, things are really that bad and that's why the Masonic sect seems so, shall we say, confident?

Good luck!

Follow-up Response from emailer:

I have completed the readings of Beast III and Beast IV. As an avid reader, I have also indulged into AA-1025 and Alta-Vendita. I have not completely read both manuscripts but have endured a great deal to come to a conclusion. I have not stepped into Morals and Dogma as I am already highly educated with the Freemason teachings of heresy. I admit that your web-site along with the Sedevacantist teachings are intriguing. However I would like to review a few items that become problematic when properly educated.

The teachings make claims of the Freemasons rooting back to Moses, Abraham, and Luther. This is quickly de-bunked as the Freemasons can only be dated back to the 1600’s. As I have stated in my previous email, I have no doubts that the agenda of the Freemasons go back even further. I find it absurd to claim that the Freemason go as far back to Moses and Abraham. I am sure your group will claim that they were not actual “Freemasons”, but they possessed the Freemason agenda. Also, as I have stated, there is also no evidence that Luther was a Freemason. The problem with Luther and the Catholic Church is that Luther could see through that antichrist agenda of those who were attacking the church. Now, I do conclude that the Church has been attacked with antichrist and that the end of times are among us.

Lets start by going way back to St. Jerome. St. Jerome was commissioned by Pope Damasus in 382 to translate the original Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek Gospels in Old Latin which became the Vulgate ( I am sure you have knowledge of the Versio Vulgata). The Vulgate became The Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. There are a few problems throughout the centuries. The Vulgate was not suppose to include books of the Apocrypha as St. Jerome specifically placed the books into a separate category. The books were not to be confused with scriptural writings. Over the course of the years, The Roman Catholic Church integrated the books of the Apocrypha directly into the bible which twisted the personal agenda of the church and claimed the agenda was for God. I do recognize the actions of the church to be controversial and heretic.

Now, looking back to my previous email, I have to stick to facts. God is a loving God, and not a carless god. The Sedevacantist claims that basically all men are doomed from the Freemasonic agenda of a poisoned Bible. This claim would be easy to consider if we did not have a caring and sovereign God. Satan has planted some deep seeds and man is easily deceived. The Sedevacantist claim that Moses and Abraham were Luciferian Freemasons is blasphemous. Man fails to recognize that The Holy Bible is divine in origin. God has protected his Word and continues to protect his Word. The Bible has withstood all tests of man and even science. To allow Satan to attack the Bible with such intervention degrades God’s love for man. The book of Job demonstrates how Satan requires permission to attack mankind. The convoluted Bible can also be debunked with Paul’s letter to The Corinthians 1Cor. 10:13: God is faithful and will not allow temptations beyond mans strength. Sedevacantist claims of complex scripture creates a false God. The Sedevancastists already make claim that man was able to find sanctification 1500 years prior to the printing press. Man was sanctified because of the simplicity of the requirements of salvation (Luke 18:17), well very well then, God has provided me with The Word so that I may see a counterfeit when one lurks around the corner.

Beast III and Beast IV are blatant heresy. The claims deny the true doctrine of Trinity, the true God, and the true Jesus Christ. Beast III creates idolatry as Mary becomes a center of worship. There is nothing in the Bible to points the worship of Mary. The Bible has many warnings against leper messiahs and any idol that proceed the nature of God. Exodus 20:4-5, Exodus 20:4-5.

Catechism of The Catholic Church convoluted the original 2nd commandment into pure idolatry. The willing and knowing sins of man have created antichrist. No doubt that The Fatima miracle was a warning to the Church, however by no means was it a call for heresy.

Now look at the reckless Pope: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/27/rainbow-religious-leaders-join-pope-for-peace/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:%20foxnews/world%20(Internal%20-%20World%20Latest%20-%20Text)&utm_content=Google%20Reader

I agree that Antichrist will take down millions of blind Catholics, Mormons, etc.. I also have say that the devil is a master of deceiving. There is no reward in Hell. There is no reign in Hell. Satan is a liar and promises to the Freemason will not be kept. Revelation 20:10 tells us, Satan will also be thrown into the lake of fire. Please repent now as you have either been deceived or your are attempting to deliberately deceive man away from God. Please read my last email once again, the main backbone of the Sedevacantist theology is merely a ploy on words. Our Father... The truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Even though man has turned his back on God, God has not turned his back on man. Satan does not need to poison The Bible, man knowingly rejects The Word.

One last funny comment. Your site has a quote from the movie Coming to America, “If the loving lord is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” Well,touche’ !

I would still enjoy a response from my last email

Mr. Nobody:

I must admit that you are a perfect Protestant soldier.

Freemasons admit their group goes back to the building of Solomon's temple, Hiram is their example in the inititaion rite. Perhaps they were not called Freemasons since the beginning, but the same Luciferian worship which gives their brotherhood this secular world control, practiced among the leaders of this world since the Pharoahs of Egypt (Moses' adoptive family for 40 years) is one and the same as the power structure of the world today. Nothing has changed; the devil was the god of this world back then, as is now, and your scriptures would agree.

Regarding your questions about the “exoteric” jealous, talking, war-making fire-god seen only by Moses, a Masonic Initiate, this information can be found in both the Gnostic Scriptures as well as in Morals & Dogma, written by the worldwide leader of Freemasonry a little over a century ago:

“It is certain that the word which the Hebrews are not now permitted to pronounce was in common use by Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Laban, Rebecca, and even among tribes foreign to the Hebrews, before the time of Moses; and that it recurs a hundred times in the lyrical effusions of David and other Hebrew poets. We know that for many centuries the Hebrews have been forbidden to pronounce the Sacred Name (Lucifer); that wherever it occurs, they have for ages read the word Adonai (the Lord) instead…”- Morals & Dogma p. 204

“When his Brethren came to Egypt the second time, the Egyptians of his court could not eat with them, as that would have been abomination, though they ate with Joseph; who was therefore regarded not as a foreigner, but as one of themselves: and when he sent and brought his brethren back, and charged them with taking his cup, he said, “Know ye not that a man like me pracitses divination?” thus assuming the Egyptian of high rank initiated into the Mysteries, and as such conversant with the occult sciences.
So also must Moses have been initiated: for he was not only brought up in the court of the King, as the adopted son of the King’s daughter, until he was forty years of age; but he was instructed in all the learning of the Egyptians, and married afterward the daughter of Yethru, a Priest of An likewise.”
- Morals & Dogma P. 368-9

Naturally, Luciferians cannot deceive anyone if they go around promoting what they term their “esoteric” god, Lucifer, therefore they hide behind their heresy of bible lord worship, the “exoteric” god, Osiris. Their lord is the very same Satan that “deceives all nations” in the Apocalypse. This is done now. There are a few of us left who haven't fallen for the “exoteric” false god of Freemasonic Protestant “preachers” like Pat Robertson and Billy Graham, as well as the Vatican II “ecumenical/Babylonian” priesthood, but most priests don't even know the proofs of their faith. It's very frustrating. Pike admits this also and we concur,

“Not one man in ten thousand knows anything about the proofs of his faith.” - Morals & Dogma page 165

From a merely logical standpoint, if I were to show someone who wasn't subverted by the hammering of modern eschatology two images, one of a talking fire, one of the numerous miraculous apparitions of the Mother of God, most would associate the fire with Hell and the Mother of God with Heaven. But there it is again, that bible and the talking fire seen only by Luciferian Initiate, Moses, with the backing of 10 million Freemasonic religious leaders, knocking us Catholics down as “idol worshippers.” If worshipping the Mother of God is “idol worship,” what then is fire worship? Is this not the bablyonian gathering around a false god, big brother, that the end-times warnings are all about? For the believers of Fatima, the largest pre-announced miracle since the Resurrection, the Trinitarian Theophany makes 100% sense and destroys this Masonic “Lord” deception that has deceived just about everyone, including most devout Catholics.

Our Lady is God

Regarding the Vulgate, it was necessary for the Church to translate it to study the enemy. This is why priests/monks were banned from owning a copy. Jerome spent 25 years studying the Jews to understand them. It is a very, very tricky book to navigate and if you don't know what you are doing with it, we urge you to keep praying and studying it because as it recommends, “But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.” (Matt 5:37) because that book in the wrong hands only leads to more souls being deceived by its lord, a false god. It should be noted that the Protestant version, (scanned here on Fatima Movement.com: i-freemason-bible.php ) which the Luciferian Freemasons actually use in their ceremonies as shown in the Fatimamovement.com chapter: i-CatholicDogmaAboutTheBible.php , actually omits the books that scandalize this book on purpose. One of the 8-11 books dropped from the Catholic Bible to create the Protestant Bible (depending on whether or not you include the Apocrapha) actually has “canticles” (prayers) to Baphomet here: i-satanic-verses-in-the-bible.php . I'll put it this way, if you've ever had a Traditional Catholic Nun swat that book out of your hands, you'll understand a little better.

God is a loving God, He sacrificed Himself at the hands of the Luciferian Judeo-Masonic machine that runs the world for the purpose of giving us lowly, superstitious types at the bottom of the caste system of this world the keys to Heaven and establishing His Church. Unfortunately, 300 some years later, the bible was introduced and over the course time, managed to replace the names of God three times. These Judeo-Masonic scriptures even admit that once it's gospel is preached throughout the world, the consummation will come. We say, “beware the scribes.”

“And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.” (Matt 24:14)

What we're trying to teach is why the bible's gospel of fire-lord/Satan worship is the vehicle causing the consummantion to come, therefore, don't do it and the consummation won't come. Heed the warnings of Hell to the children at the Cova to stop these crimes against God (Her Son, Christ).

Regarding Benedict, he is not a Pope. He is a Protestant and a Freemason. Read his writings and they will agree with the Lutheran position. In fact, they just celebrated this reunification under “the lord,” their new god, between the two subverted “churches.” http://www.thelutheran.org/article/article.cfm?article_id=2896 Our research proves why they are unified, the problems go back that far. Simpletons approach this duality by picking sides as most people are used to a Bears/Packers rivalry or Cowboys/Indians. Our point is that both are wrong, both were subverted by Luciferians skilled in TRIANGULATION by clever adversaries hiding behind their bibles and their “exoteric” lord, all the while conforming to the goals of their “esoteric” god, Lucifer. “Pope” Clement V is listed as a Freemasonic Initiate and his pontificate was in 1305-1314! Theology is very tricky.

Our position is that man has turned his back on God, as the post 1960's Vatican II Protestant “Mass” does, which was designed by six Lutherans, btw. The pictures of this Babylonian happy meal, yes, all biblically-driven rubrics, are here with videos to explain: i-masonic-roman-rite-liturgy.php As Martin Luther's slogan stated, “Take away the Mass, destroy the Church.”

St. Alphonsius: “The devil has always attempted, by means of heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of antichrist, who before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel, 'And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice.'”

You enjoyed the comment of Jewish filmmaking subversion from the movie, “Coming to America” where the goofy Protestant minister said,

“If the loving lord is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” Well,touche’ !

I seriously must stress that as a father of four daughters, your goal in life should be not to go the easy way because as the Jewish scribes warn:

“Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.” (Matt 7:13)

You will lead a comfortable life on this earth, conforming to the deity of the bible and of the state. Most will agree with you and pat you on the back and give you “high fives.” However, we suggest you do what most proud, American Protestant fathers fail to do: “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12) because what happens to the daughters of men who do not understand that “the lord” of Masonry is Satan will suffer unspeakable embarrassments for helping to contribute to the loss of the Church that God died to give us.

As your scribes have warned you, “And he shall be in disgrace with all men, because he understoodnot the fear of the Lord.” (Eccl. 23:31)

There's still time to change the road your on! Good luck!

We'll get to your other questions as time permits. Thanks for your interest in the Sedevacantist Movement.

Reader reply:

I am going to be short and quick here.

Currently, I am setting aside history as I am having a difficult time deciphering truth from deception. I actually think that both us our beliefs are inline with one another but still some issues that need to be ironed out.

1. Salvation is only found in the “Catholic Church” i.e. the mass and sacraments are The Church.

Agreed* However the term “Catholic Church” is a loose term, as long as essential doctrine is not compromised, “The Catholic Church” is the faith.

2. Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit... I still find this a play on words as the meaning is in the heart. Our Father/Lord vs. The Father/Lord has no argument as my heart has always prayed to “The Creator”, and infinite God, a living God.

3. Mary... I still can’t get past the Mary teaching. The Papal system has basically changed the 2nd commandment. Please continue to explain justification.

Summary: Who was and is a Freemason is subjective to argument. Whether Luther or any Pope was a Freemason or not, the topic can surly confuse the mass. I still don’t understand the difference between the 2 different “Jesus'”. Also, how do my “protestant beliefs” compromise my salvation. Please remember that I have and still believe that Jesus Christ is God. According to your beliefs, what else would I be required to change for the “salvation” for my family?

Mr. Nobody:

“Currently, I am setting aside history as I am having a difficult time deciphering truth from deception. I actually think that both us our beliefs are inline with one another but still some issues that need to be ironed out.”

The Jewish scriptures are accurate:

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24

There are so many false preachers, Vatican II priests and theologians pushing the lord of the bible as God, men who are Masonic, that they have managed to pull off such a lie of monstrous proportions that they probably soon will mandate that 2+2=5, just to rub it in. Their Godless, secular New Order is the punishment for the world forgetting God, like in the days of the scriptural Noah.

“And the light of the lamp shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments.” Apoc. 18:23

“1. Salvation is only found in the “Catholic Church” i.e. the mass and sacraments are The Church.

Agreed* However the term “Catholic Church” is a loose term, as long as essential doctrine is not compromised, “The Catholic Church” is the faith.”

Perhaps ponder this, and I understand your hesitancy but maybe this will help: which do you think is more likely to save you from hell? A belief that the Mother of God is in the Trinity or a belief in a war-making, jealous, 666-talents-of-annual-gold-receiving-talking-fire-lord, penned by Luciferian Gnostic Freemasons in a unified effort to subvert the Catholic Faithful over 1700 years? Why the miracles? Why the Rosary? Why the warnings? Why do texts from only 2-300 years ago indicate this change from “Our Lord” to “The Lord”?

Why are these Luciferians so motivated to become preachers and priests, in a coordinated effort to subdue the powers of the Sacraments, preventing everyone from receiving their power?

The Sacramental power still works and once you receive it, you'll understand. It allows you to read their scriptures and understand what they are up to. Think of this power you will receive as stepping out of the Matrix. It's that real. You'll understand their level and see the world for the chess match that it is and then you'll understand the reason for all this effort over the centuries to destory this power and by default, enslave humanity into their “New Order.”

“To the Mason, God is our Father in Heaven …He is our Father; and we are all brethren.” Masonic Morals and Dogma 1916 page 227

Fatima Movement is the only place on the internet that explains this, the only site that comes close is MHFM or vaticancatholic.com, but they do not explain why the Holy Ghost and intention are required, nor do they show the doctors of the Church and their explanation, they just tell you so.

“2. Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit... I still find this a play on words as the meaning is in the heart. Our Father/Lord vs. The Father/Lord has no argument as my heart has always prayed to “The Creator”, and infinite God, a living God.”

It's the Lord's prayer “the Our Father” that is the Satanic prayer that needs to be avoided. The Holy Ghost is actually the Father of the Trinity, not some mechanism of “the lord.”

This is the reason- the Holy Ghost is Christ (God's) Rite, the Holy Spirit is John's (the patron saint of Freemasonry's) Rite. It is in the interest of Freemasonry to clear Christ and the Holy Ghost (the Father) out of the way for the one who is coming, their messiah. This is why the early Church demanded the Holy Ghost must be used- after Christ's Passion, John's Rite (which as St. Thomas Aquinas states is only water), is not good enough. It's actually nothing at all. This is why you see the Illuminati infiltrating Churches and administering these false baptisms. Barely any parents these days catch on, and their child's soul is stolen. The problems manifest later on in life as the protection of the Holy Ghost simply was never given by that ignorant go along priest or Masonic infiltrator. In the 1582 First Edition English Douai Rheims Catholic version of the Jewish scriptures, a text that hundreds of Catholic clergy were massacred for and was treasonous to own in England until 1800, John gets this form of baptism in John 3 from Jews that visit him in the night. It's in there and up on the site. It's a clever trick by these peculiar people that crucified God.

To give some history of this, in the Latin, Rosicrucian false-priests infiltrated and outvoted the Catholic bishops in 1777 to change the Latin form of initiation into the Catholic Church from Spiritum Sanctum to Spiritus Sanctus. This is why some saints were warning about their power and warning about their final strike, but they waited almost another 200 years until they had top to bottom Masonic control before they killed the Mass in the 1960's at Vatican II. It's a lot of work to study for the priesthood and the answers aren't pleasant, to say the least, but this is what happened. Masonry designed their coup in such a way that cafeteria Catholics would be subverted, without even realizing it, into Satanism (lord/allah worship).

This is one of the reasons you don't see many nuns anymore- there's no more “calling.” I know it sounds far fetched, but there is a power, a real power that is being vastly suppressed and it is allowing the devil to have a field day upon humanity. These are the types of issues that the highest level Freemasons are fascinated with and this is what real Catholic priests, bishops and Cardinals are supposed to preserve. It's what makes Catholicism “real.” But there's too much peer pressure in the seminaries to stand up to this mob, and as a consequence, these weak priests are taking millions down to hell with them. It's time for some of them to step up at this late hour and we are trying to arm them against the lies taught to them in their Vatican II seminaries, by leaders who brag that they control these seminaries. This is a huge problem.

Long story short, this is why Sis. Lúcia warns so strongly about forgetting the Holy Ghost. Names mean things and she knew what she was speaking about.

“3. Mary... I still can’t get past the Mary teaching. The Papal system has basically changed the 2nd commandment. Please continue to explain justification.”

The Papal system has been in Masonic hands much longer than the 1950's. Pius V was a Freemason, adding the lord beads to the Rosary. In a coordinated battle with Luther, the Trojan horse of “the lord” being in the Trinity took hold.

Here's another interesting point: One of the largest Cathedrals in the world is called Notre Dame, it took 200 years to build. Why? Are there any “Pater Noster” Cathedrals? Any to Allah/the lord? Mosaic Law, the 10 commandments, are the commands of Satan. In the Latin, “the lord” is a collection of Jewish elders but when it was translated into English, “the lord” was used to translate all these names. There is a “Nominum Interpretatio” index on the Fatima Movement site in the baptism section to help guide thru this, but it is a lot of work to cross-reference. Basically, the Latin contains specifics (and 8 more books) that the English bibles simplify into massive error, on purpose.

Here's a dogma about Mosaic law, btw, which also explains the concept why John's baptism rite is not valid- it is technically Jewish, clearing Christ out of the way for the Jewish-Masonic Messiah and their Armageddon war among two factions of heretical lord-worshippers- protestant vs muslim:

The Council of Florence, 1441: “It firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal prescriptions of the old Testament or the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, holy sacrifices and sacraments, because they were instituted to signify something in the future, although they were adequate for the divine cult of that age, once our lord Jesus Christ who was signified by them had come, came to an end and the sacraments of the new Testament had their beginning. Whoever, after the passion, places his hope in the legal prescriptions and submits himself to them as necessary for salvation and as if faith in Christ without them could not save, sins mortally.”

“Summary: Who was and is a Freemason is subjective to argument. Whether Luther or any Pope was a Freemason or not, the topic can surely confuse the mass. I still don’t understand the difference between the 2 different “Jesus'”. Also, how do my “protestant beliefs” compromise my salvation. Please remember that I have and still believe that Jesus Christ is God. According to your beliefs, what else would I be required to change for the “salvation” for my family?”

Understanding the enemy is key- try to pretend you are an occultist, you joined Freemasonry and frequently communicate with the spirits of the dead on a black and white tiled floor, which gives you in this world a great advantage in government, business, etc... But you have a problem. When you entered this spiritual death in a coffin (like in a Skull & Bones ceremony like Bush/Kerry) and sold your soul, you are forever forbidden from entering Heaven. So what do you do now? 1. You can reap the benefits of the advantages this deal gives you in this life and put eternity out of your mind or 2. You can work for a high position in Hell by giving the devil what he wants- souls. How do you do this? You must be “born again” and tirelessly work to promote the heretical lord and infiltrate the seminiaries, etc. to make the sacred lie stick so that the “master” of the underworld will give you a higher seat in the 'kingdom' of hell. Now imagine if you also had 10 million other Freemason buddies in gov't, whatever else helping you out. Also, imagine if you had millions upon millions of others in previous generations/centuries setting the basis upon which to build the lord as God deception.

With that said, the heretic's goal is to contribute to the “sacred lie” as Freemason Lenin calls it, that Christ is not God. What better way to do this than to pen a book, a “sacred” book that is full of confusion but sounds “holy,” a book that NEVER ONCE says CHRIST IS GOD. Do you think with such a force of men on this unified mission could defeat the Catholic Faith and change it so that after almost 2000 years, this key to Heaven would be forgotten?

Now imagine how high up in hell the Jewish Jesus is, or Mohammet or Moses, all Masonic initiates. There is a video of a Rosicrucian from the History Channel explaining how Jesus (not Christ) is probably the highest level Freemason. This is why. Protestants even put out books like “Hell” about a 23 minute journey of Hell that of all people, Jesus showed them. Yet they don't know why. Well, this is the heretical Jesus of Hell, a most clever trick. People who followed this Jesus of Hell (subordinate son of the fire-lord satan) instead of Christ (God) are under his pyramid of followers in Hell and the Freemasonic preachers who led these poor non-Catholic souls are using them for their own pleasures or whatever goes on there.

It is for this reason daVinci, etc. pump out the theology of Jesus of the bible- also Masonic Jesuits, because they know from their dealings with the condemned, how to add to that number and gain Lucifer's favor, helping them get higher up “Jacob's ladder” in their Amway-styled soul-stealing pyramid of hell scheme. This is really the motivation of anti-popes, Cardinals, etc. They sacrifice their entire lives to do this and they are apparently promised great things. And there are a lot of them as the handshake photos prove.

This apocalypse and the warnings that the punishment from Heaven are imminent from the Mother of God are real. This is it, they have won 99.9% of humanity, this is why they are so confident and quiet.

As far as saving your family, it's simple- the conditional baptism rite needs to be performed to join you to Christ's Church. You should pray the Rosary 150 and if your family will join you, that's ideal. Stay away from any Novus Ordo Mass and just pray the Rosary at home. There's no obligation to go to a heretical 'mass.'
The Rosary 150 everyday is something only monks used to do to fight the occult on a spiritual level in their monasteries, but today that's not really the case. If they are, they are doing it the modern way which has no effect on stopping occultic power. Read about the priests who survived the atomic bombings of Japan by “living in the Message of Fatima.” These 8 priests were investigated by military doctors, some 300 interviews in all. Nobody could figure it out- but back then, there was no internet and this information was much harder to assemble- there was no eBay to buy and study pre-edited texts, encyclicals, etc.

To sum up for now, the Conditional Baptism Rite, the belief that Christ is God (which is great that you alreay have- btw, that's not in the bible anywhere), maybe take some flowers to a statue of Our Lady if there's a shrine by your house- this shows others that She is important “for some mysterious reason” and you'd be surprised at how your prayers will be answered- but also, please prepare yourself to be persecuted for not believing in 'the lord.'

Prepared to be hassled, etc. I'd recommend staying quiet, keep this knowledge in your family. Freemasons have a radar for real Catholics, it's almost surreal how they can do it. You're going to have to be perfect because they have a way of picking away at you until you submit. This seems to be the secret of the Saints and it is so real that this website was put together to publicize these “secrets.” I hope this helps you out and I know how revolutionary it sounds, but look at it this way- it took 2000 years for the Judeo-Masonic occult to pull off their goal of replacing the worship of God's name, three times, and we grew up in the end of it when many lies were already long established, well-ingrained. It's shocking I know, but the evidence is overwhelming.

“Our Lady, Mother of God, pray for us sinners (mistake makers), now and at the hour of our death.”

I'll work on your other questions soon- good luck.

subject: noahide laws

Dear Fatima Movement,

Thanks! I did come back a few times but it didn't look like anyone was opening up or participating much. I noticed you still get a lot of emails. One subject which needs to be addressed are the Noahide laws which are evil but endorsed by the Vatican

& the basis of the catholic social justice deception.
The study of the Talmudic Noahide laws are the key what is meant by the days of Noah & what is the whole thrust of the new world order/religion. They are also behind the mark of the beast as stated in the book of revelations - which is just cabalistic code for how the righteous gentiles (Noahides) are to be marked - as taught by rhe early Talmudic rabbis. I believe it is also behind the personhood law deception now being promoted in certain state legislatures which is being snuck into the abortion movement - as well as behind the Cellini trial in Chicago if you are following it. Know this - Satan is a lawyer & he uses words & language (especially English) to enact laws to give birth to death. There is so much to talk about but it is hard for me to put it all in writing. I pray without ceasing for all of us.

I noticed you haven't been active lately on
> http://fatimamovement.freeforums.org/. Our forum has improved a lot since
> your last visit and I would like to invite you back to join the fun!
> If you have any questions or problems about your account please let me
> know.
> --
> Thanks, The Management
> http://fatimamovement.freeforums.org/
> To stop receiving these e-mails, visit the following link:
> ---------

Mr. Nobody:

Thanks- you know, it's that bulletin board that is automatically sending those emails so all apologies if they're an annoyance. Traffic to the site is slow but steady (about 200 visitors/day) because we can't advertise; we rely on word of mouth, people telling their friends and family (grass-roots style). Some people don't want to register, some don't care about putting their name out there. It would be better to find a board setup like godlikeproductions.com which allows anonymous posting, but it seems to require some programming, so the concentration is on refining the information-

As far as the days of Noah, it's incredible that they had developed a legal paradigm out of that statement about the “days of Noah.” It seems simple- it's just a period in time when humanity is caused to forget the names of God, the keys to Heaven. Sure, many think they're praying to God and appear to be doing the “right” thing, but they don't realize Freemasons pulled the rug out from under them some time ago by switching the names of the Trinity to a fantasy. The mark of the beast is an example of that, a curse on their character which is caused by using the name of Baphomet, the Holy Spirit. Soon, in Advent 2011, the Novus Ordo crowd will be holding hands and chanting to the pagan 'spirit' in the Third Roman Missal “revision.” It's remarkable how angry they get when this is pointed out. The usual response is, “Does it really matter?”

Please send any information on this Cellini trial in Chicago. It will get posted-

Well, keep praying the 150 Rosary everyday. Wear the scapular as well. We're looking into printing up Rosary cards with this information and getting them into circulation. Freemasonry is skilled at pumping so many heresies into circulation and the only way to fight back is to print the truth. It's a chore, but somebody has to do it..


Dear Fatima Movement,

The following pages are transcriptions of catholic exorcisms were the demons were asked questions, and the demons admit that the Holy Catholic Sacraments and a clean catholic lifestyle is what they want to prevent people from knowing about or following:

Warnings From Beyond (Hell), Part 1 of 3

To the Contemporary Church
[Confessions of Hell]
A literal text of the revelations made by the demons
Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Akabor, Allida, and Veroba
during a series of exorcisms' from 1975 to 1978

A translation from the French, by Nancy Knowles Smith, of the book

'Avertissements de l'Au'delà à l’Église Contemporaine – Aveux de l’Enfer’

by Jean Marty.

Jean Marty's book in French is available from 'Les Editions Saint Raphael, 31 Ouest, rue King, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J IH INS.

Warnings from Beyond (Hell), Part 2 of 3
Warnings from Beyond (Hell), Part 3 of 3

Part One.

August 14, 1975.

August 14,1975.

August 17, 1975.

October 31, 1975.

January 12, 1976.

February 5, 1976.

March 30,1976.

According to the divine revelations made to Veronica Lueken, Seer of Bayside' N.Y. during the last decade, there has been a hidden Modernist revolution in the Vatican. The papacy of Pope Paul VI was overthrown by apostate and traitorous ecclesiastics. The leaders of this revolution were named at Bayside as Cardinal Jean Villot (now deceased) former Vatican Secretary of State; Cardinal Giovanni Benelli and Cardinal Agostino Casaroli. The latter is the Secretary of State under the present Pope John Paul 11. Benelli, if elected, would have been the 'Anti‑Christ' pope. These men and numerous other ecclesiastical traitors made Pope Paul V1 a prisoner. In his place they installed an Imposter Pope, a priest who was a fine actor. By means of skilful plastic surgery he was made to appear very like the true Pope and taught to imitate his voice and mannerisms. (FOR EXORCISM REVELATIONS ON THE IMPOSTOR POPE, READ PART 2...)

Masonic skull worship

Pope Paul VI was given poisonous injections, which weakened and paralyzed him. They censored and changed his documents and letters, and thus perverted and falsified the teaching of the whole Church.

For a concise and masterly summary of these points, purchase the booklets “Mass” Deception. The Catholic Bishops' plot to Destroy The Mass' and 'Thou Art Peter'... A Pope in Chains... Under A Forged Papal Decree... A Bishops Mass” both by Louis A. Post and available for 60 cents each from Americans for Public Morality, Box 145, Norwood, Mass. 02062.

For an in-depth analysis of these matters consult the following books of Michael Davies: “Cranmer's Godly Order”; “Pope John's Council”; “Pope Paul's New Mass”; “Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre”, “The Order of Melchisedech” ‑ a defense of the Catholic Priesthood; “Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre” and “Pope Paul's New Mass” are available from The‑Angelus Press, Box 1187, Dickinson, Texas 77539. The other books are available from the Remnant Press, 2539 Morrison Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55117.

It was revealed to Veronica Lueken and is confirmed in the following revelations of the demons, that these ecclesiastical traitors have Masonic and Communist connections. The Christian religions have been infiltrated by Masons and Communists with the sole aim of destroying Christ's Church from within. Many have now reached positions of eminence and power, and have been able to bring the church to its present tragic state.

The following work confirms many of the Bayside revelations. The book essentially exposes the remarks and gestures made by a possessed woman in Switzerland during 1975‑1978. Speaking through the possessed woman, the demons were forced to tell the truth by Our Lady under the Solemn Church Exorcism, which was witnessed by the following priests who have all expressed their conviction of the authenticity of the revelations made by the demons upon the order of the Blessed Virgin.

1. Abbot Albert­l`Arx, Niederbuchorten
2. Abbot Arnold Elig, Ramiswil
3. Abbot Ernest Fischer, Missionary, Gossau (St.­Gall).
4. Rev. Father Pius Gervasi, O.S.B., Disentis
5. Abbot Karl Holdener, Ried
6. Rev. Father Gregoire Meyer, ­ Trimbach
7. Rev. Father Robert Rinderer, C.P.P.S., Auw
8. Abbot Louis Veillard, Cerneux­Pequignot

All eight priests are Swiss, except Father E. Fischer, a German. All participated in the exorcisms except Father G. Meyer who was spiritual director of the possessed woman. Two other French priests also participated in the exorcisms.

Part One


August 14, 1975

E= Exorcist

A= Akabor, a fallen angel, from The Choir of Thrones[2]

Al= Allida, a fallen angel, from the Choir of Archangels

Preparations: Prayers, blessings, dedications, prescribed psalms, three Rosaries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries) Litanies of the Saints, prayers of exorcism, etc.

E: Demon Akabor, we priests order you, in so far as we are representatives of Christ, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We order you in the name of the Holy Cross, the Precious Blood, the Five Sacred Wounds, the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, the Most Blessed Virgin “Mary”, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of the Great Victory of Wigratzbad, the Seven Dolours of “Mary”, (in the name of) St. Michael the Archangel, all the nine Choirs of Angels, the Angel Erabel, Guardian Angel of this possessed woman, St. Joseph, the Scourge of Evil Spirits, the patron Saints of this woman, all Guardian Angels and Angels especially assigned to priests, all the Saints in Heaven especially those who were exorcists, the Holy Curé of Ars, Saint Benedict, (in the name of) the servants of the servants of God, Padre Pio, Theresa (Neumann) of Konnarsreuth, Catherine Emmerich, all the souls in Purgatory and in the name of Pope Paul VI.

As priests of God, we command you therefore Akabor, in the name of all whom we have just invoked, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: you must return to Hell.


A: There is more that I must still say.

E: Speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception...!

A: Yes, in Their names, and in the name of the Thrones from whom I came, I am forced to go on speaking. I must speak.

E: Tell the truth, and only the truth. You have no right to lie. In the name...!

A: I was a member of the Choir of Thrones. I, Akabor, must speak (his breathing is gasping; he[3] cries in a terrible voice). I must say how terrible Hell is. It is much more terrible than anyone could believe. God's justice is terrible, so terrible (he moans and groans).

E: Continue to tell the truth in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception. Say what God commands you to say.

A: Hell is so much worse than you imagine - you do not think deeply enough to comprehend. God's justice... naturally, His Mercy is available... but this requires many things. You must have great confidence, say many prayers, go to Confession. You must do everything according to the old ways. Novelties cannot be allowed to come in easily and wantonly. It is the Pope who speaks the truth.

E: Continue, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, continue in the name of the Thrones, continue!


A: The Wolves are even now...

E: Tell the truth, bring out the truth, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, and in the name of the Thrones!

A: The wolves are now in your midst, even among the good people.[4]

E: Tell the truth, nothing but the truth. We order you, in the name...!

A: As I said before, they (the wolves) are even under the form of bishops,[5] and higher still, in the cardinals.

E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary, in the name...! Continue to tell the truth, the whole truth, as you must, in the name...!


A: I say this against my will. I am saying all this against my will. But the young... the young have been taken in. The young believe that with a few...

E: Tell the truth, in the name of the Thrones. You have no right to lie!

A: ...with a few works of charity, they can reach Heaven; But that is not so. No, never.

E: Continue to tell the truth, the entire truth, in the name of the Thrones, in the name of...!

A: They must, whatever it costs me, I have to say this...

E: Continue to tell the truth, in the name of the Holy Trinity! You must tell the truth, in the name...![6]


A: ...they must receive the Sacraments; receive them in the proper way. True confession, not just participation in penitential ceremonies, and Communion. At this time (Communion) the priest should say “Lord, I am not worthy” three times, and not just once.[7] Communion must he received in the mouth and not in the hand.

E: Speak only the truth, in the name of the Precious Blood, the Holy Cross, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima!

A: We racked our brains for a very long time down there (he points downward), until we succeeded in getting Communion in the hand under way.

Warnings from Beyond (Hell), Part 3 of 3

Mr. Nobody:

The Bayside stuff is demonic. Remember, above everything else that the damned are quite pissed at their situation and they want you to join them. They purposely give the wrong answer to Judgment, pretending they are only trying to help you. This is why they speak of the “Our Father” and “the Lord,” etc. There is no satisfaction there and probably nothing other to do than to get others to join them. It seems like all they have left. So please, Br. Oliver, if these demonic transmissions contradict the original keys, they are satanic.

What is most frustrating about the modern exorcism rites is that they do nothing at all. Sure, it will appear as if the “revised” rite is working, but the devils know what most on this side do not, and they play this unknown to their advantage, going so far as to “flee,” giving the impression they are gone, but leaving the soul unbaptized and doomed to condemnation. This is what Jewish scripture calls “casting out demons by Beelzebub. In other words, the spirits aid in the deception of a successful exorcism, coordinating in such a way that further promotes the Lord/Osiris beast.

Most exorcists today don't even finish with a proper baptism, anathematizing the subject. These rites are not only invalid, they are diabolical.

Here is an acceptable critique from MHFM on Bayside. Fatima is the only trustworthy apparition of the last Century in my experienced opinion.

A sign at Bayside - but, as we will see, not a sign from heaven

Speaking of the last days, Our Lord warns the world that there will be false signs and wonders to deceive (if it were possible) even the elect.

Matthew 24:24-25: “Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him. For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, before hand. If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold he is in the closets, believe it not.”

In this warning, Our Lord makes the very specific statement that if people say they see Him here or there in those days, do not believe it. He even uses the very interesting phrase, “in the closet.” In other words, if they say that Our Lord is appearing to them in their closets or in their rooms, do not believe it. (This admonition would obviously apply also to those who say that His Mother is here or there in those days.) St. Paul warns us of the same thing 2 Thessalonians, when speaking about the time of the Great Apostasy and the coming of Antichrist:

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying. That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”

Prophecy of Marie Julie Jahenny, Briton Stigmatist (1891): “During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from Hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones.” (Rev. R. Gerald Culleton, The Reign of Antichrist, p. 177.)

Faced with this situation, the way that a Catholic judges everything is by the teaching of the Catholic Church. If an apparition gives a message that contains one clear heresy, or anything contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, that is sufficient to prove that it cannot be from God, but from the devil. God does not contradict Himself.

So here are some of the heresies and clearly false messages in Bayside, which serve to prove that the apparitions of Bayside were not authentic messages from Our Lady or Our Lord. What follows are just a few of the false messages in Bayside. There are many others which I will not include in order to avoid making this article too long. These facts are sufficient to prove that Our Lord and Our Lady did not appear or speak to Veronica Lueken. It was actually the Devil posing as Our Lady and Our Lord who gave Veronica Lueken false messages in order to lead people astray.


“Our Lady” of Bayside, August 14, 1979: “Do not judge your brothers and sisters who have not been converted. For My Father’s House, My Son has repeated over and over, remember always – that in My Father’s House, there are many rooms in the Mansion, signifying faiths and creeds.” (Our Lady of the Roses (Blue Book), the “messages” of Bayside, published by Apostles of Our Lady, Inc. Lansing, MI, 1993, p. 81.)

The statement above allegedly from “Our Lady of Bayside,” that in the Father’s House there are many mansions representingmany faiths and creeds, is blatantly heretical. It is an infallibly defined dogma that only those who die with the Catholic Faith go to heaven.

Pope Eugene IV, The Athanasian Creed, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra:

“Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.”

This heresy in Bayside gives it away as a false apparition of the Devil, for Our Lady does not contradict infallible dogma and the Chair of St. Peter. To say otherwise is blasphemous heresy.

Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), May 5, 1824:

“It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members… by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism… This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.”

The Bayside Message contradicts what Catholics must hold by divine faith, that there is only one faith that leads to heaven, the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation. The many mansions in the Father’s house that Our Lord refers to in the Gospel represent different rewards for Catholics who die in the state of grace.


“Our Lady” of Bayside, June 18, 1988: “Within two years or less, there will be a great crash of the market. The whole world’s monetary systems will be paralyzed. That, My child, is why you had to come this evening to the grounds.” (Our Lady of the Roses (Blue Book), p. 108.)

This never happened.


“Our Lady” of Bayside, June 18, 1988: “Do not be affrighted, My child; you must see this, for it is important. Within this century this Ball will be sent upon mankind… It is almost too late… a Ball that is fast hurtling towards earth! It will be here within this century, if not sooner.” (Our Lady of the Roses (Blue Book), p. 108.)

A common characteristic of many of the recent false apparitions is the claim that a ball of redemption will come to crush the earth or much of it. Personally, I believe that the Devil’s purpose in promoting this idea is to get people to focus on a physical chastisement, rather than on the spiritual deception occurring with the Vatican II sect. Bayside clearly prophesied that this comet/ball of redemption would arrive “within” the 20th century. This never happened, thus proving that the Message of Bayside is false. Further, look at the wording of the message allegedly from “Our Lady.” She supposedly says that this ball would arrive “within this century, if not sooner,” AS IF SHE DOESN’T KNOW. It is not the statement of Our Lady, but the lie of the devil.

When Our Lady communicates, she usually says very little. She expresses herself precisely, and she certainly doesn’t make false prophecies. She is the Queen of Prophets.


“Our Lord” of Bayside, August 21, 1985: “My children – three figures with great power, who are planning the fate of your Vicar [John Paul II]. You must warn him to be clear of those about him. When he reads their writings he will understand. However, We also ask that he spend less time in going to and fro across the nations, for he makes it doubly difficult for Us to protect him. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. You have a good and holy Father now in Rome, but should he be removed there will come disaster.” (Our Lady of the Roses (Blue Book), the “messages” of Bayside, published by Apostles of Our Lady, Inc. Lansing, MI, 1993, p. 103.)

According to this, Our Lord said that it’s doubly hard for Him to protect someone who travels. This is clearly false.

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Sess. 3, Chap. 1, On God the creator of all things: “EVERYTHING THAT GOD HAS BROUGHT INTO BEING HE PROTECTS AND GOVERNS BY HIS PROVIDENCE, which reaches from one end of the earth to the other and orders all things well. All things are open and laid bare before His eyes, even those which will be brought about by the free activity of creatures.”

God’s providence and power extend from one end of the earth to the other. It’s not hard for Him to do anything. The statement of Bayside not only contradicts Vatican I, but also the Gospel. Our Lord tells His Apostles that He could instantly have more than 12 legions of angels (Mt. 26:53) from His Father, if He asked for them. But according to Bayside, it makes it difficult on God if you travel. This is just one example of many which proves that there is outrageous heresy and error in the Bayside Message.

While God allows the Devil to work false signs at these apparition sites, at the same time He allows (or even forces) the Devil to make major mistakes, so that those who really want the truth can see that the message is a deception of the Devil.

The above message also tells us that John Paul II was “good.” This is arguably the worst part of the Bayside Message. John Paul II praised all the different false religions and taught that we shouldn’t convert non-Catholics, as our material documents. John Paul II was an evil, Christ-rejecting heretic. Through Veronica Lueken, the Devil wanted to convince people that a man who preached a new Gospel, promoted idolatry and religious indifferentism was actually “good.”

Dear Fatima Movement,

Thank you for revealing these suspicious elements within the Bayside and Garabandal locutions. I haven't studied deep enough to see the whole picture so I will relook at these locutions to see all of the inconsistentcies. One thing we know for sure is that there will be many Virgin Mary apparitions and messages and we cannot trust the ones that do not Glorify God and the Trinity correctly. I also thank you for that expose article on Bayside. Regarding the exorcisms, especially concerning the Vatican ll exorcism rite, the liberated souls must live a disciplined Catholic life in order to avoid a repossession. It is a very sad fact that souls continue to be harrassed and repossesed because an unlawful exorcism rite. We must pray that as many priests as possible return to the Church and use the original rites to bring peace and salvation to souls.

Keep up the holy work and, especially, keep on bringing attention to the strange supernatural events the pilgrims experience at the non-Fatima apparitions. I have also noticed that alot of the New Age followers have accepted Garabandal as one of their major ascencion events.

Mr. Nobody:

At the end of the day, the devils want you to succomb to two deceptions:

1. They don't want you to receive the Catholic Rite (pre-1944) of Baptism using the name Holy Ghost with the Catholic Intention

2. They don't want you to know Christ is God.

This is all that matters to a good Exorcist. The name “Mother of God” drives the possessing devils mad because they know (since they have already failed the test at Judgment, when Christ asks, “Whom do you say I am?,” they intend to do whatever is necessary to get you to fail this test like they did. That's it. Many Vatican II Exorcists achieve some level of apparent success, but fail to “unmark” the soul with the valid Sacrament of Baptism. Many of these problems would be eliminated if priests just followed the correct form of the Catholic Baptism Initiation Rite in the first place, but that is one of the consequences of “Opening the Seven Seals/Sacraments.”


Dear Fatima Movement,

Br. A-------- B------ of ---------Radio will be giving a speech to a large crowd at Catholic Conference event in M----- with the subject regarding the Anti-Pope Peter the Roman, and Br. B------ has offered me the chance to write a short speech to the ------- audience. A few words of Truth will go a long way; I have included exaples of your Grace hearted research as well...

subject: LETTER FROM father rolf hermann lingen

Dear Fatima Movement,

Although I occasionally do read something from or about private revelations, I am mainly into dogmatic declarations by the Magisterium of the Church. Of course, esp. Fatima and there esp. the Third secret have caught my interest, but in discussions / argumentations, I rather avoid topics like that and stick to official teachings.
Now about other sedevantists:
While all Catholics are now sedevacanstis, nearly no sedevacanstist is Catholic. Sad, but - at least from my experiences - true. Here in Germany, nearly all (of the unbelievable tiny number of) sedevacantists show grave defects. There are members of the V2-sect (!), atheists (e.g. followers of Johann Gottlieb Fichte), followers of Feeney and so on.
For several years, I tried to help these non-Catholic sedevacantists to become Catholics, but they simply do not want to correct their lives. Instead, they normally support the activities of the state against me. Most sedevacantists defame me as a liar / a psycho, want me see in jail and so on.
Someone wrote that on Nov 10, 2011, (i.e. end of the current trial against me), my war will be over.
Hopefully I will stay Catholic in this final battle, even when I am - technically - finally defeated by the state and the V2-sect.

Father Rolf Hermann Lingen

römisch - katholischer Priester
Goldbrink 2a
46282 Dorsten

Mr. Nobody:

I would suggest to you to pray the Rosary the way Our Lady intended, without the “Lord” beads. 150 Ave's in a row- this will protect you and gain much merit in Heaven. The reason for the 150 straight Ave's is to spiritually counteract the Luciferian effects of those who chant the 150 psalms of David, awaiting the messiah of David and the Jews. It really works and will cause miracles. The secret of Catholicism is that Our Lady is God- so going the extra mile in this life will have benefits in the next. One must be Catholic to get to Heaven, but most Catholics don't make it. You must go the extra mile, working out your salvation with “fear and trembling.” Toting the mainline and conforming to Vatican II lord-worship groupthink is the way to Hell, and the gates are quite wide. Good luck to you, if there's anything we can do, let us know.

subject: final pope and armageddon plaque in vatican?

Dear Fatima Movement,


Regarding the wall of plaques that marked all the pontificates.. You said that there is still another plaque after Benedict XVI (named 'Armageddon'). Does this mean that there will still be another ''pope'' after Benedict XVI or does this 'Armageddon' plaque signify a situation/time and NOT a person/pontificate? Isn't Benedict the last one? Isn't he ''Peter the Roman''? Also, how can we be sure that the Prophecy of Popes by St. Malachy hasn't been altered to benefit the Freemasons' plans? I mean, why would the allow something that would give them away be circulated? It just doesn't make sense that they would allow anything completely truthful and revealing (esp. when it concerns them) to circulate.

Thank you so much!

Mr. Nobody:


This wall of plaques was seen by a friend of mine, but he was not allowed to photograph it. If I had the money, I'd go to Rome and try to take a snapshot of it. It's one of those things that every priest seems to know about since they regularly go to Rome, but is not allowed to be publicized outside. It's so frustrating because the Vatican is calling it, and there's many reasons this is happening at this point in history, but we cannot locate a photograph of this anywhere.

Personally, I've had an Opus Dei “priest” rub his hands together like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons and say “ooooh, when the 'son of man' comes, I can't hardly wait!!” That was weird.

I've had a Masonic false Traditionalist priest say “whatever happens, you just have to take it.”

I also know that the “Fraternite Notre Dame” crowd in Chicago, a 'rebel traditionalist group' that holds on to the pre-1962 Rite of Mass is actually waiting to be validated by this last pope!

I've also had a Master Mason brag to me about this coming Masonic Jesus deception that he “thinks it's hilarious” and “why does it bother you so much?,” he asked.

But once again, no photographs exist. But if you go into a regular Vatican II “Church” these days, the 'spirit' seems to be guiding the blind Vatican II sheep into welcoming in this Jewish Messiah. Their current Novus Ordo “masses” make the Spirit-guided Charismatic Movement of the 1970's seem normal, and that's really saying something. People at those events were so drunk with the spirit of the Devil that they had to cool down before driving home. It's nuts.

My educated guess is this countdown to Advent 2011. The Masonic goal (read the Alta Vendita book on the site) is to actually use the Church for their own purposes, delivering souls straight to Hell, and frankly, this spirit worship that will be implemented on Nov. 27, 2011 is a huge signal. I've known about this since 2008 and that's one of the reasons for this website, to warn others.

From my understanding, this Peter the Roman will function as a pope, but will not actually be formally elected because of some contrived crisis. The Vatican's 2000 version of the Third Secret of Fatima seems to set up the flock for this very thing to occur, almost as a script. As far as St. Malachy, it is interesting that this prophecy occurred right around the time of the switch between Our Lady and 'the lord/father' of Judeo-Masonic Gnostic scripture. Once that change had been established, removing the other two names of the Trinity and tricking the Catholic faithful into Jewish Messiah worship was only a matter of time. This is why the Apocalypse “script” at the end of their bibles say the other things will “come quickly.”

As far as letting these things circulate, it's almost like they don't care because they know how airtight and bulletproof their deception is. This is why they don't care about all of these television shows like ”Decoded” and “Conspiracy Theory” to exist because they figure it's extremely unlikely that anyone will go the distance to figure it out. For me, it took a miracle and some taunts from some Freemason false traditionalist priest to figure it out exactly how they did it- it was the curse of the Masonic baptism- one of those things people never revisit and automatically assume was done correctly- the mysterious mark of the beast on the forehead caused by a Masonic 'priest' is their weapon. A few hundred thousand Rosary Prayers and studying the reasons for Our Lady's appearance at Fatima and her warning to these children helped out too. They know that the vast majority of people won't be able to figure it out and that's how they're getting away with it. The Holy Spirit curse seems to keep a veil of ignorance over people's eyes. We're the only website that explains why the Rite must be done with the Holy Ghost and the proper intention- some sites just tell you, but don't give the reasons why, like MHFM (vaticancatholic.com). Our goal is to alert priests to the deception of their Bishops so that they might step up and correct this damnable error. It seems to be gaining traction...

Praying correctly is very important. There was an apparition in Ireland in the 17-1800's if I remember correctly where Our Lady warned “do you say your prayers well?” It's fascinating that switching Our Lord to The Lord is the difference between Christ and Satan worship, but that's how it is and nobody seems to be paying attention to this. People are more interested in the box score of their baseball team, a national waste of time. In their scriptures, in the parable of the ten virgins, even they are caught up in this deception so yes, even Carmelite Nuns must make sure they are praying correctly. Eastern Star “Nuns” are as big a problem on the women's side as Masonic “priests” are on the men's. Their goal is to change everything until Christianity has been morphed into Satanism.

We'll see if anything happens on Nov. 27th or around that time. If not, we can all breathe easy.

Uhm, so what can we actually ''look forward'' to as opposed to what the rest of the world is looking forward to? Would the destruction of Rome benefit us or the other side?
Thank you...

Mr. Nobody:

All indications point to there being four groups.

1. The 144,000 Luciferian Illuminati are expecting to be “raptured” to Jerusalem, where Lucifer, their Master will reign. Those outside the “walls” will be split into two groups-

2. lower level Freemasons who joined only for their personal gain and didn't rise high enough in the ranks of knowledge to become false priests, which the Devil appreciates the most because the Catholic Rites are the only things on Earth that prevent him from stealing souls and

3. The “meek that shall inherit the earth.” Those souls who were unknowingly anathematized from the Church by priests issuing out invalid Sacraments, who were duped in lord/Satan worhsip in the Novus Ordo Mass, and people who followed all non-Catholic forms of worship, pagans, those deceived by pagans into Luther's clan, Mormons, the Islamic cult of Freemason Mohammet, etc., will reap what they have sewn- nothing. This is the “Day of the Dead” or “Zombie Apocalypse” scenario we believe is the punishment from Heaven. Those in Judea, as the Apocalypse explains, should get some good running shoes so that they can run to the mountains...

4. Those who choose to listen and follow the warnings from the Message of Fatima, the undeceived Catholics.

Sister Lúcia alludes to this when she warned:

“God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from Heaven is imminent...Not one person will rejoice at all if beforehand the world does not pray and do penance. I am not able to give any other details because it is still a secret. This is the part of the Message of Our Lady which will remain secret until 1960. My mission is not to indicate to the world the material punishments which are certain to come if the world does not pray and do penance beforehand. No. My mission is to indicate to everyone the imminent danger we are in of losing our souls for all eternity if we remain obstinate in sin... it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not save only his own soul, but all the souls that God has placed on our path... The devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility. God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the immaculate heart of (Our Lady). These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others... the most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, even of the life of peoples and nations, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls. Finally, devotion to the immaculate heart of (Our Lady), our most holy Mother, consists in considering her as the seat of mercy, of goodness, and of pardon, and as the certain door by which we are to enter Heaven.”

The destruction of Rome will mobilize, we think, Masonic-led lord-worshipping duped Vatican II Catholics against Masonic-led lord/Allah-worshipping duped Muslims in what Evangelicals are being led to believe is the Gog/Magog Armageddon War, after which, they believe the Jewish Messiah will appear to save them. The Wisdom of Catholicism kind of saves you from this madness, if you want it.

subect: am i baptized correctly?

Dear Fatima Movement,

Are you saying I haven't been properly baptized?
Thanks for the prayers

Mr. Nobody:

It is extremely, extremely likely. This is the mystery of the “mark of the beast” and the actual weapon Freemasonry is using to cause this effect in people that you are suffering from. After the Seven Seals, which are the Seven Sacraments are opened in the Apocalypse (which actually happened in 1944) it describes the effects such as: in those days it will be mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law, families will be split 3 vs. 2, etc. There is a power in the Sacraments when the name Holy Ghost is used, with the proper intention (a requirement). Try the conditional rite, just in case. Anyone can do this in times of emergency and nowadays, with barely a valid priest in existence, anyone should and must do this. You'll thank me when you feel its effect. Then, you will understand as a bishop or high-level Freemason with rank understands what is really going on in the world. It's not something “in the water,” it's the absence of the Holy Ghost in the Sacraments which is causing the world to act this way. That's one of the things Sister Lúcia was warning about.

Good luck.

subject: rosary rally

Dear Fatima Movement,

Please post this message:
I want to thank you and all that had joined me last night unified in our Blessed Mother and Father God Jesus Christ's hearts through the rosary rally. Well, done, for I am VERY proud and impressed of your open and holy hearts, my dear brothers and sisters, for you will earn the Protection and Love of God Jesus Christ and inherit the Heaven if you continue your life of purity and holiness. I have never felt the Holy Ghost and the Blessed Mother's Presence as strong as I did last night, which is a Sign that our rosaries are at work through the Infinite Love and Approval of God Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother, and their angels. I sincerely hope that all of who participated in the rosary rally and more brothers and sisters will continute to pray the rosary with me every Wednesday and Sunday at 11:00 pm for the rest of our earthly lives, for we will definately heal the sick and the earth through our concentrated unity of rosaries in God Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother. Purity, holiness, compassion, and selflessness is the True Way of Christ Jesus, for the rosary is the door to the Way of God Jesus Christ.
May the Peace, Happiness, Protection, and Grace of God Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Be With all of you.
Br. O-----

subject: 3 days of darkness

Dear Fatima Movement,

So what can we do now and what can we expect? Is the ''3 days of darkness'' real (meaning, it came from Sister Lucy)? Since Christ's Return isn't real, what happens then? Are we gonna be stuck in this rotten world til then? Since the “deadline”' just came and went, what now? It's so hard to believe anything anymore. Truth is, I wish there was some way to fast forward everything already because, for obvious reasons, every minute in this rotten world is pure torture.
Thanks for your time.


Mr. Nobody:

The best advice I can give you is to keep praying the Rosary everyday, warn your loved ones to stay away from the Novus Ordo Religion that promotes peace, love and happiness among all the pagan religions, just as everybody all agrees that Christ isn't God anymore. The best intelligence is this: Advent 2011, when Rome changes the liturgy from Holy Spirit to now Spirit, when it should always be the Holy Ghost (Who was, is and ever shall be), fulfills Apocalypse 22:17:

“And the Spirit & the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that thirsteth, let him come: and he that wil, let him take the water of life gratis.”

There was actually a countdown clock on the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops' website which has been running for over 400 days now, counting down to this final liturgical change. Originally, our site had a blue countdown clock synced up with their clock, which was about 90 days after this Third Secret of Fatima countdown. For those keeping watch and for those who understand that the names of the Trinity have been “lost”, hence the “Lost Keys of Freemasonry”, understanding that the Apocalyspe is the Satanic liturgical revolution in Rome, which “has the power to shut Heaven”, this Advent 2011 is definitely a date to watch. We've been on top of this for about three years, expecting this day, so when these Illuminati monks in Portugal released their Third Secret, it made a lot of sense at the time, even though it didn't exactly line up with Advent 2011.

I understand your feelings about the world, this is the same world that killed God on a cross, and all I can offer you is to stay cool and remember that it is written in their scriptures that “the days will be shortened for the sake of the elect, otherwise no flesh would be saved.” The events surrounding Israel are meant to replace the Masonic takeover in God's Church, what the Apocalypse is really about, and to lead the protestants and muslims (who are under the same Masonic Lord of the OT) into fighting each other since they are both end of the world religions and somehow believe this event is a good thing. They are in for a terrible surprise, but this is the “patience of the saints” described about in the Apocalypse.

One Freemason chatboard admits they don't know what is going to happen now because nobody expected someone to figure out what they did over the last 1600 years and pull it all together, and some freemasons are speculating it will be another 10-12 years because we are not yet “in the days of Noah” when EVERYBODY forgot about God, except for Noah, if you believe this from the OT, and that could be the case too. Many black magic types and Freemasons are complaining about their “lost powers” in their witchcraft and are trying to figure out why this has happened to them. The original, non-heretical Rosary seems to actually stop or somehow limit the control the occult has on the unbaptized and we hope that our work and prayers is somehow causing the damage to their objective of full deception. Also, the Washington Monument being shook and rattled loose by an earthquake on the end of the 70th week of Daniel, August 24, 2011, one week after Rome was supposed to get it on August 17, 2011, may fulfill Our Lady's prophecy that with the Rosary and the Scapular, She will one day save the world.

It's hard to tell, but that's the best info we have at the moment. But pay attention to this new, New Order Mass, which completes the liturgical revolution and makes the Mass full out pagan. We'll see what happens then.

One more thing, in the Vatican, from what our sources tell us, there is a wall of plaques that mark every pontificate since St. Peter's, and after Benedict XVI, the next plaque says “Armageddon.” This we believe is why all your friendly Vatican II priests are having special masses for what they have been taught is the “second coming.” Also, St. Malachi's prophecies seem to confirm this, but with the short reign of “Peter the Roman,” who is the “one coming like a son of man,” the final anti-pope who will endorse this Jewish Davidic/Luciferian Jesus, we believe.

So, pay attention and keep watch because the lord comes like a thief in the night. If it ever gets to the point where Our Lady and the Iron Man Jewish Jesus appear at the same time, pick Our Lady. You'll be glad you did. Remember Sister Lúcia's warning, “Either you are for the Blessed Virgin or you are for the devil. There is no other possibility.” It seems the devil is running out of time so we urge you to pray vigilantly.

Good luck.


I've been reading the book scans you have on your site, particularly the one regarding Baptism and St. Thomas' Summa Theologica and it shows that even the Church Fathers taught it to always be the “Father, Son & Holy Spirit.”. Does this mean the Church Fathers are wrong?

If the bible is pagan, just how much of it is true (considering you also quote Bible scriptures/passages plus even Mama Mary quoted certain passages in the Book of Daniel in the Third Secret)? What/Who is the real character of John the Baptist? In the Old Testament, was David a man of God or of the devil? If 666 refers to Solomon, does that mean the antichrist would be a reincarnation of Solomon?

Also, with regard to your argument that the “Our Father” prayer should not be included in the Rosary, are you also saying that even outside the Rosary, the Our Father prayer is invalid to the point of heretical? Where did you get the 'original' form of the Rosary? Lastly, you quoted Sister Lúcia to have said “Either you are for the Blessed Virgin or you are for the devil. There is no other possibility.” but in your webpage http://fatimamovement.com/i-original-rosary.php it says Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.

Please enlighten.
Thank you for your time!

Mr. Nobody:

“I've been reading the book scans you have on your site, particularly the one regarding Baptism and St. Thomas' Summa Theologica and it shows that even the Church Fathers taught it to always be the “Father, Son & Holy Spirit.”. Does this mean the Church Fathers are wrong?”

Yes, there are many tricks in their bag. This critical information has been so well buried by Freemasonry that it takes quite the effort to pull the Faith back together. The purpose of the Summa prints is to highlight that there actually are two baptisms, one valid, another purposely invalid. The Holy Ghost is absolutely required and the Holy Spirit is the modern, invalid way of marking the VII body of Catholics with the beast. There are powers in the original rite which people willingly surrender, unknowingly via their sins of willful ignorance of the faith. There is a reason for Freemasonry changing the Rite of Baptism (32-1944) into the Masonic one. This is how they killed the Church, striking the flock and scattering it. The grace and powers given in the Sacraments are simply absent today because the Sacraments are invalid and it's just breaking the body of Catholics who fail to see it because they aren't keeping watch.

“If the bible is pagan, just how much of it is true (considering you also quote Bible scriptures/passages plus even Mama Mary quoted certain passages in the Book of Daniel in the Third Secret)? What/Who is the real character of John the Baptist? In the Old Testament, was David a man of God or of the devil? If 666 refers to Solomon, does that mean the antichrist would be a reincarnation of Solomon?”

The bible is true, it's just that one needs to understand the objectives of the Jewish scribes who wrote it. For example, Satanism and their books are also true, as well as witchcraft, but that doesn't mean you want to believe it. A Latin Vulgate, canonical, pre-1800 is a most worthwhile investment. When the Latin was translated into English, the multiple pagan names were unified as “the lord,” giving the impression of monotheism in the English editions. Please study the 12th century Dogma regarding the depth of the scriptures and why the Church did not allow even priests to possess bibles. This is still true today but this truth is so shocking but most just ignore it, just as most priests believe they are smarter than they actually are and feel they don't need to heed the warnings of the Church when it was more intact. This denial of Dogma is just tragic. Even most priests don't follow the rules and the sheep who follow them are being led to the slaughter.

John the Baptist is heralded as a patron saint of Freemasonry. If you read John 3, the baptism rite was given to him by Jews who visited him in the night. The purpose of this Jewish rite is to “clear the way for the one who is coming.” Obviously, Christ (Our God and Our Messiah) already arrived so John's rite is invalid after Christ and this is what Aquinas is explaining in the Summa. If you perform this rite now, it clears Christ out of the way for what is coming- the NWO and the Jewish Messiah (a red cow, anti-Christ, etc.) If Catholics had kept their rite intact (some do), the Holy Ghost will protect you from this.

David was the king of the Jews, and anyone that dies a Jew will be condemned. Freemasonry is building the temple of Solomon by clearing Christ out of the world, specifically by preventing Catholics from receiving the Sacraments and the powers they contain, so that their antichrist will be worshipped. It's up to you if you want to let them. Anti-Christ is not really a specific person, it is the false belief that Christ is not God anymore which is quite the common theme these days.

“Also, with regard to your argument that the “Our Father” prayer should not be included in the Rosary, are you also saying that even outside the Rosary, the Our Father prayer is invalid to the point of heretical? Where did you get the 'original' form of the Rosary?”

Yes, the Lord's Prayer is a protestant/masonic bible prayer which crept into the liturgy over the centuries. This is why Our Lady of Fatima demands the Fatima prayer on every Lord bead. When you research the original form of the Rosary given to St. Dominic, there were 150 straight prayers. It wasn't until Pius V changed it to the decade system in the 1500's and it's up to you to decide if Our Lady knew what She was talking about or if Pius V knew better. We believe the Mother of God knows what She is talking about. The Lord is the God of every non-Catholic religion, yet there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. If you're confused by this, pray the Rosary and the truth will come to you. Then you will understand the Saints a little better.

“Lastly, you quoted Sister Lúcia to have said “Either you are for the Blessed Virgin or you are for the devil. There is no other possibility.” but in your webpage http://fatimamovement.com/i-original-rosary.php it says Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.”

There are conflicting translations because of the normal Masonic changes always going on. We'll look into it. Thanks for noticing. What Sister Lúcia was referring to is on Judgment Day, if you worship the image of the beast system, the Jewish Jesus deception, you are for the devil. We expect Our Lady to intercede on this day, providing the world a choice between Her and the Jewish Messiah.


I'm figuring that even the writings of the saints have been tampered with... It's infuriating, to say the least.

I see your point on the Masons plan to build the 'spiritual' temple of Solomon. Here in the Philippines, Jose Rizal (our ''national hero'') was a Freemason and I'm guessing that he was no ordinary one because they have statues of him even in other countries. His works (Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) are even required readings in all high schools here in the Philippines. It's obvious how they really want to brainwash them young.

If you have time and if you don't mind, can you please give me your insights regarding one of the Philippines' landmarks- Quezon Memorial Circle. It's says Freemasonry all over and if you search for it in Google Images (keyword: Quezon Memorial Masonic), there's a blog that posted a picture from Google Earth showing how Quezon Memorial Circle is part of an equilateral triangle that is formed by the roads connecting to it, etc. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the architect who design Quezon Memorial is an Ilustre, especially if you connect it to Vicente Ilustre of Vicente Ilustre el Isagani (a friend of Jose Rizal and his ''springboard'' for Isagani, one of the main characters in El Filibusterismo).

I'm consoled at the thought that despite everything, the Philippines is still somehow fighting against the ''Equality'' block of the Masonic building foundations. We've been fighting land reform (which is all bull**** if you ask me coz the people/officials behind it pocket the agrarian reform budget) and now that I understand the spiritual aspect as to why land reform is evil, we're gonna fight it even more. Who knows, if they shall be unable to mold the Philippines/make it into their perfect ashlar block, they're never gonna be able to build Solomon's temple.. right?

Another interesting point: I know that dogma says that there are not martyrs nor saints outside the Catholic Church but nevertheless, can you please give me your insights on the spiritual aspect of the murder of the last czar of Russia and his family and close aides. The Romanovs were deeply devout (despite the black propaganda that I'm guessing Masons set up after their murder) Orthodox Christians PLUS there were numerous prophecies from Russian Orthodox saints that foretold the martyrdom of Nicholas Romanov II and his family for the salvation of Russia. Even though they are not saints for us Catholics, they are saints/passion-bearers for the Russian Orthodox believers and something seriously tells me that they are instruments to the conversion of Russia (to Catholicism even) and that they are part of the whole Fatima/Russia/Vatican/Masonic puzzle. (It is also important also to note that the Rothschilds are allegedly behind their murder as they funded the Bolsheviks and, of course, they are part of the Illuminati bloodline).

Lastly... Does this mean david and solomon are evil? sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious but I'm just really drained of all the half-truths and what-not's that I just want things to be straightforward and explicit if you know what I mean.
Many thanks in advance!!

Mr. Nobody:

“I'm figuring that even the writings of the saints have been tampered with... It's infuriating, to say the least.”

It's downright maddening but luckily there is enough truth left that someone can pick through the lies. Please download whatever scans you'd like and save them just in case the site goes down- it was a lot of work to compile this and it needs to be preserved.

“I see your point on the Masons plan to build the 'spiritual' temple of Solomon. Here in the Philippines, Jose Rizal (our ''national hero'') was a Freemason and I'm guessing that he was no ordinary one because they have statues of him even in other countries. His works (Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) are even required readings in all high schools here in the Philippines. It's obvious how they really want to brainwash them young.”

This is a spiritual war which means the effects aren't fully realized until the next life. If many just understood their objective of stealing souls, this would be much easier! The government school system has always been in conflict with the Catholic school system (when it was in better theological shape) but now they are one. This truly is a battle between two societies in essence- but our side is losing badly because of the ecumenical convergance in the 1960's at Vatican II.

“If you have time and if you don't mind, can you please give me your insights regarding one of the Philippines' landmarks- Quezon Memorial Circle. It's says Freemasonry all over and if you search for it in Google Images (keyword: Quezon Memorial Masonic), there's a blog that posted a picture from Google Earth showing how Quezon Memorial Circle is part of an equilateral triangle that is formed by the roads connecting to it, etc. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the architect who design Quezon Memorial is an Ilustre, especially if you connect it to Vicente Ilustre of Vicente Ilustre el Isagani (a friend of Jose Rizal and his ''springboard'' for Isagani, one of the main characters in El Filibusterismo).”

I'd prefer to teach you how to do it- these characters are everywhere and it gets tiring after awhile!

“I'm consoled at the thought that despite everything, the Philippines is still somehow fighting against the ''Equality'' block of the Masonic building foundations. We've been fighting land reform (which is all bull**** if you ask me coz the people/officials behind it pocket the agrarian reform budget) and now that I understand the spiritual aspect as to why land reform is evil, we're gonna fight it even more. Who knows, if they shall be unable to mold the Philippines/make it into their perfect ashlar block, they're never gonna be able to build Solomon's temple.. right?”

You know, before Christ founded the Church, it took like 12 Jewish lawyers to transfer a piece of property. Their Mosiac law is just such an annoyance, but what gives them the power to get so many goyim to be subservient to their law is the ignorance of Catholics who think that God has something to do with this law. If people just studied the basis for this control system, there'd be a revolution by tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, people actually help enforce their Mosaic Law bondage with ignorance. They enslave themselves in this world and for an eternity in the next by giving in.

“Another interesting point: I know that dogma says that there are not martyrs nor saints outside the Catholic Church but nevertheless, can you please give me your insights on the spiritual aspect of the murder of the last czar of Russia and his family and close aides. The Romanovs were deeply devout (despite the black propaganda that I'm guessing Masons set up after their murder) Orthodox Christians PLUS there were numerous prophecies from Russian Orthodox saints that foretold the martyrdom of Nicholas Romanov II and his family for the salvation of Russia. Even though they are not saints for us Catholics, they are saints/passion-bearers for the Russian Orthodox believers and something seriously tells me that they are instruments to the conversion of Russia (to Catholicism even) and that they are part of the whole Fatima/Russia/Vatican/Masonic puzzle. (It is also important also to note that the Rothschilds are allegedly behind their murder as they funded the Bolsheviks and, of course, they are part of the Illuminati bloodline).”

Keep in mind that Freemasons will pretend to be victims of other Freemasons if it helps to advance the heresy in society. For example, if the czar was for “the lord,” the sympathy garnered by his assassination would help the deception gain momentum among the Russian people. I hope this makes sense. It's paramount to remember that Freemasonry has designed many deceptions to advance the heresies as a Trojan horse. I'm not an expert on the Russian Czar, but the Bolsheviks were heavily Masonic. Here is an interesting documentary about how the Russian Revolution was designed and implemented by the black hand. They even have the power to turn on the money supply to further aid the deception that the “new party” was good for the people since most can't see past their immediate wants and needs. They are led to believe that the new party is good because “everybody has work” or “there is food on the table,” not realizing that the money changers were the ones behind the previous economic collapse to start the machinations of revolution in the first place. Yes, it's maddening- the enemy does control the pursestrings!

“Lastly... Does this mean david and solomon are evil? sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious but I'm just really drained.”

Yes, David and Solomon are most definitely evil. The 666 in 1Kings 10:14 is in every bible yet not many bother to read it. One method of understanding what these high-level Judeo-Masonic initiates are up to is to think of Hell as a soul-stealing pyramid scheme like Amway- Think of the highest level Masonic initiates as what Amway calls “Diamond Salesmen” who benefit from the “works” of lower level Amway salespeople. The initiates at the top benefit from the souls stolen at the bottom, and at the very top, Lucifer benefits most of all. He couldn't win the world without million of Freemasons working for him. There is a tradeoff- Masons are promised great things in this world for deceiving souls into hell for their “master,” the devil. Some Masons live it up by enjoying the lifestyle and wealth given to them in this world, but the smarter Masons pose as religious figures, like Pat Robertson, because they know what the devil really wants (souls) and that's why they promote “the fire lord as god” heresy.

It is this scheme that is the basis of the paganism of the bible and is exactly why there is so much confusion in the New Testament about David's Psalm 110:1: ”The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.”

Psalm 110:1 is quoted by:
Jesus: Matt. 22:44; Matt. 26:64; Mark 12:36; Mark 14:62; Mark 16:19; Luke 20:42, 43; Luke 22:69; Rev 3:21.
Peter: Acts 2:33-34, Acts 5:31. I Pet. 3:22.
Stephen: Acts 7:55-56.
Paul: Rom 8:34; I Cor. 15:25; Eph 1:20; Eph 2:6 Col 3:1; Heb 1:3; Heb 1:13 Heb 8:1; Heb. 10:12-13; Heb. 12:2.

Freemasons have the “understanding” but most of us on the outside do not know what these passages are speaking of. Essentially, David is being taught how to become a “diamond member” of Hell by pretending to be “holy,” all the while promoting a false god for the blind sheep who did not study Catholic teaching, so that in Hell, he essentially owns them, making these poor deceived sinners his footstools. If you can imagine how many souls Mohamet is responsible for delivering to Lucifer and imagine how high up he is in their pyramid scheme, for all eternity, you'll understand exactly why Masons are so motivated to kill the Catholic Church so that the doors to Heaven are closed. In the near future I'll produce some diagrams to better illustrate the Jewish-Freemasonic scheme. But please understand how absolutely essential it is to receive the Christ's Sacrament of Baptism which initiates you into His Church. This is only done with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is worshipped as Baphomet in the Masonic Lodge (Masonic John's rite of the “baptism of fire”). I cannot stress this enough. You do not need a priest to perform the Catholic corrective Rite and everyone should do this just to make sure. Freemasons know how important the Seal of Baptism is, which is why they worked so hard to destroy it once again, via heresy, the gates of Hell. This is also why Sister Lúcia of Fatima stressed not to forget the Holy Ghost or we will not receive any more forgiveness from Heaven. This is the mark of the beast the Apocalyspe refers to, and this information is how to correct it. You should notice a change in your being when receiving the Holy Ghost and then you will know what all the fuss is about.

Now, on the flipside, understanding that Freemasons work as a pyramid scheme to build this spiritual temple of Solomon/David by infiltrating Our Church and issuing out false Sacraments and the fire lord heresy so that souls give Christ the wrong answer at judgment (He is God, not the “son of a lord fire), a strong Catholic can and should do the opposite. Our Lady teaches us how to be saints (think of saints as protectors and promoters of the true name of God) and the Rosary is the primary weapon. It appears likely from studying the teachings of the saints that every Ave prayed correctly releases one soul from purgatory. There was a nun in the 17th century who received a miraculous visitation from one of her fellow recently departed sisters who told her that she would endure the pain of her 10 year sickness all over again, gladly, for the opportunity to come back and say just one more Rosary Prayer, even quickly, because it was that important. So when you pray the Rosary in the original 150 form, imagine that you are building your own stairway to Heaven and gaining so much merit by releasing 150 souls from purgatory who were most likely baptized in the Catholic Rite but failed to answer to Christ that He is God. Imagine how glad these 150 people will be when you meet them, and how happy they will be with you that you essentially saved them from the fires of purgatory. This is one way to “build your merit in Heaven” quietly, without going out in the streets and denouncing Freemasons which will most likely get you thrown in jail or a psych ward.

Another way is to remind people in some way that Christ is still God, which drives the Jews crazy because it implies that they are responsible for crucifying God, which they actually did because they work for Lucifer. Perhaps making bumper stickers, gathering funds to build a shrine with a plaque that says “Mother of GOD”, etc.- these are ways for us to fight back. I made a website which reaches tens of thousands, every Catholic must do their part.

Well, that's enough for now but I hope this clears up the confusion. The Mother of God is very powerful, which is why the devils flee from Her Name in the rite of exorcism and this is why. Knowing the faith the way the saints do is very, very powerful knowledge.

Good luck!

subject: rejected by the vatican ii sect


I am not Catholic. I have approached the Catholic church several times and have had as many slaps in the face. Do you not wish to recruit members for Christ?
“East” section.
I would appreciate an email response. Thank you.

Mr. Nobody:

The purpose of this website is to teach the clergy how and why the Catholic Church does not follow Christ anymore. It is not His Church because of the reversal in the 1960's to the liturgy, the mass, the prayers, the rosary. What exists now has nothing to do with what Christ left us: the Mass and the Sacraments and the Three Keys.

They are not baptizing in Christ, they are instead only concerned with what is coming, an armageddon war scenario and the Order of anti-Christ, under which they will benefit at the expense of the meek. The Message of Fatima gives two last remedies to the world, devotion to the Mother of God and the Rosary. You might want to try praying the Rosary in private, it takes about 30 minutes, but it's very powerful. Readers report back that it's like praying on steroids and one reader confessed that demons cry out “why are you doing this to us?”

I'm glad you found this information, and it's up to you. We recommend you try it, it won't hurt, and we'll give your money back if it does nothing.

The reason for the hysteria over the end-times is because the “learned” know it's over for the Church and certain directives were given by the Mother of God at Fatima for real Catholics (about 1% of all who call themselves “Catholic”) to spiritually survive this takeover of the Church by men who really have no business calling themselves priests. Your instincts are correct, stay away from there.

Good luck to you, if you have questions, we're here.

subject: father malachi martin

Have you had the chance to interview Father Malachi? I've been watching all his videos and have some of his books. I find him very believable indeed. I'm just curious as to what you think about him and his works. Thanks.

Fatimamovement Response:

No, never had the chance to interview Malachi Martin but have read some of his books and listened to the radio interviews. He is one of the most intelligent, knowledgable and mysterious figures in the Vatican II Apocalypse. It's bothersome that he refers to his old confidant, Freemason anti-pope John XXIII (1958-1963) as “the good Pope John.” This is definitely not the case and this makes fighting the men who took control of the Church and destroyed our religion even harder. I'll put it this way, if Malachi Martin was really Catholic, he would speak up, to say the least, against Freemasonry and the destruction of the Church. He has done this cryptically, but in the process, he seems to subvert the Three Keys of Peter.

There are four things that will tell you if a priest is a Catholic or if he is Judeo-Masonic and this is a guidebook for readers of this website to use when determining who is real and who is a false shepherd.

1. They speak of Christ being God.

2. They speak of Christ being the Messiah and do not anticipate a Messiah as the Jews do. Imagine Christ teaching the form of the Mass some 2000 years ago. Do you think it logical that the original Mass, taught by the Messiah, would involve waiting for the Jewish Messiah? That's how backwards everything has become, though it is sold to us as the Mass that Christ gave us “in remembrance of Him.” So it's important to understand, and to reject, the end-times religion and the changes that brought us to this point. Mankind just didn't keep what Christ taught us intact, and the consequence of the mankind's failure to do that is that we are tricked into becoming Jews, waiting for that very Messiah that those who crucified Christ were originally waiting for.

3. Invoking the name of “the Lord,” which is actually Satan.

4. Using the name “Spirit” as Rome will start doing when the Advent 2011 changes hit, or “Holy Spirit (1944-2011) and completely burying the name of the Holy Ghost who was, is and ever shall be the Father of the Trinity.

When you listen to MM, everyone should pay attention to the names that particular figure is using, because it is required to know who God is, and isn't, in order to get into Heaven. And to answer your question, Martin fails on many of these points of our Religion and should be avoided.

It has been rumored that Malachi Martin finally took the sedevacantist position on his deathbed and denounced the heretical anti-popes, but this was on his deathbed and not in the radio interviews that are widely available. Also remember that Freemasons will tell you all about the conspiracy becuase they know it well, in fact, they're the ones attempting to pull this off, but when they pretend to be on the good side and use the wrong names of the Trinity, that is the filter everyone should learn to distinguish who is who and what they are up to.

One final point is that Malachi Martin claims to have read the Real Third Secret of Fatima, which he calls unpleasant reading, and basically reveals that we are all in big trouble. Yet he claims he cannot reveal the contents. Why? If he were truly concerned with the salvation of souls, he would do as Our Lady ordered and tell us, but his oath to whomever is more important to him than saving the Church or so many deceived souls. Someone who received so much publicity really commits a crime when they have the opportunity to get Our Lady's Message out. But once again, he failed.

Catholicism doesn't have secrets, Freemasons do. When men who wear the collar speak of secret oaths and promises to unknown persons to not reveal the contents of Our Lady's Third Secret, the Fatimamovement urges students to see it for what it is, even though that “priest” may smile or seem friendly or learned. It all comes down to the names of the Trinity in the end though- the world simply forgot who God actually is and this is specifically why their bible says these times will be like the days of Noah, the Apocalypse speaks of “Satan who has deceived all nations,” and “a deception so profound that even the elect (if it were possible) would be deceived.”

Hope that helps, keep praying the Rosary because it is all there is left.

You know, I wondered that myself as to why he didn't reveal the secrets himself? If he read the letter, then why didn't he published it in his books or mentioned it in many of his interviews? You think maybe because he feared for his life? Really strange indeed...
Sidenote: In his book the keys of this blood, he stated that God withdrew his graces from humanity because Russia wasn't consecrated according to the instructions of the Secret of Fatima, so, if that was the case, are we just on auto pilot living our lives without God? Is this why humanity as a whole is now so corrupt and sinful and that everytime we pray, our prayers are unheard? Has God abandoned us completely until His return? Is Lucifer having free reign over humanity right now? Also, he contradicted himself a few times in his writings when he stated in his book that humanity is doomed because none of Our Lady's wishes were fullfilled (which he himself could have changed since he supposedly read the letter) but then at times he also claimed that there's still hope because Our Lady will still consecrate Russia or Kiev. The book was riveting indeed, and yet it left me utterly confused even more so than when I first started reading it...

Idea: Maybe you would like to start an exclusive forum/members site for just us your readers? This way we can easily and readily exchange ideas/questions with each other? Also, it's a way to know that we are not alone in our quest for the truth? Just a thought....

One last thing: Do you think the holy waters in our local churches are also invalid, since the priests in them are invalid themselves? This made me wonder because of what Bro. O wrote about blessing our homes. So, can we or can we not use the holy waters in our churches?

Fatimamovement Response:

Malachi Martin didn't fear for his life at all. As long as he kept quiet and helped suppress the names of the Trinity, as masterfully as he did that, he was untouchable and he did live a very long, safe life. Contrast Malachi Martin to Pope John Paul I (1978) who constantly reminded people to pray the Rosary, which by definition helps to defeat Masonry on a certain level. Pope John Paul I was killed after only 33 days (a nod to the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry) because he was either unaware of the depth of the problem, or his death was staged. The last thing Freemasonry needed in 1978 was a Pope, heretical or not, promoting prayers that defeated the goal of Freemasons since the days of the pyramids- to deceive the world into replacing Christ as God with the Masonic theology of “their crafted lord being God.” Also, you can see how the Masonic Machine just threw a Sedevacantist priest in jail for 2-4 years in Germany for theologically sticking to his guns. When you see the heat come down on someone, you know they are closer to the truth than Martin, who was allowed to flourish as a writer for many years. The problem with all of this is that Catholics don't know the rules of Heaven and Hell anymore and are unable to fight effectively. Heresy is the game. That's all. Deny Christ is God, forget the Holy Ghost in your baptism and you are condemned. It's as simple as that. Remember and act on these simple things and you will be glad you did. FM knows this because they constantly hold séances with the spirits of the condemned and they plot to get us all. Catholics don't have the edge of knowing the answer to Judgment and are kept in the dark, and kept busy with fish holidays and shiny things.

As far as God withdrawing his graces from humanity, God didn't do this. Humanity forgot the name of God and is praying to Satan, baptized in water and fire (which means not at all). The reason the Rosary on our website and the prayers are so entirely effective is because they include the names of God, not a hallowed, empty, useless name (the lord and the lord's prayer). God is still there, but nobody wants him. They accept the Holy Spirit which is not God, and they reap the consequences. If you're bored, study the Charismatic Movement of the Vatican II types in the 1970's- it's literally a cult-like atomosphere. The Holy Spirit is not God, the Holy Ghost is. Watch the looks in their eyes- on the radio the other day, some Protestant was describing that era and the situation was so odd that there were actually cool down centers because after these Charismatic events, people were so “drunk-like” with the Holy Spirit that they couldn't even drive. The reason for this is that it was simply a large, cursed, cult-gathering. So the simple answer is remember the Holy Ghost, as Sister Lúcia orders, and you'll be much better off.

God is not returning, btw. A different deity is coming and Freemasonry will benefit on that day. “The living will envy the dead,” Sis. Lúcia explains. It will be Hell on Earth, not a 1000 year reign for Protestants as the Eschatologists believe. Our Messiah already came, it is up to us to remember this and keep the Faith.

I tried setting up a forum, but it's difficult. The software out there does not allow anonymous posts, you must be linked to Facebook or use an id to post on these forums. I'm still looking into it. If anyone is knowledgeable in this area, please send some info. I would like to start a forum similar to the style of godlikeproductions.com because you can post anonymously if you want. If you're technically able and have the time, make a forum and I'll link Fatimamovement.com up to it.

Stay away from the holy water. The Mother of God at Fatima gave the world two last remedies- the Rosary and devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. The reasons She did this is because most Catholics are uncapable of fighting this “mysterious force” that John XXIII awakened in 1958-1960 and Our Lady was giving humanity an easy answer. My job is to explain Her Message for priests who are trying to fight the beast at this late hour. I'll look into your Holy Water question-

subject: original 150 rosary

Hope all is well with you. I was reading your rosary site again and I was just wondering if at all possible, do you think you can send me a copy or maybe direct me to the site where you found the information about the origin/roots of the 150 Rosray Prayers? Thanks.

Fatimamovement Response:

There is no information available. All there is left is reverse engineering. The Rosary used to be 15 decades up until it was shortened in the 1900's. You can still find these Rosaries on eBay today if you search for “rosary 15.” So, that's step one. Step two is to realize that the Lord beads were not originally there because they were added by Pius V. When you undo that change and understand that the Lord has nothing to do with Catholicism, it brings you back closer to the original form given to us by Our Lady. There was a papal bull that was lost either purposely or accidentally, around the year 1325, concerning the Sabbatine Privilege and the powers that be didn't like the simple message of the Rosary and Scapular promise of salvation, so it was “lost.”

Unfortunately, this is my own research regarding the Rosary. When you study the Freemasonic goal of reversing the Liturgy of the Church, so much so that the Faith simply doesn't exist anymore, replaced by a different religion, sometimes it is best to undo all the changes and go back to what the Mother of God offered originally.

I can give you this clue:

This is from the “Rosary Altered” Chapter on the site:

1264: There is a pious rite which, to be protected against the dangers threatening the world, consists in reciting ... the Ave Maria, as many times as the Psalms of David. - Pope Urban IV

The point of the Church was to do certain things in memory of Christ. When you see them being eliminated in such a way that Rome is now waiting for David's messiah, something has gone terribly wrong. It seems that when the world complete forgets what Christ taught us, then His Mother via all these changes, the logical solution is to eliminate these changes and to go back to the original. It's odd to believe that Pius V would know better than the Mother of God, the purpose of Her Orders, but that's a tell-tale sign of Jesuit subversion.

Many people report on how powerful the unchanged prayers are that it makes perfect sense that the Judeo-Masons would need to eliminate them. It's just too bad the world let them.

I hope this helps you understand a little better - Scans from the Catholic Encyclopedia about the Rosary and Sabbatine Privilege will be available soon on the Rosary chapter on the site which may give an insight to what the traditions were 100 years ago. Unfortunately, the truth is so far gone and the lie is so embedded in history now that it's easy to understand why and how the real Church has been completely eclipsed, which is the process of the Apocalypse.


Fatimamovement Statement Regarding The Motivations of Most Holy Family Monastery:

This was recently copied off of vaticancatholic.com's e-exchanges webpage to illustrate that even they are part of the Apostasy. As shocking as that may sound, this is proof:

Hello Brothers Dimond.

I have… questions. One might sound silly but please help me with the answer.

1. When i pray I'm starting to think about the difference between spirit and Ghost which is the proper term to use when praying Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost?

2. On your site regarding How to pray the Rosary, on the pdf file you have a picture of a beautiful rosary i would like to see how i can obtain or purchase one…?

God Bless you…
Joaquín Ruiz

MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. 1. Both terms are acceptable. 2. We don’t think one should worry about what the Rosary looks like. As long as one has a traditional rosary and tries to pray it well, that’s what matters.”

Link to that post here on vaticancatholic.com's E-Exchanges.

Fatimamovement Statement:

This shocking denial of the necessity of the Holy Ghost in baptism is specifically why our website is so popular with Traditional Catholics. It goes to show you that you can't trust anyone anymore, and this is why Fatimamovement.com decided to push so hard to bring this misinformation to light. Amazingly, Brother Peter Dimond and Brother Michael Dimond deny Catholic Dogma that the Holy Ghost is required. This little tidbit of information is actually in the book of Catholic Dogma, that WE PURCHASED FROM THEM! Take a look:


Sources of Catholic Dogma - The Form of Baptism

Alexander III, 1159-1181

Certainly if anyone immerses a child in water three times in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen, and he does not say: “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen,” the child is not baptized. Let those concerning whom there is a doubt, whether or not they have been baptized, be baptized after these words have first been uttered: “If you are baptized I do not baptize you, if you are not yet baptized, I baptize you, etc.”

Romans 2:24: For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles, as it is written.

Luke 12:10: but to him that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.

Not only do they deny the information the necessity of the Holy Ghost, they actually are enabling the Advent 2011 change to the Liturgy again. You are seeing the transformation in real time, just like they did in 1944 when the Vatican eliminated the name of the Holy Ghost from the Sacraments, only this time, it is from Holy Spirit to just the pagan “Spirit.” Not even a peep of concern from the heretics at Most Holy Family Monastery. There is so much teaching on the difference between the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit, but you must do some research. We did here: The Secret of the Priesthood.

While we're at it, here is Most Holy Family Monastery's YouTube Channel, endorsing the Jewish Jesus of David who they say is coming, just like the Protestants. Here is a screenshot of their YouTube Channel with one of their videos teaching viewers that Moses talked to God. Moses did not talk to God, Moses was a Freemason and was talking to the “spirit,” via a burning bush-fire.

MHFM heresies

This is more proof why we have to constantly battle with false traditionalists who cleverly tell you all about the deception of Vatican II, all about Masonry, all about the invalid Mass, but won't tell you why. This is exactly why we do what we do and show you the actual books these Monks have, so you can see the sources and reasons with your own eyes. You can buy these books yourself, find them in the archives of a university, whatever you want to do. Here is the overwhelming evidence that “the lord,” the false god created by Freemasonry, is a lie: 666 and the Lord's Prayer; Why Our Lady Replaces “their lord” in the Catholic Trinity.

Also, any Catholic seeing their YouTube Channel's background image may notice that the Jewish David's Jesus they are deceiving their readers into accepting is flashing a Satanic hand sign. That's no coincidence.

Satanic Hand Sign

For your general knowledge, when we use MHFM's footage and documentation, we edit their material so their heresies do not spread. We like to use the heretic's energy against them and their videos are informative. It's only that they never reveal what the game is about- they keep their readers in the dark, purposely. Don't say we never did anything for you!

subject: losing everything for the truth

Hi I'm sorry to hear you almost lost everything for us to hear the truth. I hope you're doing okay. And yes I can't really complain can I with what God and Our Lady went through. You must have alot of courage to face people and their negative comments day after day. I wish I could be like that haha maybe one day. Yes I do thank Sister Lúcia I also ask my Guardian Angel to go to her and also Jacinta and Francisco to go straight to Our Lady to ask Her to save my soul. I'm so happy for them. Our Lady must be making them so happy. Can you imagine. That's really something with the occult. And it is probably you and I don't know but I think its how you got people to say the Rosary properly. Maybe they thought no one would believe it or do it but I sure do and it's fastastic. If only these occultists and all other people would realize how tangible the results are. I think people are very discouraged because people expect a miracle right away or a million dollars to show up on their doorstep and when it doesn't happen then, they are like forget it. Or people don't really know what they are doing because so many people are like no you can't pray to Mary like that she's not God you have to go to Jesus Christ too, he's more important. If people only knew how much more glory they are giving to God when going to Our Lady. And the results are real as anything. And today when I was saying it I actually heard squelching and squealing or something and something like “why are you doing this to us, we hate this, we hate this'. Wow if I told anyone else that they would say I'm schizophrenic or something. I'm not by the way- I only said the 150 Aves way not like yesterday I was actually thinking of Our Lady of Guadelaupe when I was saying it and it was much more peaceful. I would love to make more Rosaries. I made some from old ones and I just bought beads and made some. I wish I could quit my job and make them full time. Haha wouldn't that be something. Oh I did want to ask something. Do you think something will happen in Rome in October? I'm asking because the Latin Mass priest is going to Rome in October maybe I should tell him not to go. Haha he would just think I'm crazy but maybe I should write him an annonymous note or something because I do love him. He has helped me. He was the first person to tell me that it is all about what you believe. I would hate to see something happen to him. But thank you for letting me ramble on and on. Good night

C--- C------

Fatimamovement Response:

It's just what happens when people are confronted with the facts that they have been duped. They either accept it and correct their errors or they gang up to try and destroy you. It's theological idiocracy to the extreme. In this stupid land of ours where the devil is the god of this world, and so many choose the wide path to destruction (Vatican II and “the lord”), telling the truth is not an easy task. It helps one to understand why so many saints were slaughtered. But not to worry, everyone gets what they deserve in the end. Their god is a talking fire and it is that fire in which they shall spend eternity. Then, they won't look so proud. Have a good night.

Apocalypse 13:10: He that shall lead into captivity (Masonic/Mosaic law enforcers- police, soldiers), shall go into captivity: he that shall kill by the sword, must be killed by the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

subject: sedevacantist priest in the philippines

I actually found a sedevacantist priest here in the Philippines and according to him, he only use latin during his mass. How do I know if he is for real and/or he is performing the pre 1960 catholic mass? I'm basically asking guidance on what to watch out for or what to look for if he is not the “real deal.” If he says that he only uses latin, then how would i know that he is speaking the truth, since I myself obviously do not know anything about latin.

C------ O------

Fatimamovement Response:

The main thing is that he uses the name Spiritum Sanctum, NOT Spiritus Sanctus. This is covered in the baptism chapter and you can actually show him Acts XIX in the Latin Vulgate. The 1582 English version explains the difference, Holy Ghost (um) vs Holy Spirit (us). If he doesn't use the name Holy Ghost who was, is and ever shall be (Spiritum Sanctum), the Sacraments are invalid at best, a Masonic curse at worst. Keep your ears open for that tomorrow and let me know. I used to produce the 1962 Rite for television and I thought I was doing a good thing back then, about 16 years ago now, and this even fooled me. I know this sounds harsh, but the only way to know for sure the intentions of your priest is to know him personally and know him well. This is actually one of the reasons why families were motivated to send one of their sons into the priesthood to “keep watch” for the sake of everyone in their family. It's too late for that now, but the Rosary and the baptism is something you must do on your own, just in case. Start with that for now. Unless he's a Fatima Catholic, he'll probably be praying to “the lord” in Latin, so keep your ears open for that as well. Remember that things were very bad in 1960, which is why Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917, many years beforehand. Good luck and please let me know.


Thank you very much for this information. So, let me just tell you how the mass turned out last Sunday. Too bad however that I didn't received your email before I went to mass because I would have known to pay attention if he recited the Spiritum Sanctum and not the other way around, oh well, next Sunday, I will make sure to listen to what he is saying. Anyway, the mass was quite interesting, which was actually held in somebodys house, because according to the priest, he is not allowed in any of the churches. It was a sad situation indeed to see just a handful of people attending mass; that goes to show that the Philippines is a doomed nation (spiritually as well as economically). He also recited the entire mass in latin and the whole mass was done with his back facing the altar, not the people. Moreover, the priest also spoke of pretty much everything that your site covers (he must have been reading your site :D). Overall, I thought that the priest seemed “legit” in my opinion, but then again, who knows for sure these days; deception seems to be the theme of the devil right now.

Fatimamovement Response:

The Vatican II Sect is clamping down on Sedevacantists, using their power to squash any priests trying to keep the truth alive. There is a lot of truth to what St. Athanasus said in the Fourth Century, in the midst of the Aryan Crisis (the First Reich for those who understand Arianism):

“They have the buildings, we have the faith.”
