Section I - Section II - Section III - Section IV - Section V - Section VI - Section VII - All Sections Combined
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-110: The “upright” to be given wings like eagles, fly around the world to come
Page 277 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals what is promised to the “upright”, meaning those who are initiated into the mysteries of Jewish Freemasonry. Since these people are barred from ever entering Heaven, they must make the best of their sad situation. What makes Freemasons so excited about prophecy is that once the world bows down to the Lord at the end of the world, spurred on with the help of an army of Jewish Masonic religious leaders leading the world astray of course, these false leaders will become gods over the damned who are to be “left behind” as Kirk Cameron's outfit would say.
On Judgment Day when Satan comes to judge his people and his servants, (the occult, Jews, Freemasons) will be given wings like eages. Those who fell from the original Catholic Faith will be in awe and embarrassed for bowing down to the Messiah of the occult and will then understand wisdom. But then, it will be too late for them. This promise to be given wings, something the Illuminati call their “ascension”, is the reason why Jewish Freemasons so often use an eagle in their symbols. It is in this future world called the New World Order that Jewish Freemasons are the “gods”, and the meek who fell from the Church are the damned slaves. And as “the Lord's” Prayer says, this kingdom will have no end. So choose your messiah carefully.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-111: More collaboration between “the Lord”, Satan and Abraham
Page 282 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals more collaboration with Satan.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-112: Descriptions of the times of the “fallen son”, the “messiah” of the Jews
Pages 300-301 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals what it will be like when this “fallen son” of David, the “messiah” of the Jews will come. What is being described here is the son of Lucifer, the Jewish Jesus of Protestant eschatology (end-times religion). In those times, “scholarly men will decrease”, “many chastisements and many evil decrees will be renewed.”..the son of David will also bring on famine, cause the deaths of pious men, women and children, war, prostitution, corruption of the wisdom of the scribes (which is already corrupt), and the truth will be missing.
The son of David, the Jewish Messiah referenced in this portion of the Babylonian Talmud is the antichrist, the heretical Jesus of Apocalypse 22:17, who is of the line of David and the bright morning star (Lucifer, the sun god). This is stated in Apocalypse 22:17 and explained in Isaiah 14:12.
Apocalypse Chapter 22 22:16: “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things concerning the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star.” |
Isaiah Chapter 14 (1996 King James Authorized Version, Masonic Master Reference Edition) 14:12: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! |
2 Peter Chapter 1 (1950 Douai-Confraternity New Catholic Version-Protestant Revision) 1:19: And we have the word of prophecy, surer still, to which you do well to attend, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. |
Chapter 5, The “First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians” 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shal so come as a theefe in the night. |
* For more information concerning the Jewish messiah (the antichrist), see: The Fatima Movement Files: the Jewish Messiah.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-113: More descriptions of the times of the “fallen son”, the “messiah” of the Jews
Pages 302-303 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals characteristics of those marked with the name of “the one who is coming”, the Devil (the Holy Spirit), in the days before the New World Order begins under the reign of the Lord. However, this day cannot happen until the abomination of desolation sets in, something the Fatima Movement teaches how to stop with the original Rosary 150. This is the power of Catholicism and it is very real.
We also see that when the Lord (Satan) will expouse the cause of his servants, families will be turned upside down, daughters will rebel against their mothers, sons against their fathers, an evil man will be honored. In a nutshell, since the Lord (Satan) is the god of the world's Babylonian religion today, the effects of worshipping Satan every Sunday are plain to see in his followers.
The reference to the Gog and Magog war, the Armageddon War of billions of heretics fighting over their respective coming messiah, is one and the same with Jewish Freemasonry's attempted setup for World War III in the early part of the Third Millenium. It is such a well known inside secret that the worldwide leader of Freemasonry was able to predict it (because their brotherhood is engineering it) back in 1871!
“The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.” - Albert Pike, Synagogue of Satan, page 54-55
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” - J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 called Coningsby, the New Generation
“The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [Marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Masonic Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.” - Myron Fagan
“In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of 'justice and peace.'” - Excerpt from article entitled “New World Order Pledged to Jews,” in The New York Times (October 1940)
* For more information on the Jewish-Masonic setup for World War III, see the Fatima Movement Editorial: The Path to World War III.
* It is also recommended that you read how Our Lady's Fatima Message to say the Rosary with the corrective Fatima prayer after the heretical Lord beads stopped World War I, how the Hiroshima Priests utilized the Message of Fatima to stop World War II, and how the Fatima Movement stopped World War III (for now). It is critical that all Catholics understand how to stop this process and how the Daily Sacrifice of you saying the Original 150 Rosary (which replaces the heretical Lord (Satan) post-Trent Mass) works to stall the Masonic machinations to this Final World War, preplanned long ago by the Illuminati.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-114: The “Divine Attribute” prevents the Lord (Satan) from coming
Page 304 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud continues on with the error of preaching a coming messiah, the Jewish-Masonic “Messiah” known otherwise as Satan. Protestant denominations whose faith relies only with the contents of the Englush Bible, written by Satanic Jews, will suffer terribly for bowing down to the “Messiah” of the Jews, which is one of the reasons why the Jews denied, crucified, and still deny that Christ was God, The Messiah that was is and ever shall be (implying there will be no other).
It is critical to the Catholic researcher to understand what prevents the Lord (Satan) from coming to establish the Illuminati's New World Order under his rule. As stated in the comments to pages 302-303 (Vol. XVI), it is the divine attritbute. That divine attribute is the Daily Sacrifice which must be performed by at least one ture Catholic on Earth. For these times, until the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is corrected, the solution is the Original Rosary.
Above: The La Pieta Marble statue in the Vatican. “La Pieta” translated from Latin means “The Obligation.”
In 2009, it was this “divine attribute” mystery that the leader of the Fatima Movement was able to solve, and this is how the Apocalypse is being delayed. The purpose of this Fatima Movement is to teach others how this was done so that the Illuminati's New World Order can be put off as long as possible. Essentially, the 150 Rosary is the POWER of the CATHOLIC RELIGION for our times.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-115: Jews joke about the “messiah” who comes on an ass
Pages 306-307 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals the Jews joking about this coming “messiah”, the “son of man.” This is an inside joke to the Jews who know there will be no one coming to save the anathematized, Lord (Satan) worshipping crowds at the “end of the world.” It is interesting that the Babylonian Talmud admits that when “wisdom decrease continually from a generation, you may hope for the Messiah.” In other words, when the world becomes something like an “Idiocracy”, and forgets the simple fact that the Messiah (Christ) already came, it can expect what it deserves. The real joke for the Jews who designed this false “Lord” god for the goyim to worship is that in Hell, the goyim will be turned over to the Jews that they chose (via the Bible translation deception), and will be forced to kiss the ass of the Jews as their punishment for an eternity. All this for simply forgetting that Christ is God who was, is, and ever shall be.
Jewish Hollywood plays on the ignorance of the crowds with films that play on their religious ignorance of expecting a savior to come on an ass. In fact in this film, the people actually sit in front of a movie of an ass for two hours with no storyline whatsoever, something the lead character promises to remedy as he tries to save them.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-116: “Wo unto you that long for the day of the Lord!...It is (one of darkness)...”
Pages 310-311 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud reveals Israel to benefit in the times of the false “messiah”, the antichrist. The Dicks and Harrys that are duped into going along with this deception are likened to cocks waiting for light. Page 311 admits the “day of the Lord” is one of darkness. This deception used to be well known among learned theologians, but is offset by the vehement denials of Masonic infiltrators fishing for the souls of men so that they escape the bottom of Hell and can rise up Jacob's Ladder by delivering others by tricking them into worshipping “the Lord”, or as we know it to be, Satan.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-117: “No other gods before me”..
Page 313 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud explains the goal of the contrived Jewish “Lord.” Satan's goal is to deceive all into denying the Divinity of Christ. This has been the objective of the Illuminati since Christ's Resurrection, which made asses out of the Jews and their control system of this world, banishing them to the wilderness for centuries.
The destruction of the Second Jewish Temple, 70 A.D.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-118: The definition of “Amen”: a prayer to Molech
Page 364 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud explains the meaning of the term “Amen” as an ode to “melech” or Molech, the pagan god worshipped currently at Bohemian Grove, usually represented usually as an owl.
* For more information about this Semetic Deity that is worshipped by the world's elite at Bohemian Grove, see the Fatima Movement Files: Government Rituals on video.
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-119: “Your God is a priest...behold, the Lord will come in fire”
Page 375 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud alludes that the “god” of Moses is a priest. In other words, not a God, but a man, as “the Lord” was able to bury Moses when he died. This is another inside joke between two learned Jews as the text signals “a joke to a joke.” The paragraph concludes with “the Lord will come in a fire.”
Babylonian Talmud Vol16-120: Satan tempts Abraham into sacrificing his son Isaac to him
Pages 376-377 of Volume XVI of the Babylonian Talmud demonstrate more collusion between Abraham and Satan. Christ (the God of Heaven) does not require men to sacrifice their children to him; it should be apparent that this is not the God of Heaven speaking to Abraham. The “god” of Abraham is Satan.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Catholic Mass is a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice of Himself for our sake, in other words, so we wouldn't become a sacrifice to Satan like the victims at Bohemian Grove or in one of the Masonic World Wars where men seem to find themselves becoming sacrificed for Masonic government war games.
The reference to Edom (Rome) shows up again on p. 376. This is important to the plan of the Lord (Satan) because this is the goal of Satan to take over the Church of Rome to trigger the end-times. It is interesting that this newer print of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud features a certain impressive structure on its cover:
The photograph on the cover of this book is actually the inside of the St. Peter's in Vatican City.
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-121: Prescriptions for the beating of victims of the Jewish legal system
Page 50 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud explains how the punishment with stripes is to be performed. Rabbis maintain the punishment can end prematurely with either death, and Rabbi Jehuda maintains that the punishment of stripes concludes when a male is incontinent of feces and a female of urine.
For other victims like God for example, the punishment handed down from the Jewish court dragged on for 24 hours:
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-122: “And he said unto the reapers, the Lord be with you”
Page 53 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud reveals a phrase uttered at the moment of consecration in the Satanic Vatican II “Mass” to the Lord, Satan. The Jews altered the prayers said in the Mass so the people would unknowingly worship the Lord (Satan) in all Catholic Churches. The following liturgy should be familiar to every Vatican II Sect adherant:
Masonic Priest: “May the Lord be with you.”
Crowd: “And also with you.”
Masonic Priest: “We lift up our hearts to the Lord our God.”
Crowd: “It is right to give him thanks and praise.”
- Portions of the Satanic Vatican II Mass Liturgy
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-123: The inner and outer he-goat, sacrifices, sins vaguely described, details omitted
Pages 12-13 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud touch upon the “inner” and “outer” he-goat sacrifices, but it is admitted that the text omits details of what this “new-moon” ceremony atones for. One can only imagine, but we do know that Jewish Freemasonry is heavily into secret rituals with goats and lambs. Perhaps the secret lies in the “oral tradition” which cannot be written down.
Israeli hardliner and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer explains what happens to Bill O'Reiley in the following video clip:
Freemasonry seems motivated to hide the details of their secret activities with goats, so they have been producing books for their curious wives regarding the subject:
Exodus 34:35 (exclusive to the Douay Rheims Catholic Version): “And they saw that the face of Moses when he came out was horned, but he covered his face again, if at any time he spoke to them.”
Noteworthy is the striking resemblance between the Masonic man with the goat in the sculpture above and Michelangelo's famous sculpture of Jewish Freemason Moses with horns.
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-124: The punishment (stripes) for intercourse with a menstruating “filthy thing”
Pages 24-25 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud again covers the Jewish punishments for having intercourse with menstruating women, who are considered a “filthy thing.” Perhaps this is why goats are so popular with the horny Jews. The Satanic Jews believe one of the punishments of this activity is that they will be “cursed” with no male children, which means less Rabbis to torment Catholics in the future..
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-125: The Jewish Masonic oath taken on the Scriptures (the Bible)
Pages 76-77 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud gives more insight into the oath taken by Jewish Freemasons on the Bible, a book first written by the Jewish Freemason Moses (the first five books of the Old Testament) that denies the divinity of Christ, Our Lady and of the Holy Ghost and promotes only “the Lord” (Satan) as God. The penalty for believing in the words of this book are realized after a person dies, when they are sent to Hell for their Satanic beliefs. It is then that the conspiracy is better understood.
The Masonic initiate is required to take this oath in a language he understands because it is required that the candidate completely understand what he is initiating himself into. One cannot be forced into bowing down to Satan, it must be his or her own personal choice, with no excuses.
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-126: The Jewish laws regarding intercourse with menstruating women (yet again)
Page 5 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud explains again the rules for Jewish men regarding intercourse with menstruating women. Although this is still Volume 17, this begins a new tract, which is why the page numbers reset.
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-127: Jewish laws and arguments concerning the cleanliness of the flesh of living and dead human flesh and organs
Pages 21-22 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud explain the arguments concerning the cleanliness of human flesh and organs, and whether flesh from a live human being is preferred over the flesh of a corpse. Regarding Jewish human sacrifices, these arguments are rather disturbing, to say the least.
Rabbi Abe Finkelstein of New York admits the Jews sacrifice the goyim and extract their blood for their matza balls. But Rabbi Finkelstein denies that Jews are cannibals, so perhaps these laws regard only the displacement of the remains of their victims. This is spoken of in the interview below:
Babylonian Talmud Vol17-128: Jewish laws and arguments concerning marriages to underage girls
Pages 24-25 of Volume XVII of the Babylonian Talmud explain the rules for Jewish rabbis when marrying underage girls, specifically what they may eat before they are 'taken under the canopy', divorce allowances, and other disturbing details.
In the video below, a Jewish woman revealed some of the secrets of the Jewish religion to a shocked Oprah and her studio audience:
Babylonian Talmud Vol18-129: Rome answers to the Lord (Satan), Persia joins in, the Lord's messiah, “The Eternal is the lord of war”, even a Gentile who studies the Law is likened to a high-priest, the Noahide Laws.
Pages 2-3 of Volume XVIII of the Babylonian Talmud explains that the “Eternal is the lord of war.” The Lord, which is a title for the band of devils who wrote the Old-Testament is responsible for the wars that the world has seen. ost wars being religion based between the big three heretical Lord religions: Judaism, Protestanism and Islam. For more information on this, see the Fatima Movement Editorial: The Path to World War III.
Babylonian Talmud Vol18-130: Israel is called the son of the “Eternal”, the god of war. On the last day, the Jewish “Lord” (Satan) will smile upon them, but not until that day, the future fighting over the Lord (Satan) and his Messiah (the heretical son of Satan, the Jesus of Apocalypse 22:17).
Pages 4-5 of Volume XVIII of the Babylonian Talmud continues by defining the State of Israel as the son of the “Eternal lord of war.” We see the predicted World War III situtation between the Muslims (who were mislead by Jewish Freemason Mohammed) and the Protestants (led by Jewish Masonic Rome) into the Gog vs. Magog War as they reject the Lord and his Messiah. These duped heretics whose fathers long ago fell from the real Catholic Faith will be looking for their messiahs for a very, very long time, never realizing that Christ was the only Messiah. Remember: was, is and ever shall be.
“The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.” - Albert Pike, Synagogue of Satan, page 54-55
Babylonian Talmud Vol18-131: Israel is not to rent fields to Palestinians, etc. & the Middle East Situation
Page 38 of Volume XVIII of the Babylonian Talmud gives insight into the stubborn refusal to grant the heretical Palestinians their statehood in the Middle East, as well as restrictions against Syria. Israel regards these “heathen” Palestinians as less than human because they are stupid enough to worship “Allah”, which is the Islamic name for “the Lord” of the Old-Testament, the god-deception that Jewish Moses and is court of 70 Sanhedrin invented. Essentially since they and their children deny the Divinity of Christ, the “heathen” Syrians and Palestinians will be under the control of the Jewish Lordship in Hell. This situation can only be solved by converting Palestinians and Syrians to Catholicism, but this is highly unlikely.


“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” -Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994
Although the Koran is not the focus of this Fatima Movement File, it is worth showing that the Islamic religion is also based in the heretical fire lord of Moses. As you can see on page 235 of this Koran, the same Jewish tricksters are at play: David, Solomon and of course Moses and his burning bush Lord. In Islam, “the Lord” of the Old-Testament is called Allah.
Jewish Freemasonry is popular in Palestine as well. Just as the Masonic Protestant Pastors and the Priests of Vatican II aim to take souls into their dominion in Hell, so do leaders in Palestine. The Masonic cult of Lucifer is world-wide, no exceptions.
Babylonian Talmud Vol18-132: Heathens and cattle, Voltaire accuses the Jewish Nation of bestiality
Pages 41-42 of Volume XVIII of the Babylonian Talmud covers the topic of placing cattle near heathens. The Jews are suspicious of the non-Jews having intercourse with cattle and fowl, but Voltaire is mentioned as criticizing the ancient Jews for being “the only nation given to this offence, since otherwise the prohibition thereof would have been superfluous.” In other words, it takes one to know one.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #001: Satanic Mosaic Law
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #002: The Lord's Commandments of the Jewish Old Testament
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #003: Jewish mingling with Gentiles; Jacob's Ladder
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #004: The “Fear of the Lord” and general superficial legal prescripts for the unlearned
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #005: Jews must not sell a thing, help carry, lend money to Gentiles on Friday evening before the Sabbath
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #006: The Siege of Gentile Cities
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #007: Solomon praises the dead; Book of Ecclesiastes not suppressed
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #008: Book of Proverbs not suppressed; Two Jewish Laws: the written ten and the oral law
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #009: The Lord of Hosts and Thomas Aquinas' admission that the “Lord of Hosts” is not God
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #010: Strange Rabbinical teaching of the “nursing man”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #011: The Jewish Lord orders foreheads “marked”, little children and women to be slayed
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #012: The Jewish law concerning menstruating women and bathing
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #013: Jewish Rabbi Aquib's Regulation on Menstruating Women: “a filthy thing”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #014: Rabbinical prayers to Baphomet, Satan's Ten Commandments
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #015: Satan ascends as Moses receives the Ten Commandments and the “Our Father” of Abraham (the Jewish Lord Satan's Prayer)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #016: Immediately following the chronicles of Moses' collaboration with Satan, Vol. 1 of the Talmud fills its pages with inconsequential filler
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #017: Punishment for not concealing facts about the identity of the “our father”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #018: Elias is revealed as “the Lord” of Samuel
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #019: Concerning the burning of non-Hebrew translations of the Scriptures
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #020: The Hebrew meaning of “Amen” revealed as El (God), Melech (king), Neamon (truth)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #021: Many infants die as a result of the Jewish circumcision ritual
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #022: A Prayer to Satan, “the Lord, their god” required before the mutilation ritual
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #023: Jewish Rabbi lays down the law for feminine discipline
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #024: A Jewish Lord orders deception in the Old Testament
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #025: A Rabbi gets an education from a corpse regarding his misunderstanding of end-times prophecy and the final resurrection
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #026: Abraham consults his horoscope, the Lord (Satan) admits Israelites 'hath no fate' (future)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #027: The Jewish Method of releasing their wives from their “service”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #028: The Jewish Method of releasing their wives from their “service” (again)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #029: Blatant admission of rewriting books for the benefit of the Jewish race
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #030: Proclamation of non-Jews as unclean heathens not to be intermingled with
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #031: Admission that trivial matters are a screen for the designs of these Talmudic regulations to injure the “priesthood”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #032: Do not blame or praise those who study the Scriptures
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #033: Jewish Rabbis place curses on those who don't deliver the goods
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #034: All sinners are punished through a messenger, except cheaters. Cheaters are punished by Satan himself with disease and wounds
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #035: Roman Catholic Priests involved in Jewish Temple Rituals
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #036: Jewish Law prohibits the freeing of their slaves
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #037: All sicknesses (except the cold) come from 'Providence' (the spiritual realm)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #038: Jews who free their slaves considered foolish
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #039: The borrower is a servant to the lender
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #040: An eclipse of the sun is an ill omen to the whole world
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #041: The god of Abraham is not the god of Isaac and Jacob
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #042: The pagan lord of hosts is referenced
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #043: The Jewish Jesus of Rabbi Joseph (the Masonic Jesus) and the Jewish Jesus of David of the Apocalypse is explained
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #044: Jewish Jesus (son of) Rabbi Joseph (and Jewish Mary) - Jewish hopes for soon coming of the anti-Christ
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #045: Jewish Freemason Solomon meets, converses with and pleases the Angel of Death
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #046: Jewish Freemason Solomon says the correct Biblical prayer, turns the enemies of David as black as the bottom of a pot
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #047: Why the words of Satan's Law (the commandments) are compared to a fire
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #048: The Law compared is light (of Lucifer)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #049: Not everyone is worthy of obtaining “light”; “Light” is sown for the righteous
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #050: Rabbis oversight of the translation of the Pentateuch
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #051: Rome's land to be left for the Jewish “god”, the Jewish Torah to be publicly taught in Rome's houses of worship
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #052: The Book of Esther dictated by the Holy Spirit (the Devil)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #053: Solomon “is different”; sits on the throne of “the Lord” (Satan), reigning over demons
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #054: The study of the Law is greater than the saving of lives...
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #055: The angel of death appears, transforms, makes a deal with Rabbi Shesheth
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #056: Jewish rules to remove dresses, jewelry from wives to prevent mingling; Rabbi's wife dies so he waits thirty days before sleeping with her sister
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #057: A corpse's garments will be “renewed with him in resurrection”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #058: Dead Women buried first because they are “more liable to become disgusting”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #059: Gnostic Masonic Jesus of Nazareth “touched elbows a good deal in the first three centuries” with Judaism; Protestants of the 1st 3 centuries.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #060: Detailed rules of punishment (stripes) by Satanic Jews for non-compliance: “incontinent of feces; and a female, of urine.”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #061: The “Holy” Spirit (the goat of Mendes) appeared three times to the Jews; origins of the 613 Commandments of Satan
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #062: Secret oaths, he-goats & avoiding menstruating women
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #063: Penalties for intercourse with menstruating wives; Rabbis who abstain during “period of filth” rewarded with male children.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #064: He who answers amen after an oath is considered as if he pronounced the oath with his lips
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #065: “Adonai”: the divine name game exposed; the Satanic Jew Abraham addresses an “angel” as “my Lord”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #066: How Jewish rabbis enforce oaths
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #067: Details of women's menstruation cycles covered again by Jewish rabbis
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #068: Problems with women's menstruation cycles covered yet again by the Jewish intelligencia
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #069: An injured, pregnant slave woman's value is assessed by Jewish Law experts to determine financial liability if an ox causes her to miscarry her baby
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #070: Ezra enactments concerning women wearing underwear, immersion for those who see Keri (wet-dreams)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #071: A blind person has no sense of shame, no disgrace to slaves, slave owners are free from Sabbath breaking-punishments
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #072: The Jewish “holy” book's definition of a heathen slave and OT justification, written by the Jews
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #073: Slaves considered real estate
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #074: “The law is not in the heavens. We do not care for a heavenly voice.”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #075: “The Law is not in the heavens” emphasized again
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #076: Jewish rabbis' concerns over the valid sale of defective (idiot, epileptic, easily confounded) female slaves
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #077: The bed sheets of married menstruating women taken by Orthodox Jews to be analyzed by Jewish rabbis and purified
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #078: Jewish paganism: how to study the Law and become a “lord” in the world to come
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #079: Jewish paganism (cont'd): how to study the Law and become a “lord” in the world to come
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #080: Chastised for a lack of knowledge of the Bible, Mishna, etc.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #081: Moses wrote the “holy” scrolls
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #082: The Satanic Jews who wrote the Bible are listed
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #083: Jewish rabbis dispute if Job actually ever existed
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #084: More collusion between Satan, the Lord, Abraham and Job
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #085: Additional collusion between Satan, the Lord, Abraham and Job
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #086: Abraham an astrologer, “blessed” with only sons
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #087: How to “properly” beat a child
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #088: The law of deceiving does not apply to real estate
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #089: Slaves considered movable property under Jewish law
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #090: Jewish elders allowed to enlarge weights and measures by 1/6th because the Bible (which they wrote) justifies it in Ezekiel 14:12
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #091: Abba (the “Our Father” false god) is an ass
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #092: Mt. Sinai (where the Jewish Freemason Moses collaborated with Satan) is surrounded by serpents. Abba (the “Father”) is an ass (cont'd.).
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #093: The “Messiah” of the Jews and the size of the New Jerusalem at the end of the world, when all are deceived by the Jews' “Lord” god.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #094: The Jewish idol King David had 400 children by the “handsome” women he took captive
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #095: The Semitic deity Moloch (of Bohemian Grove) & a snake that makes the dead speak through his armpit
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #096: Jewish decrees on child sex & those who bind and starve someone are not guilty of a capital crime
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #097: “Angel” who rules souls after departure, the coming “fallen son”, Messiah of David will not come until after Rome has “dominated”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #098: Jewish Lord King David visited by the “morning star” (Lucifer)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #099: How Moses selected the 70 Elders of the first Sanhedrin Court
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #100: Spiritual kidnapping
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #101: Torah (first five books of the Bible) originally given in three languages
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #102: Jewish tradition: even the demons do not pronounce the name of “the Lord” (which is actually Satan) in vain
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #103: Consequences of “sinning” against the Jewish “faith”: Stoning, burning, etc.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #104: Graphic details of punishments by the Lord - burnings, intestines to nostril torture devices, placement in waste, gnashing of teeth.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #105: Moloch worship (”melech” defined as “king”) endorsed by Jewish Rabbis
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #106: Another rabbi's explanation for the deceiving spirit
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #107: Ignorant priests should not be supported
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #108: Queen Cleopatra and Caesar inquire to the rabbis about the day of the dead
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #109: The “Lord of Hosts”, the Jewish Messiah
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #110: The “upright” to be given wings like eagles, fly around the world to come
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #111: More collaboration between “the Lord”, Satan and Abraham
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #112: Descriptions of the times of the “fallen son”, the “messiah” of the Jews
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #113: More descriptions of the times of the “fallen son”, the “messiah” of the Jews
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #114: The “Divine Attribute” prevents the Lord (Satan) from coming
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #115: Jews joke about the “messiah” who comes on an ass
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #116: “Wo unto you that long for the day of the Lord!...It is (one of darkness)...”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #117: “No other gods before me”..
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #118: The definition of “Amen”: a prayer to Moloch
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #119: “Your God is a priest...behold, the Lord will come in fire”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #120: Satan tempts Abraham into sacrificing his son Isaac to him
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #121: Prescriptions for the beating of victims of the Jewish legal system
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #122: “And he said unto the reapers, the Lord be with you”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #123: The inner and outer he-goat, sacrifices, sins vaguely described, details omitted
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #124: The punishment (stripes) for intercourse with a menstruating “filthy thing”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #125: The Jewish Masonic oath taken on the Scriptures (the Bible)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #126: The Jewish laws regarding intercourse with menstruating women (yet again)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #127: Jewish laws and arguments concerning the cleanliness of the flesh of living and dead human flesh and organs
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #128: Jewish laws and arguments concerning marriages to underage girls
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #129: Rome answers to the Lord (Satan), “The Eternal is the lord of war”; gentiles who study the Law are likened to a high-priest; Noahide Laws
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #130: Israel: the god of war. On the last day, the Jewish “Lord” (Satan) will smile upon them (the Jesus of Apocalypse 22:17).
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #131: Israel is not to rent fields to Palestinians, etc. & the Middle East Situation
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #132: Heathens and cattle, Voltaire accuses the Jewish Nation of bestiality
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #133: The Lord orders Moses to make a serpent out of metal
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #134: Innocent III, Poland, Spain, burns the Talmud to no avail
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #135: 3rd Century: “Wise” Greek Jew translated the Jewish Bible into Greek, Jewish Jesus concept spread by heretical books circulated by Jews
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #136: The Magi and their Talmudic labors for the Zoroastrian/Christian churches of the Sixth Century
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #137: The Hebrew “religion” of fire creates Islam in 622, tricks billions of souls away from Catholicism, straight into Hell
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #138: Like early Protestants, Arabs promote the heretical agenda of Moses, Abraham. Where Satanic Islam dominated, Satanic Jewish communities flourished.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #139: Jewish Christians (early Protestants), the two tormenting heretical Jesus Messiahs of Rabbi Joseph and Rabbi David and of the morning star; Apocalypse
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #140: Christians claim the spirit of Satan seduced Jewish proselytes, believe in the Jewish Lord anyway; subverted Catholic Bishop has difficulty with a Rabbi
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #141: Jewish Jesus of the DaVinci Code explained; Dueling Messiahships
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #142: Jews fight the “no salvation outside the Catholic Church” Dogma
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #143: A German Jew becomes “Roman Catholic”, infiltrates the Dominican Order, works with Judge of the Inquisition to subvert the Church
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #144: Jewish-led Dominicans warfare against the Church, 38 Jews burned at the stake for killing a Protestant child, danger to Catholicism
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #145: The Talmud does not injure Protestant “Christianity”; “Pope” Sixtus VI apparently induced to read, then translates the Talmud into Latin
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #146: False Dominican “Catholic” Order given Jews' gold and silver; Mishna is quoted in response to Jewish prayers orderings the killing of Catholic leaders.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #147: “Poor” Talmudic Jews who drink the blood of Protestant infants make progress in Poland with the help of Masonic Polish nobility
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #148: Nicholas I supports Jewish scholar's work to promote obedience to the government; ”Do the Jews need Christian blood for religious purposes?”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #149: Jewish Plots to suppress Lyotostansky's publication about Jewish blood rituals. Russian government bans mention the Jewish blood rituals which harm it.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #150: Definition of the term Talmud; a Jew speaks to a devil in the form of an angel
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #151: English Protestants are Jews; strict prohibition from bowing their heads to a cross carried by any Protestant (Christian)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #152: Matthew 6,7 criticizes national governments as dogs and swine, Moses calls the tribe of Rabbi Joseph “a first-born ox”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #153: The whole object of adherents (Rabbanim) of the Talmud: LORDLINESS
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #154: No peace for those who read the Bible without studying the Talmud
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #155: Ezra, sometimes called Esdras of the Esdras Apocalypse (Apocrypha/real end of the Bible), mentioned as the leader of a council of 120 Jewish scribes.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #156: The Church burns copies of the Talmud in the middle ages, the Vatican Library retains certain tracts of the Babylonian Talmud in the Vatican Library.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #157: The Jewish Jesus studied the Talmud to “revolutionize the world”; Paul admits his studies are a loss to Christ.
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #158: Jewish Talmudic “ethics” come from the Jewish Bible
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #159: Do the will of (their invented Lord) thy “Father, who is in heaven”
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #160: Jewish Rabbis recommend submission to the government (which they run), its laws (which they write), and its taxing authorities (which they created)
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #161: The Talmud answers if Jewish high-priests can marry pregnant virgins and covers the technicalities of men leaving their seed behind in bathtubs
Babylonian Talmud Teaching #162: The Talmud mentions the two Jesuses
Section I - Section II - Section III - Section IV - Section V - Section VI - Section VII - All Sections Combined