How The Biblical “Father” & His Sons (Big Brother) Are Deceiving All Nations, just as Lucifer prophesized:
12/31/2013: Homeless People Sold In Fukushima To Clean Up Radiation...
Amercan duck-hunting 'cultural' icon Phil Robertson recommends 15-16 year old girls...Man's sex with 11-year-old not abusive, Jewish Italian legal system rules...
Antarctica sets low temperature record of -135.8 degrees...Cold facts: More record lows than highs in USA in 2013...
Washington D.C. Police, Secret Service investigating drive-by shooting just steps from White House...
Nazi-looted art found in German parliament...
Man Arrested Running Through Bingo Hall With Pants Down Yelling 'Bingo'...
Jewish mayor of N.Y.C. leaves office today...Newest New York City kingpin vows to kill the horse-drawn carriage industry...
SUIT: Woman's Arm Amputated After Police Make Handcuffs Too Tight...NBC’s Chief Medical Editor Forced Her Kids to Sign Up for Obamacare as Their ‘Patriotic Duty’...
"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." - Apocalypse 13:10
12/30/2013: U.S. N.S.A. Whistleblower: "National Security is a Scam",,,
Freemason Antipope Francis named "best-dressed" by Esquire magazine...
Eerie chorus of the sounds of the damned recorded at the New World Trade complex...
Federal Reserve stops printing currency out of thin air for 1.3 million unemployed Americans...
Jewish rabbi sued after cutting off an infant boy's penis...
Pregnant nurse fired for refusing a mandatory injection of flu strains to "prevent" the flu...Related: Will the Masonic U.S. Government persuade goyim Americans to lick doorknobs to prevent the spread of other diseases?
Above left: Michelle Obama gives Barack Obama the look of contempt; above right: will Freemasonry attempt to rewrite logic yet again by promoting the licking of doorknobs to gullible Americans who have already been convinced to inject flu strains into their goyim bodies?
12/29/2013: Masonic Illinois lawmakers forced to ease restrictions, raise speed limit to 70 mph across state highway system...
2 Arrested After Ten Commandments Argument turns violent...
Recent news flashback from 12/10/2013: 38 year old man leaps to his death in shopping mall after argument with his girlfriend over their 5 hour shopping trip to celebrate the Jewish Jesus' birthday:
Lesbian boss "fired me for being straight."
SCREW UP: FBI Agent Puts Bureau's Secret Interrogation Manual in Library of Congress...
Freemason Pat Buchanan praises Freemason Vladimir Putin...
Democrats Persecute Homeschooling Parents: Your children belong to the state, according to Ohio senate bill...
12/18/2013: Outrage in India after female diplomat cavity searched by primitive Americans, protests break out...
Antipope Francis shrugs off Marxist label: ""The Marxist ideology is wrong," Francis told the Turin-based newspaper La Stampa for a story released this weekend. "But I have met many Marxists in my life who are good people, so I don't feel offended."...Antipope Francis named Person of the Year by leading homosexual magazine...
$5! Buy your Jewish American Central Bank supporting and deceived loved ones a copy of Jewish Karl Marx's "Das Capital" for their celebration of the Jewish Jesus' birthday on Dec. 25th!..Bob Woodward's "Maestro" which explains the 'magic' behind Jewish currency printing now also available!...FED SLOWS PUMP...
How the vitamin industrial complex swindled America...
Eric Snowden: NSA's indiscriminate spying 'collapsing', seeks asylum in Brazil...GALLUP: RECORD HIGH SAY BIG GOV'T GREATEST THREAT TO COUNTRY...Andrea Merkel compared NSA to Stasi in heated encounter with Obama...
12/15/2013: CBS Pittsburgh: 1 Arrested After Nun Hospitalized Following Assault And Rape...
The women behind North Korea's "Dear Leader"...
Poll: Americans want their dear leaders to stop banning everything they like...
RT: Evil octopus strangling the world becomes new U.S. Masonic Government's Intelligence seal...post your comments...
Idiocracy becoming a reality: above left: Four years ago, the Onion (a satirical news outlet) reported that the U.S. had staged a fake coup to eliminate their debts as "Octavia" had taken over the U.S. government. Above right: In 2013, U.S. "Intelligence" adopts the symbol of Octavia for their new seal...click on above image for video...
This comes after the controversial phasing out of incandescent 75 and 100-watt light bulbs at the beginning of 2013...
Are Compact Florescent Lightbulbs dangerous?: "Lightbulbs break all the time. So why would a single broken bulb in a Maine household trigger the state's Department of Environmental Protection to refer the homeowner to a decontaminator?"
12/13/2013: The Lord's 'chosen ones' confronted with the prospect of having to work with shovels as 'Historic' Israeli Snowstorm causes Power Outage In Jerusalem...photo gallery includes confused rabbi wondering why the goyim haven't taken care of this for him yet...
Cross at Mount Soledad will be purged from veterans' memorial in San Diego, CA...
Masonic Romanian state TV airs Christmas carol about burning Jews, cleverly subverting those who still celebrate the birthday of the pagan Jewish Jesus (Dec. 25th)...
Mike Huckabee eyeing another U.S. Presidential run, has support from Masonic Lord-promoting Pastors...
Feds say they disrupted suicide bomb plot by worker at Wichita airport by a 'white man' who recently converted to the Protestant Lord-wosrhipping sect of Mohammed..
12/12/2013: Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash...
Being homeless soon to be a 'crime' in Miami?
Ben Affleck: Raising money for Democrats made me 'feel gross'...
Los Angeles Deputies accused of improper force expected in federal court...
To keep up the illusion that the Jewish government doesn't print currency out of thin air, the leader of Israel Bibi Netanyahu actually claims he cannnot afford to go to South Africa for 33rd Degree Jewish Masonic Communist Nelson Mandela's funeral!...Communist Dali Lama not going either...Flashback: Dali Lama: "I'm a Marxist."
To keep up the illusion that the Jewish government doesn't print currency out of thin air to pay the six-figured salaries of their policy enforcement officers, a cash-strapped police department claims to hold a fundraiser to buy dogs...Local cops tap cellphone data...
* Fatima Movement Files: the Six (not ten) Commandments of the Catholic Church
![]() | The leaders (Lenin, Marx, Engels, Trotsky, etc.) of the 1917 Russian Revolution were not atheists. They were anti-Catholic, Masonic Jews, bound by their oath to Lucifer. This is specifically why also in 1917, Our Lady of Fatima ordered the consecration of the world to avoid the spreading of the “errors of Russia.” Apocalypse 12:1:And a great signe appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sunne, and the moone under her feet, & on her head a crowne of twelve starres: Learn more about Jewish Communism in the Fatima Movement Sections: Manifesto of the Jewish Communist Party | ![]() |
* Flashback Photo: Jewish Freemason Joesf Stalin starves 8 million Ukrainian Catholics in the World War II era, gets titled "Uncle" by the Jewish Masonic American President Franklin Roosevelt:
The Big Three Jewish Masonic buddies: Winston Churchill (left), American President Franklin Roosevelt (middle), Communist Party leader Josef Stalin (right).
The vanishing nuns: 100-year tradition ends with convent’s closing...
Why Is Homeland Security Taking Control of Local Police?
Microsoft: US government is an 'advanced persistent threat'...
Above: Flashback - Max Keiser predicts the collapse of Iceland
12/7/2013: Ex-Official Says FBI Can Secretly Activate an Individual’s Webcam Without the Indicator Light Turning On...
Wall St. Journal; America the Vulgar (and boring)...
Patriot Act author: Obama's intel czar should be prosecuted...
Federal Prison Population Grows 27% in Decade...
12/6/2013: 33rd Degree Freemason and Communist Nelson Mandela passes into the Kingdom of his Lord, was 95...
12/4/2013: NSA TRACKS 5 BILLION CELLPHONE LOCATIONS A DAY!...Time: Movement to cut NSA facility in Utah from local water supply...
An American soldier speaks about the required Masonic membership among higher ranks...
FADE: Freemason Kanye West plays to 25% full arena...
Health Expert Warns: Obama 'Ignoring (Jewish Masonic) Laws' Could Lead to Overthrow of Gov't...PEW: Public says America's world leadership has tumbled to 40-year low...
* Fatima Movement Files: How to say the Rosary correctly so the devils actually flee instead of becoming empowered by your inherited heresies and modernist prayers which do absolutely nothing against them...more...
TOLL: Trucks must pay $102 to cross bridge into NYC...
12/2/2013: FBI warns about Americans joining Islamic fighters in Syria, but issues no warning about joining Islamic fighters in America...
AP Poll: Americans Don't Trust Each Other...
00000000 for Armageddon: USA's top secret launch nuke launch code was frighteningly simple...
Is it safe? Radioactive Japanese wave nears US...
Woman has child taken from her womb by social services: Essex social services have obtained a court order against a woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and for her child to be taken from her womb by caesarean section...
Idiocracy NOW: America dead last in education...
Abortionist who kept 36 bags of aborted babies in storage unit found dead...
Fitness Guru Richard Simmons: Obamas 'Rejected Me Totally'...
Jews celebrate Hanukah at White House (below left); Jewish woman explains ritualistic murder in outwardly "nice" Jewish families, worshipping of the devil in their homes (below right)...
Amish girl with lieukemia and her family flee U.S. to avoid chemical treatments...
Kanye on Obama's Failures: 'Black People Don't Have the Same Connections as Jewish People'...”Can't you see we gettin' money up under you? Can't you see the private jets flying over you?” - Illuminati pop stars Kanye West & Jay-Z in “Otis”
Teen Charged with Terroristic Threat After Lighting Toilet Paper Roll on Fire...
Knockout: Grown Man Takes Revenge on Wrong Child After Son Hurt in Football Game...
11/25/2013: U.S. Unfreezes $8 Billion in Iranian Assets...Analysts: Iran Oil Exports Could Increase 50 Percent...Oil prices fall on easing of imposed restrictions...Angry Jewish leader of Israel Bibi Netanyahu Scolded Obama in Phone Call on Iran Deal...Video flashback to 1991: Jewish leaders order Bibi to hasten their Jewish Messiah (the impostor Jesus/antichrist)...What Happens After a Superpower Dies?
Above left: Jewish Israeli soldiers pose for raunchy photos; above right: Jewish Israeli soldier Rafi Dagan @ 2:25: “I am the law. I am God.”
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” - Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994.
It's getting ugly: A Satanic Lord worshipping Protestant Militia leader who has no clue that the war-mongering "Lord" of the Bible is actually Satan: "We now have authority to shoot Obama...
...The authority to kill Obama comes from the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution: He is levying war on the United States and aiding and comforting our foreign enemies – the 2nd Amendment gives us the right and duty (authority) to engage an enemy of the United States that does so with the design to reduce us under absolute Despotism. I would be very surprised, if Obama does not leave Washington DC today (Nov. 19th) … never to return, if he is not dead within the month" - Satanic Lord of the Bible worshipping Protestant Everest Wilhelmen, leader of the Protestant American Patriots Militia
*** Fatima Movement warning to all Catholics: This is exactly why Catholic Dogma orders us to destroy heretical texts like the Bible and to stay out of Masonic affairs. - Mr. Nobody
American football fan jumps 45 feet onto another American football fan on Sunday, a day when they both really should have been at Mass, that is, had a real Catholic Church actually existed in the world...
Masonic U.S. banks warn that Jewish Freemasonry's Fed interest rate cut could force them to charge depositors...
Jewish Hollywood awash in hidden animal abuse...
Spielberg protected by cover-up of 'WAR HORSE' death... MORE...
Report: Jewish government policy enforcer raped teen in squad car during routine traffic stop...
Troopers in big SUVs peer in on texting drivers...POLICE CAMS DEPLOYED AT STOP SIGNS... Police getting armored vehicles left over from Iraq
REPORT: Half of New HIV Infections in Greece Self-Inflicted for Gov't Benefits...
11/20/2013: Why is Antipope Francis listed among the top 50 most influential Jews?Because he's Jewish, not Catholic...
New Mexico State Cop Shoots at Minivan Full of Kids...
CBS News Poll: Jewish Freemason Obama Crashes to 37% Approval...
Michelle O: Husband 'in the bathroom all the time just singing'...
Insults fly in U.S.-Israel showdown...Obama pleads for time on Iran...
George P. Bush files to run statewide in TX...
'UH OH!': Healthcare Site Crashes While Sebelius Tries To Sign Person Up At Media Event...
Koch Bros. Target Dems Who Voted For It...
Plans in DC Cover Abortion, Not Hearing Aids...
Man signs up -- dog gets covered instead...
Expert: Hackers can access private info...
Concierge Perks Ease Way For Lawmakers...
FLA congressman busted for cocaine...
11/14/2013: Panic spreads in typhoon-ravaged Philippines...
Pictured above from left to right: Freemason Malachi Martin, Baphomet, the 'god' of Jewish-Freemasonry, Freemason Antipope Pius X (1903-1914), the Masonic Jesus of the Bible.
Home sellers discover hidden new Obamacare tax...WH Predicts Taxes Will Hit Record $3 Trillion in '14...$29,673 Per Full-Time Worker...
*** Our Lady, with this Rosary please save the souls under the dominion of Jewish-Freemason Barack Obama and of those Jewish-Freemasons who benefit from their association with him, and also please save the souls under the dominion of the spirits of the dead who govern them from Hell in their Masonic séance rituals...Rosary instructions here...
”It is the Dead that govern. The Living only obey.”Freemason Manual, Morals and Dogma, page 315
OBAMA'S CABINET IN CHAOS: 'We are completely marginalized'...POLITICO: BIG SIS LEFT IN HUFF...Silicon Valley turns on Obama: 'F*ck these guys'...Wash. Times: Russian lawmaker wants to outlaw U.S. dollar, calls it a Ponzi scheme...
Jewish Prince Charles of England Spends 65th Birthday in Indian Synagogue...
Prosecutor warns of mafia threat against Antipope...7 minute video: Jorge Bergoglio (Antipope Francis) kneels to get “blessed” by protestants during an ecumenical meeting...
Freemason Walt Disney Project Hannah Montana smokes a joint on MTV EMA's...Some Countries Remain Resistant to American Cultural Exports, Thrive Economically When They Reject American Values, Culture...
CBS News: Man anally probed by Jewish American Policy Officers, then charged $6,000...
GOOGLE Breaks Silence on Mystery Barges...Court orders to take down 'orgy photos'...
CENSUS: 49.7 Million Americans Living in Poverty...Average Wait For Vets To Receive Disability Decision In TX: 354 Days!
Ex-Obama Secret Service Agent: 'It's Worse Than People Know'...
SHOCK: Dad Posts CRAIGSLIST Ad for Someone to Rape 11-Year-Old Daughter...
Americans 'ready to kill' over Obamacare, 20 states threaten to secede from American Government...
10/31/2013: U.S. N.S.A. Spied on Antipope, Conclave...
Not the first time: Former FBI Consultant Claims: U.S. Intel Documents show Cardinal Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII in 1958
REPORT: Toronto mayor caught on tape smoking crack...
Belgium considering unprecedented law to grant euthanasia for children...
Jewish Policy Officials swap patrol cars for semi-trucks in Tenn. to collect more cash....
Ted Cruz criticizes DOJ for arguing international treaty can trump the Constitution...
* Fatima Movement Editorial: George Bush's NWO Speech from 9/11/1991 and “the rule of law, which Jewish-Freemasonry writes”
Satanic Lord (Allah) Megachurch pastor fired over 'sin' with teenage girl...
'Softer' NFL Trying To Alter Image To Attract More Female Fans...
Vandals Spray Paint Arian symbols, Cover Lenses of DC Area Speed Cameras...
300,000 LOSE HEALTH PLANS IN FLORIDA...Urgent White House meeting with insurance chiefs..
Vandals Destroy Veteran's American Flag On Front Door -- Three Times...
RECORD 90,609,000 AMERICANS NOT IN LABOR FORCE...Employment among women hits 24-year low...
White House Official Fired for Tweeting Under Fake Name...AIR FORCE TO FLY CONGRESS TO FLORIDA...
Police officer fired after pepper spraying, shooting squirrel...Somewhat Related: That Pepper Spraying Cop Photo Gallery (Top 20)
10/22/2013: Marc Faber: Fed Could Increase Quantative Easing to $1 Trillion per month...
Digital Activists Erect High-tech Barriers to U.S. Snooping...
Half of Americans Say Replace EVERYONE in Congress...
Iran Gives Russia a Downed U.S. Drone To Play Around With....
Jewish Freemason Obama's Approval Rating Still Higher Than Bohemian Grove Attendee Richard Nixon!
American Calls Jewish Policy Officers to Report Stolen Strawberry Jell-o
10/20/2013: Strange: Fox “News” is caught red-handed dubbing the House Stenographer's voice from moments later as security escorted her to the elevator, effectively removing her comments about Christ being God which she stated on record on the House floor (video below, left)...Even stranger: Diane Reidy admits the “Holy” Spirit was talking to her the last 2 1/2 weeks, preparing her (video below, right).
* Flashback to 10/18/2013: Diane Reidy's husband admits they regularly attend services at a Protestant sect and are waiting for the (Jewish) Jesus false messiah...
* Fatima Movement Files: Christ vs. the Jews' 'Second Coming' Jesus Hoax.
How Stores Use Your Cellphone's Wi-Fi to Track Your Shopping Habits...
Hollywood Gets $500K Grant to Weave Obamacare into TV Storylines...
Sandy Hook School gets the WTC Tower 7 Treatment...Schoolboy says “We were having a drill”...Flashback to Sandy Hook victim's father laughing before television interview, hours after we were told his daughter was murdered (video below, left)...Flashback to Sheriff threatening those posting videos exposing the Sandy Hook Masonic debacle (video below, right)...
10/19/2013: Pretending that he doesn't have access to 1/3 of the world's gold supply in the Vatican Bank, Antipope Francis and Son of David disciple decides to sell his Harley-David-son motorcycle to raise money for the poor...
Above right: Antipope Francis blesses Harley-Davidsons; above left: Lord James Blackheath explains the financial dealings of Foundation X (the Vatican Bank), reveals the size of their gold portfolio, and their obsession with secrecy.
Saudis reject Security Council seat, angry over Mideast inaction...
How Republicans blew their best chance to dismantle ObamaCare...
10/18/2013: It turns out that Diane Reidy is just another possessed Protestant, waiting for the Jewish-Masonic Jesus Messiah and taking commands from “the Lord.” Click on the following link to listen to her husband being interviewed on 10/18/2013:
”The guest on today’s edition of TRUNEWS is Dan Reidy. He is the husband of Diane Reidy, the House Stenographer that spoke a prophetic utterance on the floor of the U.S. House following the vote on the debt ceiling.”
U.S. Federal Air Marshal Accused of Taking Photos Under Skirts.
U.S. debt to four Jewish families jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time.
New Details Emerge in Jewish Gang Rape Probe...
The Lord's Chosen Ones are finally taken away and exposed for what they are: conspiratorial torture artists:
Freemason Stephen Colbert cuts up crowd at “Roman Catholic” Charity Dinner.
Chinese couple sells baby for iPhone, shoes.
Antipope Francis plans to visit Israel next year according to the Wall Street Journal, after strongly denouncing anti-semitism. What you might ask is a Semetic 'god'?
”The motive for these sacrifices is not far to seek. It is given in Micah vi. 7: “Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?” In the midst of the disasters which were befalling the nation men felt that if the favor of Yhwh could be regained it was worth any price they could pay. Their Semitic kindred worshiped their gods with offerings of their children, and in their desperation the Israelites did the same.”
* More about Jewish Semetic 'god' worship in the Fatima Movement Files: Bohemian Grove
Time: Women are the only adults left in Washington...
Reporter Asks 'Gravity' Director Alfonso Cuaron What It's Like to Film in Space (Video).
Dollar Fades on Fed Worries...Guessing game starts on timing of Venezuela devaluation...
Woman Suffers From Rare Disease That Turns Her Into 'Human Statue'...
Doctors Baffled By Man Who Cries Blood... 'Any Job I Get I Lose Because My Eyes Start Bleeding'...
10/17/2013: Congresssional Stenographer courageously shouts down Freemasons on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, gets whisked away...Freemasons resume their rule over us today...
”“The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was.” - U.S. Congressional Stenographer
House stenographer Dianne Reidy stunned congressional members late Wednesday evening at the tail end of the government shutdown vote when she wound her way to the podium, ranting about God, Free Masons and the inability of the nation to serve two masters.
“Praise be to God,” Ms. Reidy said. “He will not be mocked. He will not be mocked. Don’t touch me. He will not be mocked.”
Fox News said Ms. Reidy is well-liked on Capitol Hill — hardly the radical partisan type — and her interruption caused several members to express concern for her mental health. The cable network also reported that Ms. Reidy was sent for a mental evaluation shortly after the incident.
Among her statements, as captured on audio: “The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been, it would not have been. No. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise forever.”
10/16/2013: Chase Bank has moved to limit cash withdrawals while banning business customers from sending international wire transfers from November 17 onwards, prompting speculation that the bank is preparing for a looming financial crisis in the United States.
Harvard: U.S. Debt bill to Jewish money printers is $123,000 per worker...
Strong quake kills at least 74 in central Philippines.
Conservative Catholics question Pope Francis’s approach.
NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally.
10/13/2013: Men who killed for goofy Jewish political leaders and their concocted wars storm a World War II memorial closed by Jewish-Freemason Obama, trying to start yet another Masonic revolution...Former Vice-Presidential Candidate and Jewish-Freemason Sarah Palin storms the event, finds some cameras...Police deployed in riot gear as America's credibility falls apart...
* Vice President Joe Biden cleans his 1981 Pontiac Trans-Am (Pace Car Edition) for yet another trip to Camp David to thank David, the King of the Jews for his lifestyle [photographs of Biden from The Onion (a satirical newspaper)]...
USA Today struggles to locate the second most powerful man in this world, Joe Biden...
* The Biden photographs and link contain humor. This Masonic government demands we take it seriously. Sure...The Palin image is real however. Palin sold her soul to AIPAC right before her speech at the GOP Convention in 2012.
China Calls for 'De-Americanized' World...
10/9/2013: AP: U.S. adults are dumber than the average human.
N.S.A. Perverts Confiscate Cameras, Harass Reporters.
AT&T has a record of everywhere you've carried your phone.
Utah residents pray to Satan to curse the N.S.A. spy facility:
Obama Nominates Janet Yellen to take over U.S. Federal Reserve to print money, markets relieved.
* Fatima Movement Files: What is Bohemian Grove?
* Related Fatima Movement Editorial: George Bush's New World Order Speech and the Rule of Mosaic Law
The Jewish Daily Forward says Jewish-Masonic Antipope Francis is “the most Jewish Pope we have ever encountered.”
Grand Canyon Cites People For Entering Closed Park.
Poll: GOP Gets The Blame in Shutdown; Obama Approval Rating Down to 37%.
RT: New GOP symbols are pentagrams.
10/2/2013: Keep Saying the Rosary 150!
91% of workers for the Jewish-created I.R.S. sent home...Flashback: IRS spends $60,000 on dancing video, “Gilligan's Island” video (below)...
NASA website shuts down, “unable to pay” hosting fees...Masonic Arian heretic KKK rally cancelled due to Masonic Government shutdown....
Polish Vatican II exorcists warn against price of goats' cheese: 6.66 zlotys...
10/1/2013: National Journal: The Beginning of the End for Washington: This impasse could be the breaking point for a political system that has gone from dysfunctional to nonfunctioning....PAPER: America's Superpower Status Ebbs Away...WWII vets defy order...SLIP: Biden shows press classified document...
* Related Fatima Movement Files: Church vs. State
”The Churchman always emphasizes the necessity of faith, while the Statesman emphasizes, and places his reliance on, work.” - Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel, page 27-28.
Lord-promoting Masonic Antipope Francis and eight Masonic Cardinals set to rewrite Church Constitution.
Lord-promoting Masonic Antipope John XXIII & Lord-promoting Masonic Antipope John Paul II to be canonized as 'saints' by Lord-promoting Masonic Antipope Francis. Rumors surface about Lord-promoting Masonic Antipope Benedict XVI joining in.

Above (left): Smoking Antipope John XXIII (1958-1963) photographed with his Socialist contacts; (right) Antipope John Paul II (1978-2005) photographed in a Masonic handshake with his predecessor, Antipope John Paul I (1978).
Masonic U.S. Government “shuts down”...Protestant Senate Chaplain prays to Satan for help during the congressional show...Who Goes to Work? Who Stays Home?...SURPRISE: Feds approve taxpayer subsidies for abortion coverage...Skull & Bonesman John Kerry still going on Tokyo/Bali trip for “National Security”...
American Men Learn From Freemason John Kerry's Government, Terrorize DC Streets with Tasers...
9/26/2013: No Satanic Vatican II communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head.
More body parts found in sewer system around Detroit...Doctors flee New Jersey...
Abortion heroine to run for governor of TX...
False Flag Crisis Actors analyzed...video.
Tragically still no answers as to why the 2012 Masonic Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast was cancelled..
Pakistani General says attempt was made to recruit him into Jewish Freemasonry during U.S. “training.”
Opponents score a victory in Senate against ‘Monsanto Protection Act’.
Scientist Apparently Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body.
Government Policy Officer pulls taser on an entire family, throws them to the ground...
An adult at 18? Not any more: Adolescence now ends at 25 to prevent young people getting an inferiority complex.
9/22/2013: Former Obama supporting Second City Turns on Jewish-Freemason Obama's World War III in a brilliant satire (left)...Flashback to Israeli Prime Minister Benny Netanyahu (note the religious term minister) gets scolded by Jewish Rabbis for not doing enough to bring about the Jewish Messiah, the Antichrist (right).
* Fatima Movement Files: The Jewish Jesus 'messiah' is the antichrist.
Unable to stop the destruction of the Church, the “Catholic” Tradition In Action website gets angry at our Catholic Fatima Movement and defends the Masonic faith of Freemason Antipope Pius V and their “Father”, The Lord Allah...
* Related Fatima Movement File: Why Catholics should not pray the “Our Father” to the Old Testament 'Almighty' Jewish Lord of Moses, Allah (Satan).
9/21/2013: American Truckers finally grow some balls and plan a national strike / shutdown on D.C. between Oct. 11-13 to protest government corruption...as Jewish State Policy defenders make alternative plans...
Masonic President of the “exceptional” United Masonic States suffers apparent breakdown.Keep saying the Rosary....
Funding for Obamacare voted down in the House...Forbes: Obama Approval Rating Slides to 43%...'Homeland' to Test Facial Recognition System...
9/18/2013: Navy Shooter “Not Happy With America.”..
9/17/2013: “Exceptional” America loses 1200 of its people in Colorado, media stays quiet...
Police accuse American Fort Bragg soldier and his wife of making pornography with dogs...
Russian official mocks: 'A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism'...
U.S. soldier opens fire at his own comrades, kills 12...
Satellite image reveals strangely clear skies above Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans...
9/15/2013: Jewish Government Policy Enforcers attempt to shoot “disorderly man”, shoot into Times Square crowd and hit two women instead (below left); 2011 flashback to an angry American Marine who tells New York Government Policy Enforcers what he thinks of their treatment of New Yorkers who were protesting the Jewish Elite (below right):
UPDATE: Congress moves on new media law...
Egypt journalist faces military court over 'lies'...
Coming Soon! Our Special Fatima Movement Section: You're Wrong, Mr. Putin! Americans Are Exceptional!
USA Today: 2009 “Mr. Nobody” film to be released in the U.S. in November.
Vatican spokesperson: Catholic priests may be allowed to marry amid Papal changes.
9/12/2013: Masonic Antipope Francis assures atheists they do not have to believe in God to “get to Heaven.”..
Yahoo CEO Mayer: “We faced jail if we revealed N.S.A. surveillance secrets.”
John McCain formally accused of accepting bribes from the Rothschild Family...
What ever happened to the $17 Trillion U.S. debt “crisis” conjured up by Jewish-Masonic banksters? ”In fact, according to the Daily Treasury Statements that the Treasury publishes at 4:00 p.m. on each business day, the debt subject to the legal limit has remained at exactly $16,699,396,000,000--or about $25 million below the legal limit--every day since May 17.”
Lord worshipping bikers vs. Lord Worshipping Muslims on 9/11...
REPORT: Transgender man gives birth in Germany...
9/11/2013: NEVER FORGET: 9/11 Flashback to the “persecuted” Jewish World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein actually admitting his decision to “pull it” (removed PBS 9/11 documentary clip below left), as he watched WTC Building 7 “mysteriously” self-implode. Sadly, the “persecuted” Jewish owner of the World Trade Center Larry Silverstein would only receive $7 Billion for his loss (below right).
Adding fuel to the fire, five “persecuted” dancing Israelis get arrested (below left) for “documenting the event.” (Below right) “Anti-Semetic” Sedevacantist leaning (but Lord God quoting) Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson explains the 9/11 reality to those who still have faith in the official Jewish media story of 9/11:
”I hope none of you believe 9/11 was as it was presented to be...why do I keep mentioning this in sermons? Because Truth is at stake...Our Lord said The Truth will make you free, the corrobory of which is, lies will enslave you.”
9/9/2013: The “Lord's chosen ones” (another name for Satan's Jews) petition U.S. Congress to authorize Syrian strike, constantly reminding people of their suffering...
The Internet's fascination with Cody Matherson's ”Can I Borrow A Feelin'?” causes further “persecution” of the Satanic Jews, forcing Rick Ross's latest album sales to stumble...
The Rosary 150 seems to be stopping this nonsense yet again...
* Fatima Movement Editorial: How Catholics can use the Original Rosary to fight back
President losing momentum in Congress for military strikes...
Reid Delays Vote...
The Way Out?
Obama: 'Absolutely' on Hold if Syria Abandons Chemical Weapons...
Opens door to 'diplomatic track'...
Hasn't decided on strike without Congress...
'If You Ask Michelle Do We Want to Be Involved in Another War, the Answer Is No'...
Syria 'welcomes' Russia proposal...
RED LINE REVERSAL: State Dept dismisses ultimatum as 'rhetorical argument'...
Kerry pushes attack as 'unbelievably small'...
'No Soldiers At Risk'...
GOP SEN: 'Unbelievably unhelpful'...
LA KISS offer Protestant heretic Tim Tebow a 3-year contract to play arena ball...
DC denies permit for 9/11 bikers...
Ancient golden treasure found at foot of Jerusalem Temple Mount...
China: Up to three years in prison for online users who spread internet rumors...
9/8/2013: As predicted, the White House attempts to instigate Freemasonry's end-times war:
White House: “Attack (on Syria) would send message to Iran”...
(Below right) Order of Death Fraternity member John F'ing Kerry absorbs into his bloodstream the Vatican II Sacrament of Communion (below left) with the “Holy” Spirit (the Devil), brags that Jewish Freemason Barack Obama can go to war with Syra without Congressional approval...
![]() | Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916): “This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit; and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” | ![]() |
Cold Arctic summer leads to record increase in ice cap...
Jewish-Masonic run governments foreclosing on homes for unpaid tax bills as little as $44...
Charlie Rose interviews Assad who denies “that he had anything to do with the attack,”...: White House: 'Common-sense' Assad carried out attack...
Masonic Skull & Bonesman John F'ing Kerry: ”Saudis on board”...

Above left: Masonic initiate and Skull & Bones Member George H.W. Bush holds hands, strolls with Saudi prince; above right: Masonic initiate Bush admits membership in the Catholic killer cult, the Order of Death, Skull & Bones.
Related News: Did Vatican II “Jesuit-educated Catholic” Tim Russert ask too many questions?
9/6/2013: It appears the Illuminati are breaking protocol and going for the Final World War anyway. Too much time, wealth and energy has been invested in this end-times deception by Freemasonry for them to stop now. Say the Rosary 150 at least once a day. If you are not on your knees now, you soon will be. - Mr. Nobody
WSJ: Tehran plans attack on U.S. embassy in Baghdad...
Attacks on Christians Continue as Islamists Take Over Egypt Town...
Ayatollah Khamenei: America Will 'Certainly Suffer Loss'...
Hezbollah unleashed!
Obama daughter will be 'raped'...PUTIN: Russia Will Help Syria If USA Attacks...
Obama refuses to rule out strike -- even if congress votes NO...Orders Pentagon to expand target list...'SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER THAN EXPECTED'...
9/4/2013: Why are the Freemasons so obsessed with starting a war in Syria? Because their Satanic Biblical Prophecies require the destruction of Damascus, Syria as one of the precursors to the “end-times” - in short, Freemasonry is simply trying to make prophesized events happen so it appears to Bible-believers that God must be “completing his plan.” Then, the “Second Coming” hoax will appear and seem to be from divinity when in reality, it was both predicted and staged by Masonic world leaders and the demonic spirits who guide them.
”It is the Dead that govern. The Living only obey.” - Morals & Dogma, page 315
Chicago Sun-Times: Bible propehcy links Damascus destruction, Second Coming, some say.
9/3/2013: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey couldn’t answer what exactly the U.S. was seeking in Syria Tuesday during questioning from Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) about a resolution authorizing military action there:
CORKER: What you’re seeking. What is it you’re seeking?
DEMPSEY: I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.
The Fatima Movement can answer the mystery of what Freemasonry seeks. Their goal is to manufacture a reason to start World War III, the War of Armageddon, the final world war between Satanic Muslims and Satanic Protestants who have both been herded like cattle both out of the Catholic Faith and into Masonic-led cults which teach that their respective messiahs will appear after this long-anticipated Armageddon War, which was prophesized long ago by the Jewish prophets. These Satanic spiritual transmissions have been recorded in their Bibles and Korans (both written by Jewish scribes) and reworked and perfected as non-Catholic 'mainstream' religions over many centuries.
These two factions are described as two animals in the Esdras Apocalypse, and in the Eschatological Protestant cults they are referred to as the mysterious Gog and Magog.” Protestants (who don't realize their 'god' is Allah) and Muslims (who don't realize their 'god' is the Protestant 'Lord') are being set up against one another to fight an exhausting, endless war. But the conclusion will be a remarkable let down for them as this coming of the Jewish Jesus and the Muslim Imam will not save them as promised.
Jews think it is hilarious that Protestants are expecting to be airlifted (the rapture) out of their suburban townhomes in their baseball caps and spedos (where they seek shelter from inner-city minorities who tend to be Catholics), and frankly, it is hard to disagree with them. This is ridiculous. The Muslims have been taught to expect different, yet similar things, and are the butt of Jewish jokes as well.
“Lúcia found Jacinta sitting alone, still and very pensive, gazing at nothing. ‘What are you thinking of, Jacinta?’ ‘Of the war that is going to come. So many people are going to die. And almost all of them are going to Hell.’” (Our Lady of Fatima, p. 94; p. 92 in some versions)
So when these two deceived animals (1 billion Muslim goyim & 1 billion Protestant goyim) become enraged that they were deceived, they are expected to slaughter a red heifer in Israel to release their anger, provoking an anti-climactic resolution to the Apocalypse. This will mark the beginning of their eternal service to these Jewish-Freemasons who had deceived them into leaving the real Catholic Religion and anathematizing themselves.
Jewish-Freemasons are forever barred from Heavan as a consequence for the spiritual death they choose when they enter the occult. This is why Skull & Bones rituals require the candidate to lay in a casket - to signify this spiritual death. Then, they 'come out of the darkness' and are reborn into a new religion in the Masonic Lodge in which they seek to improve their eternally damned situation by learning how to damn others, and this is done by promoting to others that Satan (the Lord of the Bible) is God. As a consequence for following these “fishers of men”, when the New World Order begins, if this ever happens, the Jewish-Freemasons will become the gods of these goyim in the New World, and the anathematized (non-Catholics) will become their slaves.
Bohemian Grover Zbigniew Brzezinski said on “We have to create a situation” on FAREED ZAKARIA GPS (Aired September 1, 2013 - 10:00 ET), and this is exactly what they are attempting to do. Movies were made about this process more than 30 years ago, such as the 1978 film “Apocalypse Now.” This Armageddon setup has been in the works for some time now. When the Soviet Union was taken away as America's enemy in the 1980's (because they were defeated in Top Gun, as many probably believe), the Muslim world was given to Americans as the new excuse for their discomfort. Below we see Col. Oliver North being questioned about his role in these secret plans to “shut down the American constitution” during the Iran-Contra hearings. This plan is known as Rex 84, an nod to the Illuminati novel “1984.” America has been causing chaos in the Middle East, aided by Arab Freemasons, to create a hatred between the two sides that only now we can begin to see the reasons for. So as you watch events unfold in the near future, keep this in mind. - Mr. Nobody
Syrian Dinner Party Date of Skull & Bonesman John F. Kerry and The Latest American Bogeyman and Syrian Leader Assad in 2010: ”I Trust Senator Kerry...I Met Him Five Times.”
Syrian leader and Dinner Party Date of Skull & Bonesman John F. Kerry: ”Obama is weak.”
Flashback: ABC's Diane Sawyer Dished With Assad Over His Love of Shania Twain and Ipods.
Rodman in North Korea to visit his 'friend' Kim again....
Flashback from 4/14/2013: Dennis Rodman to return to N. Korea to hang out with Kim Jung-un on Aug. 1
With the Jewish/Masonic goal of an Iranian v. American Armageddon War FOILED by the Fatima Movement, were the Jews intentionally trying to create parallels with the movie Idiocracy to provoke an Armageddon war with Korea/China?
MIT professor: global warming is a ‘religion’.Fatima Movement: He's right, it is a religion...a Jewish one.
Flashback from 8/7/2013: Senate Hearing Video from July 2013 regarding “global warming.”..
Former U.S. Presidential Candidate John McCain actually tells the truth for once to a Fox News “journalist”: ”Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' same as Protestants shouting 'Thank God!'
9/2/2013: Out of options, 61,000 damned souls decide to celebrate their sad fate in Hell during the annual Burning Man festival in Nevada.
9/1/2013: Freemason and Former Security Advisor to the Masonic Nation State Zbigniew Brzezinski urges more Masonic chaos to instigate a Syrian War, mirroring Albert Pike's 1871 plan for Armageddon between deceived Lord-Worshipping Protestants and Muslims:
”We have to create a situation in which it becomes in their interest to participate in a larger, international initiative to define the rules of the game and the solutions for the current problems which go beyond Syria; that is to say the overall potentially explosive state of the Middle East.” - Zbigniew Brzezinski on FAREED ZAKARIA GPS (Aired September 1, 2013 - 10:00 ET)
”The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.” - Albert Pike, Synagogue of Satan, page 54-55
Pictured above left: Freemason Zbigniew Brzezinski works closely with Osama Bin Laden. Above right: Freemason Zbigniew Brzezinski shows his face on his daughter's morning MSNBC talk show.
Mr. Nobody says the Rosary 150 ten times on Wednesday and stops the Syrian Masonic War machine.
Confusion, Anger, Mockery After Decision...
Syrian media calls 'historic American retreat'...
Above left: Freemason and Skull & Bones Member John F. Kerry appears on ABC's “This Week with George Stephanopolous” with a creepy eye problem, trying to provoke a blood sacrifice of soldiers in a manufactured Syrian conflict. Above right: Skull & Bonesman John F. Kerry dines with Syrian leader Assad: ”The dinner is at the Narenj Restaurant in Old Damascus, according to SyrianHistory.com. Seated across the table are Senator Kerry, his wife Teresa Heinz Kerry, and President Assad. Syrian First Lady Asma al-Assad’s back is to the camera. (Image source: Policy Mic)” - The Blaze

Above left: A U.S. Marine wakes up to his role as a pawn and blood sacrifice to the Devil in another attempt by Freemasonry to start a war. Above right: The “Ghost March” of the souls of condemned soldiers in the Philippines, forced to march for an eternity. ”As above, so below” is the motto of Freemasonry.
”Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” - Jewish Elder and Bohemian Grove attendee, Fmr. U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976
Police break up ‘drug fueled sex party’ at Luciferian Masonic Temple in Michigan.
Freemason Robert Kraft's New England Patriots release Bible-thumping Tim Tebow.
Iowa Democrat prayer: Thank God for abortionists!
Police: Alleged Ohio Robber Hit Clerk With Bible.
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