Mr. Nobody Editorial: Why should you consider purchasing
horse riding lessons for your Novus Ordo Wife?
How to buy yourself some time to study the Illuminati and their New World Order.
Editorial by Mr. Nobody, October 4, 2013
If you are feeling a lot of stress from your Novus Ordo wife about how much time you are spending researching the Fatima Movement Files and reading about the massive Masonic Lord deception on the internet, one effective way to diffuse her anger and to divert her jealously about having another Lady in your life is to give her a gift...the gift of horse riding lessons.
The typical Vatican II wife suffers from both the curse of the Masonic baptism (in the name of the Devil, the unholy spirit) and spends her time unknowingly being manipulated by the Jewish-Masonic media which has placed into her mind that she is a princess and deserves everything she wants. Since you bowed down to her when you proposed to her for marriage, she is now under the impression that she is your god. In her boss manager type mind, your life's purpose is to obey her orders, not to be saying the Rosary to Our Lady.
Everyone thinks they know it all and no one thinks they know more than a Vatican II wife. Despite a complete lack of knowledge about Judaism, Moses, his Bible, the Talmud, the Illuminati, their Alta Vendita, the Masonic designs for World War III, etc., there is no better advocate for promoting the logic of Freemasonry than a cursed Vatican II or Protestant woman. The reasoning of Novus Ordo women concerning worldly affairs which are cleverly implanted in their heads by a media that is well trained in subversion, cannot be contradicted by your knowledge without punishment.
You must be compliant in executing her orders. Independent thought, logic and reasoning that contradicts the illogic put forth by morning talk shows, morning radio programs, the Oprah Network, etc. are simply not to be tolerated. As George W. Bush stated in front of the United Nations, “we should never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.” So if you do not comply with your spouse's thought patterns regarding 9/11, Vatican II, the Council of Trent, the New World Order, etc., the New Order woman is well aware that at her disposal, there is an army of angry women in the courts who are more than willing to give her what she is entitled to: everything. And this will be accomplished with George H.W. Bush's method of enforcing the New World Order, the rule of law, upon you.
Fatima Movement Files: The New World Order and the rule of their law
For a variety of reasons - the 60's feminazi movement, Title IX, the endless “right to work” (for Freemason men) propaganda, and subversive Masonic agents such as Oprah Winfrey who has millions of women ready to obey her orders at the snap of her fingers, and a with a burning desire to do what she thinks is good for this Masonic-run society, Novus Ordo women unknowingly are Freemasonry's useful idiots. And make no mistake about it, if you are caught studying the cult of Freemasonry who has engineered this Ayn Rand society of workers, you will pay the price, one way or another.
Above left: Eastern Star (female Freemason) Oprah Winfrey builds her own spiritual empire in Hell (the best humor is based on reality); above right: Aaron Russo gets the explanation from Nelson Rockefeller as to what the Women's “Liberation” Movement was really about, to create more 'workers' and to break families.
So if you're getting a lot of grief from reading the Fatima Movement Files and are still married, the Fatima Movement strongly suggests giving your marked Novus Ordo wife the gift of horse riding lessons. Novus Ordo women love power and have a plenty of energy, which usually manifests itself in the form of scheduling your day and delegating tasks (like laundry, house-cleaning, etc.) to others ensure that everyone is kept in a state of perpetual business throughout the day, which is guaranteed to leave not even a single minute of opportunity to think or study the Masonic brotherhood that governs this world. These women are possessed by the gifts given to them for their service by Masonic corporations and working for them and that mindset rules their lives. Lessons learned by men who have worked for these Jewish-Freemasons over thousands of years are simply irrelevant.
By now, most men have been skillfully trained to submit to these cursed women out of both a desire to survive mentally and finanacially. The song “It's cheaper to keep her” rings true to many Traditional Catholic men who understand the realities of this world and simply continue to tolerate this nonsense, hoping that it may go away some day. It won't. Other men find themselves defeated as they try to please their New Order wives who desire the gifts of life, and submission to cursed women is not the answer either.

In the movie “Napoleon Dynamite”, a New Order woman is lured into wanting a sailboat (”I want that”, she says in this scene). Her poor husband must give it to her or face the pains of humiliation. Some comedians like call it “the face.” Whatever it's called, the disappointment of a New Order woman usually doesn't end well for the man.
Men have been forced to work for Jewish-Freemasons for thousands of years and are sickened by it. Freemason Antipope John Paul II tried to diffuse this anger by teaching that there is dignity in hard work (for his Jews), but most men simply see no dignity in being slaves to the Jewish economic order. So when their cursed New Order wives actually want to work for these men, it only adds to their anger and confusion.
In the movie “Office Space”, three angry male workers steal their office photocopier and administer a beat-down in the woods to alleviate the built up stress of having to deal with New Order women and their Masonic bosses.
Movies like “Fight Club” work on goyim men's anger toward the economic slave system of Masonic run banks and corporations which unknown to most, are secretly funded by the Masonic Federal Reserve in such a way that it actually appers to most as a free-market system. In a blind rebellion of “the system”, the characters in the film take out their anger at the Masonic system by actaully administer beatings to each other. Urged on by the Alpha-male type lead character played by Brad Pitt (who appears to be spiritually possessed) an army of frustrated male office worker types start an underground fight club to relieve their frustrations.
Some men, including most non-Catholic men who have married Novus Ordo or Protestant women simply return to a child-like state and submit to their wives entirely, denigrating themselves and manhood in general. Some men rebel against cursed womens' “honey-do” lists and lash back by saying, “get lost, I'm teaching my sons how to build cabinets!” Other men, fearing loss of employment, legal hassles and sexual harrassment lawsuits enforeced by the Masonic court system must sit there and take it. A few lucky men who work in more male dominated fields such as construction tend to have more freedom to reject this happy, compliant female worker ethic enforced by the Jewish Corporation State of America.
So if you are a a man is suspected of being non-compliant to the objectives of Freemasonry by your Novus Ordo wife, know that you already might have prompted a wave of frantic text-messages to other New Order women in her circle, some who already may have made a covenant with the Lord for past discretions and as a result of this, are obligated to conspire to punish your rebellious thoughts. So if you are being hassled for studying what New Order women call “conspiracy theories”, the Fatima Movement recommends that you buy yourself some peace and quiet for further reading and study by purchasing horse-riding lessons for your cursed wife. This will accomplish several things.
1. Rodeo activities gives the cursed and power hungry New Order woman the opportunity to order large animals around for a couple of hours. These activities are designed to relieve the cursed woman's desire for control over you and every situation, including your studies of the Illuminati subversion of the Catholic Religion.
2. Her presence at the horse stable means she is out of the house and away from you which allows some free time to relax and concentrate on studies regarding the Illuminati subversion of Catholicism.
3. The hours spent controlling a large animal will exhaust her desire for complete control over you regarding marital responsibilities, laundry, house-cleaning and child rearing. This will leave you with more time for thoughts and prayers and of course studying. She will be less likely to demand head of household authority which traditionally belongs to the man of the house.
4. The few hours spent at the stable ordering animals around will most likely exhaust her. When the aggressive Novus Ordo woman returns from riding horses, she will be extremely tired and will probably go straight to bed because she wants to get up early the next day to go back to work for the Jewish Freemasons. This will leave you more time for reading, etc., as the house will be quiet, allowing you to concentrate on reading religious texts, etc.
You may object to the cost of these activities and may resent having to pay for your wife's lessons. So let me remind you that it was your fault for marrying a non-Catholic and the consequences of divorce court are far, far more expensive than the small “tax” you need to pay for horse-riding lessons. So do the math and weigh your options. And don't forget that in Hell where the Illuminati reign, there will be no recourse. So choose wisely and good luck to you as always...
-Mr. Nobody
Additional Reading:
Notification Concerning Men's Dress Worn by Women
Giuseppe Cardinal Siri
June 12, 1960
To the Reverend Clergy
To all Teaching Sisters,
To the Beloved Sons of Catholic Action,
To Educators intending truly to follow Christian Doctrine.
I. The first signs of our late arriving spring indicate this year a certain increase in the use of men’s dress by girls and women, even mothers of families. Up until 1959, in Genoa, such dress usually meant the person was a tourist, but now there seems to be a significant number of girls and women from Genoa itself who are choosing, at least on pleasure trips, to wear men’s dress (men’s trousers).
The spreading of this behavior obliges us to give serious consideration to the subject, and we ask those to whom this Notification is addressed to kindly give this problem all the attention it deserves, as befits those aware of being answerable to God.
We seek above all to give a balanced moral judgment upon the wearing of men’s dress by women. In fact, our thoughts bear solely upon the moral question.
Firstly, when if comes to covering of the female body, the wearing of men’s trousers by women cannot be said to constitute as such a grave offense against modesty, because trousers certainly cover more of woman’s body that do modern women’s skirts.
Secondly, however, to be modest clothes need not simply cover the body but must also not cling too closely to the body. Now it is true that much feminine clothing nowadays clings closer than do some trousers, but trousers can be made to cling closer, and, in fact, generally do; hence, the tight fit of such clothing gives us no less grounds for concern than does exposure of the body. So the immodesty of men’s trousers on women is an aspect of the problem which is not to be left out of an over-all judgment upon them even if it is not to be artificially exaggerated either.
II. However, there is another aspect of women wearing men’s trousers which seems to us the gravest.
The wearing of men’s dress by women affects firstly the woman herself, by changing the feminine psychology proper to women; secondly, it affects the woman as wife of her husband, by tending to vitiate relationships between the sexes; thirdly, it affects the woman as mother of her children by harming her dignity in her children’s eyes. Each of these points is to be carefully considered in turn.
A. Male Dress Changes the Psychology of Woman.
In truth, the motive impelling women to wear men’s dress is always that of imitating, nay, of competing with the man who is considered stronger, less tied down, more independent. This motivation shows clearly that male dress is the visible aid to bringing about a mental attitude of being ‘like a man’. Secondly, ever since men have been men, the clothing a person wears conditions, determines and modifies that person’s gestures, attitudes and behavior, such that from merely being worn outside, clothing comes to impose a particular frame of mind inside.
Then let us add that a woman wearing men’s dress always more or less indicates her reacting to her femininity as though it were inferior [to masculinity] when in fact it is only diverse. The perversion of her psychology is clearly evident.
These reasons, summing up many more, are enough to warn us how wrongly women are made to think by the wearing of men’s dress.
B. Male Dress Tends to Vitiate Relationships Between Women and Men.
In truth when relationships between the two sexes unfold with the coming of age, an instinct of mutual attraction is predominant. The essential basis of this attraction is a diversity between the two sexes which is made possible only by their complementing or completing one another. If then this diversity becomes less obvious because one of its major external signs is eliminated and because the normal psychological structure is weakened, what results is the alteration of a fundamental factor in the relationship.
The problem goes further still. Mutual attraction between the sexes is preceded both naturally, and in the order of time, by that sense of shame which holds the rising impulses in check, imposes respect upon them, and tends to lift to a higher level of mutual esteem and healthy fear everything that those impulses would push onwards to uncontrolled acts. To change that clothing which by its diversity reveals and upholds nature’s limits and defenses, is to level the distinctions and to help pull down the vital defenses of the sense of shame.
It is at least to hinder that sense. And when the sense of shame is hindered from applying the brakes, then do relationships between man and women sink degradingly to pure sensuality, devoid of all mutual respect or esteem.
Experience teaches us that when woman is de-feminized, defenses are undermined and weakness increases.
C. Male Dress Harms the Dignity of the Mother in Her Children’s Eyes.
All children have an instinct for the sense of dignity and decorum of their mother. Analysis of the first inner crisis of children when they awaken to life around them, even before they enter upon adolescence, shows how much the sense of their mother counts. Children are as sensitive as can be on this point. Adults typically leave all that behind them and think no more on it. But we would do well to call to mind the severe demands that children instinctively make of their own mother, and the deep and even terrible reactions roused in them by observation of their mother’s misbehavior. Many lines of later life are here traced out -- and not for good -- in these early inner dramas of infancy and childhood.
The child may not know the definition of exposure, frivolity or infidelity, but he possesses an instinctive sense to recognize them when they occur, to suffer from them, and be bitterly wounded by them in his soul.
III. Let us think seriously on the import of everything said thus far, even if a woman’s appearance in men’s dress does not immediately give rise to the same disturbance caused by grave immodesty.
The changing of feminine psychology does fundamental and -- in the long run -- irreparable damage to the family, to conjugal fidelity, to human affections and to human society. True, the effects of wearing unsuitable dress are not all to be seen within a short time. But one must think of what is being slowly and insidiously worn down, torn apart, perverted.
Is any satisfying reciprocity between husband and wife imaginable, if feminine psychology be changed? Or is any true education of children imaginable, which is so delicate in its procedure, so woven of imponderable factors in which the mother’s intuition and instinct play the decisive part in those tender years? What will these women be able to give their children when they will so long have worn trousers that their self-esteem is determined more by their competing with the men than by their functioning as women?
Why, we ask, ever since men have been men -- or rather since they became civilized -- why have men in all times and places been irresistibly borne to differentiate and divide the functions of the two sexes? Do we not have here strict testimony to the recognition by all mankind of a truth and a law above man?
To sum up, wherever women wear men’s dress, it is be considered a factor, over the long term, in disintegrating human order.
IV. The logical consequence of everything presented thus far is that anyone in a position of responsibility should be possessed by a sense of alarm in the true and proper meaning of the word, a severe and decisive alarm.
We address a grave warning to parish priests, to all priests in general and to confessors in particular, to members of every kind of association, to all religious, to all nuns, especially to teaching Sisters.
We ask them to become clearly conscious of the problem so that action will follow. This consciousness is what matters. It will suggest the appropriate action in due time. But let it not counsel us to give way in the face of inevitable change, as though we are confronted by a natural evolution of mankind, and so on!
Men may come and men may go, because God has left plenty of room for the ebb and flow of free-will; but the substantial lines of nature and the no less substantial lines of the Eternal Law have never changed, are not changing and never will change. There are bounds beyond which one may stray as far as he pleases, but to do so ends in death. Empty philosophical fantasizing may let one mock or trivialize these limits, but they constitute an alliance of hard facts and of nature which chastises anyone who oversteps them. Certainly history has taught -- with frightening proofs from the life and death of nations -- that the reply to all violators of this outline of ‘humanity’ is always, sooner or later, catastrophe.
Since the dialectic of Hegel, we are fed what amounts to nothing but fables, and by dint of hearing them so often, many people end up acquiescing to them, even if only passively. But the reality of the matter is that Nature and Truth, and the Law bound up in both, go their imperturbable way, and cut to pieces the simpletons who, upon no grounds whatsoever, would believe in radical and far-reaching changes in the very structure of man.
The consequences of such violations are not a new outline of man, but rather disorders, harmful instability of every kind, the frightening dryness of human souls, a shattering increase in the number of human castaways driven out from among us, left to live out their decline in boredom, sadness and rejection. On the beach of this intentional shipwreck of the eternal norms are found broken families, hearths and homes grown cold, lives cut short before their time, the elderly cast aside, our youth willfully degenerate and -- at the end of the line -- souls in despair and taking their own lives. All of this human wreckage gives witness to the fact that the ‘line of God’ does not give way, nor does it admit of any adaptation to the delirious dreams of the so-called philosophers!
V. We have said that those to whom the present Notification is addressed are asked to take serious alarm before the problem at hand. Accordingly they know what they have to say, starting with little girls on their mother’s knee.
They know that without exaggerating or turning into fanatics, they will need to strictly limit how far they tolerate women dressing like men, as a general rule.
They know they must never be so weak as to let anyone believe that they turn a blind eye to a custom which is slipping downhill and subverting the moral standing of all institutions.
They, the priests, know that the line they have to take in the confessional, while not holding women dressing like men to be automatically a grave fault, must be sharp and decisive.
Everybody will kindly give thought to the need for a united line of action, re-enforced on every side by the co-operation of all men of good will and all enlightened minds, so as to create a veritable dike to hold back the flood.
Those of you responsible for souls in whatever capacity understand how useful it is to have for allies in this campaign men of the arts, the media and the crafts. The position taken by fashion design houses, the brilliant designers and the clothing industry, is of crucial important in the whole question. Artistic sense, refinement and good taste meeting together can find suitable but dignified solutions as to the dress for women to wear when they must use a motorcycle or engage in this or that exercise or work. What matters is to preserve modesty together with the eternal sense of femininity which, more than anything else, all children will continue to associate with the face of their mother.
We do not deny that modern life sets problems and makes requirements unknown to our grandparents. But we state that there are values more in need of protection than fleeting experiences, and that for anyone of intelligence there is always good sense and good taste enough to find acceptable and dignified solutions to problems which arise.
Moved by charity we are fighting against a leveling debasement of mankind, against the attack upon those differences on which rests the complementarity of man and woman.
When we see a woman in trousers, we should think not so much of her, as of all mankind: of what will be should women masculinize themselves. Nobody stands to gain by helping to bring about a future age of vagueness, ambiguity, imperfection and, in a word, monstrosities.
This letter of ours is not addressed to the public, but to those responsible for souls, for education, for Catholic associations. Let them do their duty, and let them not be sentries caught asleep at their post while evil crept in.
Giuseppe Cardinal Siri
Archbishop of Genoa