
The Missing Books of the Bible: The Esdras Apocalypse in Spanish

The 3rd and 4th Books of Esdras (Ezra Apocalypse) in Spanish from 1569 (the apocrypha)

The following scans are from a 1569 Spanish Bible. These texts are extremely rare and difficult to find. If your priest isn't aware of their existence, you should avoid his advice. We thank the editor of rosariofatima.wordpress.com for taking the time to scan these in and for making them available to researchers across the globe for the first time in history. This was the first Spanish copy of the Esdras Apocalypse on the internet in 2013.

Missing Books of the Bible a

Missing Books of the Bible b

Missing Books of the Bible 01

Missing Books of the Bible 02

Missing Books of the Bible 03

Missing Books of the Bible 04

Missing Books of the Bible 05

Missing Books of the Bible 06

Missing Books of the Bible 07

Missing Books of the Bible 08

Missing Books of the Bible 09

Missing Books of the Bible 10

Missing Books of the Bible 11

Missing Books of the Bible 12

Missing Books of the Bible 13

Missing Books of the Bible 14

Missing Books of the Bible 15

Missing Books of the Bible 16

Missing Books of the Bible 17

Missing Books of the Bible 18

Missing Books of the Bible 19

Missing Books of the Bible 20

Missing Books of the Bible 21

Missing Books of the Bible 22

Missing Books of the Bible 23

Missing Books of the Bible 24

Missing Books of the Bible 25

Missing Books of the Bible 26

Missing Books of the Bible 27

Missing Books of the Bible 28

Missing Books of the Bible 29

Missing Books of the Bible 30

Missing Books of the Bible 31

Missing Books of the Bible 32

Missing Books of the Bible 33

Missing Books of the Bible 34

Missing Books of the Bible 35

Missing Books of the Bible 36

Missing Books of the Bible 37

Missing Books of the Bible 38

Missing Books of the Bible 39

Missing Books of the Bible 40

Missing Books of the Bible 41

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - English

Esdras Apocalypse in Old English from 1609

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - Latin Vulgate

Esdras Apocalypse in Latin from 1685

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - Spanish

Esdras Apocalypse in Spanish from 1569

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