
The Missing Books of the Bible: The Esdras Apocalypse (the Apocrypha)

The real ending of the Bible: The 3rd and 4th Books of Esdras

“Those who control the past, control the present. Those who control the present, control the future.”

For those still convinced that the eschatological heresies of the Book of Apocalypse or "Revelation" is beneficial to their salvation, consider reading the Esdras or Ezra Apocalypse. These books are the real ending of the Bible. By the late 1700's, the Masonic Vatican hierarchy had deleted the ending of all Catholic Bibles, which effectively made John's Apocalypse the end of the Bible to those who read only the newer versions.

These were the books which were a crtitical part of every Catholic Latin Bible from the years 380-1800. This was and still is the real ending to the Jewish Bible. If this was in print today, those who get excited over the teachings of their Masonic end-times pastors would see what their end-times religion is really going to purchase for them: a destroyed world licking its wounds in Apocalyptic darkness as it tries to find the keys to Heaven which they had lost.

The Fátima Movement has published for your consumption three versions of the Esdras Apocalypse for you to read, save, re-publish or to do with whatever you wish...

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - English

Esdras Apocalypse in Old English from 1582

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - Latin Vulgate

Esdras Apocalypse in Latin from 1685

Missing Books of the Bible - Esdras Apocalypse - Aprocrypha - Spanish

Esdras Apocalypse in Spanish from 1569

* The Old English version comes from the dangerous 1582/1610 Douai Rheims translation of the Jewish Scriptures. Owning or distributing a copy of the first Catholic translation into English would have purchased you a life sentence or death for treason in England, up until the year 1800. The entire book has been scanned, making it the only original Douai Rheims translation available for viewing or downloading on the internet in 2013.

* The Latin Vulgate version comes from a 1685 Catholic Latin Vulgate which comes originally from France, but was purchased from Brazil. The entire book has been scanned, making it the first Catholic Latin Vulgate available for viewing or downloading on the internet in 2013.

* The Spanish version comes from a 1569 Spanish translation of the Jewish Scriptures and is the work of Mr. H. from Guatamala. The original scans can be found on the following website: rosariofatima.wordpress.com.

Shown below are the table of contents of two Latin Clementine Biblia Sacras to prove their placement and existence at the end of the Bible, after the Apocalypse of Freemason John. Around the beginning of the 1800's, the Masonic Vatican decided that it was time to

“keep the meat” and give us “milk to drink,” to keep the public from knowing these secrets.

Luckily, we have acquired the well-buried ending of the Bible in three languages, so here's the 'meat' which Masonic antipopes were withholding from humanity and some history, innuendo, and decrees from those in the know:


”We (Jewish Freemasons) control the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter and the chanceries. Most of the bishops are now on our side and those that aren't have been neutralized. Anybody who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to co-operate.” ― Fr. Hans Küng (”worthy” recipient of the Freemasons' lifetime achievement award)

1542: Esdras Apocalypse removed by Masonic Pius V from the Latin Vulgate at Trent.

1582: Esdras Apocalypse included in the 1st Edition Douai-Rheims in English. The English D-R Bible is banned from England. Anyone caught owning or distributing is tried for treason by the Masonic English Government.

1577-1603: Hundreds of Douai-Rheims priests are brutally martyred over this translation by Masonic Queen Elizabeth.

1592: Esdras Apocalypse put back into the Latin Vulgate by Clement VIII “Lest they should perish” was the reason given by Clement VIII.

1633: Esdras Apocalypse included in the 2nd Edition Douai-Rheims in English

1752: Esdras Apocalypse goes missing from the English Douai-Rheims and is altered over 2000 times by a Protestant named Challoner as he took control of D-R College. Douai-Rheims English Bible is reissued with 2000 heresies, “Our Lord” and “The Lord” are purposely confused; evidence of Acts XIX baptism rite is removed. Even the Ave Maria prayer is subverted- “Our Lord is with thee” is changed to “The Lord is with thee.” “Sacramentum” in Chapter 1 of the Apocalypse is changed to “mystery.”

1777: Sacraments in Latin are destroyed by Congregation of Rites, changing Spiritum Sanctum (Holy Ghost, who is) to Spiritus Sanctus (Holy Spirit- the spirit of the one who is coming)

1789: Masonic French Revolution

1800: The ban on the English D-R is lifted, it is no longer treasonous to own or distribute. Most copies have been removed from existence.

1816: Pius VIII announces that they are keeping “the meat” of Sacred Scripture, giving us “little ones” milk to drink. The Esdras Apocalypse is gone again.

Today: A Universal End-Times religion is flourishing, led by the Vatican, because the consequence of this “Revelation” of the Jewish Jesus “Second Coming” is removed from history. It is interesting that the Mormon Temple is awaiting these books. Well, they're back in circulation.

The Masonic Vatican Hierarchy explains its deletion of the Esdras Apocalypse from the Latin Vulgate

PIUS VII 1800-1823
Versions of Sacred Scripture

[From the epistle “Magno et acerbo” to the Archbishop of Mohileff, Septermber 3, 1816]:

“We were overcome with great and bitter sorrow when We learned that a pernicious plan, by no means the first, had been undertaken, whereby the most sacred books of the Bible are being spread everywhere in every vernacular tongue, with new interpretations which are contrary to the wholesome rules of the Church, and are skillfully turned into a distorted sense. For, from one of the versions of this sort already presented to Us we notice that such a danger exists against the sanctity of purer doctrine, so that the faithful might easily drink a deadly poison from those fountains from which they should drain “waters of saving wisdom” [Ecclus. 15:3]….”

“For you should have kept before your eyes the warnings which Our predecessors have constantly given, namely, that, if the sacred books are permitted everywhere without discrimination in the vulgar tongue, more damage will arise from this than advantage. Furthermore, the Roman Church, accepting only the Vulgate edition according to the well-known prescription (see n. 785 f.) of the Council of Trent, disapproves the versions in other tongues and permits only those which are edited with the explanations carefully chosen from writings of the Fathers and Catholic Doctors, so that so great a treasure may not be exposed to the corruptions of novelties, and so that the Church, spread throughout the world, may be “of one tongue and of the same speech” [Gen. 11:1].”

“Therefore, to the more simple the Apostle says: “ I gave you milk to drink as unto little ones in Christ, not meat” [I Cor. 3:2]. For solid food is for the elders…”

John Paul II Signs of Contradiction Cover

John Paul II Signs of Contradiction

Here is a cryptic remark by Anti-Pope John Paul II when he was known as “Cardinal” Karol Wojtyla from his book “Sign of Contradiction” in 1979.

The Jewish Anti-Pope is writing about a “later phase of the history of salvation – not disclosed in revelation (the Apocalypse) and in the scriptures – which might put an end to this separation between those who are saved and those who are damned.”

In 1979, this “later history” was missing from Catholic Bibles for about 200 years, so only a few historians would have owned a copy. Burying these texts go hand in hand with the promotion of the coming "Lord Jesus" by Freemasonic ministers for the purpose of tricking as many human beings as possible into expecting, then bowing down to the Jewish Messiah.

If priests knew the consequence of fulfilling the Apocalypse and tricking everyone into welcoming the “Lord Jesus of the root and stock of David and of the bright morning star,” perhaps they wouldn’t be both following and teaching the wrong answer to Judgment Day. Anti-Pope John Paul II of course knows these things, he had access to these old books, but most don’t. But thanks to the efforts of a few historians, you have the information the elite have been hiding. This is a must-read if you are a seminarian or Bible-college student..

The Jewish Babylonian Talmud explains the missing books of the Bible

The Jewish Babylonian Talmud actually admits that the end of their Bible was removed and declared “ordinary literature” ”for the purpose of preserving the integrity of the Jewish race and preventing its absorption by other nations.” The following is from the Fatima Movement Babylonian Talmud Exposed Section:

Babylonian Talmud Vol02-029: Blatant admission of rewriting books for the benefit of the Jewish race.

Babylonian Talmud Apocrypha

Page 385 of Volume II of the Babylonian Talmud explains how the Jews eliminated the Apocrypha and deleted texts “for the purpose of preserving the integrity of the Jewish race and preventing its absorption by other nations.”

The Apocrypha is also known as the Esdras Apocalypse and is the “real” ending of the Bible. The name “Apocrypha” specifically refers to the missing 3rd and 4th Books of Esdras that were in all Catholic Bibles until a few hundred years ago. The Fátima Movement has these texts in both the 1610 Rheims English version and the Latin version from 1685.

Regarding the deletion of these important texts, the Jewish Masonic brotherhood of the subverted Catholic Church actually boasts about the deletion and rewriting of history in statements like these:

“We control the seminaries, the academic departments of theology, the catechetical and liturgical institutions, the publishing houses, the magazines that matter and the chanceries. Most of the bishops are now on our side and those that aren't have been neutralized. Anybody who wants a future in the hierarchy or the Catholic academy has no choice but to co-operate.” - Fr. Hans Küng, 1960's (”worthy” recipient sof the Freemasons' lifetime achievement award)

“The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer. To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor.” - Pius VIII (Traditi Humilitati # 9, May 24, 1829)

“'Bad companions, bad books, and bad habits,' my guide exclaimed, 'are mainly responsible for so many eternally lost.'” - St. John Bosco's Prophetic Vision of Hell in 1868 A.D.

“The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc. Past events, it is argued, have no objective existence, but survive only in written records and in human memories. The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it. It also follows that though the past is alterable, it never has been altered in any specific instance.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 124

“What happened in the unseen labyrinth to which the pneumatic tubes led, he did not know in detail, but he did know in general terms. As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of The Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead.
This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs — to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 22

The Missing Books of the Bible can be found in Latin Vulgates printed prior to the 1800's

The following are the table of contents for two Clementine Latin Vulgates, which show the placement of the 3rd and 4th Books of Esdras after the Apocalypse in their table of contents. It is important to point out that Pius V removed these books in the 1540’s after changing the Mass and introducing the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) beads to the 150 straight beaded Rosary. Pius V’s decision was retracted and these final books of the bible were put back in by Pope Clement VIII in 1592, hence the name Clementine Biblia Sacra, but were suppressed again by the year 1800. Since Popes are not supposed to contradict each other, it should raise a red flag to those studying the history of heresy and Masonic revisionism.

Clement VIII’s reasoning behind returning the Ezra or Esdras Apocalypse back into the Latin Vulgate was “Lest they should perish.” Below are the tables of contents from authentic Catholic Latin Vulgates to prove their placement after John's Apocalypse or "Revelation" in modern copies.

The deleted end of the bible exists in the 1685 Latin Vulgate

Above: the Table of Contents from a 1685 from the Canonical “To settle all disputes (Trent)” Latin Vulgate Biblia Sacra, which shows the existence and placement of the Esdras Apocalypse at the end of the Bible, coming after John's Apocalypse or "Book of Revelation" which today is the accepted "ending of the Bible" in all modern texts.

The deleted end of the bible exists in the 1769 Latin Vulgate

Above: the Table of Contents from a 1769 from the Canonical “To settle all disputes (Trent)” Latin Vulgate Biblia Sacra which shows the existence and placement of the Esdras Apocalypse at the end of older Bibles, coming after John's Apocalypse or "Book of Revelation," which today is the accepted "ending of the Bible."

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