“On the contrary, Pope Pelagius (II) wrote to the Bishop Gaudentius: If any people living in your Worship's neighorhood, avow that they have been baptized in the name of the Lord only, without any hesitation baptize them again in the name of the Blessed Trinity, when they come in quest of the Catholic Faith. Didymus, too, says (De Spir. Sanct. ii): If indeed there be such a one with a mind so foreign to faith as to baptize while omitting one of the aforesaid names, viz. of the three Persons, he baptizes invalidly." - Argument against Freemason Thomas Aquinas, Pt. III, Q. 66 Article 6, p. 2385, Summa Theologica, "Baptism"
“The heretical Second Vatican Council in an act of consummate blasphemy, mandated "changes" in the Holy Sacraments (sacred depositum of faith) instituted by The Second Person of the Trinity and His Divine Church. The (phony) Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano reported that "the Second Vatican Council introduced certain modifications in the very essence of the sacramental rites.” - The Constitution on the Liturgy of Vatican II ordered that the rite for the baptism of infants and adults be revised. The new rite for the baptism of infants was introduced on June 1, 1970. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) was on January 6, 1972. - Today's Catholic World
"By about the fifth century we begin to see more clearly...We notice that these important changes have already been made...Rietschel (Lehrbuch der Liturgik, I, 340-1) thinks that the Invocation of the Holy Ghost [Spiritum Sanctum] has already disappeared from the Mass." - Catholic Encyclopedia from 1910, Vol IX, p. 794, Entry for "MASS".
“The ancients said that the child was punished for the sins of its father. We say that this its deformity or disease is the consequence of its father's vices; but so far as concerns the question of justice or injustice, that is merely the change of a word.” - Morals & Dogma, p.830
“Then, I saw that everything that pertained to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand, and the Catholic religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false knowledge of young school-teachers [Modernists], and they all contributed to the work of destruction.” - Prophetic Vision of Venerable Anna-Katrina Emmerick (1774-1824 A.D.) Augustinian Nun, Stigmatist. |
In the chaos of WWII, Freemason Pius XII opened the Seal of Baptism by removing of the name of God (the Holy Ghost) and replacing it with the “Holy Spirit.” The consequence of this reality of the 20th Century breakdown of the Church from within is that the Judeo-Masonic controlled Vatican has been withholding the Sacrament of Baptism from infants since 1944. The loss of the Third Name of the Trinty, (Third Reich) as the occult refers to it is the spiritual tactic used by Freemasonry to condemn the 1 billion strong army of Catholics. Freemasons would never tolerate any change in their initation rite, but Catholics did, and they are suffering for it.
![]() | “It is with a certain trepidation because if you despise and reject this ultimate means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.” - Sister Lúcia Santos, 1957 “But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, shall never have forgiveness, but shall be guilty of an everlasting sin.” - Mark 3:29 1899 D.R. |
This is why we believe the Mother of God appeared to Sister Lúcia of Fatima and urged her to write down the contents of the Third Secret in that same year, 1944. Our Lady was offering the Rosary as the only remedy to Catholics who did not realize this was happening. For those who did not preserve the Catholic Rite, the Rosary is their only option before Judgment Day. If you find it odd that the Catholic Hierarchy of Bishops and Cardinals are altering the Mass to deceive Catholics into welcoming in the Jewish Messiah, your suspicions are well founded. If you believe the Mother of God appeared and showed Hell to three small children because the situation wasn't serious, think again.
Catholic priests who blindly follow the NEW “REVISED” RITE issued by their Masonic Bishops are not going to enjoy the punishments in Hell. Their reality is that by not taking their jobs seriously and by playing follow the leader or whatever they are doing now in “seminaries” will be an eternity in Hell. As for the parishioners who trusted their souls to them, their anger about their condemnations is only going to add to their pastors' torments in the fire.
“I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.” - The Masonic Jesus from Mark 14:27
“To effect a confusion of ideas is an old scheme of the Devil. Not to understand clearly and precisely is generally the source of intellectual error. In time of schism and heresy, to cloud and distort the proper sense of words is a fruitful artifice of Satan, and it is as easy to lay snares for the intellectually proud as for the innocent. Every heresy in the Church bears testimony to Satan's success in deceiving the human intellect by obscuring and perverting the meaning of words.” - (Liberalism Is A Sin, [Chp XII], by Fr. Felix Sarda Y Salvany 1899 A.D.)
Alexander III, 1159-1181
Certainly if anyone immerses a child in water three times in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen, and he does not say: “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen,”the child is not baptized. Let those concerning whom there is a doubt, whether or not they have been baptized, be baptized after these words have first been uttered: “If you are baptized I do not baptize you, if you are not yet baptized, I baptize you, etc.”
Luke 12:10: “..but to him that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.”
Romans 2:24: “For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles, as it is written.”
The situation today is quite dire. Freemasons have destroyed the Church of Christ from within by marking most Catholics with the spritual mark and imposing the character of the devil. If you thought something didn't seem right about modern Catholicism, your suspicions are correct. If you're wondering how they did it, this is how. If you don't want to go down with the Vatican II mothership, you will find in the Dogma directions for correcting this. A priest is not needed, anyone can baptize in the case of emergency. Scroll down for directions.
This is the real reason why society is literally “going to hell” because when the name of the God is changed to the Devil in this critical Rite, the spiritual protections from the Holy Ghost are not imprined to the soul. More specifically, it leaves that marked individual without the power to withstand the devil, possession, curses, scripture- it simply makes that soul another “brick in the wall.”
“The confusion will be so general that men will not be able to think aright, as if God had withheld His Providence from mankind, and that, during the worst crisis, the best that can be done would be to remain where God has placed us, and persevere in fervent prayers... At that time there will be such a terrible crisis that people will believe that the end of the world has come. Blood will flow in many large cities. The very elements will be convulsed. It will be like a little General Judgment.” - Prophecy of Fr. Nectou, S.J., 18th Century
The purpse or in layman's terms, of an exorcism is to correct this baptismal absence by first, getting rid of the demons and second, performing the corrective Rite of Baptism CORRECTLY, so this can never happen to that soul again. The Holy Ghost from then on gives the soul an impenetrable armour that prevents possession from reoccuring. Intelligence to interpret scripture, grace and other gifts that the person can actually feel are some of the other effects. The early Christians knew and protected these things which is why they were proud to die in defense of their faith. When this effect occurred, God became a reality (and the importance of preserving the Rites of the Catholic Church), not just some “superstitious” or probable theory based on reason. But you really don't see this effect in people anymore and this is why. The powers of the original Church and its Rites are fully available to anyone that wants them. Nothing has changed- it's just that man was distracted into forgetting how to do it.
It is difficult to describe the feeling of the power of the Holy Ghost when Christ's Rite of Baptism is validly administered, but it is real. As the Council of Trent correctly demands, anyone that denies this real effect is anathema. But most “priests” don't study Dogma, read the laws of the Councils, study Fatima or even crack open Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. They are stuck on one book, the bible, which was purposely written by Gnostic Freemasons to destroy the Metaphysical effects of this critical Sacrament. One method frequently used by Church Doctors to explain the 'effect' of receiving the Holy Ghost was: substance, an area which those who study Metaphysics attempt to explain. We must warn you though, most who study Metaphysics, Alchemy, Witchcraft, etc., do so in an effort to eliminate the Sacramental effect of the Holy Ghost in their Masonic Lodge teachings. Their goal is to prevent people from receiving this critically important Sacramental effect so that they essentially become spiritually-retarded slaves for their matrix, who in their fantasy of falling to the Masonic State religion, become slaves of Lucifer and eventually get dragged down into Hell, where Masonry rules.
The “Pope” of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, explains this on page 734 of Morals and Dogma (quote below). He also highlights Acts of the Apostles XVIII and XIX in this long book.- in fact, apart from the Apocalypse, these are the only two Biblical references made by this Luciferian Grand Master in the entire book and it should not be unnoticed that he concentrates on Acts XIX, the basis of Exorcism in the Latin Vulgate. Church Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas also explains this in Summa Theologica (scan provided below).
![]() | Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916): “This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit; and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” | ![]() |
“This agent, which barely manifests under the uncertain methods of Mesmer's followers, is precisely that which the adepts of the Middle Ages denominated the First Matter of the Great Work. The Gnostics represented it as the fiery body of the Holy Spirit; it was the object of adoration in the Secret Rites of the Sabbath and the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the Androgyne of Mendes. All this will be proved. Here then are the secrets of occult philosophy, and such is Magic in history. Let us glance at it now as it appears in its books and its acts, in its Initiations and its Rites.” - The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic, PART I: page 8
“In the soul of the world, which is the Universal Agent, there is a current of love and a current of wrath. This ambient and all-penetrating fluid; this ray loosened from the sun's splendour and fixed by the weight of the atmosphere and the power of central attraction; this body of the Holy Spirit, which we term the Universal Agent, while it was typified by the ancients under the symbol of a serpent devouring its tail; this electromagnetic ether, this vital and luminous caloric, is depicted in archaic monuments by the girdle of Isis, twice-folded in a love-knot round two poles, as well as by the serpent devouring its own tail, emblematic of prudence and of Saturn.” - The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic, PART I: page 11
“The present Angels were human in the Moon Period, and the highest Initiate is The Holy Spirit, (Jehovah.)” - Freemasonry and Catholicism by Max Heindel, page 9.
In the video to the left, a Protestant Lord-worshipping heretic makes it perfectly obvious what he is doing to his flock: sending them to the fire. On the right is a relevant scene from “The Godfather” from 1972, directed by Freemason Francis Ford Coppola. This scene is called “Baptism by Fire.” Pacino's character is distracted from his duty to make sure the Sacrament is being administered correctly, but he has other things on his mind. The priest does not use the correct Latin Rite in the name of Spiritum Sanctum and therefore does not baptize the child. The grace of Christ ends in that family and it eventually falls apart.
Subject from Reader Emails: 1777 Congregation of Rites Thank you for your response. My question still is how you come upon this discovery when the enemy has such a record of covering things up and doing away with any proofs. When this was voted upon in 1777 (which was way before our time) how was it kept so long before anyone became aware of it to expose it? In reviewing the gradual use of Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost it has been used interchangeably for a long, long time. One sentence says Holy Ghost and the next one would say Holy Spirit. Wasn't this ever questioned before? A----- Fatima Movement: I suppose that's why the Illuminati call me "the nobody". This is the mark of the beast that I have decoded. When searching for the answer as to how the Church was destroyed from within, some things were hidden and next to impossible to find, such as the Authentic Third Secret of Fatima. Other evidence required a lot of effort to find like the "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry" which are the Names of the Catholic Trinity which correspond to the Names of the Catholic Trinity that you are required to know to enter Heaven's Doors. Basically what I did in 2009 was apply the Names of God (the Catholic Trinity) to the Rosary, restored it's original 150 straight-beaded form, and then used it as Our Lady told us to. This caused an information overload that took a year or two to process but as you can see, the sources of the secrets of how Freemasonry infiltrated the Vatican over many centuries are all real and authentic. I was seeking the source of power of Catholicism because it was obvious that the leaders of the Church were intentionally destroying it, and this Masonic "Alta Vendita" was provoking the Apocalypse. So since the Apocalypse was being caused by human beings, it seemed logical that there might be a way for a human being to stop the process. As it turned out, there was. My discovery about the voting in the 1777 Congregation of Rites came one night when I was digging into my real, not a digitized copy of the Catholic Encyclopedia from the early 1900's, looking for some clues. The one thing that frustrates me is that I cannot retrace where I found that exact entry, but it must be in one of those 15 volumes because it led me to focus on Acts XIX in the Latin Vulgate. This was in 2008 if I remember correctly, a year before I started documenting what and where I was finding the answers. I remember reading a paragraph explaining that (and this is obviously not a direct quote): Rosicrucian (Freemason) Cardinals outvoted Catholic Cardinals in the 1777 Congregation of Rites to change the name "Spiritum Sanctum" to "Spiritus Sanctus". This is the basis of exorcism and is referenced in the Latin Vulgate in Acts Chap. XIX. As Catholics protested the change and demanded the Sacraments, unrest ensued and this eventually led to the French Revolution in 1789 (read up on Napoleon's New World Order if you'd like). I've tried to retrace my steps but can't find that paragraph. I may have been reading about one of the Sacraments or about different Rites, I honestly don't remember. What I was able to find for you using Adobe Acrobat's search feature is the following: In the year 1777, the leader of the Catholic Church was Jewish Freemason and Antipope Pius VI. His coat of arms reveals both the same double headed eagle that adorns the cover of Jewish Freemason Albert Pike's Masonic Degree Manual "Morals and Dogma" and the religious symbol of the people who murdered God on a cross, the Star of David. For Sedevacantists that still cling onto some hope that John XXIII was the first Freemason to occupy the Papacy in 1958, the facts do not support this wishful thinking. The coat of arms of Antipope Pius VI reveals his membership in Jewish Freemasonry. - Source: "PiusVI" entry, The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907-1914), Volume 12, page 162/896 in the .pdf format. In Volumes 1 and 5 you'll find more evidence of this 1777 "Sacred" Congregation of Rites which the 1907-1914 Catholic Encylopedia claims is "still in force". It is very noteworthy that the Knights of Malta (another Masonic Order) had full privileges or access to those in the papal household (click on the image below to see their website). It also mentions their "suppression" during the French Revolution which simply means they went into hiding after causing the French to be cursed with post-1777 Satanic Sacraments, provoking the French Revolution twelve years later. The page numbers are provided in the graphic along with the Catholic Encyclopedia Volume numbers so you can follow along at home...below as you can plainly see, the Knights of Malta's logo incorporates the Masonic square and compass logo and the "all-seeing-eye" of the Devil: Regarding the replacement of Spiritum Sanctum (The Holy Ghost who was, is and ever shall be) with the heretical Masonic spiritus sanctus (the unholy spirit who is coming/the devil), the facts concerning the mark of the beast on the forehead (the Masonic Baptism using the name of the Devil) are from the following sources: 1. Martyred 20th Century Catholic St. Lúcia of Fatima's warning from God Our Lady regarding the unforgiveable sin of openly rejecting The Holy Ghost (God the Father of the Catholic Trinity):
2. Acts XIX from the 1685 Catholic Latin Vulgate which specifically differentiates between Spiritum Sanctum and the heretical spiritus sanctus: 3. The same distinction between Spiritum Sanctum and the heretical spiritus sanctus was found in another Catholic Latin Vulgate, this one from the year 1769: 4. The Illuminari baptism rite vs. the Spiritum Sanctum Rite from the 1685 Catholic Latin Vulgate: 5. Acts XIX from the original Douai Rheims from 1582 which parallels the difference between the two rites in the Latin Vulgates, distinguishing (Freemason) John the Baptist's rite from one using the Holy Ghost, this time in English: 6. Denzinger's 1957 "The Sources of Catholic Dogma" in English which actually admits that a child is not baptized if the name of the (heretical) Holy Spirit is used. 7. The Council of Trent teachings about the two baptisms (Christ's vs. Freemason John's). It is important to note that the Council doesn't give specifics (this knowledge was purposely withheld by this Masonic Council): COUNCIL OF TRENT, 1545-1563 CANONS ON THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM CANON I - If any one saith, that the baptism of John had the same force as the baptism of Christ: let him be anathema. 8. The 1907-1914 Catholic Encyclopedia validating the requirement of the name "Spiritum Sanctum" to combat the 4th Century Arians (First Reich) which was a 4th Century occultic subversion to trick the Catholic Church into denying the Divinity of Christ, the demonic force that Freemason Adolf Hitler was collaborating with (Third Reich) in his occultic ceremonies. It appears the Arian "First Reich" was the successful deletion of Our Lady from the Catholic Trinity during the 4th Century. The Third Reich was the successful elimation of The Holy Ghost from the Catholic Trinity during WWII-1944: 9. Worldwide leader of Freemasonry Albert Pike's admission from Morals and Dogma that the Holy Spirit is worshipped in Masonic Lodges as the goat of Mendes (the devil):
10. Worldwide leader of Freemasonry Albert Pike's book which is actually called "The Masonic Baptism".
As far as anyone questioning this before, why would they? Newly ordained Vatican II "Priests" who refuse to bow down to the teachings of their Masonic Church leaders get terminated. 32,000 Priests left after the Second Vatican Council, the largest exodus since the Reformation. Above on the left, "Lucifer” is invoked during Easter at the Vatican in 2013. The Vatican Liturgy has been altered to lead you into praying to the impostor Jesus, another Masonic son of the Devil. Above on the right, newly ordained priests are required by the Vatican to bow down to what the subverted Church teaches, or else they will face the consequences. "The Holy Church built upon a rock, that is Christ, and upon Peter...because by the Gates of Hell, that is, by the disputations of heretics which lead the vain to destruction, it would never be overcome." - Leo IX, Sept. 2, 1053 Most people can't remember what happened last week, let alone the late 1960's. Besides, the Vatican's subordinate outposts serve delicious pancakes to keep the sheeple coming back. This is why the road to Hell is paved with the skulls of weak "Catholic" Bishops and Priests. |