For those interested in the Original Rosary 150 but require more evidence, the following research has been compiled by the editor of the Sedevacantist website It proves our original 150 form and chronicles the gradual changes that eventually led to the Novus Ordo's heretical and ineffective pentagram rosary commonly used today. You can visit the website by following the link below.
Slide 1
From now on, you will see the pages available for reading on the googlebooks site. Let’s check the first book: Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons.

Slide 2
Let me introduce to you Henry of Kalkar.

Slide 3
At that time Our Lady’s Psalter and the Rosary were not the same thing.
By the way, let me introduce to you Dominic of Prussia.

Slide 4
The 50 clausulae are related with the biblical Jesus. More of this later.

Slide 5
Thanks to Alan’s preaching, Our Lady’s Psalterium became more popular, on this book they were generous with him. In other works, he is considered a crazy guy.

Slide 6
James Sprenger had permission from the Holy See.

Slide 7 to Slide 12
On these 6 slides the 50 jesus clausulae will be shown in English, Italian, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese.

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

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Slide 12

Slide 13
Let’s check the second book: Beads and Prayers: The Rosary in History and Devotion. The front cover was not available.

Slide 14
Dominic of Prussia is on the stage again. According to this book, this prussian guy and his colleague Adolf of Essen were influenced by the Devotio Moderna, a pro-biblical mystic movement.
“Devotio Moderna arose at the same time as Christian Humanism, a meshing of Renaissance Humanism and Christianity, and is related to German mysticism and other movements which promoted an intense personal relationship with God. Practitioners of the Devotio Moderna emphasized the inner life of the individual and promoted meditation according to certain strictures (sic). With the ideals of Christian Humanism, Devotio Moderna recommended a more individual attitude towards belief and religion. It is regarded sometimes as a contributing factor for Lutheranism and Calvinism. It was also a major influence upon Erasmus, who was brought up in this tradition.”
Source: Wikipedia. Link:
An explanation of what the Modern Devotion really was. This article is written in Spanish, but here it is the original translation into English:
However, you will read below the same translation with my commentaries included (in parenthesis). I made some changes to make it more legible in English.
“Responding to the need for reform, a movement extends throughout Europe, starting from the Netherlands, then called “Devotio Moderna“ (Modern Devotion), which is the vehicle for renewal of life of the laity and of the religious and monastic orders, and opening of new forms of apostolate. Its base is contemplation and union with God through knowledge of Scripture (the bible), prayer and divine illumination (can you smell what they were into?), no matter the clerical or secular state. Some of his statements regarding the Enlightment (or Illumination) caused the mistrust of hierarchy and the opposition of the theologians.”
“They formed groups of laity and clergy leading common life and called themselves "Friends of God“ in Rhineland. Followers of earlier Christian traditions (as you say the first protestant guys, the pro-jewish ones), insist above all on the evangelical virtues and the mystical experience, underestimating, sometimes excessively, sacramental practice, getting to the point of denying any value to them, generating distrust of the hierarchy, in any case.” (This sounds so charismatical and so neo-cathecumenal)
“The diversity of lay movements, many of them imbued with heterodoxy, and the difficult to make distinction between them, supported those suspicions. It is certainly very difficult to distinguish the different groups: "Friends of God", brothers of the Free Spirit (Satan maybe?), affirming the need to end the Church (this is not new: the infiltration of the Church to destroy it from inside) and that their ideas mixed in a background of pantheism with Gnosticism and Manichaeism, "Beghards" and "Beguine" , many of them were orthodox, but always outside the discipline hierarchical tertiary communities, Waldensian , "fratricelli" , or simple rebel clerics living outside any discipline.”
“The distant origins of “Modern Devotion" is the work of the German Dominican John Eckhart, the darkness of his work, which often walks over the very border of orthodoxy, especially his claim the soul's union with God, through a spiritual itinerary (what kind of trip is he talking about?) , sounded so pantheistic and arouse many suspicions. Finally, some of his propositions were condemned and some other confusing declared, despite which their work spread unhindered and exerted an extraordinary influence, through his direct disciples, and others inspired by him, in the “Modern Devotion".”

Slide 15
The guy spoke for himself.

Slide 16
Now we see Our Lady and the Virgin Mary are not the same.

Slide 17
Now you see the monks working together promoting that practice.

Slide 18
Properly speaking, they changed the devotion requested by Our Lady and transformed it into a Jewish Mary/Jewish Jesus prayer. But they were not the first ones suggesting this.

Slide 19
That’s what happens when monks and nuns are allowed to read the bible inside their monasteries.

Slide 20
Ah, what can I say? Bible-mania has been a disaster for Catholicism.

Slide 21
You already have this one posted on the webpage. The whole idea about the mysteries is a human creation, not divine revelation.

Slide 22
I added this picture to show everyone else that the baby Horus-Jesus is not a Catholic devotion.

Slide 23
There’s a difference between Our Lady’s Psalter and the Carthusian Rosary. The changes were imposed.

Slide 24
Now we realize how the mysteries came up.

Slide 25
Jakob Sprenger and Michael Francisci working together.

Slide 26
Actually the Rosary 150 protects us from attacks of the dark side guys, including the jews. I have experienced that.
The bull mentioned was written on 1479, unless they’re talking about another one.

Slide 27
What does Martin Luther have to do with this? Maybe the indulgences debate was a cover for the Reformation.

Slide 28
After the changes (inserting the our father prayer and linking the Rosary with the bible and its hero, the heretical Lord Jesus/Jewish Messiah), these guys were ready to propagate the practice among the people.

Slide 29
The five joyful mysteries. Nothing more to be said.

Slide 30
The five glorious mysteries. Nothing more to be said.

Slide 31
The whole set.

Slide 32
They admit the picture Rosary was not about Our Lady, but it was focused on the bible entirely.

Slide 33
The term “Reform” always sound suspicious when is related to Catholicism.

Slide 34
From now on the “reformers” have a licence to preach. By the way, three popes has written something about the Rosary before Pius V: Sixtus IV (Bull Ea quae ex fidelium May the 12th 1479), Leo X (Bull Pastoris aeterni October the 9th 1520) and Clement VII (Bull Etsi temporalium cura nos May the 8th 1534). I have those.

Slide 35
Finally Pius V shows up. During his 6 years and 115 days of work as a pope he wrote 151 bulls according to the Magnum Bullarium Romanum Volume 2 which I sent you on the dvd. (almost 24 bulls per year)
It’s interesting because only Urban VIII surpasses him: he wrote 169 bulls, but he needed 20 years and 358 days in office to do so (about 8 bulls per year).

Slide 36
So the “Glory be” and the Apostle’s Creed were not part of the original Rosary.

Slide 37
The Dominican Rosary has 164 beads (150 Hail Marys and 14 Paternosters, the 15th one is in the pendent).

Slide 38
Why does the “Holy See” allow to pray the Carthusian Rosary and not the Original Rosary? Maybe they thought it was impossible to recover, or nobody would care about it.

Slide 39 to 43
I took a picture of this page and included it on this powerpoint file in order to show there are books dealing with this issue. When you speak about the changes of the Rosary to the average “catholic” they deride you as nuts. Anyway, the whole list in 6 different languages are included on this file.

Slide 40

Slide 41

Slide 42

Slide 43

Slide 44 and 45
Some modern examples of the Jesus Clausulae, all about the Biblical Jesus.

Slide 45

next: Original 150 Rosary Research Files from 2/2