Mr. Nobody Editorial: Was St. Malachy in the Illuminati?
Was St. Malachy also a member of the Illuminati?
Does the 12th Century “Prophecy of the Popes” come from the Devil?
Editorial by Mr. Nobody, February 21, 2013
With Benedict XVI's recent announcement that he will be stepping down on Feb. 28, 2013, the St. Malachy prophecies have taken center stage in the Masonic antichrist promotion business, going viral on the internet (2/21/2013) at a time when the world waits for the final anti-pope of the imposter Catholic Church. It is now more important than ever to understand the meaning of the Illuminati signals flashed by these mysterious 'holy' men to gain a commanding understanding of where these prophecies come from so you can decipher their intent and save yourself from the coming slaughter.
From Left: “Saint” Malachy (1094-1148), Baphomet, Jewish-Masonic anti-pope Pius X (1903-1914), the Jewish imposter “Jesus” all flash the handsign of Baphomet.
"Saint" Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes
For non-Catholic gatherings, the excitement of the long-prophecized coming of the mysterious morning-star Jesus (see: Fourth Beast of Revelation: the Jewish messiah) is extremely titillating. An entire eschatological industry has been created by an army of Masonic authors to lay the foundation for the mass-deception of a cursed generation of baby-boomers who feel entitled to a messiah. The Illuminati scheduled it this way, planned centuries in advance to arrive at the time of the final Anti-Pope, Peter the Roman. The purpose of “the show” is to cause the wicked generation in charge and their offspring to be deceived by the fatal and final error of bowing down to the antichrist, Lucifer's son Jesus. This expectation and worship of the Jewish messiah will lock these heretics into the New World Order as permanent slaves of the Jews, in a tragic kingdom which will have no end known as the New World Order.
Average American Baby-Boomers, especially Evangelical Protestants, believe in the future coming of their messiah, just as the Illuminati need them to. In their minds, they are entitled to this salvation because they are Americans, and after all, America was founded by men who talked to “the lord”, the “domini” of the U.S. Bill of Rights and the god of the U.S. Dollar. Of course, Washington and his bedfellows were Illuminati, but most Americans can't handle the truth. The common subverted thought process is as follows: “Jesus is coming, and I will rule the earth with him for 1,000 years! Why, you ask? Because the Bible says so. Since I believed in the Bible and helped destroy the Catholic Church, I will be rewarded when the Jewish Messiah comes! This will happen after the War of Armageddon however, because the bible says so. At some point the Jews will reveal a red cow which must be sacrificed to cleanse their Temple in Jerusalem, then the messiah will come. How do I know all of this? The Jews told me! It's in the Bible too, which the Jews wrote. After all, the Jews are the Lord's chosen people! And of course, the lord is my god and the fire is in my belly!”
This coordinated deception is what is known as the “great work” of Freemasonry, covering all angles with the biblical fire-lord deception, ochestrated by a spiritually deadly combination of Jewish biblical prophecy, UN prayers for the “second-coming of Jesus”, and a large minority of strategically placed religious leaders reinforced with avalanche of heretical books and a large following of gullible non-Masonic pastors. This beast system will cause those who have been born into and raised in these Masonic theological errors to lose their souls for an eternity.
Future resistance will be next to impossible because of the sheer volume of these Masonic liars who hold key positions in society, bound by their secret oath to Baphomet and guided by the open communication with the vengeful spirits in Hell. If you don't believe how difficult it will be, just imagine trying to stand up to 60 million cursed Evangelicals who have been waiting for the Jewish Jesus their entire lives, gently guided into this error by generations of bible promotion and propaganda. If you manage to become one of the lucky few who see this before it happens, try keeping your job or your home or avoid being taken to court by Masonic lawyers whose very souls are dependent on promoting this lie. Then you will understand what John XXIII called the “mysterious force” that this Masonic New World Order has.
Freemasons serve the ancient god “Baphomet” and occasionally strike a pose as a signal to other Freemasons that they are 'in the club'. Comedian George Carlin once said “It's a big club, and you're not in the club.” Above are Masonic club members Bishop Fulton Sheen, American President George Washington, and singer Madonna Ciccione from her SuperBowl XLVI Halftime Show Performance designed to acknowledge her god, Baphomet, in front of an audience of 110 million deceived gentiles. More information about this deception can be found throughout this site as long as it remains online.
As the story goes, “Saint” Malachy, a reforming and apparent Catholic monk received a series of visions of the final 112 Popes, the last of which will summon Judgment Day. But how? Did Malachy sell his soul to become famous, to become privy to such mysterious information from beyond the grave to impress his peers and rise up to the level of Bishop? Was his status as a noble an indicator of his family's secret association with the god of Freemasonry? Was he just another Jewish-Masonic prophet, contributing to the destruction of the Church via internal subversion and doing his part to contribut to the world-ending theological strategy of the bible's Jewish scribes?
From the looks of this statue and the character of Malachy's prophecy about what will happen in the period of time around Peter the Roman, or whom some are calling “Petrus Romanus”, the answer appears to be yes. A strange warning concludes his visions:
“..and the terrible judge will come to judge his people...the end.”
Closeup of the Fresco of the Deeds of the Antichrist (c. 1501) in the Orvieto Cathedral by Luca Signorelli, (c. 1445-1523) an Italian Renaissance painter who was a mentor to Michelangelo. The knowledge of a Luciferian Jesus was not so uncommon when Catholic theologians better understood the “Da Vinci Code.”
So what really is the purpose of Malachy's prophecy? It is interesting that when Our Lady makes an appearance to sound the alarm to usually unaware innocent children or their parents with a warning about sophisticated Masonic plots within the Church hierarchy, the message usually carries with it a remedy for the the person to save themselves from whatever breakdown is secretly happening in their Church, and that remedy is to say the Rosary everyday and to say it well. (Instructions here)

But Malachy's statement sounds more sinister, somewhat triumphant, as if it is coming from the Devil himself. And by the looks of Malachy's statue flashing the Baphomet salute, It seems that this prophecy of the coming of this terrible judge, the lord who comes like a thief in the night, is just simply stating the obvious. And Malachy's prophecy carries no warning, no remedy given to escape it, and this is very indicative of it's source- Freemasonry.
Masonic pastors, writers and Novus Ordo operatives have made an art form out of building upon each other's heresies over the centuries. This is intended to create for the goyim the appearance of such overwhelming evidence against the Catholic Church that it leads the casual observer to what appears to be the obvious solution: leave the Church. This divide and conquer strategy has been the objective of the Illuminati since Christ founded the Church on St. Peter.
“In a hundred years time… bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter, when in fact they will be following our flag… The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience.” - Alta Vendita, 1818
This subversive Catholic vs. Judeo-Masonic war has been going on since the beginning of the Church, since the perfidious Jews sought revenge on their ancient enemy (Catholics) who stole the world back from their control, and at this time, it has reached a boiling-point. These Protestant operatives, working for the Jews, seek to destroy the Catholic World from all angles.
But something these “Jesus-is-coming” Protestant leaders fail to produce is the evidence of their collusion to destroy it, keeping their Alta-Vendita strategy quietly amongst themselves, revealing it only behind the closed doors of their secret gatherings. These Protestant liars mysteriously never give a remedy such as infiltrating the Church with the intent of subverting back into it's original condition. They never mention putting the Name of the Holy Ghost back into the Baptism Rite. They never mention reinstalling the altar rails. They never attempt to turn the Novus Ordo Mass around to face God. They never promote the Messages of Fátima which stopped WWI, WWII, and prevented (so far) WWIII. And this of course reveals their intent.
We are seeing this now with the release of books such as “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here” by Chris Putnam and Tom Horn from 2012. Anyone who has read this dribble is confronted with a mixture of serious facts of Masonic infiltration into the Church and a credible discrediting campaign against the current subverted Church, coupled with the Malachy prophecies of the 12th Century about the last 112 Pontificates. But no remedy is given by Putnam and Horn to solve this crisis. No strategy is revealed by these “prophetic” writers to reverse the Apocalyptic process by revealing how the Rites and Mass were destroyed and to actually stop the spread of the curse. Without exception, the remedy given by Masonic subversives like the authors of “Petrus Romanus” always reverts back to the Jewish scriptures (the bible), the very source of the problem. And of course, the bible leads the reader to the conclusion that this heretical Jewish Jesus is the answer to the world's enslavement, which completes the circle of the Illuminati's final objective.
“Beware the scribes.”
So what is the purpose of this stunnning coordination of 12th Century Masonic monks, Jewish prophets of the Jewish Old-Testament, and modern Masonic preachers, all calling for a World War III Armageddon war with Iran to protect Israel? Doom. The goal is to trick the cattle, or as the Jews call them: the gentiles, to bow down to the son of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12). And most will. After all, everyone gets what they want, and who can deny the promising excitement of being lifted halfway into the sky, over their enemies, and rule the earth with the Jewish Jesus for 1,000 years?
This deception is coordinated with the condemned from beyond the grave
So where does this coordinated prophecy such as Malachy's come from?
“It is the Dead that govern. The Living only obey.” 33* Freemason Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, page 315 (click for link to the full-text)
“He did not see that the continuity of an oligarchy need not be physical, nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been shortlived, whereas adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church have sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living.” - George Orwell's 1984, page 122
Freemasons talk to the dead. This is their secret, this secret is what gives Jewish-Freemasons the edge in this world, and this fact is revealed in the text of arguably the most powerful Jewish-Freemason of all-time, 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike in his book “Morals & Dogma.”
“The ignorant, and those half-wise in reality, but over-wise in their own conceit, may assail our symbols with sarcasms; but they are nevertheless ingenious veils that cover the Truth…” 33* Freemason Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, page 331
“The veil of secrecy was impenetrable, sealed by oaths and penalties the most tremendous and appalling.” 33* Freemason Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma, page 359
So at this time, they are going for the kill. Because of their obligations to the Devil, the Illuminati have been working as a team to condemn the rest of the world to deliver as many souls as possible to their god. This is their “divine” obligation, this is their purpose for everything they do.
So the test is coming up. Remember, everyone gets what they want. So if you want the son of Lucifer to be your god, kneel down to the “coming Jesus” at the urging of the Illuminati and lose your soul. Reject this deception and you stand a chance to save yourself from it.
If you consider yourself Catholic, do not under any circumstance bow down to what is coming and if at possible, erase from your forehead the curse of John's Masonic baptism in the name of the one who is coming with our instructions for the conditional Catholic Baptism here. After all, the last thing you want to do is to spend an eternity with millions of insane, cursed Evangelicals, looking for their Jesus who will never come, fighting in WWIII with Iran, under the guidance of men who have relations with goats and initiate themselves into this cult under the Star of David. It's time to wake up and save your soul from the New World Order, looking to start on March 22, 2013.
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